Being The Booker: The Renegade

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THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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The second PWO pay per view Instinct is set to be at the Wachovia Spectrum in Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Chairman Michael Adams said to be pleased with the site, as it gives him a very homie feel to be around the home of the Eagles, one of his personal favorite football teams. Adams said that althought the home of PWO is the Hammerstein Ballroom which will host the Hazard shows, for pay per views, visiting other parts of locations is a must, as he wants to spread the fan base around the America's.

PWO is in line to put the inactive John Bradshaw Layfield back in the ring, but creative said he will wrestle sporadically, rather than usually. Expect a feud to occur involving the former world champion pretty soon.

Some backstage conflict occured at the last show when Eric Bischoff, and Ken Doane nearly got into an arguement that led to physical content, but the situation was cooled down by backstage personnel. The arguement started out after a lousy, and uncalled for comment made by Eric Bischoff after Doane's match against Chris Sabin. Ken Doane was reported to not be in the best of mood's due to the unplanned beating of his at the hands of Sweet n' Sour. Michael Adams is said that he may make an example out of the two, but nothing is foresure.

The rating for PWO Hazard is in, and it was a shocking 2.37, which is well up there with WWE's ECW, and is catching up with TNA's iMPACT!, and WWE's Smackdown! TNA iMPACT! is also on Thursday night's at the same time as Hazard. A ratings war is inevitable, but Adams is calm about the situation, and is very confident with PWO's roster, and potential.



May, 7th, 2009 | Preview

PWO returns to the Hammerstein Ballroom, rebounding off the ground breaking show last week. This week is sure to be just as explosive, as the roster is still feeling the effects of Exodus, but is also preparing themselves for the arrival of Instinct.

This week the spectacle is here, as we are treated to a Champion versus Champion event. Last week, the Transnational Champion, Samoa Joe nearly got into a brawl with the PWO Heavyweight Champion, Edge . Talent Director, Eric Bischoff made his voice heard as he made the match for this week. Which champion will prove to be superior, and will either champion's number one contenders make an appearance?

Also, this week we have the next chapter in the John Cena-Big Show saga. In last Thursday Night Hazard, Big Show sold the Boss, John Cena out and cost himself, and Cena a chance at challenging Edge for the PWO Heavyweight Championship. Instead, the team of Randy Orton, and Christian double teamed the Doctor of Thug-a-nomics, and became the top contenders. This week, the man who was cheated looks for answers as he opens up the show, but will Big Show come out and voice his motives?

This week, we will see the debut of the VIP Lounge, as Montel Vontavious Porter makes his televison debut, as he hasn't been seen since Exodus. He says that this edition of the VIP Lounge will be one to remember as his special guest will be a critically acclaimed former world champion as Porter described. Porter said that this edition will also effect Instinct, but is Porter biting off more than he can chew?

Team Priceless is in the building, and will be facing the tandem of Chris Masters, and Carlito Cool as this can be the nudge they need to becoming the number one contenders for the PWO Tag Team Championships. The young arrogant stars which are apart of wrestling families failed last week in getting a title shot, can a win effect this week's attempt

Don't miss PWO Hazard live from the home of PWO; The Hammerstein Ballroom.


JBL shouldn't be in the ring. Doane should be fired. Rating should be lower. :p

Transnational sounds too much like Transitional. Change it tbh. :shifty:

I sense JBL appearing on the VIP lounge.

The way you worded the preview means Priceless are reviewing.

Show looks meh. Not much to get excited for tbfh.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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May, 7th, 2009 | Show

On another day c'mon c'mon
With these ropes I tied can we do no wrong
Now we grieve cause now is gone
Things were good when we were young

With my teeth locked down I can see the blood
Of a thousand men who have come and gone
Now we grieve cause now is gone
Things were good when we were young

Is it safe to say? (c'mon c'mon)
Was it right to leave? (c'mon c'mon)
Will I ever learn? (c'mon c'mon)
(c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon)

As I make my way c'mon c'mon
These better nights that seem too long
Now we grieve cause now is gone
Things were good when we were young

With my teeth locked down I can see the blood
Of a thousand men who have come and gone
Now we grieve cause now is gone
Things were good when we were young

Is it safe to say? (c'mon c'mon)
Was it right to leave? (c'mon c'mon)
Will I never learn? (c'mon c'mon)
(c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon)

Is it safe to say? (c'mon c'mon)
Was it right to leave? (c'mon c'mon)
Will I never learn? (c'mon c'mon)
(c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon)

And no this day these deepened wounds don't heal so fast
Can't hear me croon of a million lies that speak no truth
Of a time gone by that now is through


The smoke clears, as the pyro display settles its sounds. We are introduced by Jim Ross, and Jerry Lawler as the two thank The Von Bodies for the theme song for Hazard. Lawler recaps the events that occurred last week with Edge, and Samoa Joe, and eventually the graphic appears on the screen. Jim Ross also somewhat goes over the main event, and the triple threat at Instinct for the PWO World Heavyweight title. Jim Ross begins to comment on CM Punk versus Kane at Instinct. Midway through the statement he is cut off by John Cena’s theme music. “The Time Is Now†plays as the man who was defeated in a handicap match comes out from the back. The attendants of the Hammerstein Ballroom cheer him on without letting down, as Cena chants brew up from all around the Ballroom. John Cena salutes the crowd, and comes down the ramp tagging multiple fans.

Jim Ross: “The Doctor of Thug-a-nomics, John Cena. The crowd is in love with this man, but tonight I sense no love in Cena. He’s out to get some answers, and I don’t blame him at all for wanting them.â€

Jerry Lawler: “Yeah, but man, Cena isn’t scared of backing down. Now that courageousness my backfire in his face tonight. He’s gunning for a monster, and I’m not sure if the monster’s to much for Cena to handle.â€

John Cena makes it to the ring where he slides in, and throws up his word life pose. John Cena asks for a microphone, as he is given one. John Cena walks around the ring, and paces a tad bit, as he waits for the crowd to settle down. The crowd gets the hint, and slowly quiets down.

John Cena: “Listen up, listen up.â€

The crowd follows Cena’s orders as if soldiers under a general’s command.

