geekgoddess said:[yt][/yt]
Rodrigo said:
geekgoddess said:[yt][/yt]
Dolph'sZiggler said:Can someone post a match of AJs that is so great? People want to defend her, let's see some evidence.
Mustafar Reginald said:
Not the whole match but that DDT at about 5:53 was pretty damn sweet. That's all I got. I don't care for AJ in the ring, but she's not terrible. Definitely not by WWE Diva's standards (which yes, isn't exactly great) I think she's just okay at best. She still greatly irritates me on the mic, and I don't find her attractive as going through puberty is a prerequisite for me to be able to find someone attractive.
As for how she got her push or any crap concerning that, I don't care. It's not a plus for her in my books, but ultimately I don't really care.
Oh, and I'm planning on staying out of this thread and only read like two pages total. Just figured it got to ten pages I might as well stick my head into here and give my thoughts on this whole thing.
The video codes on this site mess me up. The other forums I'm on are just simple [youtube][/youtube] tags. Fixed it now.
geekgoddess said:Your argument is that she can't wrestle. Regards of whether she appeals to you or not (with her whole look, presence in the ring, and job on the mic) the point is she does have a set of go-to moves that she utilizes in the ring so that's why I posted that video. Regardless of whether you think she's carried by her opponent, etc. that doesn't mean everyone else sees it that way or that they're wrong. Some people (like myself) find her interesting and some agree with you and think she's terrible. I don't see why this thread has become so massively dramatic.
Dolph'sZiggler said:I don't even know why we are discussing her in ring abilities. As I said before the only reason people like her is because she is cute and skips and they are attracted to women who look like 12 year olds.
geekgoddess said:Your argument is that she can't wrestle. Regards of whether she appeals to you or not (with her whole look, presence in the ring, and job on the mic) the point is she does have a set of go-to moves that she utilizes in the ring so that's why I posted that video. Regardless of whether you think she's carried by her opponent, etc. that doesn't mean everyone else sees it that way or that they're wrong. Some people (like myself) find her interesting and some agree with you and think she's terrible. I don't see why this thread has become so massively dramatic.
Respect Gohan6425 said:Next ur be saying a great wrestler KELLY KELLY can't wrestler but this 15 year look like AJ can! AJ SUCK IN THE RING! That why she not used in the ring! That wanted to turn Layla heel b/c AJ SUCK and is not good enough to feud for the diva title against kaina another diva who suck but is not as bad as AJ is. And Layla ownly diva left that ashley good!
geekgoddess said:You need to spell-check and read over your sentences before you post.
I've never watched Kelly Kelly wrestle so I have no opinion on her whatsoever. And what does Layla have to do with anything? She has her own storyline that Creative wants her in and Layla hasn't even associated with AJ. They're on two separate paths right now that have nothing to do with each other. Mentioning Layla and KK out of nowhere makes little sense.
I'm entitled to my opinion as you are to yours. Leave it at that and stop being melodramatic.
Respect Gohan6425 said:Naomi CARRYED THE WHOLE MATCH! AS SHE CAN WRESTLE! But WWE waiting there time and temaed with her being with B.GAY! When she could be DIVA CHAMPION RIGHT NOW! But b/c she blackwill not make here a diva be her self and become diva champion.
Dolph'sZiggler said:I don't even know why we are discussing her in ring abilities. As I said before the only reason people like her is because she is cute and skips and they are attracted to women who look like 12 year olds.
If the best we can do is "she's not terrible by WWE diva standards" then we are basically all admitting she can't go in the ring.