ACW Striking Distance: Nicky Trix (c) v. Abram Vance

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Mar 18, 2012
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Semi-Main Event 2: ACW International Championship
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: ACW International Championship
Time Limit: 40 Minutes (4 RP Cap)
Nicky Trix (c) v. Abram Vance

If you are not in this match, don't post in this thread. If you are in this match, don't spam it up with OOC talk.
FOUR RP cap with all RPs due by Wednesday July 11, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​

Rated R Superstar

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
Nicky sat in his home, watching some old tapes of his father. His father was a great wrestler, and he couldn’t believe all the man had accomplished. He was truly thankful to have his father as his trainer. Especially a man of his size, Nicky knew it was difficult. For a man such as Toby Trix to train a young man as small and short as Nicky was no easy task. As he continued to watch in total wonder of what it would have been like to see his father in his prime, he felt a little nervous. Vance also came from that era; Vance had that same rough mentality. Much to everybody else’s imagination, Vance was no washed up old man. The man had real talent when motivated. Nicky knew this; he’d seen it a long time ago. As he watched his father do battle with Ricky Steamboat, he couldn’t help but be extremely proud. Steamboat had gone onto be a huge legend, a man whom everybody still remembered and loved. Since his father’s retirement, nobody even knew what happened to him. Nicky looked into the kitchen where his father was baking some cookies with the children. It was kind of their tradition, they loved baking with grandpa. Nicky loved to see the smiles on all of their faces. He looked back at the TV just to see Ricky pin his father in an epic match up. It was to determine the number one contender for a title. Nicky couldn’t remember which one it was though. Suddenly his phone rang. Calling out that he would answer it, he picked it up. He looked at the Caller ID and saw that his brother was calling. Nicky let out a sigh as he answered the phone.

Nicky Trix: “Hey Donnie...â€

Donnie said something on the other line, Nicky was immediately irritated.

Nicky Trix: “I don’t know man; I haven’t faced either one of them. I...â€

Donnie interrupted him on the other end.

Nicky Trix: “Listen dude, you’ll just have to go in there blind. I don’t know what they’re capable of, I mean... What? Yeah he’s here, why?â€

Nicky listened on for a little bit until he finally put the phone on speaker for everybody to hear.

Nicky Trix: “Go ahead Donnie.â€

Donnie Trix: “Hey, dad? What do you think I should do in my match? I don’t know anything about these guys.â€

Toby let out a sigh as he didn’t know how to answer.

Toby Trix: “Just do your best son; I don’t know what else to tell you. This Angel guy seems like he could be another speedy guy. I haven’t read his profile yet, so I don’t know. DeSanto looks to want to prove himself, so he’ll give everything he has in the match. You have the most to prove, so go out there with that state of mind.â€

A muffled sound comes from the other line. Everybody in the room falls silent as a loud scream is heard. Nicky instantly gets on the defensive, trying to figure out what it going on. There is no reply. A loud bang is heard. Following that large bang a sound of almost fighting takes place. Muffled voices could be heard arguing. Nicky didn’t know what to do; he could only listen on in horror as his brother seemed to be in a fight. It all seemed to stop, as if all involved had decided it was enough. Nicky waited to hear for his brother’s voice. He knew he shouldn’t have to worry so much however; his brother was capable of handling himself in a fight. A voice spoke finally after nearly five minutes of silence.

Muffled Voice: “Have our money soon, or it’s gonna be real bad for you, understand?â€

Nicky assumed that it was an uneven fight as the muffled voice laughed and left, with another pair of foot prints following him. Nicky began to shout into the phone, calling for his brother. Everybody in the room looked on in horror. Even if they didn’t see what had transpired, they knew it wasn’t good. Finally after another few minutes silence, deep breathing could be heard. It was heavy, and coming way too fast, Nicky knew that Donnie had lost the fight.

Nicky Trix: “Donnie, are you okay?â€

Another short burst of heavy breathing came from the other line. Everybody waited patiently, allowing Donnie to catch his breath. He finally answered.

Donnie Trix: “I’m good, just a couple of punks. Those guys I owe money are really desperate for that money it seems.â€

Nicky couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His brother was seemingly laughing off everything that had just transpired. It was as if he wasn’t taking it seriously. Nicky was growing quite frustrated with how his brother was acting about all of this. In nearly two week’s time of constantly being harassed by these mafia type guys, Donnie had been content on not caring. It really bothered Nicky to think that Donnie didn’t care about any of this. He spoke his mind about it too.

Nicky Trix: “You messed up bad man; you seriously should have come to us about it.â€

An agitated sigh came from the phone.

Donnie Trix: “I’m not a fucking child Nicky!â€

Nicky wasn’t too fond of that language being used, especially when his children were within earshot of the conversation. He looked at his kids who were all looking at him. His father had a disapproving look on his face.

Nicky Trix: “Right now you’re acting like one. You always do this-“

Toby stepped in, using his almost infamous intervening voice. He always used it every time Nicky and Donnie would start arguing.

