could not disagree more with your neg points
It might sound like I’m more down on stuff than I am in practise. Like the MJF promo was fine, good even. The rug pull was obvious, but really fun to watch anyway. It’s just the same promo we’ve seen him do a million times lol. I was really expecting something different and some new material considering he’s been gone for months
and with Mox he himself was great, but Taz just spoiled the whole thing. Let Mox’s words and passion speak for itself like you don’t need to try and ram it down our throats going on about how powerful it is. He started that before mox had even finished lol. It gave it the stink of “OMG this is epic you guys! Isn’t it epic? Fuck me what a promo!” Kinda shit that Michael Cole is always guilty of
I’m sure plenty of people disagree with me about the trios but I can’t imagine there’s too many people that give a fuck lol, don’t most people usually change the channel when they’re on