Yeah 3 of these matches all seem to be confirmed, but I couldnt care less for all 4 of them. Punk vs Taker is an alright match up, but it feels more like something that;s going to be thrown together, so that Taker can have a match and it's not like Punk will be the one to break the streak either. I'm hoping that Punk'll be able to sell this if it does come to fruition. John Cena vs Rock was overrated the 1st time and it will be the second time. Unless this ends in some sort of controversy, like a Cena heel turn then I really couldn't care about this match either, because I can see WWE going with the latter and doing the generic "I think I can" Cena ending. Brock vs Triple H was good at Summer Slam, but do we really need another match where Triple H goes over on somebody, to me it's a wasted investment even if the first match set good sales for Summer Slam. Sheamus vs Orton is just going to be bland because Sheamus is a child when it comes to promos. He is literally a 6ft tall Hornswoggle in my opinion and it really would be a bore.