Okay, I'm about to go into the Tag Title Match, but I just wanted to throw my prediction for how the show ends out there. I haven't seen anything, so far and have been scrolling to the bottom of this thread as well, to not get spoilered.
Pretty much the whole day I'm feeling like Darby will win (which would be a wee bit obvious) and while he starts celebrating his title, he gets attacked. Either just by Christian or by Christian & Luchasaurus... or by Jack Perry (+ Christian & Luchasaurus). Sting comes out, but can only do so much, which makes Edge debut. (Since seeing the "*spoiler* is All Elite" pop up and movement in the other Edge thread makes me pretty much put one and one together at this point...

... I really shouldn't come online here before I watched the show, if something like this is in the air.)
Anyways... if it really happens like that, well then I dunno what it says about me or the ending of the show.