an Annoying Boring ass man who reminds me of a corn stalk
I thought you were talking about Roman there for a second.
I mean he has the personality of a corn stalk.
I don't get the Corbin hate tbh. But then again I don't get a lot of things people like or dislike. So there's that.
I think its more people hate the way he's been booked.
He's been completely repackaged...AND IT SUCKS!!!
I mean the guy could have been a true 80's style big
man who just showed up & wrecked everyone's shit...
like Strowman but less of a Berserker & more of a sleazy
biker if you catch my drift...but now he's wrestling in dress
Its actually kind of pathetic when you really think about it...
especially considering he had the MitB briefcase last year
until he opened his big mouth at the wrong time.
This entire "Constable" Corbin gimmick seems like punishment
to me & I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he's released by the
end of year.
His entrance theme is a great...
I mean it doesn't work as an entrance theme but its still a great song.