Who do you think contributes most to the forum?
Did you ever think Monkey would make it to Admin status?
Is Rell a good member or a glorified spammer?
Um honestly? Me. But thats mainly because I really only have time most days for my own stuff. So I'm sure now everyone will tell me how wrong I am.
Hell no. I never thought he'd make Mod let alone Admin. Part of me in all honesty was annoyed that I was never considered, but truthfully I wouldn't want the job anyways. I've always been impressed with Monk, Chuck & even Chaos (when he's around) ablility to be on top of everything here...I just don't have that kinda dedication for this place. Maybe its because of the ownership feeling you may gain from being an admin, I don't know.
I would say most of the time glorified spammer, however, when he posts even here in Rell in a Thread and makes a point, he makes his arguements well and its hard to argue with him even when you may disagree with him.