John Cena: “Last week, on Thursday Night Hazard, Big Show left me to wrestle Randy Orton, and Christian. Now, I’m not mad because he dogged me out. No, I’m mad because he cost me a world title shot. That’s not the only thing, he also cost himself a title match. Now that leaves me with the simple question you all, the people at home, and me want to know. Why?â€

The crowd is quiet as Cena’s words travel through the Ballroom. Just then, “Crank It Up†hit’s the speakers, and a blast of pyro lights up the stage. Outcomes Big Show, with a microphone in hand. He makes his way to the ring, as he is in wrestling attire. John Cena grabs his hat, and tosses it to the crowd. Indicating some sort of a altercation to partake. Big Show speaks up, and voices himself.

Big Show: “What do you want Cena?â€

John Cena seems disrespected by the comment, as he looks up at the seven footer.

John Cena: “A god damn reason for you’re cowardliness Show, and don’t just give it to me. Give it to the fans. Because we’re both tired of you’re hairy ass.â€

Big Show smirks, before the crowd tosses bucket loads of boo’s at him. Big Show looks around the crowd, and then starts up again.

Big Show: “Shut up. All of you. You all are mindless hicks, with nothing better to do. As for you Cena, I do whatever I want. I was paid good money to not wrestle with you last week, and a title shot is something that can wait. I’m not as opportunistic as you. You give me one chance on Edge, and I’ll become the next PWO Heavyweight champion. John, you need a dozen chances. So you watch you’re mouth before you get it busted alrig-.â€

John Cena cuts in, and speaks up at the giant.

John Cena: “Alright, you want some come get some Big hoe.â€

John Cena drops his microphone, as he takes off his shirt, and tosses it to the fans. John Cena turns around, and is rushed by the Big Show. John Cena ducks a short arm clothesline, and Big Show turns around into a barrage of punches. John Cena backs Big Show against the ropes, and Irish whips him across the ring. Big Show bounces back, and John ducks down to try, and execute the F-U. Big Show proves to be to heavy, as Cena struggles. Big Show backs away, and chops Cena in the chest, knocking him to the canvas. John Cena gets back up, and runs into a second chop. This time, Big Show guides John Cena up by the neck, as he signals for his chokeslam. Big Show is about to nail his finisher, but Cena kicks Big Show in the gut. John Cena fights Big Show with hooks of his own, and some right hands. Big Show eventually uses his boxing ability to back up, and nail John Cena in the jaw with a haymaker. John Cena falls to the canvas as if he were just knocked with a sledgehammer in the face. Big Show points to the down Cena, and yells at the crowd. The crowd boo’s as Big Show picks up the unconscious star, and slaps his hand around the neck of the Chain Gang commander. Run Don’t Walk prevents the chokeslam from being executed, as the music plays through the crowd. From the back, a man with hair up to his neck, and in a business suit comes out. The man is revealed to be Michael Adams, the chairman of the Profound Wrestling Organization. He has a microphone in hand, and voices himself.

Michael Adams: “Lift him, and you can call you’re contract terminated.â€

Big Show keeps a hold around Cena, as he looks up at the real boss.

Michael Adams: “Let him go Paul! Now, or else the consequences will be dire.â€

Big Show looks at Cena, and pushes him with his hand. Cena, still unconscious, falls to the mat, and slowly recomposes himself.

Michael Adams: “If I ever see anything like that from the two of you again, I promise, I won’t be so easy going.â€

Big Show points his jaw out, as he looks up at the chairman, and then grabs the top rope eager to hear what else he has to say.

Michael Adams: “You too obviously have some things to settle, and I agree, in the ring is the best place to do so. But see by doing it tonight, you’re going to hurt my business. My company. My money. So how about this, tonight. Big Show, you’re lucky because you have the night off again. Only because I’m going to make you’re next two weeks hell. Believe that, but don’t worry John. You’ll have a promised break the next two weeks, but tonight the talent director, Eric Bischoff has scheduled a match for you. I cannot change what has been set in stone, but I can make it so that you have a better future. Cena, you can study up on you’re opponent for our next pay per view, next week, and the week after because at Instinct, its going to be John Cena versus the Big Show.â€

The crowd pops the match announcement, as John Cena is already up. John Cena stares at the back of Big Show, which quickly turns to match eyes with his opponent.

Michael Adams: “Don’t even think about it you two. I already made my warning crystal clear, and I’m not too easy with second chances, so I suggest one of you exit’s the ring.â€

John Cena refuses to look away, as he says something to Big Show which cannot be heard as it is off a microphone. Big Show doesn’t show any emotion but pure hatred for The Doctor of Thug-a-nomics.

Michael Adams: “Now that’s the bottom line boys, so John Cena, I’ll see you tonight, and then the crowd will watch you two live on pay per view two weeks from this Sunday at Instinct.â€

The crowd just allows his words to go through the ballroom, as Michael Adams walks to the back. “C’mon, C’mon†the Hazard theme song plays as Jim Ross, and Jerry Lawler tell us about the break coming up, and too not go anywhere.

Ad Break

We return to the locker room area to see Samoa Joe taping his wrist. The crowd cheers, as they see the Transnational champion in his privacy, which then becomes abruptly interrupted when none other than Jay Lethal comes into the scene. Jay Lethal is in street clothes, and has a clip board in hand. Samoa Joe looks up, and gives a facial expression indicating that he wants to know what brang about his appearance.

Jay Lethal: “Joe, my match. When’s it going to happen?â€

Samoa Joe stands up from his bench with both taped up wrists, as he adjust his championship on his shoulder.

Samoa Joe: “Well Jay, I don’t know. Last time I checked, I’m the Transnational champion, not the booker. So um I wish you luck on when that match comes along.â€

Samoa Joe gives a rather annoyed smile, and looks away. Jay Lethal grabs Joe by the bicep, and speaks up.

Jay Lethal: “No, you listen. I want my match next week alright Joe? You, and me for the belt. I’ve earned my match, and its time I get it.â€

Samoa Joe puts his own hand on the palm of Jay Lethal which is still on Joe’s bicep. Samoa Joe begins to show signs of anger, as he expresses it through his face.

Samoa Joe: “Next time you touch me, you best hope it is in the ring, because what I can do out here cant be too good for you’re well be-.â€

Just then, the number one contender for the PWO Heavyweight Championship, Randy Orton, barges in, and then displays a sudden awkwardness as he looks at both Samoa Joe, and Jay Lethal with hands on each other.

