Just watched this promo and I have to say it really okay. Yeah, me having a dissenting opinion isn't exactly news but this promo wasn't really all that, at least not in my opinion. Let me get the basics out of the way, AJ still annoys me and that's not just because of her praise or presence but her deliver (by extension, her voice to, though that's miniscule) and it still does here so yeah. After that, let's get to specific reasons why I don't love this promo like many other seem to and the first reason has already been stated plenty but the Bella's were just obnoxious here. My problem with them isn't just that they were talking but what they were saying. Granted, after awhile they just became white noise but hearing them say "Say it my face" was just so painful because she is saying it to their faces. Aj's the one who came out to talk to trash, to an entire group of diva's, if all you're doing is standing stationary trying to undermine what she's saying by making a ridiculous claim that she's too afraid to say it to your face (despite the fact she is saying it to their faces) then you come off worse for wear not her. You outnumbered her yet she's the one taking initiative. Trash talking is only efficient if it actually has substance.
But the Bella's are terrible and every way so let's just go ahead and ignore them and focus on my problems with Aj's portion, the stuff people actually liked. First off, Natalya being grouped in with these people just doesn't sit well with me and kind of ruins that "You go girl!" effect this promo has seemed to elicit for most people on here. Secondly, kayfabe-wise the hypocrisy kinda dilutes that as well and it was brought up earlier in this thread and well, anyway who's heard the promo knows what I'm talking about so I'll leave it off here as I have nothing particular to add there. Finally, Aj's line that they just aren't talented enough to be champion . . . saying this to former Diva's Champions. I know for a fact that Natalya's a former Diva's champion and that at least one of the Bella's was, so again trash talking is only efficient when it has substance.
That all aside, it was still okay/good/F.I.N.E/synonyms. But it's no big pipebomb and doesn't really work for me and certainly not in the way it does for most in this thread, which is what I'm really explaining. Also, anyone else find it funny that WWE only seems to be okay with having someone in their company outright mock their current product when it's a product focused entirely on the Diva's? At least it's someone actually in the division this time then a commentator but still.