Toby Trix: “Enough! Donnie, we’ll all talk like a family, together tomorrow. Right now, I want to you to relax, stay safe and stay somewhere else for the night. Now, you both have a match at Striking Distance. Nicky has an extremely important match, defending his title. Abram Vance is no easy task, and Nicky needs to stay focused. You are debuting, so you need to get your act together. I’ll call you tomorrow.â€

Toby walked over to the phone and hung up on Donnie before saying another word. He looked at Nicky and gave him that all knowing look. It was clear that Toby had a plan, and it was also clear that he was tired of all this drama.


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Mar 18, 2012
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Abram Vance: Roleplay #1 of 4
The Fall (Part 1) [Untelevised]

Abram Vance sits in the shadows of what appears to be a dim, decaying bar. His trademark Ray-Bans rest comfortably on his face, concealing his identity. He sports a long-sleeved, black Under Armour shirt and a pair of loose fitting, black jeans, allowing him to easily blend with the dark atmosphere. Vance lightly fingers a small glass of whiskey resting on the table in front of him. The monotonous motion suggests that he is deep in thought, almost troubled about something.

What’s her angle?
It’s not in the bitch’s nature to play nice, but she was ass kissin’ mode last week.
Somethin’ gotta’ be up.

He stares at the bar area nearby- his eyes intensely locked on a familiar pale skin woman sitting on a stool just off the counter. The woman clutches a bottle of Bud Light and talks with a younger, good-looking male.

Poor sucker, doesn’t even know what he’s gettin’ himself into.
Luckily for em’, Imma’ put her in her place tanite’.

Vance angrily clutches the glass but just sits in silence, maintaining the intense, almost creepy, stare, searching for something that might tip off the woman’s ambiguous agenda. The woman cracks a final, inaudible joke and laughs with her companion before standing and departing with a kiss.

Using her charm to score some drinks and dumpin’ the young pup when she gets tired of him.

Her companion latches onto her hand, attempting to goad her into staying for another drink, but she politely refuses with a dismissive nod. Vance finally gets a clean look at her, confirming his beliefs that the woman is his arch nemesis and new on-screen manager, Beki Rayce. He slowly sips his drinks as she begins to head towards the exit. Vance cautiously stands from his seat but pauses when Rayce stops in the doorway. She throws a final glance back towards her younger companion, and as she swivels her head back to look straight, her eyes quickly fall on Vance’s corner.

Did she see me?

Sweat begins to droop down his forehead as his nerves roar within. He non-chalantly drops back onto his seat, and Rayce seems to take the bait, simply shrugging her shoulders.

Is it worth it?
If the bitch catches me stalkin’ her, it’ll be my job…
Eh, if I keep lettin’ the whore run free, it’ll be my job anyways.

She slips her phone from her pocket and quickly types what appears to be a text. She reads it over before nodding her head, satisfied, and sending it. She shoves the phone back into her pocket and exits the bar, cautiously glancing left and right before leaving the door frame.

Why so suspicious Rayce?
Scared you’re bein’ watched, hah.

A determined Vance quickly slips out of the chair but stumbles drunkenly towards the door, drawing far too much attention to himself. Rayce’s younger companion shoots him a glance. His eyes lock onto the drunken Vance, and he squints while cocking his head curiously to the side, almost as if he recognizes the Indy legend.

Usin’ my name to get laid, eh, Rayce?

After a moment, the man shakes his head, clearly not recognizing Vance, and proceeds by rolling his eyes, probably writing Vance off as an old drunk in his head.

Who am I kiddin’?
My fans have all died off, ha.
No one’s goin’ to pay to see an old, washed up ‘Indy Legend’.

Vance just smiles as his face flushes a shade of bright red, attempting to appear embarrassed and concealing his true emotions. Vance shoves the door open and slips out in the warm, summer night. He observes his surroundings and notices his target walking swiftly about a half block down. She seems to be looking at the sidewalk, possibly attempting to conceal her face. Vance quickly takes off after her as she disappears left into a typical New York alley.

Disappearing into dark alleys?
This could be interestin’.

His pace slows after a few steps as he begins clutching at his knee, a grimacing, painful expression on his face.

Damn knee.
Need to get my hands on some more Vicodin.

The old wrestler shakes off the soreness and continues following Rayce’s path. He reaches the alley and leans up against the adjacent wall, listening for voices and searching for shadows that could give away Rayce’s position. After a brief moment, he detects only distant whispers and slips into the alleyway. Vance takes a few steps into it before crouching behind a large, red dumpster. He peaks his head out from behind the dumpster and stares towards Rayce and a man conversing at the end of the alleyway. The man dons all black including a hoodie with the hood drawn, black sunglasses, and baggy black sweat pants. The conversation seems to have just started, and the surprised expression on the man’s face points to Rayce being an unexpected visitor.

Hangin’ with shady characters?
Bitch is up to somethin’.

