I would be the same with him as well, to be fair, lol.Believe mine would be Low-Ki doing it.
I would be the same with him as well, to be fair, lol.Believe mine would be Low-Ki doing it.
agreedI want Low-Ki so bad lol doesn't have to be tonight, just in general for this run
I do think tonight's is going to be someome that hasn't actually won the world title bc otherwise I don't think they'd make the distinction that it could be any former champion, they would have left it alone
Emil is a good dude it seems
I want Low-Ki so bad lol doesn't have to be tonight, just in general for this run
I do think tonight's is going to be someome that hasn't actually won the world title bc otherwise I don't think they'd make the distinction that it could be any former champion, they would have left it alone
I will agree about it not being a world champ. If I shall speculate I feel like it'll be either Deppen or Eddie Edwards.
dammit chrisI'm probably going yo have to watch at work too