Randy Orton: “Look, I’m not sure if this is a great time for you Samoa Joe, but I’m just wishing you luck in you’re match tonight. I’ll be watching, and make sure to give Edge a tune up for the real pain that is to come at Instinct.â€

Samoa Joe notices what caused the awkwardness, as he pulls away from Jay Lethal, and focuses on Randy Orton.

Samoa Joe: “What? You come into my locker room, and then you try to wish me luck? Come on. I’m the Samoan Submission Machine. Not the Legend Killer. I don’t focus on busted old geezers who can barely walk a straight line. I reign supreme on the young, the present, and the old. So you look here pal, I’ll try to leave you some of Edge tonight, but quite frankly, I doubt there will be anything left. Unless you want to share hospital room’s with you’re best friend Edge I suggest you-.â€

Jay Lethal cuts into the conversation.

Jay Lethal: “Whoa, whoa, whoa brother. You both got to relax. Right now its macho man time, and not no business about some pretty boy. So look Joe, I better get my match, and you just keep you’re little belt warm, and ready for the champion. Oooooh yea-.â€

Randy Orton cuts off the mimic of a legend. Randy Orton’s favorite characteristic in a wrestler.

Randy Orton: “You confused buffoon, the big boy’s are talking. Both literally, and metaphorically.â€

Randy Orton looks at the size of Samoa Joe.

Randy Orton: “If you’re so eager to wrestle, I say you wrestle me tonight. I need some more win’s to my record, and a little streak wouldn’t hurt. Although I'd be straying away from my usual victims, I don't do cheap immitations.â€

Jay Lethal immediately responds to the challenge.

Jay Lethal: “ What? The Lethal One has a challenge? Oooh, I can dig that. Tonight, the Legend Killer, uhm what's you're name again? Brandy Orton, the daughter of Bob Horton is about to hear a whoof when I pin him one, two, three. Then, Macho Man Lethal is coming for you Joe, brother. Oooh Yeahhh.â€

Jay Lethal pats Randy Orton in the pectoral muscle, as he exit’s the scene. An intense stare engages between Samoa Joe, and Randy Orton as the two are then cut off by the commentators who eventually get the camera to go ringside.

Jim Ross: “What a match. Tonight Jay Lethal the number one contender for the Transnational Championship takes on Randy Orton the number one contender for the PWO Heavyweight Championship in a singles contest.â€

Jerry Lawler: “Yeah, but I think Jay Lethal bit off more than he can chew. Randy Orton’s both more experienced, and has a much better track record. Not to count Jay out though, he has been known to be a very successful underdog in the past. Will his luck run out tonight?â€

The commentators are cut off abruptly by “Caribbean Cool†when the lights blink with yellow, and red. from the locker room area, Chris Masters, and Carlito show up. The two make it to the ring, and hold down the ropes for each other, as the commentators comment on their recent reunion on PWO.

“Priceless†hit’s the speakers as boo’s pour in from the crowd. Ted Dibiase Junior, and Cody Rhodes come out to the crowd, as they strut to the ring. The two climb into the ring in synch with each other, as the two pose for the crowd. The two bounce around stretching as the commentators announce the tag team match.

Tag Team Match
Ted Dibiase Junior, and Cody Rhodes versus Chris Masters, and Carlito

The match gets going with Carlito, and Cody Rhodes as the legal men. The two show their athleticism by hip tossing each other, and landing on their feet each time. Eventually, the tide is turned one way when Cody Rhodes counters a back body drop attempt by connecting a snap DDT onto the canvas. Cody Rhodes performs several pin attempts, but Carlito kicks out at one each time. After a second failed attempt, Cody Rhodes picks up Carlito, and works him over in the corner. Cody Rhodes boots Carlito in the abdomen, as Masters tries to cheer is partner on. Cody Rhodes maneuvers Carlito back to his corner where he tags in Ted Dibiase Junior. Ted delivers a jab to the stomach of Carlito, then the two shift control over Carlito. Ted Dibiase toys with Carlito as he brings him down with a European uppercut. Eventually, the nonsense proves unsuccessful by taking countering a clothesline attempt into a shoulder block. Carlito makes a needed tag to The Masterpiece. Chris Masters comes in the ring, as he shows his cockiness towards being the largest wrestler in the match. Cody Rhodes climbs into the ring, to try, and attack Masters, but Masters showcases his strength, and picks Cody up in the air in Press Position. Chris Masters drops Cody on his stomach, as he then catches an oncoming Ted Dibiase with a belly to belly lock. Masters picks Ted up, and tries to make him submit with a bear hug. Eventually, Cody Rhodes saves Ted Dibiase by clipping Masters in the back of the legs, knocking him off balance. Chris Masters falls down, and drops Dibiase. Dibiase takes advantage, and works Chris on the floor with several submission holds such as a cobra clutch, and a leg lock.

Ted Dibiase gets up, and begins stomping on Chris Masters. Circulating his down prey, as Ted Dibiase taunts The Masterpiece. Eventually, Dibiase picks up Masters, and signals for a Million Dollar Dream, but Masters picks Dibiase up out of nowhere, and connects with a body slam. Chris Masters covers to receive a near fall. Chris Masters eventually picks Dibiase up, and is about to lock in an unbreakable hold clichéd as the Masterlock. Cody Rhodes smells trouble, as he runs into the ring, and goes to cheap shot Masters. Masters aware of the attacker, ducks the swing, and locks in his finisher on Cody Rhodes the illegal man! Masters applies the hold, but eventually Dibiase crawls behind Chris, and delivers a despicable low blow. Masters falls to one knee, as Dibiase takes control again. Dibiase works over Masters with several stomps, and kicks to the head. Dibiase makes a tag to Cody Rhodes after a bit of working down the heavyweight.

Cody Rhodes uses his time in the ring to try, and end the match. Rhodes connects with a Bionic Elbow from the second turnbuckle, a low level dropkick, and a running leg drop on Masters. Nothing puts him down for the three count, but each gets near falls. As the ten minute mark nears, Masters saves himself the trouble of more in ring time by countering a leg sweep attempt into an arm stroke. This leads to a tag to Carlito. Carlito climbs in the ring, and knocks Dibiase off the apron, avoiding dirty tactics. Carlito turns around, and is hit with a dropkick courtesy of Cody Rhodes. Cody Rhodes, and Carlito get back up quickly, as Rhodes snaps on the Million Dollar Dream out of no where. This leads to an unexpected ending, when after several seconds of applying the shared finisher, Carlito spins outwards, and connects with a Backstabber! The crowd pops, as Carlito quickly earns a win for his team.