Rayce’s back is turned to Vance, so he’s blind to her expressions. His eyes slowly travel down her body as discreetly checks her out, losing focus on the task at hand.

She might be a bitch, but she’s still gotta’ killa’ ass.

Vance chuckles softly to himself before turning his attention to the hooded man with her. The friendly smile on the man’s face suggests the two are familiar with each other. They share a few brief words until Rayce playfully punches the man in the shoulder, and the sound of laughter fills the empty, confirming Vance’s suspicions that the two are at least familiar.

First the guy at the bar and now this clown, someone’s getting’ around, ain’t they?
Such loyalty…

Rayce reaches into her pocket and slips out a roll of money. She offers it up to the shady man, but he politely refuses it. Vance immediately sits up and exposes himself a bit more from behind the dumpster, attempting to decipher the unexpected chain of events occurring before his eyes. His eyes expand, clearly shocked by the turn of events.

Is that whore usin’ again?

The man waves off the money and confidently mutters the words ‘this one’s on me’. Rayce playfully caresses his chest, clearly manipulating the guy, as he smiles graciously. He slips his hand into his hoodie and carefully removes a large Zip-Lock bag filled with average sized, white pills.

Pills? PILLS?
Is she tryin’ to set me up?

She nods thankfully and quickly stashes them down her own baggy sweatshirt. The two turn towards the exit of the alleyway, and Vance quickly disappears behind the dumpster, completely out of sight. The two pass him unknowingly, and the man immediately exits. Rayce hangs back out of sight and slips her cell phone from her pocket. She flips it open and begins typing furiously on her phone. After a minute, Vance’s phone begins vibrating in his jeans. He immediately clutches his pocket, groping for the ignore button, and hoping Rayce won’t notice his unwelcomed presence.

I knew she saw me in the bar.

He shoots her a glance, assuring her divided attention, before cautiously walking to the opposite side of the dumpster and slipping behind it. Vance sighs inaudibly, hoping he just dodged a bullet, as he leans against the dumpster. He slowly slips down its surface until he hits the concrete below, sweat dripping from his brow. Vance shakes off the close call and slips his phone from his pocket. He flips it open and nervously reads the text message from Rayce.

Need to talk w/ u ASAP.

Vance drops the phone on his lap and peaks around the dumpster. Fortunately for him, Rayce has disappeared, and on cue, he lets out a relieved sigh.

Close call, old man. Not as sly as I once was.
But those pills, what’s her game?
She’s gotta be playin’ me, and those pills have somethin’ to do with it.
Think it’s bout’ time to put the bitch in her place.
I’m done lettin’ her fuck wit’ me.

~*~*~*~*~*END OF SCENE*~*~*~*~*~
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Rated R Superstar

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
Nicky Trix: “He did what?!â€￾

Nicky shouted into the phone. He couldn’t what he had just heard on the other line. His father explaining the whole situation that Donnie now found himself in. Donnie was now facing some serious charges from the parents of the young girl Donnie was caught with. Nicky actually couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It sounded way too far-fetched. He didn’t think his brother was that stupid, but he had been proven wrong it would seem. Nicky hated how childish and selfish his younger brother could be, it really didn’t help him focus, that was for sure. He looked over at his children who all seemed to be looking at him intently as he spoke in a raised voice on the phone. He knew it bothered them when he was upset. He sighed as he understood what he had to do.

Nicky Trix: “Hey dad? I’ll have to call you back later on okay?â€￾

Today marked the anniversary of his wife’s death, and he knew his children remembered it all too well. He hated to think about it, but knew that he had no choice but to embrace it. He sent a text message to his father explaining the situation, only to receive a reply back saying that he was going to pick up Donnie and meet at the usual place. Nicky didn’t really want to do this; every year just seemed to cause him more pain. He knew however that he couldn’t forget, this was the woman he had planned to be with for the rest of his life before the death. He knew it was pretty much tradition for both parts of the family to get together and just reminisce. He just hoped his father wouldn’t get into another spat with Kari’s father. Sam Ruthgow, the man was a stubborn one. He never much liked the Trix family, always saying their profession was that of dreams and fantasy. Toby took those comments to heart as he had pretty much grown up and lived the wrestling business.

It was something that Nicky cherished. After his children, and overall his family, wrestling was the most important thing in his life. He just loved it. Especially for a guy with his height and agility, he had a blast wowing the crowd anywhere he went. And now he would be catering to a bigger crowd in Irving Plaza. Hopefully he’d be able to meet the same kind of status his father has and get on the big stage to show the world his talents. Nicky knew however that this would be wishful thinking. In the end, it didn’t matter to him. He was making a steady pay check, he was giving the small crowds he worked their money’s worth. At the end of the day, the fans would go home happy. He then thought of Kari’s mother and sister, both of whom had supported Nicky, even if Sam didn’t. Stacey, Kari’s oldest sister loved watching wrestling. Although he knew she enjoyed watching the tough looking men fight each other with their shirts off. He couldn’t help but smile at that.

