Gotta ask you guys this: What do you think the drawing power of these guys really are?
Ever since AJ Styles left, ratings have done nothing but increase.
Personally, outsde of maybe the start of the Lone Wolf gimmick, I never turned on Impact because 'what will AJ Styles do?". But throughout almost all of 2013 in TNA, the main drawing point to Impact for us was the awesome stuff going on in the tag division. Between BI and Aries/Roode you were guaranteed one can't miss segment that we'd probably spend bitching about Chavo's existence but love in retrospect because these three were so awesome. And I remember after Destination X 2013 during the "crisis" and the dog days of the worst storyline in wrestling history, when Dolph's asked us why we were watching TNA, the first thing that comes to mind (outside of personal Sabin markdom) is "Because we can't miss Bad Influence doing something cool".
At least for us, these guys have been the biggest draws in the company. Please treat them like it.