Result: Carlito pins Cody Rhodes

The winner’s team music hits, as Carlito, and Masters are dubbed winners. The two celebrate, and eventually go to the back, as does the unhappy Team Priceless. The commentators speak about the match, and how this will effect the decision of who is the number one contending tag team for the championships. Eventually, the commentators try to sell Instinct for the first time of the year, which ties into two announced matches for the night. Two graphics appear one after another, the first being a champion versus champion match consisting of Samoa Joe the Transnational Champion, and Edge the Heavyweight Champion. We go to an advertisement break before continuing with the show.

Ad Break

We go back to the office of Talent Director, Eric Bischoff. Eric is up on his feet, and across his desk are the two young stars Ted Dibiase Junior, and Cody Rhodes. The two are complaining to Bischoff about something, as Eric seems rather riled by the two, as he bottles up his angers inside of him maintaining his calmness.

Ted Dibiase Junior: “You need to tell us if we are the number one contenders now Eric!â€

Cody Rhodes: “Its messing with our heads, and our ability.â€

Ted Dibiase Junior: “Did you see us just lose? This has been aching our minds to long, so hurry and make the call.â€

Cody Rhodes: “Now!â€

Eric Bischoff double takes the two, and eventually makes his awaited decision.

Eric Bischoff: “Fine, ladies, and gentlemen, we have two new number one contenders for the PWO Tag Team Championships at Instinct.â€

The crowd boo’s the announcement knowing the next line.

Eric Bischoff: “Our number one contenders whom just displayed how much wrestling means to them in a exceptional showcasing of talent, are, the team of, Carlito, and Chris Masters.â€

The crowd pops, as Priceless seem to have a rather priceless (not intended btw :eek:) expression across both their faces.

Cody Rhodes: “What the hell.â€

Ted Dibiase Junior: “What have they done, that we haven’t? The crowd obviously wants us as the contenders, those belts are ours, and we cant get them when we’re not the number one contenders.â€

Eric Bischoff smirks, and relieves himself with a deep breath.

Eric Bischoff: “Those two beat you two tonight in a match. We all just saw that. So next time, I suggest you take all you’re matches seriously, and don’t let things ‘get in you’re head’.â€

Bischoff sits back down, and organizes his papers.

Ted Dibiase Junior: “You’re going to regret this Bischoff, I promise you that.â€

Cody Rhodes: “You better wise up on you’re business skills because you just made a bad one.â€

Team Priceless evacuates the office, as Bischoff smirks, and we go back to the commentators. The commentators speak on our upcoming segment the VIP Lounge which has been said to feature a former world champion as Montel Vontavious Porter’s guest. The camera directs towards the commentators keeping the attention off the ring, as it is finalized for the segment. Just then, “I’m Coming†also known as MVP’s theme music airs throughout the Ballroom. The camera goes over to the entrance ramp, as a shock of pyro blasts the stage. MVP comes from the back in a white suit, as he shows his ability to not be such a shabby dresser. MVP comes down, as he allows fans to tag him, but doesn’t tag back, staying in the border line of face/heel. Porter slides into the ring, which is designed with two modern looking couches, a black carpet covering the canvas, and a rather small coffee table in between the couches, and in the center of the ring. Porter is now in the ring, and is handed a microphone.

Montel Vontavious Porter (MVP): “MVP in the house, and that can only mean one single thing, big things popping, little things stopping, so sit back, enjoy the view, ‘cause the VIP Lounge is for people that are
better than you. And tonight, oh boy are the people inside the ring are better than each and every one of you.â€

The crowd gives a split reception on the comment, as half are divided into cheering him, and the other half boo him.

MVP: “Tonight, I’m out here, and I’ve said that my guest is a former world champion. Well, here’s the reason behind me calling him out.â€

The crowd is silent, intrigued by the words of MVP.

MVP: “See its not doubt that people think I can be the next big thing. Whether they say it’ll happen if I change my attitude both in the ring, and backstage, or if they say I got to stay more devoted to wrestling. Whatever you people say, here’s how I see it. I am the next big thing in professional wrestling, hands down. And we all know, that I can care less whether you had talent, or say you have talent. To earn my respect, you go to have the talent twenty four seven. My guest, he has the works, money, women, houses, and not to mention some talent. This guy has had quite an impressive track record being a former world champion reigning for over a year. Ladies, and gentlemen, my guest, John Bradshaw Layfield.â€

The crowd begins to pour down boo’s as “Longhorn†plays through the PA system. Outcomes the freshly painted white limousine known to drive around the Wallstreet Guru John Bradshaw Layfield. The limousine stops as the chauffeur comes out, and makes his way around the car. The chauffeur opens the back door, and out comes in his usual navy blue business attire, and gallon hat, the Wrestling God. JBL looks at the crowd with his hands inserted in his pocket, as he gives off a surprising smile. JBL gets to the ring, and is handed a microphone. JBL inspects the VIP Lounge, followed by the man who called him out, MVP.

MVP: “Welcome to the VIP Lounge. I’m Montel Vontavious Porter, the highest paid man in sports entertainment history, and I am the next best thing. I couldn't help but to introduce you, but you’re a man of no introduction, so without further a due lets get to it. Have a seat please.â€

JBL does so, as MVP decides to stand around, concocting questions to ask the man before him.

MVP: “So, how’s it feel to-.â€

JBL cuts in by speaking up.

John Bradshaw Layfield (JBL): “Uh, no offense Montel, but the kissing ass needs to stop. I’m not going to throw money at you, or manage you, or do whatever you want me too by you kissing ass to me. So its best if you try another route to get to a man’s head because right now you took a bad left.â€

MVP: “So, you want to get right to the point here huh? See, a wise man doesn’t follow the subject, he goes right for it. See, tell me what’s the difference between us? I’m talent, you’re talent. I’m money, you’re money. I’m the next big thing, you are a big thing. We’re both identical my friend. We came out here, and busted our asses to get where we are today, and honestly, straight up, I think we are the best today. No, not today, we’re the best ever. The best there will ever be. But see you’ve proven you’re self countless times. You’re paid, you’re a former world champion, you’re everything. Me, I’ve yet to proven myself.â€

Half the crowd pops, while the other half stay silent.