And Sarah was just a supportive woman. She loved Nicky like he was her son, and he truly appreciated that. Ever since what happened to his mother, he never really had a mother to talk to for support. Sarah had given him that. He looked around the people surrounding his dead wife’s grave. Tears began to slowly make their way down his cheek as he remembered all the cherished memories he had with Kari. Suddenly raised voices brought him back to reality.

Sam Ruthgow: “I appreciate your dumbass son showing up sober this time!â€￾

Sam exclaimed loudly. Nicky knew right away that yet again, another fight was going to break out on this day. It was a constant thing between the two older men of the two families. They had a personal feud that just couldn’t be won by either side. Nicky just sighed in disappointment as his father replied on cue.

Toby Trix: “You know what Ruthgow! I’m sick of your constant verbal attacks on my boys. You need to learn to shut up before I make you!â€￾

Sam didn’t back down from the challenge it seemed.

Sam Ruthgow: “Heading straight for the threats already eh Trix? Why am I not surprised? You muscle bound idiots always assume that threatening the smaller guys will just cause us to wither away. It’s just mental how you think!â€￾

Nicky attempted to intervene to try and cease any kind of verbal fire might be shot from his side of the family, but Donnie was nearly ready jump on Sam and spat at him.

Donnie Trix: “Fuck you, you piece of shit!â€￾

This time Sarah intervened, but it didn’t do much.

Sarah Ruthgow: “Watch your language in front of the children!â€￾

Nicky knew this was heading south fast, and he knew he couldn’t do anything about it. He just felt so ashamed that his family would stoop so low as to start with this stuff again. Every year it was the same thing. He looked over at Stacey who was trying her best to stay out of the conversation, stay almost neutral in this war of words. Nicky usually had to play the mediator for most of this. He was sick of it.

Sam Ruthgow: “Ah, Donnie, so glad you’re actually speaking fluid English this time. I have grown very tired of trying to decipher your language. But that? I understood that, you’re as uneducated as you look you moron!â€￾

Donnie looked ready to just burst with anger, Toby stopped him however. Toby looked around to see other grievers at other graves looking at them all. He knew this was not the time or place to be having this argument. He looked back at Sam and spoke.

Toby Trix: “You’re a waste of space in my eyes. I’d love to continue this petty argument with you, but this not the time nor is it the place to be having it. We are here to celebrate your daughter’s life, not grieve for her death. And look at how much you’re hurting my boy right now by constantly attacking us like you do. He hates this day, and you know why? It’s a constant reminder of what has lost, and I know Kari’s death hit you hard too, but that boy loved her! He deserves the same amount of respect you would give your own daughter.â€￾

Sam looked up at the slightly taller man. He knew just as much as Toby did that their arguing was hurting everybody else at the grave of his daughter. He knew he had to stop it, if at least for this one moment.

Sam Ruthgow: “You’re right Toby, you’re right.â€￾

And with his agreement with Toby, everybody stood at the grave of Kari Trix in silence, as they all silently grieved or celebrated her life.


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Mar 18, 2012
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Abram Vance: Roleplay #2 of 4
The Fall (Part 2) [Untelevised]

Vance sits in a decaying Toyota Camry in the parking lot of what appears to be a small New York Convention Center. He clutches an outdated flip phone in his hand and stares at the screen.

Beki Rayce: Autograph signing. 1 PM. Usual spot. Be on time and DON’T show up drunk.

He looks at the time on his dashboard, and it reads ‘1:45 P.M.’. With a satisfied smile, he turns his key in the ignition and stares at himself in the mirror. He shakes his head in dismay.

She’ll never believe I’m wasted lookin’ like this.

Truth is, Vance had remained sober since following Rayce three days ago. The paranoia stemming from her recent actions had filled the void that was usually filled by alcohol and pain killers. In an attempt to appear drunk, he bends the collar of his undershirt awkwardly and begins ruffling his clothes, attempting to appear unkempt. He proceeds by vigorously rubbing his face till it’s a bright red, a shade similar to that when he wakes up after a hangover. Finally, he tosses his trademark dark Ray-Bans that he always sports when attempting to conceal a hangover.

That’ll fool the dumb bitch.
Drunk and late? (Excitedly) She’s goin’ to be pissed!

With a satisfied nod, he slips out of his car, dragging a large ACW athletic bag out with him. Vance heads towards a pair of decaying doors that appear to lead to the back area of the convention center. He slips inside to see a run down, unlit, dusty area. ACW stage hands scurry around preparing the ‘superstars’ of the International division for their autograph signing. Vance chuckles at the disarray around him.

(Sarcastically) Only the finest accommodations for the ACW ‘Superstars’, right?

