poor monkey style . i just read this thread . u shouldnt have fucked up in the 1st place . no matter how cute she is . just jerk off lol . if i were u i would've called my gf, told her am goin out or sumthin (from the beginning ) . and make up any excuse . thts only if my dick is burning .
but now u fucked up so ur choices :_
1)kick the hot chick out and pray she doesnt come back and screw ur relationship as she by know probably know ur address and everything so she can come back anyday and fuck u and ur gf .
2)leave her and kick out ur poor gf

3) just tell the truth to ur gf and BEG for forgiveness . if she really loves u she will run away crying for a day or 2 . but if u tried to nag with her during those 2 days she'll come back . prob is she wont trust ur dick after doing tht and she'll think that ur gonna do that anytime she leaves u .
4)pay ur hoe as much as u can so she shut up and make some good lies for ur gf . and hope that she will believe them forever and that ur relationship wont get fucked more in the future .
just pray for now .
and "this guy" = 0_0 . are u sure that shooting sperm kill brain cells ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? and lets say u killed 100 cells for example , would those cells regenerate ? no wonder my iq dropped to 137 :S