JBL: “Not to interrupt, but what the hell are you getting at kid?â€

JBL turns his head about fifty degree’s trying to keep Porter in sight.

MVP: “I’m getting at my gut instinct I guess you can say. I’m getting at my chance to shine, and to prove myself. I’m talking about the playmaker in the ring with the Wrestling God. One on one, no one else. This will be my match, my David versus Goliath, I’m going to beat a god to become one folks. So here it is, Montel Vontavious Porter versus John Bradshaw Layfield at Instinct, what’d you say to it?â€

The crowd pops the challenge getting behind MVP one hundred percent. JBL contests the idea, before standing up from the couch, and looking at MVP face to face. Porter lets out his hand, and looks at Layfield with a face that says serious business.

MVP: “Give me my chance to shine.â€

JBL: “I accept.â€

JBL grabs Porter’s arm, and the two share a firm handshake.

JBL: “Just know, when you do business with a business man, expect consequences. And rule number one in the business, all is fair in love, and war.â€

Layfield lets go, as he exit’s the ring. Porter looks around the crowd, as he points climbs the second turnbuckle, and points towards a fan banner saying MVP Is The Best Ever which spreads a great distance in the stands. We go to an advertisement break as the commentators hype up the main event some more.

Ad Break

We return to the ring as the commentators announce it being time for our next match. The Pomp & Circumstance march plays, as the crowd begins to put emotion into the riveting theme. Jay Lethal comes out from the back, as he holds his hands up to ignite a blast into the air of silvery white pyro. Jay Lethal comes down the ramp tagging fans as he makes it into the ring, and awaits the arrival of his opponent.

“Voices†plays as Randy Orton’s appearance is inevitable. The lights dim, as from the back comes Randy Orton walking down to the ring as Rev. Theory’s lead singer’s voice fills the Ballroom. Randy Orton slides into the ring, as the match begins.

Singles Match
Randy Orton versus Jay Lethal

In a pretty much brutal, and lop sided match that begins with Orton catching Jay Lethal off guard with a boot to the midsection. Randy Orton then took initiative in delivering a wide arrange of offensive maneuvers that began with classic forearms, boots, and forearm grinding in the corner, then led to wearing Jay Lethal down in the ring after an inverted headlock neck breaker. This led to Orton trapping the Black Machismo in a headlock as wore down the lightweight star. Lethal began getting in offense after reaching the ropes to get out of the headlock. After, the two were separated, and Randy Orton went for a second full on assault, but Lethal pulled a drop toe hold to make Orton land face first into the bottom turnbuckle. Lethal then went for a baseball slide, but Randy Orton rolled out of the way, and into the ringside area. Jay Lethal see’s no one home, as he gets back up in the ring, and teases Orton to come back in. Jay Lethal uses his momentum, and runs to the ropes, to come back towards Orton who is looking away from the ring. Jay Lethal dives over the ropes for a suicide dive, but Randy Orton sees Jay coming, and runs out of the way allowing the Lethal One to crash, and burn horridly on the unmated floor.

Randy Orton back in control, dominates Jay Lethal, throwing him into almost everything he can find, including the barricade, the ring apron, the steel steps, and the turnbuckle post. Randy Orton eventually grows bored of the environment outside, and rolls Jay Lethal back into the ring. Randy Orton stalks Jay Lethal who crawls on his stomach around the ring. Randy Orton then initiates his Orton stomps on Jay showing his anger. Randy Orton grabs Jay Lethal by the hair, and throws Lethal into the corner. Jay Lethal shows his injuries when he falls to the floor, and is seated in the corner. Randy Orton sees no time like the present to continue his brutal attack, as he runs and delivers a running kick to the face of Lethal. Randy Orton pulls his leg out of the ropes, and kicks Lethal in the crotch before continuing. Randy Orton pulls Lethal out of the corner once more, as he locks him in a side head lock, and manages Lethal to the center of the ring. Randy Orton delivers a European uppercut, which knocks Lethal stumbling backwards towards the ropes. Jay Lethal lands with his back against the ropes. Randy Orton slowly, and serenely walks towards Lethal. Randy Orton sets up for the spiked elevated DDT as he holds Lethal up from the second rope. Randy Orton gives off a grim face, but then Lethal pulls backwards, and away from Orton. Jay Lethal is now on the apron, as he connects with a forearm to the forehead of Orton. Randy Orton fumbles on his feet, as he holds his head looking away from Jay Lethal. Lethal leaps up onto the ropes, and springboards off to land a missile dropkick to the back of Orton.

Randy Orton falls on his stomach following the missile dropkick, as Lethal lands on his own in not as bad condition as Orton. Jay lethal covers Orton to receive a two count when Orton’s boot is revealed to be under the ropes. Lethal annoyed by the cheap way to interrupt his possible win. Lethal pulls Orton away, and covers again to get a two count. The match then progresses with Lethal in the drivers seat, but not able to do much. Everything goes back down hill when Randy Orton counters the Lethal Combination into complete shot. The win is basically locked, as the rest of the match showcases Orton’s refusal of having qualms for all of his actions in the ring. Eventually, Orton nearly chokes out Jay Lethal with his boot, but the referee makes his five count, and separates Orton from Lethal. Randy Orton continues his onslaught with boot's to the temple of Lethal, and goes back to a low headlock, and eventually Lethal is delcared not able to compete once blood begins to flow internally from his mouth. Randy Orton's hand is raised, as he quickly pulls away showing the end is yet to come.

Result: Randy Orton pins Jay Lethal

The action continues when Randy Orton takes position at a corner, and grabs the top rope. Randy Orton begins to stomp, and foam from his mouth like a dog, as Lethal slowly rises to his feet. Randy Orton decides to not way for Lethal to rise, as he runs at Jay who is on all fours. Randy Orton connects with his devious punt to the head as the crowd boo’s. Randy Orton looks around the crowd, as the referee tells Orton to go to the back. Randy Orton obliges, as he retreats to the back. EMT’s come down, and stretches Jay Lethal to the back. The commentators speak on what just happened, as they say Lethal is in a severe condition. We shift camera views to the back again, as we see a heated Team Priceless in their locker room. The two look broken, and depressed, as Cody Rhodes eventually recomposes himself and turns bitter, and upset. Ted Dibiase Junior hides his face in his palms growing tired of the night most definitely.

