Watching Dynamite now, let me add some random thoughts here as I do. A good thing about watching after the fact is I can skip the ad breaks that are just logo
Opening match was fine, I'm not a big fan of either team.
I legit laughed out loud when he said he hopes MJF loses his virginity soon
This is what I wanna see from my fave, raw unbridled passion in his promo work. HELL YEAH.
I skipped MJF's promo and only watched the end. The lawyer guy is a better promo than him lmao.
8 man tag is on now, it's fun. I'm enjoying it more than the opening match atm. The wrestlers in the crowd are super mouthy this week haha. Lucha Bros and B&B fighting caused their loss lmao.
Does Eddie Kingston not know how to wear a t-shirt?
Good promo from him though. Haha his face when they all hugged
Ew go away Britt. Kip made me laugh when he pretended he was working out lol. "Can we just go make out now?" Ok that was funny. When did you get funny, Kip?
Orange Cassidy! Tony always getting the awkward interviews. Oh bah, Jericho is here. His hair is reminding me of my own and it's unnerving me
Where's the rest of his Inner Circle buddies? What is Jericho's MO here? I'm suspicious. IC gonna jump BFFs and OC? Mimosa Mayhem???
This sounds silly, but it should be fun. Ok so they didn't jump them from behind, but they are here. I still smell a beatdown... welp there it is. Look at them wasting all that bubbly.
Another 6 man tag? They're having a lot of tag matches lately lol. LMAO 3, 4 and 5
Oh, it's the Bucks and Kenny. The theme they use as the Elite is so awful, it has no punch to it. This match was also fine, I don't have much to say about it lol. But good lord the ref sucks, blatant choke at one point and he did nothing about it. Kenny heel turn tease? Bucks had to stop him from going nuts.
So did Tully ditch Shawn Spears for FTR?
I kinda hope so, Spears sucks. DRUNK HANGMAN!!!!
Oh hi, Darby. He's facing some jobber, gee I wonder who's gonna win this? Well yep, no surprises there lol. Oh God, what's Taz doing? A new member? This is dumb, dressing up like Darby? Oh my god, you're so witty Taz
LOL at Matt trolling Sammy
Sammy dieded lol.
Another woman for the roster? Cool. Also a woman who can cut a promo, nice! Who the hell is Veda Scott? I'm so out of the loop.
Shaul Guerrero??? That's random
I'm not looking forward to this women's tag match cos Brandi in the ring is iffy. Also she's annoying, showing off her action figures lol. I have no idea who Veda is, but I like her commentary actually, she's not bad. JR trying to act like the trophy thing is important. It's really not. Wow hey, Brandi & Allie didn't win, colour me surprised!!!
Woohoo Mox on next week, I hope he wrecks MJF on the mic <3 Also Jericho on commentary, 2 hours of yelling. It's also on Thursday next week, that's Friday for me, I might not be home if they lift our city-wide lockdown, so we'll have to see about that. Might be rambling on in a post while I watch by myself again lol.
Main event time. It's Cody so I'm not that excited
Least Cody didn't bring his entourage this week lol, prob cos they were in the last match, so that's good. Whenever I hear "reigning and defending" I think of Paul Heyman introducing Brock lmao. Crazy fast start, Brodie kicking the shit outta Cody lol. HOLY SHIT. BRODIE MURDERED HIM. But the show has 8 mins left so something is going down for sure. Brodie beat Cody in like 2 mins, but he couldn't beat Mox? Not that I'm complaining about that, but damn! I swear everything about Cody has to be over the top dramatic, even him losing his title lol. Dark Order are beating up Arn, nooooo! Not Arn!!! They're finally doing something to live up to their supposed reputation as evil assholes. Anna Jay choking out Brandi LOL. "We're damn near speechless", but yet you keep talking JR lol.
Well, that was an enjoyable episode. Coulda used more Mox, but that promo was good, there was some fun matches, a new champ and a crazy ending.
Ooof sorry, I rambled LOL.