Vance rolls his eyes before setting eyes on the woman who been in his head for the past few days, Beki Rayce. She saunters over, and he excitedly searches for that look of fury on her face but, disappointedly, finds nothing. As usual, Rayce is dressed in tight fitting black yoga pants that accentuate her figure, a figure that Vance has seemingly been noticing more often as of late, and a black polo with an ACW logo on it. She tightly clutches the clipboard to her chest, but there seems to be something in between her chest and the board. Vance stares at it curiously, but Rayce cuts him off with a blunt question after soaking in his disheveled appearance.

Beki Rayce: “You drunk?”

Vance smiles happily before slurring his response in a sarcastic tone.

Abram Vance: “Yeah…. And late.”

Vance has to clench his hands in fist to prevent himself from fidgeting excitedly in anticipation for Rayce’s blow ups. She watches him closely, as if she expected the anxious reaction that Vance is attempting to suppress. After a brief stare, she shrugs her shoulders and informs him nonchalantly.

Beki Rayce: “Yeah, the signing doesn’t start till two. Figured you’d show up late, so I told you one.”

Rayce smiles innocently, throwing salt on Vance’s metaphorical fresh wound. He attempts to remain calm.

The bitch played me, again. AGAIN!
How the hell can I win over the fuckin’ smarks and secure that damn belt if this whore ruins every ploy I try.

Vance crosses his arms on his chest and calmly stares at the overly confident Rayce. She looks down at her clipboard, or more specifically, whatever she’s concealing between her clipboard and her chest, attempting to appear uninterested. Vance begins to turn away, conceding defeat for now, before Rayce asks politely.

Beki Rayce: “So, where you been lately, Abe?”

She must’ve saw me.
How the hell do I get outta’ this one?

A clearly alarmed Vance slowly turns to face Rayce, and he nearly reels back in horror at the expression on her face. The knowing smile, the questioning eyebrow, the solid stance. It all points to a certain confidence that just screams ‘gotcha’. Attempting to maintain his cover, he defensively barks out.

Abram Vance: “What’s it to ya’?”

Rayce makes eye contact with him as she responds, likely attempting to detect any lies. Her tone seems cold, with just the slightest, unusual touch of hurt trembling in her voice.

Beki Rayce: “You never responded to my text.”

Hah, she doesn’t know.
She’s just on my case cuz’ I didn’t respond to her.
(Annoyed) Typical woman.

Vance’s suspicions are confirmed as she defensively crosses her arms on her chest and shifts her weight to one foot, appearing almost defenseless. Vance fires back sarcastically.

Abram Vance: “Spent the last few days with ma’ friends, Jack and Daniels.”

Rayce plays along with Vance’s sarcasm, offering up a meek giggle. She responds playfully.

Beki Rayce: “Keep spending so much time with them and people might get the wrong idea…”

Rayce flashes Vance a cheeky smile, concealing the traces of raw emotion from minutes ago. He responds with a light chuckle. Surprisingly, she suddenly grabs him by the arm and pulls him off into the corner, concealing the pair in shadows and offering some privacy. She quickly clutches the thing she had been hiding between her chest and the clipboard and shoves it into Vance’s chest. Abe looks on confused as his eyes fall upon the bag of pills from the other night. He stands speechless, mouth agape, as Rayce quietly fills him in, a trace of concern evident in her voice.

Beki Rayce: “When I said we need to talk, I meant about that.”

She points emphatically at the bag of pills before continuing.

Beki Rayce: “I picked them up from an old friend after I saw you limping. I figured a little Vicodin would help with the knee.”

Vance nods gratefully before stashing them discreetly in his bag. The two head towards the curtain separating the backstage area from the autograph area where anxious fans eagerly await the wrestlers of the International division. A look of the utmost concern rests on Vance’s face as he follows closely at Rayce’s heels. He manages to squeak out a question to keep appearances up while trying to figure out Rayce’s motive.

Abram Vance: “So, what’s the deal here?”

The pills are for me?
She’s gotta’ be settin’ me up. Probably is goin’ to have someone search my bag during this stupid session.
But, the bitch seemed genuinely concerned. Did I win her over?
… Naw, it’s gotta’ be an act. Can’t trust her.

Beki Rayce: “Usual autograph session. Meet and greet. Be yourself. Pose for pictures.”

Vance nods along, pretending to listen despite actually being deep in thought, but Rayce stops in her track and emphasizes the next line, commanding the paranoid wrestler’s attention.

Beki Rayce: “Just a warning, I haven’t told them Trix isn’t coming”

Vance gives her a confused look, surprised by the lack of the fan favorite’s presence. She responds quickly.

Beki Rayce: “Need clearance for the show cuz’ of the leg…. So, expect some attitude from the fans .”

As Rayce prepares herself to announce the start of the autograph session, Vance continues to prod her with playful comments.

Abram Vance: “What, ya’ scared they’re goin’ to riot when ya’ announce it?”

Rayce looks up at him with a smile on her face and responds jokingly.

Beki Rayce: “Not anymore, since you’re here to protect me.”

Vance bursts out laughing at the comment before responding with a joke of his own.

Abram Vance: “If by protect, ya’ mean let them trample ya’, ya’ bet your ass I’ll protect ya’.”

