No shock hearing this to be honest because from the get go Shayna seemed like the next in line. I thought Shayna was good in NXT as Champion, but I think the handling of her at times had me scratching my head. Shayna a tough Wrestler needs two Goons to continuously get involved in her Matches why? She's intimidating and strong enough on her own to kill fools so that was a negative I had with her and I go back to her Charisma and inability to put over a feud or herself hurt her at times. It was a chore to listen to her talk, but maybe now that changes in the future for her. I think her first run there was good and she should feel blessed to had worked with alot of good ladies there like Kairi, Io, or even Bianca ladies who was perfect for her, and who she's worked for before in Stardom. Still bummed Kairi didn't get a longer run, but Kairi is bigger than a Move and if you think that is all she has going for her I like to examine your brain. Becky being out and starting a family with Rollins gives her the juice to come back stronger in all facets of her game and I'm all for it.