Cody Rhodes: “So you’re dad cant send us anymore money? At all?â€

Ted Dibiase Junior: “No. He lost everything when he filed for bankruptcy. Everything Cody.â€

Cody Rhodes: “This is horrible. What are we going to do now?â€

Ted Dibiase gives a rather enthusiastic nod, as he looks back down to the floor. Queue the appearance of the Wrestling God, JBL. JBL looks down at the two who are unaware of his presence.

JBL: “Well it looks like you two boy’s are in quite a pickle.â€

Both the stars are startled as they look up at JBL.

JBL: “Oh, those nights huh. Nothings going right, no title shot, no money, nothing. Daddies been hit with the hard times huh? No need for an answer, no retirement money can keep anyone afloat throughout these times. No amount at all. That’s why I went into stocks, and look at me. I have gas money to be spending on getting that limousine to the ring, home, and all around the cities. So here’s my perception of how I see this going. You need money, I got money. You become my personal guards, and I have a protection agency I guess I can call it. Similar to what made me big, now look at me, a billion dollar man baby! Maybe you two will go the same route huh? So what do you say? Want to make a god’s night? The benefits financially are beyond amazing, more than what Dibiase Senior can ever send you’re way to be frank.â€

The two glance at each other before looking up at JBL.

Ted Dibiase Junior: “I don’t know, we’ll give you an answer next week alright, but right now lets us be.â€

JBL takes head to their pleads, as he exit’s the area. We go to another Ad Break, as we see a video of John Cena taping up his wrists.

Ad Break

We come back to another backstage segment, this time Alex Shelley half of the Murder City Machine Guns. Shelley cleans up his locker room before none other than Larry Sweeney appears behind Shelley. Much to the crowd’s surprise, Sweeney is not followed by his fellow Sweet n’ Sour members Elijah Burke, and Shelton Benjamin.

Larry Sweeney: “Hey there champ.â€

Shelley turns around, and picks up his bag as he looks at Sweeney with a questioning face.

Alex Shelley: “Uh hi?â€

Larry Sweeney: “You’re probably surprised to see me. See I am Larry Sweeney, the man with the plan you may call me. But throughout the wrestling world I am known as three simple letters. SNS. That’s right, Sweet ‘n Sour baby. The number one money making corporation in sports entertainment. We’re on the ball, and we play the game not to mention we are better than the average Joe.â€

Shelley nods his head in approval of the well thought out introduction.

Larry Sweeney: “I come to you tonight Alex, because last week, we came to this very locker room, me, and my boys. In hope that we can sign the infamous Murder City Machine Guns to SNS, but we didn’t find the Guns. We instead found a selfish, and untrustworthy Chris Sabin. You’re supposed partner. Pfft, what a partner. We proposed we get you two on our payroll, but Sabin didn’t see eye to eye with Mr. Sweeney eh. He wanted us to just sign him. Instead, I put out a contract stating both of you two, and Sabin said that we were missing out. How ridiculous I say. I bet the guy didn’t even show you the contract.â€

Alex Shelley looks down, and then back at Sweeney, as he holds his mouth open in shock at this so called revelation.

[COLOR="[B]purple"]Alex Shelley: “I.. I… I cant believe this. Chris?â€

Larry Sweeney:[/B] “Yes, yes indeed. So I come to you, maybe you can get him back. Give him a dose of his medicine, see if you sign these here contract.â€[/COLOR]

Sweeney pulls out a contract from the inside of his jacket, he holds it out to Shelley.

Larry Sweeney: “This is a contract, the very contract Sabin wished he had. Except this one has you’re name, and you’re name only Alexander. By signing this you are officially in the minority of highly paid wrestlers along with the rest of the SNS. So I’m going to let you think about this alright Alex? But remember the grass is greener, and the checks are bigger on the SNS side of things. Join the winning team.â€

Sweeney gives Shelley the contract, as he walks out the locker room happily, and accomplished as he may have manipulated the end to the Murder City Machine Guns. We go back ringside as Ross talks about our upcoming match. In the ring, we have Elijah Burke bouncing around, as Shelton Benjamin massages his back from the apron giving him a before the match pep talk. Elijah nods his head understanding Shelton, as then the crowd erupts with a massive ovation as “The Time Is Now†airs. From the back, and in glorious fashion comes out John Cena dancing out across the stage. Cena points out to the crowd, and salutes them as he goes down the ramp. John Cena gets to the ring, and slides in, as he takes off his shirt, and tosses it to a group of fans whom are also shirtless bearing the letters C-E-N-A on their stomachs. One letter for each. John Cena climbs the turnbuckle, and takes in one last ovation.

Singles Match
John Cena versus Elijah Burke with Shelton Benjamin

The match starts out with John Cena in his usual grappling position, as he follows Elijah who circles the ring bouncing around. The two eventually engage, and go through a pure wrestling match, as Elijah proves to be a formidable opponent with his swift countering, and agile kicks mixed in with his boxing talent which leaves him, and John Cena in a very lopsided stand up battle midway through the match. Cena though, shows that his experience is best when he pulls out of the back body drop which was about to get reversed, but Cena instead tackles Elijah Burke. Cena also brawls with Elijah all across the canvas as well, but the sure ending comes when Cena reversed an attempt at the Elijah Express, and catches Elijah for an F-U. Cena goes over to the center of the ring, but then Shelton Benjamin taunts Cena. Cena is wise enough to not let go of Elijah, but Burke performs a head scissors into a pin attempt. Elijah gets a near fall, but this leads to the SNS member being in the drivers seat. The shift in momentum gives Burke an opening to start stomping on John Cena ruthlessly wearing down the Boss. Elijah caps off his grounded assault on John by locking in a figure four leg lock. John Cena shows that size matters when Elijah cant maneuver Cena with his legs, and Cena turns over on his stomach so he applies the hold to Elijah.

