people have zero respect for people’s boundaries or privacy. Not to say things like this have never happened in the past but social media had made people think they can say whatever they want and it’s TOO informative in the sense that you can easily see where people are or are going to be, which is sometimes the fault of the person themselves….i hardly ever “check in” anywhere on Facebook but when it’s something I’m super excited about, like seeing a movie I’ve been waiting forever for, I’ll check in to the theatre and post the movie, or if I go have a good time somewhere, I’ll check in and post pictures, but AFTER I’m already gone…people keep doing this shit while they are there and it makes you an easy target….people shouldn’t go to you, regardless, but it isn’t the world we live in.
I hope they caught whoever this or these douchebags are. This is why I don’t get upset when fans are told off at airports like why the fuck are you being creepy hanging out there??? Leave them alone. Stop following them.