Show: ACW Adrenaline: Episode Sixteen
Theme Song: "Adrenaline" by Nine Lashes
Location: The Ryan Center, Kingston, Rhode Island
Date: August 17:, 2012
Commentators: Martin Mays and Kareem Ali
Announcers: Ashley Sparxxx
First Bout: New Blood, Part I
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: N/A
Time Limit: 10 Minutes (1 RP Cap)
"Darkside" Tony White v. Andrew Styles
Tony White had an impressive debut on ACW, obtaining a win over Andrew Styles in what was a very confident performance. Styles got some offence in early on, but White managed to turn the tide with a raised boot to the chest, after an Irish whip to the corner from Styles. He then ducked under the attempted punch from Styles and reversed the move into a belly-to-belly suplex, to regain an upper hand he would never lose again. Moments later, he hit his Vindicator on a dizzy Styles, after hitting him with a high kick, and obtained his first win for the company.
Winner in 05:32 - "Darkside" Tony White
Second Bout: The New Blood, Part II
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: N/A
Time Limit: 10 Minutes (1 RP Cap)
Adam Stryker v. Tyler Angel
A very balanced matchup between these two men at first, with Stryker's workmanlike technique fending well against Tyler Angel's flashier style. The two combattants traded momentum at first, but a sneaky low-blow from Angel midway through gave the Los Angeles native the advantage. Tyler used it well, targeting Stryker's head in order to maintain him on the back foot. At one point, Stryker seized an opening and tried a comeback, but Angel put an end to that with the Shattered Dreams dropkick, then quickly picked Stryker back up, only to hit The Rebirth and finish off the match!
Winner in 06:45 - Tyler Angel
Third Bout: Becoming A Predator?
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: N/A
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (1 RP cap)
Jacqui M v. Avalanche
Early in this match, both competitors tried to go for a stiff, brawling style. During this period, Avalanche clearly had the upper hand, with Monroe hardly able to put a shot in edgewise. The "Alpha Female" therefore decided to change tack, and, on the first opening, applied a drop toe hold to break Bruce McGraw's flurry of offence. She then went for a more methodical, submission style, but was frustrated to see McGraw either evade or break up each of her attempts - including, at one point, the standing legscissors submission known as Emasculation. In the end, she got lucky, as Avalanche momentarily let his hardcore instincts overtake him and tried to use a lead pipe on Monroe on the outside. The referee saw it and rang the bell, giving the female competitor a fortunate win.
Winner by DQ in 07:32 - "The Alpha Female", Jacqui M
After the bell has rung, and the winner has been announced, Jacqui M gets up and promptly requests a microphone from Ashley Sparxxx at ringside. Once the electronic device is in her possession, she wastes no time in venting her frustrations:
Jacqui M: Happy now, Big Johnny? Huh? You happy now?
The athletic female pauses briefly for effect, then snaps, her features stern:
Jacqui M: 'Cause I ain't!
She pauses again, to allow the pop, then goes on with her tirade:
Jacqui M: I'm tired of being a gap-filler. Got no opponent for someone? Throw Jacqui at them. Well NO MORE!
Another loud pop starts up, but the former blonde speaks right over it:
Jacqui M: I've decided to start staking my claim in this company. And I'm going to begin with someone who's come in acting like she's Queen Shit, but ran off with her tail between her legs the minute she was told who her opponent was!
Jacqui has another brief pause for effect, after which she turns to the ramp and the flatscreen above it, presumably directing her words at someone backstage or at home:
Jacqui M: That's right, miss Queen Bitch Phoenix. Don't think you can weasel out of this one. You and I have some unfinished business, missy, and I ain't backing off 'till we're even!
The former blonde stops to catch her breath, then continues:
Jacqui M: So bring whoever the fuck you want to back you up. Bring Big Johnny. Bring your boy toy Chelios. Bring Brock Fucking Lesnar, for all I care. But you and I are getting in that ring and facing each other, one way or another. Whether you like it or not!