The match goes on, as John Cena tries to go for his STF-U, but Elijah Burke rolls forward, and gets a small package on John Cena once again, only getting a near fall. Elijah quickly loses control when John Cena delivers a running one handed bull dog as a counter to a clothesline attempt. John Cena then climbs the turnbuckle in hopes for a flying shoulder block, but Shelton Benjamin takes advantage of a distracted referee, and climbs the apron pulling Cena’s leg. John Cena attacks Shelton Benjamin, and eventually gets on the apron himself. Cena picks Shelton Benjamin up on his shoulders while on the apron, as he measures for an F-U off the apron. Elijah Burke runs, and delivers a dropkick to the back of John causing Cena to jump off the apron crashing with Elijah Burke on the mat. Elijah Burke then demands the referee counts out Cena. The referee reaches eight before John Cena rolls back in the ring. Burke relieves his frustrations with stomps to Cena, but Cena fights off each one as he slowly gets up. John Cena then delivers a huge kick to the midsection which leads to the inevitable F-U onto the center of the canvas. John Cena looks around, and covers Elijah Burke with a hook of the leg picking up the win over the boxing sensation.

Result: John Cena pins Elijah Burke

Rather then a triumphant theme being played “Crank It Up†plays around the Ballroom. John Cena is declared winner, as he taunts for Big Show to make his appearance. The crowd boo’s as Big Show is yet to show up. Then, a hulking figure walks through the fans. The figure is Big Show as he gets ringside over the barricade undetected by John Cena. Cena is then distracted by the appearance of Larry Sweeney at the top of the ramp. Shelton Benjamin, and Elijah Burke go up to their employer while Cena yells at them asking for Big Show. At this time, Big Show is behind Cena, as Cena turns around. The two are now face to face, as Cena looks up in a iconic moment. The crowd is cheering, as the two are about to implode from within but restrain themselves due to Michael Adams’ warning earlier. The two stay face to face, as they speak to each other. Just then, a return to the ring by Shelton Benjamin, and Elijah Burke is surprising, as the two attack Cena from behind. Larry Sweeney directs the attackers, as they stomp on Cena leaving Big Show to watch. Shelton Benjamin chokes out Cena on the canvas while Elijah Burke kicks Cena in the abdomen. Larry Sweeney bends over, and slaps Cena around. Big Show is pleased with the site, as he exit’s the ring. As he goes up the ramp, security comes down to stop the assault. Eventually the situation is controlled, when SNS leave the damaged goods known as The Boss on the floor, slightly cut open on his head. We go to an advertisement break again.

Ad Break

We return to the moment of the night as our World Heavyweight Champion Edge is shown in his locker room tying is boots up, and setting himself for warfare with a Samoan. Edge gets up, and exits his locker room as we go to a hallway where Samoa Joe strolls through with his Transnational championship. The by standers pause at the sight of the beast, as he makes his way to the entrance. We return to the ring as the main attraction is here.

= Killing Beat =

breaks the speakers when the lights dim, and a red blinker sheds rays of lights across the Ballroom. Samoa Joe, the transnational champion, and the Samoan Submission machine makes his way out from the back, as he walks down to the ring showing that he means business, not stopping to tag fans.

= Metallingus =

airs, when a blast of pyro erupts, and smoke begins to fly up. Just then, Edge comes out with his vest, and the PWO Heavyweight Championship around his waist. Edge bounces up, and down on the stage, as he throws up his double corna hand sign igniting a shock of pyro into the arena’s roof. Edge makes it to the ring, where he slides in, and undresses himself with his accessories, and stretches out for his match.

Champion versus Champion
Samoa Joe versus Edge

The match begins with some technical, and vintage wrestling with the two taking all precautions to approach each other. Edge teases an attack as he goes for a grapple, but Samoa Joe quickly maneuvers to try, and reverse any offensive move made. Edge pulls back each time waiting for an opening. Eventually, Samoa Joe gets Edge stuck in a corner, as he vastly rushes Edge only to be stopped with a boot to the stomach. The momentum shifts towards the Rated R Superstar, as Edge follows up with a running spinning neck breaker. Edge covers to get a near fall. Edge upset, takes out his aggressions upon a down Samoa Joe with repeated stomps. Edge then see’s Joe starting to rise, but quickly downs him by placing all of his weight on the mammoth Samoan, and locking in a headlock. The two eventually share holds, as Edge tries to out wrestle the large opponent, but Samoa Joe uses all of his strong points to counter, and out maneuver Edge. Edge eventually gives up, and gets back up to his feet. Samoa Joe follows, and backs Edge up in the corner, only to be booted by The Rated R Superstar. Edge follows up, and connects the top turnbuckle with the Samoan’s head. Samoa Joe is immobile in the corner, as Edge uses his shoulders as weapons, and delivers several shoulder thrusts to the gut of the Samoan Submission Machine. Edge backs out the corner, and throws Samoa Joe for the ropes. The former Ring of Honor champion, with such flair, and grace, he counters an attempt at a shoulder block into a arm drag. The opponents get up rather quickly as Edge goes for the anticipated attack again, only to get tossed by an arm drag once more. Samoa Joe is embarrassing Edge as eventually he covers to get a one count. Samoa Joe picks himself up, and throws Edge into the ropes. Edge bounces back, and goes face first into the big boot of Samoa Joe. Edge crawls around looking for an escape, but finds himself in the corner using the turnbuckles to get up. Edge backs himself against the turnbuckles, as Samoa Joe measures, and runs for the clothesline into the corner. Edge gets out of the way, and Samoa Joe runs into the corner back first. Edge delivers a few forearms, and then snaps an Irish whip to the ropes. Samoa Joe returns, and ducks Edge, as he bounces off the other set of ropes. This time he connects with his signature knee to the upper body of Edge! The two crash on the mat as the crowd is cheering for the action. Samoa Joe stands up, and puts up his Samoan hand sign with his pinky, as he beats his chest with his free hand. Edge is in the middle of the ropes, barely putting himself together, as Edge leans on the ropes for leverage. Samoa Joe sprints towards Edge only to be back body dropped outside!

