A new game.
This isn't exactly new. They used to do this at an old forum that I posted at, and you guys don't do it here so I figured I'd give it a shot.
Its called Tipsters. I'ts kinda like the WWE fantasy season, but like better.
Basically the way it goes is for every PPV starting after wrestlemania and going to WM of the next year you make predictions on each of the matches (who, via, and how) and that nets you points.
The winner is the person with the most points at the end of the wrestling year.
Anybody interested just post in here and I will add you to the players list.
This isn't exactly new. They used to do this at an old forum that I posted at, and you guys don't do it here so I figured I'd give it a shot.
Its called Tipsters. I'ts kinda like the WWE fantasy season, but like better.
Basically the way it goes is for every PPV starting after wrestlemania and going to WM of the next year you make predictions on each of the matches (who, via, and how) and that nets you points.
The winner is the person with the most points at the end of the wrestling year.
Anybody interested just post in here and I will add you to the players list.