Adrenaline Episode Sixteen: Jacqui M. v Avalanche

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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Third Bout: Becoming A Predator?
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: N/A
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (1 RP cap)
Jacqui M v. Avalanche

If you want feedback on your roleplay, please leave a visible message on your roleplay asking for it. If not, please do not spam this thread with unnecessary OOC talk.
ONE RP cap with all RPs due by Wednesday August 15, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​


Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
(The following video was uploaded to both the OfficialACW YouTube channel and the private account of NotYourAverageBlonde. It was later posted on's Interactive section.)

The scene opens to a sparse background: a dark grey futon couch set up against a dark-green wall. The only other thing visible in the shot is the lower half of a framed artwork of some kind, which rests directly above the head of the person sitting on the couch, and commanding the viewer's attention. This is none other than ACW superstar Jacqui M, first seen calmly lighting a cigarette, the lighter held some distance away from her face. After taking one long, delighted drag, the female superstar leans forward, resting her hands on her knees, as she addresses the camera:

Jacqui M: So...the big bitch is back, huh?! And she wants a piece of Zack... Well, lemme tell ya somethin', ain't getting so much as a minute of Zack's time if you're too chicken to even face up to me. That's right, Phoenix...I see right through your front."Prior commitments" my ass!

The former blonde pauses a moment, giving the camera her most sarcastic smirk, then proceeds:

Jacqui M: And you *should* be afraid. After all, they may call you the Queen Bitch, or whatever, but they call ME the "Alpha Female"! And you know what Alpha females do? They put other bitches in their place! And you may think I've been a little off my rocker lately, and you'd be right. But honey, I'm back. And I'm still perfectly capable of teaching chickenshits like you a lesson!

Another pause, after which the superstar changes the subject, but not the sarcastic tone of her words:

Jacqui M: But oh, no, Pretty Pony Princess Phoenix had "prior commitments". She was too afwaid of widdle ol' Jacqui! And of course, once she flakes out, Big Johnny turns around and puts me against his brother. I mean, duh. Everyone knows good ol' Jacks is just a hole-filler, right? A curtain-jerker. 'Enhancement talent'. And little brother's gotta look good after blowing his shot with Chelios, right? BULLSHIT!

The former blonde's tone rises, as she now becomes visibly more agitated:

Jacqui M: I'm tired of not knowing my place. Tired of being a stopgap, a nobody. In the PWA...and hell, I know how you all hate to even hear that name! It's like it's taboo to say PWA. PWA is a swearword. Don't anybody dare say PWA! We don't talk about the PWA! ...Where was I?

The butch female wrestler flashes another sardonic grin at the camera before proceeding:

Jacqui M: Oh place. See, in that company, I knew where it was. Sure, I was in the midcard, and sure, I was fighting a bunch of dumb ditzes most of the time. But I knew where I stood. I knew where I was going to be in the next card. I knew how far I could get. Here? Hell if I know! One week I'm a curtain jerker, the next I'm semi-main event or some shit, because yet another guy decides he's had enough of Big Johnny's shit... Well, I've had enough of his shit, too. It's time I take my fate back out of your hands, Ace. And I'm

And with these words, and another mysterious grin, Jacqui gets up from the couch and reaches over to switch off the camera.
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John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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Avalanche sits alone in his gym the lights turned off only a small glow coming from the office. His phone begins to vibrate on the ring next to him. He flips it over. John McHenry flashes on the screen as he silences the phone.

Avalanche stands looking down at the phone he stares at it for a moment before heading out the door. He looks both ways before heading across the street as the Ltrain roars overhead.

Avalanche takes off running down the street like a bullet.

He looks around. He turns to look behind him.

Avalanche: Where the hell am I?

Avalanche reaches for his phone he pats the outside of his pants as he realizes it’s still laying on the mat in the gym. He chuckles to himself for a moment.

Avalanche: Lost no matter what I’m doing.

He turns facing the direction he came from.

Avalanche: No that’s not it. I came from there but that doesn’t take me to where I want to go.

Avalanche takes off running again. Stopping a few minutes later as sirens scream by in the distance the only thing in sight crumbled buildings.

Avalanche: So if that’s where I came from where do I want to go?
Avalanche takes off running again. He slows down once he starts seeing cars a few people on the street even as late as it is. He slowly approaches one but changes directions when the guy gives him a shifty look.

Avalanche: Hmph seems like this is better then before? Damn it quit playing mind games with yourself. You know how to get back to the gym you know the damn address and all you have to do is call a cab. So this is about your career you lost a title match and you feel that you’re better than the opponent. So what do you want?

Avalanche takes off again at a slow jog talking to himself.

Avalanche: I obviously want the Predator title. Now I’m in a match agains Jacqui? I guess it’s to earn my spot? What the hell is that I was one of two guys that won a tournament to go after it, where the hell was Jacqui. Why is she even involved? Do I care why? I mean other than the fact shes a girl who cares? I’ve never had an overblown ego about what I was entitled to or I deserved.

Avalanche reaches the steps of the gym.

Avalanche: That’s just it. I have been I’ve been seeing myself as above these people and not wanting to admit it. Hell I’ve been seeing myself as above my own brother. I resent being here even though I chose to come here. Now I’ve chosen to go after the Predator title. My fat head lost me the belt and I’m trying to pin my failures somewhere else. Not anymore. Now it’s just time to get Hardcore.