when's the best time for HBK, triple h and taker to retire?
will triple h ever beat ric flair's 16 time record?
if the rock came back, do you think he'd still be good as he was? how long will it take him to go back to hollywood/retire?
All very good questions, I'll do my best.
1. I think HBK should retire when he can't put on entertaining matches anymore. He's not what he once was, but he still has the ability to steal the show. That being said I'd assess how he does throughout this year and around December decide if he's reaady to go for another full year or two. If the answer is no I'd retire him at WM 25 in Texas, his home state. That would make a lot of sense to me.
Undertaker should not retire at WM 25. He's the demon from dead valley and having him retire in his "home state" would be stupid and break character. I think his streak at this point should never end so although retiring him on the grandest stage of them all makes the most sense, he shouldn't lose his last WM match. So I guess I'd say he should retire within the next year or two, but not at Mania. The only way I'd retire him at Mania would be if he was in a non-title match, but completely exhaustes himself and wins and then the Druids come out and carry him off.
HHH is a longgg ways off from retiring I think. He's got another real good 4 years plus left imo. He'll never really retire due to his marital status, but I think he's got a ways to go before he thinks about retiring. He's still one of the most over faces on Raw, he's a little younger than the other two, he hasn't been in the business quite as long and he still does a great job entertaining. I think it's too early to tell for him, it's still a ways off imo.
2. HHH will NOT break Flair's 16 time record. He's at 12 right now and although he's still got some good years left I'm not totally sold on him getting 5 more title reigns. I don't think that is something HHH wants and quite honestly the WWE's booking is really going to have to change to give him that many title reigns between now and the end of his career because they seem to be going with longer reigns. So no I don't think he will, but I guess I won't be absolutely shocked if he does I'm just not totally sold on the idea.
3. The Rock would be as good, if not better than he was on the MIC. However I saw the Rock at the HOF, as we all did, and he is a shadow of what he once was physically. He'd really have to bulk back up to get anywhere near to what he once was. However he'd still be fantastic on the mic so it might make up for it. The fans would still love him though so he'd be over as hell, I can't imagine the crowds reaction if his music hit and he came out. I'd love to see him back, but he'd have to get back into shape if he wanted to be the wrestler he once was. The second part of your question kind of confused me, but if you're asking how long he'd last I'd say a yearto 2 years tops. I don't think he wants to come back full time anyway so I'm not sure. It would all depend on his schedule too. If he didn't do house shows maybe longer. But again if he'd have to bulk back up and be really committed to it for it to work and right now in his life I don't think he's willing to do either. Although I'd still love to see him in one last match/feud even in the shape he is now, which is still good shape he's just not as big as he once was.