Crayo said:
I think it was more Hogan's pop.
Also, no, I don't want Sting in title contention again -.-. Aries match was so good, I really love the guy. I expected more of the Styles match, I still think he's the joint best wrestler in the world. No idea why Anderson or Pope couldn't of just cut a long promo instead of us having to watch Zack Ryder Robbie E for a while.
Punch, clothesline, headlock, kick, terrible elbow drop, headlock, irish whip, punch, headlock. Robbie E sucks. Get the TV belt onto someone who might actually be on TV, Robbie E is nowhere near Zach Ryder's level.
Agreed on Aries and Styles, and it was whoever booked the whole "look conflicted after every move, Kaz, and Styles, get plenty of glares at Daniels in there!" ruined the match, not them. Best wrestler in the world, biggest star in the company, and he can't be taken seriously as an opponent for Roode at the end of last year. So instead, it looks like they are building to get Sting back in the title picture.