But let me rephrase that for comparison to Christian; how many "damn, that was a great match" aka 4 stars, has he had? He hasn't had one. He's had plenty of good matches, but he hasn't had anything close to Rey/Punk or Cena/Batista @ WM good. Not even close.
First of all, none of the Punk/Rey matches have been 4 stars or better. Solid ***1/2, and lmao @ choosing their WM match. That was the worst one they've had. Nice 7 minutes of action though, just not long enough to compare well enough to the others. Best Cena/Batista match was probably ***3/4. Just my tastes though.
Second, none of Christian's matches are long enough to fucking warrant 4 star matches. His best one since coming back was probably against Edge on FREE TV and it went over 10 MINUTES. Fucking image that. Great ***1/2 match. His ones with Swagger on ECW were all pretty great as well. All in the ***+ range.
Like I've been saying, give him something MEANINGFUL and a another decent at best worker and you will see some great matches. A feud with Punk, Jericho, Mysterio, or even Swagger again, and you'll see a great fucking match. Of course none of these fucking jobber matches that he's been constantly having with Carlito, Chavo, and NXT guys are going to be 4 star matches, but at least all of them are entertaining to watch and good **+ matches for being on TV.
Jesus Christ.