ThreeXBetterThanU said:Am i the only one who wants to see Vince screw Rock out of the title?
Picture this, Punk vs Rock, Rock hits a Rock Bottom, finishes Punk off with the Peoples Elbow, get the pin clean, breaking Punks streak, hold the title up, only for Vince to come down, restart the match, screw Rock in some really dirty "Bret Hart" way, and have Punk win, then the next night on Raw trash Rock about leaving and going do movies.
Vince would get tons of heat like he used to have when wrestling was good, Punk would get even more heat, Rock would get what he wants, to break the streak, and the fans wouldnt have to have a champ that would leave while keeping their vision of the Rock intact. Its a win/win/win/win.
It could also lead to more heat with Punk still claiming to have held the title and denying that he ever dropped it at the Rumble.
~Three Said That~
That sounds terrible . . .
First, let's start with the plot-holes that would create. Plot-hole I: if the Rock wins clean, how can Vince re-start the match and get away with it? Logically the Board Of Directors would just end up revoking the restart and giving Rock the belt he won. I mean, the relieved Vince of his day-to-day duties and overturned his decision of firing Cena; and they reprimanded Big Johnny when he made it crystal clear that he intended to cheat on behalf of Ziggler to screw Punk out of the title. That's two instances in the past year and a half (at the time of the 2013 Rumble) where the Board Of Directors play an integral role and based off the scenario you've presented, it'd be downright ridiculous for them not to overturn Vince's decision of restarting the match due to abuse of power. If WWE does that, it defeats the entire purpose so it can be assumed that they wouldn't so plot-hole I.
Plot-hole II: Why the hell would Vince do this in the first place? It'd be completely out-of-character. Like, why would Vince help out Punk? It wasn't too long ago that they were fighting each other. Now Vince is suddenly going to side with the man who he fought in his last match. That doesn't make any sense. There's no real reason for Vince to turn heel against Rock, Rock returning has been good for business. It'll just be turning him heel for the sake of having heel Vince of old back regardless of Vince's current character of the past two years (again, most of the time he showed up in the past two years was in an antagonistic role towards Punk).
Moving away from the plot-holes, on a personal note I just don't want heel Vince of old to return. As a matter of fact, I'm sick of the heel authority figure story-lines or even an authority figure in general playing a big role in the main angle. I don't want Vince interjected into this angle, as much as I do love Vince.
Oh, and on the rules of re-starting matches, Punk wouldn't of dropped it at The Rumble & The Rock wouldn't of ended the streak, so he wouldn't of gotten what he wanted (assuming Rock legitimately wants to be the one to end Punk's reign). It would've been a cock-tease, that's all.
But back to other problems with the idea, where does it go from there? Where is the pay-off? I mean, I really don't want to see Vince wrestle again. I mean where does Vince go from here? He can't logically side up with Punk since Punk shouldn't ever agree to being on sides with him since a big part of his character is being a "Paul Heyman Guy". So unless you want Punk to ignore all that and create plot-hole 3. So Vince kind of has to be removed from the angle after that as Rock will be getting a rematch against Punk (the Board of Directors or Triple H will at least give Rock that much) & Punk would probably tell Vince off. Vince will probably then make some stipulation in the rematch that screws Punk over to an extent too (the alternative will be doing nothing). So the rematch will happen, at Mania or Chamber, and will have Punk vs. Rock II, with at most a slight stipulation change. So basically, unless you're ignoring the development and past of the characters and the characters themselves, you've basically created a plot point that only serves to stall a decisive result. It doesn't add much of anything to the story, it's just a stall. Plot points that only really serve as a stall are poor plot points (alliteration rules!) in my opinion.
Now, if I was going to book a way for Punk to retain due to interference of some sorts against The Rock, I'd go with The Shield. And yeah, that does have it's problems of being pretty much the same finish as the previous PPVs (granted I'm assuming here for TLC) but the same can said about screw-job finishes in general (granted not back to back) so meh. But this makes totally sense based off that interview segment which I've watched about ten times. Rollins says something along these lines "The Board Of Directors ultimately have to answer to the WWE Universe. The all mighty WWE Universe. And you know what that is? That's a popularity contest. And that's not right Michael!" The Rock has what, won two matches since coming back for a fourth of the year? The main reason he'd be getting a title shot would be because he's super popular. It would fit in perfectly with The Shield's motivations that have been set up.
Then, that can set up a match at Chamber (assuming The Rock can fit it into his schedule) that's The Shield vs. The Rock, Ryback (who in my fantasy booking, just won the Rumble), & John Cena. Hell, you can even do The Shield a gigantic favor and have Cena turn on Rock during the match to set up a rematch at Mania (as much as I am against that idea), and have them win the match. Of course following that I'd have no idea what you can do with The Shield to keep the momentum going after that but whatever I'm just spit-balling alternative ideas. Not that I'd actually book what I'm saying right now. Either way, even though it does have it's flaws, I think this idea is three times better than the Vince one (heh heh, get it? Because your userna . . . okay I suck. Sorry).