At this point it's just funny

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Am I the only one who would mark if he broke his leg again?

Hell no.. Along with shitting his pants, breaking his leg is the highlight of his career!

The A-man said:
I'm not sure what to make of Sid's possible TNA run.

It's likely that he may make a good impact.

With shitty wrestling and a bad attitude? Probably not... Besides, TNA must go beyond continually searching for the next big impact signing (no pun intended!)... They just signed the biggest name this industry has ever seen. Next to Hogan, Sid doesn't mean shit.

Its clear that he has been training for the past for month for another run in a squared-circle.

1 whole month????? ...Well shit, bring them 5-star matches on then, baby! LOL

I guess in the end it all comes down to how TNA uses him and how much Sid himself brings to the table.

....Doh! (See above) :roll:

Not to mention that him breaking his leg back in WCW isn't much of a good way for him to end career anyway.

Nah, see above.... Career highlight right there! :y:

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

The only way Sid could make an impact is if he crapped his pants, broke his leg and had a squirrel attack his crotch all at the same time.


Sid is the master of the fucking universe. I will buy every PPV that he headlines.


I bet you Sid will be jay lethal s opponent then he will have a few weeks in TNA then leave.

Rated RJC

Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Pittsburgh, PA
I'm almost one hundred percent sure Sid will just be there for the Lethal storyline and if he stays longer maybe an interaction with Hogan that will be no sold by the crowd.

I'm not a huge Sid fan but for something like this it doesn't matter to me.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
Sid is garbage. Always has been. One of his title reigns was because Shawn refused to job to Hart. TNA is garbage. It only exists because Spike TV (not Dixie Carter like alot want to believe) keeps pouring money into it and demand "big names" despite that truly "big names" are way past their prime and can't do anything to help the company grow. Sid knows nothing of wrestling, nor does TNA, so they obviously go hand in hand.

Now, I'm not trying to stir shit, but how long can the hard lined TNA fanboys continue to defend this toilet? They took two steps forward a few months back, and in a matter of weeks they've trekked miles backward and are risking the future of the company on a dinosaur named Hogan for what?? To beat ECW in the ratings for a few weeks? That's some serious bragging rights there fellas. No offense, but how can you defend TNA, they aren't making stars, WWE is trying better with Kofi, Sheamus and new guys on ECW all the time. TNA is fooling you niave fanboys rehashing an X division match and trying to sell it as a heavyweight title match. Get over it. If Vince wanted to, he could totally put ECW over TNA by just adding a few names to the roster and that is really how simple it would be. A roster with names like Foley, Angle, Nash, Stiener, Sting and a bunch of talented but unknown little guys can barely compete with a roster headlined by Christian and William Regal and a bunch of so-so young guys. TNA is lucky Vince doesn't think two shits of them as competition, because if he really cared, he could stomp them out or just move Smackdown back to Thursdays for a ratings increase and put TNA out of it's misery, because, as the thread states, it's just funny at this point.


Mar 27, 2008
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To the fruitbag that said tna isn't making stars just look at the whole womens division, the world elite, Hernandez, Matt Morgan(yeah he was in wwe but he's a legit future star now) , guess what tna has a tag team division with the British invasion, MCMG, Beer Money, all their own stars, how about the Pope getting a chance, daniels, Joe, Styles and don't say ROH made them stars cuz the fact is not many people pay attention to it and ROH was only around for about 6 months when the Internet wasn't as big as it is today when Tna formed and daniels and styles came in. Nigel has immediately become a star and wwe I'm sure realizes they dropped the ball(he couldn't pass a drug test, big deal, they had a world champ a few months again who deals drugs and fails more tests than anyone, not to mention Orton who's raw's main heel failed two steriod tests I believe) Jesse Neal is a new guy they're building, Amazing Red is fun to watch, Jay Lethal is going to be a top guy in my opinion, maybe not anytime soon but the guy is only in his early twenties, very early. Abyss who I would say is the best big man in wrestling and the top guy for any hardcore match outside of jeff hardy and RVD, both of whom aren't on TV. Honesty TNA's booking is horrible most times but I still can't watch any other telivised wrestling outside of ECW and the occasional Superstars match


Just quick, Nigel didn't fail a drug test, it was one of those stand on one leg and don't fall over tests. Like, a body test. Can't think of the words to describe it, but it was due to his injuries, not any drugs.

