Awesome show, maybe even 9/10

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Now I’m a big, fat dynamo!
Apr 1, 2012
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Dolph'sZiggler said:
Anything else you or Stop liked that I didn't I'd love to talk about. I really felt I came into this Raw with a positive outlook and tried to not bury segments unnecessarily

I'll try to get one of my "thoughts on" threads up later today and we can compare notes :jericho:


Biggest self-mark since Bret Hart
Feb 2, 2012
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Stopspot said:
I'll try to get one of my "thoughts on" threads up later today and we can compare notes :jericho:

often imitated, never duplicated :pity:


Now I’m a big, fat dynamo!
Apr 1, 2012
Reaction score
Dolph'sZiggler said:
often imitated, never duplicated :pity:

Unless you are Chris "the doctor" Mueller on Bleacher Report I sadly cannot put you as my source of inspiration. :jeritroll:


Biggest self-mark since Bret Hart
Feb 2, 2012
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I've actually seen that type of review on BR before. A little dry for my taste.


Now I’m a big, fat dynamo!
Apr 1, 2012
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Dolph'sZiggler said:
I've actually seen that type of review on BR before. A little dry for my taste.

That's why I try to spice it up when I do them. A list should be entertaining for people to sit through them.


Biggest self-mark since Bret Hart
Feb 2, 2012
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Asskicker said:
Dolph'sZiggler is probably the biggest smark on this forum. Hands down.

Sadly. I'd love to be a mark, but I really can't take anything at face value.


The Boss
Dec 16, 2011
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United Kingdom of Ambrose
Note; You asked for my opinions.

"Vegas. Crowd looks like a bunch of dweebs."

Not sure if you mean casuals or idiot crowd that doesn't do much, but the crowd was hot last night and filled with smarks and casuals. I loved the crowd tbh.

"Oh look the cum guzzler Punk still thinks he is the best in the world. How cute. Corny ass promo."

How? Punk at least isn't completely a smiley generic John Cena face yet. He still has that Aries feel, he calls himself the best etc which normally is a heel thing to do. The promo wasn't bad or good, sometimes I think people hate on Punk for the sake of hatingh on him. I've not seen you or anyone credit Punk recently for his fucking awesome PPV matches he's giving us.

Suffice to say he isn't really saving this awful segment. Big Show isn't any worse than Punk in this awful exchange, but both are incredibly lame.

What did Big Show say that was lame? Even I -- his biggest hater -- enjoyed his part in that promo tbh. He was playing his role pretty well and had a few entertaining moments. The opening promo wasn't amazing or terrible, it was just purposeful.

Everything you said about prime-time I disagree with, but that's just opinions. I too think Kofi needs to gtfo from Face R-Truth and move up the card.

AJ/Bryan. No comment. (If I had one though it would be something like "omg, so boring. lol ttyl gtg." .)

Don't want to see that lame ass match that is being built on the Bryan/AJ tension. get this s*** out of my face. I guess they will use this to keep DB relevant but just remove Punk from the equation? They will beat this dead horse until Bryan eventually starts to suffer from it. Punk's lucky he is off that sinking ship

Sinking ship? Many people think it's the best angle WWE have going atm. Just because you hate a feud, it doesn't mean you can suddenly predict suffering for the wrestlers invovled. IIRC AJ is the most over diva by a mile and Bryan is the most over superstar by a mile. You see how much the crowd is eating this up? Also, wedding segment drew wonders last week, so I think this opinion is definitely the minority.

Rey is not on that list. Crowd seems to dig it though. w/e, like I said at the beginning, it's a bunch of dweebs. Del Rio/Mysterio at Summerslam will be nice though. ADR obv will rape Rey's heaps

I personally really enjoyed Rey/ADR and am glad they're feuding. ADR's burial of Ryder was to get the crowd to hate him thus popping massively for Rey and getting into the feud. It worked. Great booking.

That Heath Slater legends recap was almost bad enough to make me stop liking Slater. The thing is that's what makes him great, he walks the line of being so bad he's amazing and so bad that he is unwatchabley shitty. Well done Heath, well done.


Slater's awesome.

Rikishi? You won't catch me marking for this fat F***. Not bad, but after Vader, Sid, DDP, you trot out Rikishi? yawn. I'm sure he will stink face and everyone laughs and smiles when he dances after. Okay, he Samoan Spiked his ass, that was nice to see a tribute to Umaga.

Rikishi -- one of the past greats -- returns and you "yawn"? There wasn't one internet spoiler on it, it was completely unexpected and it was great TV.

So Eve teams up with Miz? Heels vs heels. But really this is just another step towards D-Bry turning face.

