Hometown Kid

so you are asking everyone this question?What do you think about me?
I hate that question.
another one, would you rather fuck another man or a shark?
k i'm bored... second run:
1)Appurato che la democrazia fa schifo, xkè pensi che faccia schifo?
2)dovendo scegliere... Allah, Jahvè,il dio cristiano(nota la minuscola), o meglio il suicidio?
3)E se meglio il suicidio, come ti suicideresti?
4)L'amore è una perdita di tempo?
5)Tette, culo, o figa?
6)Quale sarà il prossimo membro bannato?
7)Piatto preferito?
8)Ganja preferita?
9)Se io sono Io e tu sei Tu, chi è + scemo, Io o Tu?
10)Chi è il membro + sexy?
What would it take for a name chance? Oanax sucks.
did you ever learn how to roll a joint?
- How did you come up with the name "Monkeystyle"
- What do you think of my new signature?
- Which bet did you loose that made you "Randy Orton's Boner"
whats with your obsession of double posting, double thread making and saying the same joke more than once?
what would you do to this girl
and will you make my default group VIP so I can be yellow in the chatbox >;D
Who is this Monkeystyle? Will Randy Orton's Boner answer questions for me?
What do you think about me?
I hate that question.
another one, would you rather fuck another man or a shark?
so you are asking everyone this question?![]()
anyway, for the monkey-boner, i have a question..
What happens when you sleep in the morning, and be awake at night? would it be..
a) probably drunk, so im having severe headache!!
b) was "cojar" (spanish word) all night and i had to sleep 12 straight hours!
c) i work night duties, so the only time i get my nap is at night!
d) my monkey heritage and my monkey culture is doing opposite to what humans usually do!
e) My balls were iching me the whole night and i had to watch porninstead of a good girl with fine bum bum beside me on bed due to the itching!
Dear, R.O.B:
How bout them Canadiens?