Kinda ironic when Batista can't miss a year without an injury.

The Rated R CMStar

To the fruitbag that said tna isn't making stars just look at the whole womens division, the world elite, Hernandez, Matt Morgan(yeah he was in wwe but he's a legit future star now) , guess what tna has a tag team division with the British invasion, MCMG, Beer Money, all their own stars, how about the Pope getting a chance, daniels, Joe, Styles and don't say ROH made them stars cuz the fact is not many people pay attention to it and ROH was only around for about 6 months when the Internet wasn't as big as it is today when Tna formed and daniels and styles came in. Nigel has immediately become a star and wwe I'm sure realizes they dropped the ball(he couldn't pass a drug test, big deal, they had a world champ a few months again who deals drugs and fails more tests than anyone, not to mention Orton who's raw's main heel failed two steriod tests I believe) Jesse Neal is a new guy they're building, Amazing Red is fun to watch, Jay Lethal is going to be a top guy in my opinion, maybe not anytime soon but the guy is only in his early twenties, very early. Abyss who I would say is the best big man in wrestling and the top guy for any hardcore match outside of jeff hardy and RVD, both of whom aren't on TV. Honesty TNA's booking is horrible most times but I still can't watch any other telivised wrestling outside of ECW and the occasional Superstars match

World Elite: Nobody outside Eric Young is booked decently.

Hernandez and Morgan: Great push indeed. We all know the value of Rhyno.

Wait, I missed the part when Samoa Joe is now getting pushed. I mean, he was in an out of nowhere, senseless title match and now it's supposed to be thrown into the Feast or Fired match.

You mentioning O'neal and Lethal in here is a complete joke.

Besides...dropped the ball with Nigel. I will give Nigel that he has made a huge impact in TNA with his feud with Kurt, but, let's remember, and I mean this in the nicest of TNA. Nigel can make all the impact he wants in there, but at the end of the day, only 5 percent of the wrestling world will know he did.


Mar 27, 2008
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being in a fued with old guys that can still go is not bad booking, only so many people can be in a damn title match at once, who else are they supposed to wrestle? British Invasion are the tag champs and being booked just fine, eric young is their mouth piece and thats not that big of a deal as i recall Bulldog and Owen Hart were a great tag team in my opinion and but even they had jim cornett as a manager. if lethal is a joke then why did they have Angle drop the x title to him a couple years ago in a clean win, even HHHhad to go through the englishman stage in his early career, so his gimmick right now isnt a damn problem becuase he's not getting released anytime soon and he's gaining mic skills from it, exactly what type of mic skills is kofi learning? i'd watch machismo grumble on about forming the mega powers with hogan anyday of the week over kofi talking. im not saying i dont like wwe and their young talent, but you talk about the whole 1 young talent who is wrestling a top star in wwe, all of the others are facing each other or older people, just like in tna. and Joe, well he's a multi time champion so he's already an established tna star and people who watch wrestling know who he is and most importantly he is the biggest reason for the daniels push becuase if it wasn't for his acting work setting up everything this push would be going nowhere. Rhyno is a former ECW champion, and a better one than RVD who everyone rides his cock and rvd was only a wwe champ becuase they brought back ECW, but no one wants to admit that, he even said they put the belt on him to help out ECW in the beginning. and how did they drop the ball with nigel when every single review out there of his match claims that it may have been match of the year and just like the fans chanted "this is wrestling". and you claim only 5 percent will know he did, here's a fact, cm punk was only on ecw which gets the same amount of veiwers that tna gets, when he was brought over to raw he was hugely recieved, so i would say that the wrestling world will know who he is. thats about 1/3 of the wrestling world if you figure in raw gets about a 3.4 now, 1.2 is about 1/3 of 3.4, you act like so many people actually watch wrestling out of the 4.5 million that do, a third of them watch tna, so it is an impact.

im not even a tna mark, i hate the booking tremendously, im down on wrestling as a whole lately but smackdown is just too boring for me, i cant stand the raw guest hosting which i will admit i would probably watch more raw than tna if they stopped, and ecw i only watch for christian and benjamin

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

I refuse to read further than four lines into posts by EnterTamed. Paragraphs were invented for a reason.

I did however see Matt Morgan mentioned somewhere in the GIANT ROLLING BALL OF DEATH TEXT~!™ that he typed, and I'm currently laughing at the fact that anyone can think Matt Morgan getting a push is a good thing.