Miz's new haircut is a massive improvement over his gay ass fauxhawk. It probably gets Maryse pretty wet.

I expect a boring ass match until whatever happens between AJ & DB happens. Miz no sold AJ's drop kick. The ol' partner reverses the small package trick. And here comes the soap opera.

this motherfucker did not just F**cking propose again. F***. This. s***. I would beat a motherfucker in the face with a shovel that is writing this goddamn storyline. Bitch said yes. Fuckin great. This is pathetic. Hope you enjoy this you assholes who like this story. F**cking ENJOY

1) D-Bry is a tweener I guess, I'd have preferred a championship heel reign but oh well.

2) Agreed, Miz's haircut is smexy.

3) You want Miz to look weaker than AJ now...?

4) Proposal was great. Next week, expect an interruption or something surprising.

Swaggie time? Who needs a W tonight?

Rymotherfuckingback. I can dig this. Why was that not a real match? tf. Typical bullshit from WWE.

Segment was great, they're just introducing Swagger vs Ryback feud I guess. Why have Ryback win straight away...?

This is a nice promo, but it's starting to drag a bit. Jericho needs to say something. Yea, saw that coming. Maybe DZ stays heel and Y2J has jobbed to so many people he's now a face/underdog? rofl. I hope Jericho didn't hurt his knees on Dolph's granite chin.

Lol'd at the end. Disagree with all. Yawn? I don't think you understand the psychology aspect of that segment or its purpose. It was used to introduce their feud and get Jericho over as a face. If he suddenly cuts a face promo the crowd would be like "wtf you called us idiots last week??". It made Dolph look like Gold too. The segment was perfect.

Then Show/Punk which I thought was good considering who it was. But we've already spoke about that. I agree, ending sucked.


Biggest self-mark since Bret Hart
Feb 2, 2012
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Y2J said:
Note; You asked for my opinions.

Not sure if you mean casuals or idiot crowd that doesn't do much, but the crowd was hot last night and filled with smarks and casuals. I loved the crowd tbh. I just meant dweebs. I wasn't judging the crowd on their performance, just making a quick off hand observation about the way a lot of the fans looked. Kids and men that looked like dweebs. Nothing more

How? Punk at least isn't completely a smiley generic John Cena face yet. He still has that Aries feel, he calls himself the best etc which normally is a heel thing to do. The promo wasn't bad or good, sometimes I think people hate on Punk for the sake of hatingh on him. I've not seen you or anyone credit Punk recently for his F**cking awesome PPV matches he's giving us. The content wasn't there. It was just a generic 'Let's recap what's happened lately and put a catch phrase and call it good' promo. Big time YAWNS. He sucked up to the crowd, recapped when he used to be awesome, and that was about it.

What did Big Show say that was lame? Even I -- his biggest hater -- enjoyed his part in that promo tbh. He was playing his role pretty well and had a few entertaining moments. The opening promo wasn't amazing or terrible, it was just purposeful. Purposeful how lmao. It set up the useless Main Event for the night that did nothing but get interrupted by Cena. The Main event should have just been a mic segment between Punk and Cena. Big Show's shit was just 'oh, I was so close to winning MITB!' and then Punk's retort was cringe worthy. I posted the quote in my original post, it was just lame as fuck

Everything you said about prime-time I disagree with, but that's just opinions. I too think Kofi needs to gtfo from Face R-Truth and move up the card. About Young being boring in the ring? He's pretty lame, you gotta admit, even if you like the PTP's characters. Also the point about the belts being meaningless and it didn't matter who won that match is basically a fact, I don't think anyone can put forth an argument saying the tag belts mean anything

Sinking ship? Many people think it's the best angle WWE have going atm. Just because you hate a feud, it doesn't mean you can suddenly predict suffering for the wrestlers invovled. IIRC AJ is the most over diva by a mile and Bryan is the most over superstar by a mile. You see how much the crowd is eating this up? Also, wedding segment drew wonders last week, so I think this opinion is definitely the minority. I pity any blueberry that is still on board with that feud even after last night. I won't touch on this again; if you and others enjoy it.. fine

I personally really enjoyed Rey/ADR and am glad they're feuding. ADR's burial of Ryder was to get the crowd to hate him thus popping massively for Rey and getting into the feud. It worked. Great booking. Lol. The crowd would pop for Rey without ADR burying Ryder first. That had nothing to do with Rey's pop. I love ADR, but WWE just doesn't know how to get him over and it makes me lol watching them try. I agree though, looking forward to that feud. If nothing else SS will have my two favorite heels going over big time opponents, so I'm on board.