The crowd pops massively for the "Alpha Female"'s determined words, as Jacqui allows herself a smug grin. The former blonde then motions to leave, but is stopped in her tracks by the flatscreen coming alive, with just the person she wanted to see!
With a slight twisted smirk on her face, former ACW owner Phoenix shows up on the screen.
Phoenix: You poor delusional child. The absurdity of your words is almost baffling but understanding the simplicity of your thought process I could easily see why you would assume that I would be afraid of you because I decided to not accept your little pathetic challenge. But to be frank my dear, you still are not a threat to me and it would seem wrong for someone such as myself to have to divulge and waste my talents on a nobody such as yourself. Someone that once used to look up to and marvel me but I see that your little success has gone to your head. But I would like you to understand something.
The smirk disappears into a stern emotionless state.
Phoenix: The things that I have experienced in my life would cause someone like yourself to commit suicide. So for you to attempt to even boast about yourself and how anybody, let alone me, fear you is beyond preposterous and is blasphemy at its purest. And as far as bringing anybody... understand I've dealt with men. Real men bigger, stronger, faster, more intelligent then you could ever fathom and destroyed them. You would be nothing more than a baby mouse being fed to a full grown python. The amount of energy that would need to be wasted to take care of something as insignificant as that would not be worth while. But since the little kitty wishes to get her little claws dirty and my previous engagements are taken care of I would be more than willing to make an example out of a putrid disgusting little bitch that parades herself as the "Alpha Female" and "Queen Bitch." But understand my dear, if you don't survive... forgive me for not shedding a tear.
As the former ACW owner and the company's prime female performer trade verbal jabs via satellite, another familiar theme song comes on, interrupting them both.
Money - Pink Floyd HD (Studio Version) - YouTube
Kareem Ali: Uh-oh! Them bitches done went and brought out the boss!
ACW GM John McHenry strides onto the platform, looking less than pleased. Without wasting time with unncessary introductions, he brings the mic in his hand to his lips and glares straight at Jacqui:
John McHenry: Man, the way you two flap your gums, you're like a couple of chicks having an argument! *Oh, wait...*
The crowd chuckles, in spite of themselves, as the current owner of the company now turns to his predecessor:
John McHenry: I don't know how it was in your time, Phoenix, but Monroe's got a point. I can't believe i'm agreeing with Monroe...but she's right. Under my rule, scores are settled in that ring.
The crowd pops loudly once again, as Phoenix looks flabbergasted, and starts trying to argue with her successor. McHenry seems to listen for a moment, then addresses both women again:
John McHenry: You know what, though?! I'm not stupid to be giving away pay-per-view caliber matches on a regular show. I want you two in the ring, yes; but I'm saving it for a special occasion. In the meantime...
The ACW owner smirks, savouring his upper hand:
John McHenry: In the meantime, each of you can choose a representative to do battle for you next week. After all, don't you ladies LOVE when two guys fight for your asses?
The primarily male crowd chuckles again, as Phoenix nods, seemingly in agreement. Jacqui goes one step further, and actually addresses McHenry:
Jacqui M: Anyone at all?
The owner nods, and the "Alpha Female" smirks:
Jacqui M: I know just the guy...
The GM glances towards her, not batting an eyelid, and deadpans:
John McHenry: Good. Now kindly vacate my ring. I need it for the next match.
And with this, he turns and leaves the ring, while the two women glare at one another.
Semi-Main Event: Settling A Score
Match Type: Tag
Stipulation: N/A
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap per Team)
RipperCussions v. Wisecrack & ?????
Prior to the match, Wisecrack announced that he would not wrestle, and 'his boys' would do it instead. Since it was too late to change the stipulation, this meant the bout would be a handicap against RipperCussions. The LWO manager than introduced his mystery partner, who turned out to be the mentally unstable patriarch of the Ripper clan, Jaxxon Ripper. This seemed to somewhat perturb his son, Jack, affecting his performance and his usual strong chemistry with his partner, Darren Pesinger. The insane clown posse seized on this weakness and, with the strenght of numbers on their side, quickly overpowered the Tag Team Champions. The match finished when the two Mexicans hit the Twin Terror on Jack Ripper, as Darren was distracted by Wisecrack. El Loko (or maybe Maddog) then tagged in Jaxxon Ripper, to cover his son and give the lunatics the win.
