:eww2:Reported. This is a family forum let's keep it that way sunshine!
Ah report this!:eww2:Reported. This is a family forum let's keep it that way sunshine!
Damn...The corporate decision of Becky retaining, or the quality story decision of Sasha winning? Option A. Becky retains
But Sasha NEEDS to win this doesn't she?
I mean if she doesn't...there was no point to her
even coming back...
Frankly I want Sasha to win because I actually find
"The Man (CRINGE!), Twitter Troll, Wannabe Female
Stone Cold" Becky extremely unlikable.
A double C#nt Punt?It'll be... Oh what's the female version of that inane styles/Nakamura double low blow
Frankly I want Sasha to win because I actually find
"The Man (CRINGE!), Twitter Troll, Wannabe Female
Stone Cold" Becky extremely unlikable.