Slater's awesome. I think you misunderstood my point. The point is Slater is so awesome because he is bad. I enjoyed his corny explanations like 'made a splash' against Vader, even though it was over the top lame. He played his so bad he's good role perfectly here. I am the ORIGINAL Slater mark son. Remember that

Rikishi -- one of the past greats -- returns and you "yawn"? There wasn't one internet spoiler on it, it was completely unexpected and it was great TV. Sorry, don't see Rikishi as a 'great' and yea, I yawned. He's no Sid, Vader, DDP, and I wasn't excited to see him. Sue me bitch

Segment was great, they're just introducing Swagger vs Ryback feud I guess. Why have Ryback win straight away...?
I really don't expect anything more than a mini-feud between the two.. and don't think Swagger jobbing to Ryback in an elongated feud does anything for anyone anyway. I assumed it would just be a one time match, and would have much preferred a nice little 5 or 6 minute TV match with Ryback winning. My comment about typical WWE bullshit is just in the inconsistency. Sometimes they would have rang the bell when Swagger attacked, but this time they didn't and their just like 'Gee guys I don't think this match has started yet!" Little things like that bother me

Lol'd at the end. Disagree with all. Yawn? I don't think you understand the psychology aspect of that segment or its purpose. It was used to introduce their feud and get Jericho over as a face. If he suddenly cuts a face promo the crowd would be like "wtf you called us idiots last week??". It made Dolph look like Gold too. The segment was perfect. I think you fail to remember that I'm typing these as I watch the show, not in retrospect. A lot of what you say are reactions from my initial comments before a segment unfolds. Obviously I understand what WWE was trying to do after I finish watching things go down, and it was a great segment. The only thing I didn't like was I thought the end dragged a little bit and DZ was stuck just sort of repeating himself for 30/45 seconds. No big deal, just a minor flaw.

Then Show/Punk which I thought was good considering who it was. But we've already spoke about that. I agree, ending sucked. You've become very easy to please. inb4noyouarejustimpossibletoplease. I'm sure the truth lies somewhere in the middle


The Boss
Dec 16, 2011
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United Kingdom of Ambrose
Appreciate the replies and agree with some. Tag-titles are nothing and everyone definitely changes after thinking about what happened. I say this a lot but Jericho's return earlier in the year made me so mad in the discussion thread (as he didn't speak) but an hour later I realised how much win it was.

Is it just me who's noticed ADR being more over than he has ever? I wouldn't say I'm easy to please either, but I can certainly more positives in segments than most I'll give you that. People fail to realise that if this company was exactly like TNA, then we would enjoy it more but ratings would be way lower. You have to compromise in WWE. We're given gold like Punk/Jericho, Cena/Lesnar (until ending), Rock/Cena (until ending), Punk/Bryan, Dolph winning MITB and now Dolph/Jericho and we're given shit. Accept the gold, understand the shit, and the product suddenly becomes a lot better.


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
Reaction score
Was this show really a 9/10?

But the show's been so awful lately, something that's bad (read: isn't awful) becomes something pretty good. The Zack Ryder burial setting up Rey's return (that feels special on this show and wouldn't on Raw 1000) is really the best we can hope for from WWE Creative here in 2012. When you take the good with the bad, at least there's good there. Something WWE doesn't do often.

If it was TNA, this would be a 5/10 show, so I pretty much agree.


Biggest self-mark since Bret Hart
Feb 2, 2012
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I see what you guys are saying.. I only truly enjoyed 2 segments, and besides the main event ending and the Bryan shit, nothing else that happened was really offensively bad like Raw has been, it just wasn't all that entertaining. I was hoping for something more eventful on the heels of the PPV and as the 'go home show' for the 1000th ep next week. Again, I really went into this show with a different mindset than I normally do for Raw, I wanted to enjoy it and not bury it like I ordinarily do.


Lovable Kind of Filthy
Apr 1, 2012
Reaction score
Y2J said:
How? Punk at least isn't completely a smiley generic John Cena face yet. He still has that Aries feel, he calls himself the best etc which normally is a heel thing to do. The promo wasn't bad or good, sometimes I think people hate on Punk for the sake of hating on him. I've not seen you or anyone credit Punk recently for his F**cking awesome PPV matches he's giving us.



Dolph'sZiggler said:
this motherfucker did not just F**cking propose again. F***. This. s***. I would beat a motherfucker in the face with a shovel that is writing this goddamn storyline. Bitch said yes. Fuckin great. This is pathetic. Hope you enjoy this you assholes who like this story. F**cking ENJOY

This portion did have me legit laughing. Good job.