Hey everyone, not sure if everyone in the Survive and Conquer match has gotten my email or not, but I figured I’d update everyone here in what’s going on with the Survive and Conquer match.
Rping for Survive and Conquer has begun. A few RP’s already posted which is great to see. An RP thread has been created for this match, so be sure to RP in that thread
38 Wrestlers have signed up with 16 feds being represented.
Judges have been found for the Survive and Conquer match. The Judges will help me decided just who will win this match. So far, Judges include myself, Mac and James Chambers (From EWC), Michael Saint (From KCW) and Jose Ramon (From TFWF), All who are more than qualified to judge this kind of match fairly. I am looking for like 2 more judges, if your interested, let me know.
If there is anyone in the Survive and Conquer match who has any ideas for a match spot, or have an idea for a storyline for the match (Example would be if two people from one fed are feuding and you want the feud to continue in this match) Then please let me know ASAP either by PMing me or emailing me at
apwprez@hotmail.com. I plan to start writing the match next weekend
This past Wednesday on APW Overdrive, with no boss or GM to run the show, Acting GM, Chris Cyrus took it upon himself to name himself the last competitor in the Survive and Conquer match. Who will fill in sports 1-37, you’ll find out during the Survive and Conquer match
Thats all for now
Hurricane Jeff