Rayce responds with her own shrill laughing fit. Vance peaks his head out at the crowd, attempting to get a good look at what he’s in for. Fat housewives and the geriatrics trying to recapture their youth through others seem to fill the crowd. With a sigh, Vance says sarcastically.

Abram Vance: “Can’t blame ya’. Those buffalos would tear ya’ to pieces in a riot.”

Rayce chuckles lightly as she begins working on her make-up. Vance turns attention to his personal line and drops his head in dismay. Seemingly the entire line consists of fat, older women still chasing their childhood crush, wrestling legend Abram Vance. He barks back at Rayce, clearly annoyed.

Abram Vance: “Didn’t know I attract so many whales.”

Instead of the usual playful chuckle, Rayce responds with a jest of her own.

Beki Rayce: “Don’t be so picky. Not many people want to take a ride on that dusty dick ya’ got down there.”

She flashes him a mocking smile, and despite the sting of the insult, he can’t manage to hold back his chuckle. He flashes her a defensive yet amused look that just screams ‘touché’ as Rayce pushes through the curtain to the other side. She begins announcing the Striking Distance autograph session as Vance leans impatiently against a nearby crate. When she announces Trix missing the session, a loud sigh sounds throughout the complex, and Vance rolls his eyes in disgust.

Stupid casual fans.
Eatin’ up the baby face as usual.

Rayce announces his name, and Vance immediately steps out from behind the curtain. He puts on his best enthusiastic smile and waves out at the crowd, attempting to turn around the mood. As Vance scans the crowd, he sees far too many disappointed faces, likely due to the Trix announcement.

Too fuckin’ bad, your precious golden boy ditched ya’.
Now you’re stuck with me. The ‘Indy Legend’.

Rayce announces the remaining superstars as Vance carefully lays his bag down next to his seat, making sure it’s out of everyone’s reach. He takes a seat and signals for the first woman to step up, an overweight, forty somethin’ lady with a double chin and an enthusiastic smile on her sagging face. Vance does everything in his power to prevent himself from rolling his eyes. As he exchanges polite conversation, signs the autograph and begrudgingly poses for a picture, a kid and his mother about ten people deep in the line start arguing.

Kid: “I wanted to see NICKY, mommy. Not HIM!”

The kid points directly at Vance, as if accusing him of some heinous crime. An angered Vance bites his lip but signals for the next person in line. The kid continues to complain, and his mother carelessly ignores him. Vance clutches his fists in anger, attempting to keep control. He signs for two more older women as the kid continues to whine, nearing the front of the line. The kid shouts another disparaging comment.

Kid: “No one likes Vance! He’s old! I want NICKY!”

A furious Vance slams his fists into the table and jumps from his feet. He violently shoves the table over and marches towards the kid and his mother. He quickly drops to a squat so that he’s face to face with him and angrily barks.

Abram Vance: “Hey kid, stop the fuckin’ cryin’. ACW’s golden boy ain’t comin’.”

The woman immediately steps between her son and Vance and screams back in defense.

Woman: “Don’t talk to my child like that!”

Vance chuckles at the woman’s sudden attention for her child.

Abram Vance: “Would’t have to if ya’ trained the damn thing.”

The woman’s mouth falls agape in disgust. She slams her foot into the ground, and her hands shoot to her hips as she lashes out at Vance.

Woman: “Listen here, buddy, I don’t need a washed up drunk who makes his living wearing tights and groping younger men to tell ME how to parent.”

The woman pivots her head with attitude and snaps her fingers in his face like the stereotypical woman. Vance chuckles lightly, shakes his head in disbelief, and flicks the woman off. She stares on in shock as Vance brushes past her and heads for the exit, the whole convention center staring on in silence. Rayce remains behind the autograph tables, smiling. Before he reaches the door, a hand touches his shoulder, and he reels around, ready to punch whoever touched him. The teenage boy cringes back, covering his face with his hands, but Vance doesn’t swing. The boy asks desperately.

Boy: “Can I please get an autograph?”

Vance immediately growls bluntly back while forcing the door open.

Abram Vance: “Fuck off, kid.”

The teen follows Vance into the parking lot, refusing to take no for an answer.

Boy: “C’mon, just a quick one. I waited for an hour!”

Vance turns around and ruthlessly shoves the kid into a nearby wall. The kid stumbles backwards before colliding with the brick, and Vance traps him against the wall, screaming into his face.


The kid just looks on defensively and maintaining silence.

Abram Vance: “DON'T YOU SEE KID, I’m a has been! A nobody... WHY THE FUCK WOULD YA’ WANT MA’ AUTOGRAPH?”

The kid remains silent as a furious Vance storms off into the parking lot, punching cars angrily.

