Trent vs Fenix will be incredibly interesting. It'll be a great match 'cause Fenix, but if Fenix wins, it'll start showing where AEW is starting to head with the Lucha Bros. If Fenix wins, Penta turns heel on him and they stop being a tag-team. Which I predict Fenix wins here.
Shida getting a match against Statlander - this should be the best AEW Womens match yet. Whoever wins (probably Shida) needs to start something with Riho this week. Give us interest in the Womens Division dammit!
Daniels vs Penta (to me) is basically confirming the Lucha Bros won't be a tag team anymore. If Penta loses against Daniels, I see him turning full heel. But if Penta wins, then IDKWTF is going on. I could be wrong about all of this - idk.
Janela getting TV Time
and with Moxley, fuck yea. This should be a really nice match, Mox obviously wins barring interference from someone, they may have Janela look strong by having Spears interfere in the fight. Curious as to where Mox has his sights this week though. Is Omega still after Mox? Or is Mox now going after Jericho? Maybe they set up a 3 way fued? Who fuckin' know, this is why I love AEW right now.
Dustin being back in action is super awesome. The Young Bucks look healthy now, yay. The Inner Circle getting TV time. I love PNP. Not much else to say about this match outside of: It seems pretty obvious that the Bucks / Dustin will win. But if they lose I'd be interested on where PNP go next.
Overall this has potential to be better than last weeks show by miles. I want to see more Dark Order stuff since it's been fantastic lately. I want to see Pac have direction, MY BOOOOOY M.J.F. BETTER BE ON THE SHOW, and now I want to have Adam Page get some direction too.