Winners in 10:02 - The Lunatic World Order & Jaxxon Ripper
As the hispanics and their cracked manager celebrate in the ring, "Money" by Pink Floyd hits for the second time that night, as a livid John McHenry appears on the ramp. Without wasting another second, the ACW owner angrily addresses the clowns:
John McHenry: Who the hell do you think you are, Wisecrack?! Change MY rules on me, why don't you?!
The face-painted manager gives the owner a sly grin:
Wisecrack: Sorry, Big John...but Winston Isaac Cracks don't wrassle!
The GM is even more furious at this retort, and all but yells into the mic:
John McHenry: You'll wrestle if i tell you to!
Then, with enormous effort, he calms himself down and regains the upper hand:
John McHenry: But you know what? Since you're so fond of handicaps, try this on for size: next week, on Adrenaline, it will be Jaxxon Ripper...
McHenry waves towards the confused-looking Ripper patriarch.
John McHenry: ...against RipperCussions....
He gestures towards the dazed, dizzy Tag Team Champions.
John McHenry: ...in a handicap match!
Then, with a gleefully wicked smile, he delivers the killer blow:
John McHenry: And if the LWO interfere...THEY'RE FIRED!
And with these words, received with a monstrous pop by the crowd, he turns his back on the aghast clowns and the grinning RipperCussions, and returns backstage.
As he is making his way to the locker room, to prepare for his match, he is intercepted by an unwelcome party:
Abram Vance: So...I heard ya picked Snow ta be yer partner ta'nite. Not a bad choice. Kid's got balls. BUT he's also got a hot temper and an ego three sizes too big. You'll want ta watch out f'r that.
Annoyed, McHenry spits:
John McHenry: What do you want?!
Unfazed by his boss's agressive tone, the International Champion nonchalantly retorts:
Abram Vance: To propose ya somethin'. If things don't work out ta'nite with Snow, an' ya need a new date f'r next week...well...I'm yer guy.
McHenry does not seem surprised by this proposal, but still eyes the International Champion warily, as if trying to figure out Vance's game. After a moment, he gives a noncommittal nod of the head:
John McHenry: I'll let you know.
And with this, he resumes the power-walk to the locker room, leaving the 'Leviathan' with his trademark sly smile on his lips.
Main Event: Counter-Strike
Match Type: Tag Team
Stipulation: N/A
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap per Team)
Eric Snow & John McHenry v. Syn & Zack Bronko (w/ Alexander Hamilton Cray)
The two teams were very evenly matched in our main event, even if McHenry showed a touch of ring rust. It was also a clean bout, with manager Alexander Hamilton Cray seeking to interfere numerous times, only to be told by his cliensts that they wanted to win clean.
The match really sizzled when the two smaller men were in the ring, at which point it became a symphony of reversals and athletic moves which clearly pleased the fans in attendance. At one point, Snow went for the X-Factor, but Syn rolled out of the way, then quickly responded with a standing moonsault for a near-fall. Whenever Bronko faced off to McHenry, the pace slowed down considerably, and the match became more about powerful strikes and locks. Bronko maintained a slight upper hand over his rustier opponent throughout, and got a near-fall with a Zackbreaker, with Snow breaking up the pin.
The finish came after Syn, in trouble against Eric Snow, got the hot tag to Bronko. The seven-footer came in clearing house, landing a Reality Check on Snow before throwing him to the corner and connecting with a massive running shoulder block. With Snow reeling and stumbling around, it was not hard for "The Revolution" to drag him to the centre of the ring and appy a Zackbreaker to finish him off. The show goes off-air with the "alliance of convenience" that Martin Mays dubbed "RevoluSyn" celebrating, as McHenry exits, berating Snow all the way to the back.
Winners in 15:34 - "RevoluSyn", Syn & Zack Bronko

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