~*~*~*~*~*END OF SCENE*~*~*~*~*~
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Rated R Superstar

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
Yet another cloudy day in Dallas as Nicky sat in his kitchen reading the paper. This early in the morning, his children still in bed, he knew was the only time for himself for a while. He was reading about a young girl who had been shot during a robbery. After reading more of it, he understood that she was the one robbing the place. Supposedly she was the one in charge of the whole operation and was just caught in a bad spot. It saddened him that a girl that young had to die, but at the same time he couldn’t help but think that she was partly at fault for it. He looked outside to see someone walking their dog as another person jogged in the early morning. The gray sky looked to threaten them with another downpour of rain. With his leg still in all sorts of pain, he dared not go out for a jog. He did however, have some small exercises that would help with the healing process.

He suddenly noticed an article in the sports section that he was nonchalantly scanning. The title of the article was aptly named “Trix, They Aren’t Just For Kids!†This caught his attention. He didn’t expect to have anything like this, especially with a small company like ACW. But there it was, in black and white. A picture of him performing his finishing move in the middle of the rather large article. The article itself spoke wonders of him. He couldn’t contain the smile that threatened to grace his lips. It spoke of when he was growing up, his childhood living under the roof of a wrestling legend. The article at one point went so far as to call him the golden boy of ACW. Taking into account his happiness he is not shy to show when he is in the ring. Telling of how he was slowly becoming the most favorite wrestler in the company. That one statement made him really think of what he was doing.

It made him feel like he was doing exactly what he had hoped he was doing. Not only was he doing something he loved, but the fans loved it. He didn’t hide the fact that he loved doing what he did for the fans. He made sure it showed every time he stepped out from the curtain. Since growing up in the business around some legends, his father included, he had quickly understood the joy most wrestlers had in the business. Since getting into the business himself, he understood it even more. Much like the legend he loved to watch when he was a kid, wrestling had become a part of who he was. The support of the fans bolstering their moral to great heights, it was a wonderful feeling. Being the underdog of the company, mostly due to his height, the fans truly loved him. He couldn’t even go to the grocery store without someone asking for an autograph.

As he continued to read the article he fell upon another name he actually wasn’t expecting. It mentioned his friend Max Ripper, and he couldn’t quite figure it out until he read further down. They claimed that Max Ripper was his inspiration, more so in part of the fact that they both started in XWE around the same time. They mentioned how Max was the more successful of the two; claiming many titles within the company where as Nicky was only able to obtain one. That was all a part of his heel run as the general manager of the show. Although he did feel that he deserved it, considering how much time and work he had put into the company. As he read on they started to focus more on his career. He smiled once more as it began to mention his title win over Eric Snow at Overdrive. Telling of the two amazing matches both men had together when wrestling for the belt. It then started to discuss his title defense against Abram Vance on July thirteenth. It even went so far as to suggest that Nicky’s days were numbered when put against a veteran such as Vance. He was slightly upset about that statement until his boys voice brought him back to reality.

Scotty Trix: “Daddy, what’s for breakfast?â€

The young boy asked as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. His hair disheveled as he wore his power rangers pajamas, carrying his favorite dinosaur toy. Nicky smiled at his little boy. He couldn’t imagine what life would be like without his children. They brought more joy to his life than any match he could ever dream of. He looked around for a little bit as he thought of what they could have for breakfast. He wasn’t sure what they had, so he looked in the fridge. He smiled as he saw some things that they could have.

Nicky Trix: “How about bacon and eggs little man?â€

Scotty shook his head disapprovingly.

Scotty Trix: “I want pancakes!â€

Nicky only smiled as he looked around, he couldn’t find the frozen pancakes his son normally enjoyed. He looked around and saw that they had pancake batter. He looked back at his son as he leaned against the island counter top in the middle of the kitchen and looked down at his boy who was sitting at the counter.

Nicky Trix: “Pancakes it is dude! Want anything special in them?â€

Scotty just shook his head, obviously just wanting plain pancakes. That caught Nicky by surprise; he was so used to seeing kids on TV really wanting sugary stuff. He just smiled as he got to work on making breakfast. He could hear the sound of a thud on the top floor and knew that one of his daughters had woken up. He looked down at Scotty.

Nicky Trix: “Well, one of them is alive.â€

Scotty giggled at the extremely lame joke. Nicky instantly felt ashamed of himself for thinking that would be funny. He watched as his oldest, Brittany made her way into the kitchen. He just gave her a friendly look as she went into the fridge and grabbed the carton of orange juice and attempted to drink straight from it. Nicky caught her before she could finish the act.

Nicky Trix: “In what universe did you think that would be alright?â€

Brittany gave him an almost questioning look.

Brittany Trix: “What? Uncle Donnie does it all the time.â€

Nicky Trix: “Uncle Donnie is not the best person to be mimicking.â€

She was about to ask him what he meant by that when he suddenly remembered the pancakes and made a show about it.

