I'll just quickly share my quick thoughts on all those matches . . .
Vs. Triple H vs. Chris Benoit ~ Really good match and a great finish however I wouldn't call it the best of the year (and I see very little of that year). Personally I preferred their re-match at Backlash to their Mania.
Vs. Kurt Angle ~ My third favorite match, even though I've seen very little of this year, I have little problem saying this is the best of the year.
Vs. Vince McMahon ~ One of the hardest matches to finish ever. I almost stopped it and moved on to the next match at 22 like three times during this absolute snorefest. It had one good spot, but that doesn't even make it a below average bout. It was absolutely terrible, it's damn near unfathomable to me that people actually like this match let alone call it the best of the year.
Vs. Cena ~ Yep, I'd probably agree here. A few other matches that stand out but this one was awesome and one of Cena's best match, if not his best. It's also my second favorite match in Raw history.
Vs. Flair ~ Nope, not even the best on the card. Not even the best Flair/Shawn match. Not even that good of a match. Then again, you can probably chalk that up to me never really being a fan of Flair.
Vs. Undertaker ~ This was an average match. I thought higher of it when I first saw it but during my second viewing I realized it was because it was surrounded by garbage. Not match of the year, but I can't really think of what would be, not perfect with years.
Vs. Undertaker ~ Better than last years, possibly match of the year. Depends on if this was the year with Bryan vs. Ziggler at Bragging Rights.