Off the Haza wagon I guess I'd only give Poyser a town lean, but not an impossible bus since Odo voted first.
Blaine is a solid town read, not entertaining lynching him.
Town lean on Rugrat for his general demeanor.
Blaine is a solid town read, not entertaining lynching him.
Town lean on Rugrat for his general demeanor.
Like Doddsy going against the grain at the time on Ace. I think in retrospect Ace does look better and the fact that Lethal and PHEN0M are both pushing that makes me think even more so Ace is probably town, as I haven't liked either so far.I'm actually more in agreeance with this at this point that the inverse. Ace's response to 2 of the biggest players pushing him has been very chill which makes me think he's town.
Why are you sour on Poyser?
I mean I also am kind of sour on Poyser currently tbh but why throw a potato?