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Beer Money Army

sorry i forgot about the moonlight backlash question.

well i havent watch much WWE after Mania, Due to watching 2005 Impacts.

Punk > Kane (i see this match going 8-12 mins) Pby be **-*** range

Y2J > Steamboat (10-15 mins) could be a *** or higher. steamboat looks like he can still go, inwhich is truly awesome.

Matt hardy > Jeff (18-20 mins) ***1/2, I could go higher, but i am unsure. i pick matt cause i heard rumors of Jeff leaving and him putting over his brother would be the best business decision for the future.

Swagger > Christian (DQ) (15 mins) ***1/2-**** range. i am unsure if Christian will get title straight away, but ECW needs to make a legit long feud for the show to gain more viewers. I know christian could win and then they build the rematch, but this feud should go much longer.

edge > Cena (20-25 mins) ***1/2-**** if this match was I quit i would of pick cena, But smackdown needs a champion unless they have cena retaining and then orton wins belt and at J'day we have a title unifcation. I wonder if this could be better than there really great encounter from Summerslam 2006.

HHH team > Orton Team (20-25 mins) **1/2-***1/2 I hope they make cena vs edge as the main event, cause this match could be good or ugly, If orton team wins then shane mcmahon will be taking the Pin, sort of similiar to the KOTR 2000 6 man WWE title match but in that it was whomever pinned hhh team would be champion.

in end result, this PPV has the potential to be better than WM25 although i didnt see all of WM25.