Samoa Joe surprisingly flies through the air, and spills outside. Edge flips his hair, as he demands the referee counts Joe out. At the count of six, Samoa Joe is about to get back in, but Edge goes for a baseball slide to prevent that. Samoa Joe see’s it coming, and grabs Edge’s boots and pull him outside. Now, the action is outside as Edge is thrown into the fans section over the barricade in one clean throw. Samoa Joe chases Edge as he starts pounding on Edge in the crowd, as the fans tap Joe in the back. Samoa Joe grabs Edge by the neck, and picks him up in a Fireman’s Carry position. Samoa Joe is about to take Edge out, but miraculously Edge reverses any attack into a falling DDT onto the unmated floor. Samoa Joe sells the collision, as Edge barely gets back up. Edge is on all fours barely knowing where he is, as the plethora of pain distributed to him has been taking its effect on Edge’s body. The camera cuts to the entrance ramp where Mick Foley comes out, and jogs as fast as he can down to the ring. Mick Foley climbs over the barricade, and makes his way through the fans, as he begins to pick Edge up. Edge nods his head as Mick Foley speaks to him in a caring manner. Mick Foley helps Edge back to the ring, as Samoa Joe starts to get his feeling back, and pushes himself up. The Rated R tandem make it over the barricade, as Samoa Joe is now in hot pursuit. Samoa Joe comes from behind as he knocks Edge with a forearm to the back of the head just before making it to the ring. The referee, and Mick Foley ensue into an argument, as Joe can care less and is taking it to Edge displaying his ground, and pound technique. Edge is on his knee’s taking blow after blow, but he digs deep in himself to pull out the energy to trip Joe with his arms into the turnbuckle post. Samoa Joe collides with the post as he holds his face in pain, specifically his nose. Edge pulls onto the apron, as he slowly gets up. Edge smirks into the camera, as he rolls into the ring.

Ad Break

We return to see Edge, back in full adrenaline, holding on a tough headlock on one knee to Samoa Joe. Joe is on both knee’s, as he doesn’t have much leverage to pull out. Samoa Joe is then starting to lose consciousness when he lowers his head forward. Edge follows to adjust his submission hold. Edge now in front of Joe, but still applying the headlock that now seems to be a side headlock. Samoa Joe wraps his arms around Edge’s ribs, as he snaps backwards to connect with a big suplex. Samoa Joe rubs his neck once he’s on his feet. Samoa Joe, now taking the role of the predator, stalks Edge who is back on all fours. Edge uses the ropes to get up not knowing Joe is behind him. Samoa Joe in a blink of a human eye, snaps on a sleeper hold which pulls Edge away from the ropes. Samoa Joe then falls on his back, as the next move is inevitable. Samoa Joe wraps his legs around the waist of the PWO Heavyweight Champion to apply the Coquina Clutch. Samoa Joe looks to make the champion submit, as he applies the hold with all his strength. Edge cannot yell as Joe’s meaty forearm acts as a silencer to Edge’s mouth. Edge can barely breathe, as he show cases his injuries with his face, as he begins to turn blue, figuratively. Edge reaches out into the air, in hopes of getting something to pull up on, but Samoa Joe was strategic enough to pull Edge away from the ropes. Now, the referee does his duty as he checks to see if Edge is out, and picks up his hand which falls helplessly. The referee goes around for number two which is just as helpless. The third count is about to be made, but Edge uses his tricky tactics to grab the referee, and pull him downwards onto the two wrestlers.

The referee’s landing on the stars breaks the Coquina Clutch proving successful for the Rated R Superstar. The fragile referee, in a unconscious state as usual, as The Rated R Accomplice Mick Foley folds a steel chair ringside, and slides into the ring. Edge is helped up by Mick Foley, as he leans backwards on the ropes to stay on his feet. Samoa Joe is busy trying to revive the referee, as Mick Foley holds up the chair ready to inflict damage. Edge, now back in working condition, sneaks around the ring to the opposite corner of Mick Foley. Samoa Joe turns to his feet, as he locks eyes on Mick Foley. Samoa Joe tells Foley to get out of the ring, as Mick Foley nods his head no. Samoa Joe looks towards the down referee, and when he looks up he is slapped by the steel chair wielded by the man of many faces. Samoa Joe slowly turns around unconscious, as Edge runs towards the turning Joe. Edge connects with the Spear! The crowd boo’s as Edge tells Mick Foley to escape the ring. Mick Foley follows the orders, as Edge tries to revive the official. The referee slowly starts to get conscious, as Edge hooks the leg of Samoa Joe. The referee starts to crawl towards Edge, and Joe. The referee slowly rises his hand, and slaps the mat once.. Twice.. Three- Samoa Joe kicks out surprising the whole crowd!

Edge gets on his knee’s shocked, as his mouth hangs open. Edge covers again, and gets a near fall once more! Edge is upset, as he clutches his hair, and pulls himself together. Edge goes over to the corner, and takes position ready to give Samoa Joe another Spear. Edge teases, and fidgets at the corner, caressing his hair. Samoa Joe slowly gets up, facing towards the referee, and again, away from Edge. The referee asks Samoa Joe if he wants to continue, as Joe nods his head, and swallows. Samoa Joe slowly gets up, and is about to turn around, when Edge stomps on the mat ready to put the Samoan Submission Machine away. Joe turns around, and Edge goes in for the kill, but in a turn of events Samoa Joe shockingly counters the finisher with his high knee! Edge is stunned by the knee, and Samoa Joe takes advantage. Edge lands in the corner, as Samoa Joe picks him up on the top of the turnbuckles using his shoulder. Samoa Joe doesn’t bother signaling the finish, as he reaches up, and locks in all that is needed for the Muscle Buster! Samoa Joe pulls Edge out of the corner, as he walks around the ring holding the Canadian champion in the air. Samoa Joe introduces Edge to the mat again, as the crowd goes wild! Samoa Joe covers with ease as Mick Foley yells at the referee. Joe makes the count a three, as the crowd cheers.

Result: Samoa Joe pins Edge

= Killing Beat =

airs for the second time of the night, as the Transnational Champion just proved to be the most superior being in PWO. Samoa Joe is declared the winner, and is handed his Transnational Championship. Samoa Joe holds it up with both hands, as the commentators talk about the match, and the crowd begins to flee the Ballroom. Samoa Joe climbs the turnbuckle, and beats his chest with one hand, and raises the belt with his other. His theme music plays, as Mick Foley rolls Edge out of the ring. Samoa Joe points at Mick Foley, and Edge, as the two retreat to the back. We go off the air, with the last image being Samoa Joe on the turnbuckle. The PWO logo flashes indicating the end of the night.