What makes SDWA so SD?
Is it free Beer?
Is what free Beer?
If not, can I still have free Beer?
A question I understand! XD!
No free beer for you.
Gonna start writing soon.
Would you change your name to THE Brian Kendrick's Beeralicious Biceps?
No, he might fight me.
Hey, I actually have a legit Beer inquiry. lol
I need to know which Beers I should drink. And by beers I mean more along the lines of amber ales, like is Fat Tire any good? How about 2 below, skinny dip, and which generic brand beers like bud, coors, newcastle, miller and such are the best ones? I just turned 21 on the 8th of this month and I gotta know what tastes the best
Drink Brains, Reverend James or Buddy Bach.