Last year they let the part timers pass the torch. Hunter laid down for Seth. Styles pinned Shane and let him look VERY good. Roman Reigns retired the rain Undertaker... And none of this wound up accomplishing anything.
The worst thing is some WWE fans just accept that
guys like Hunter, Angle, Shane & Taker HAVE to be
on the card.
They don't...they really fucking don't.
Cena...yeah sure the guy can still go...have him
actually put someone over...not help fucking bury
I'm talking about Wyatt & Rusev with that remark
The WWE has so much talent right now that they
don't need these part timers taking up all that
valuable match time on the Wrestlemania cards.
At Wrestlemania 33...Triple H & Shane McMahon
both had more match time than the 10 women on
the card.
That is Fucking Unacceptable!
I'm annoyed enough that Hunter, Stephanie &
Shane are going to be on the card...but now we
will also have Angle & Taker...who both don't need
to tarnish their legacies by stumbling around, looking
old & ruining the great memories the fans have of
Wasn't it hard enough watching the Undertaker limp
around looking old & haggard while a guy everyone
hates beat the shit of him?
I wouldn't know because I'll never watch that match
because I don't feel like cringing for 23 minutes straight.
Ugh...whatever...I just won't watch their matches.