Brittany Trix: “I don’t want pancakes. I wanted bacon and eggs.â€

Nicky sighed at her as he gave her a look that said “really?†It was a sarcastic look he enjoyed giving her, knowing full well it annoyed her. He quickly grabbed the eggs and bacon, and some frozen hashbrowns. Breakfast was quickly served with Sierra making her timely entrance into the kitchen. He smiled as he watched his children eat while slowly picking at his breakfast which consisted of everything he had just made. Scotty suddenly farted, and everybody played made a grossed out sound. Scotty just started laughing hysterically. Nicky was so happy to see his kids happy that he nearly choked on his food. They all ate, while making light conversation. He couldn’t but think of what life would be like if he had more time with his kids. It would have been great!


Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Abram Vance: Roleplay #3 of 4
The Fall (Part 3) [Untelevised]

A defeated Abram Vance sits in an unnamed bar near Irving Plaza in New York, New York. He fingers a small glass of caramel covered liquid, likely Jack Daniels, and stares into it as if it could offer him comfort.

“What was I thinkin’?
Those fuckin’ dirt sheets are gonna’ hear about that blow up, and the smarks are gonna’ write me off as a drunk has been.
AND, I forgot that damn bag. The bitch has all the ammo she needs now.

He throws the nearly full glass of Jack’ back and tosses it recklessly onto the bar. He raises his hand rudely, signaling for another, before burying his head into his hands, slipping back into thought.

She must’ve planned this. The bitch knows my temper.
She knew that if those heffers’ ticked me off, I’d bolt without thinking, and then, she’d have the ammo she needed….

A young bartender slides another glass of Jack’ down to Vance, and he catches it in his hand with ease, not bothering to thank the man. He returns to staring into the lifeless drink.

I’m just bein’ paranoid.
There’s no way she could bank on all that goin’ down.
But the pills, what’s with the damn pills.

Vance clutches his left fist in fury and rubs his head gingerly with his right hand, attempting to relieve himself of stress. A person slips into the seat next to him, and a pissed Vance surveys the bar, ignoring the person’s presence. As suspected, the bar is relatively empty/ He angrily barks at the person, refusing to grant him or her the courtesy of a glance.

Abram Vance: “The bar is fuckin’ empty, and you sit next to me. What the fuck is your problem, buddy?â€￾

Vance drops his right hand to the glass and begins squeezing it tightly, possibly intending to break it out of rage. He looks at the person to his right and is surprised to see the teenage boy from the autograph signing. Vance chuckles in shock as an annoyed look jumps onto his face.

Not this clown again.

Vance breaks eye contact with the boy, but the teen continues to stare on, star-struck and extremely excited. He ignores the kid and raises a hand for the bartender. The guy scurries over, and Vance immediately points emphatically at the flat-screen TV hanging over the bar. He barks demandingly.

Abram Vance: “ESPN Classic.â€￾

The guy nods and flips to the channel for the wrestler.

Bartender: “You’re welcome.â€￾

Vance smiles politely but rudely rolls his eyes when the guy turns his back to him.

I didn’t thank ya’, asshat.â€￾

As expected, a special on the Oakland Raiders is on, and Vance stares on, somewhat excited. The teen continues to glare at Vance, obviously trying to get his attention. Two or three minutes of silence past before Vance whispers accusingly, trying to catch the boy off guard.

Abram Vance: “Stalkin’ me, kid?â€￾

The kid finally breaks the stare, content with receiving a reaction, and fires back happily.

Boy: “The name’s Jason.â€￾

Vance chuckles lightly, amused at ‘Jason’s’ attempt to introduce himself. He responds sarcastically.

Abram Vance: “I don’t remember askin’ for ya’ name, kid.â€￾

Jason smiles politely before firing back yet again in a playful tone.

Jason: “And, I’m not stalking you. You probably just forgot what fans are like…â€￾

Vance shoots Jason a confused almost threatening look, and the kid stops mid-sentence. Vance laughs, clearly relishing Jason’s fearful reaction, but the kid surprisingly continues with his jest.

Jason: “Ya’ know, since it’s been so long.â€￾

Jason flashes the Indy legend a cheeky smile, and Vance breaks into a genuine fit of laughter.

Persistent little fucker, ain’t he?
I’ll hear this one out.

Vance continues to sip at the drink, causing an awkward moment of silence to linger between the two. Jason quickly looks up at the screen and attempts to keep the conversation going.

Jason: “A Raider’s fan from Detroit?â€￾

Vance stares blankly at the kid next to him, and fear seeps into Jason’s face as he worries that he may have offended his idol. Vance turns back to the screen and responds jokingly.

Abram Vance: “They remind me of myself. Ya’ know, a legend that has fallen from glory.â€￾

Vance elbows him jokingly, signaling that it’s okay to laugh, and the two break into a fit of laughter. Silence fall between the two yet again, and Jason awkwardly attempts to break it.

Jason: “Well… you’re still a legend… in my eyes, at least.â€￾

Jason grimaces, knowing how bad the comment sounded, but Vance just chuckles. He responds sarcastically.

Abram Vance: “Glad to know a kid thinks of me as a legend.â€￾

Jason smiles politely, but Vance notices the expression on his face and immediately realizes the kid took the comment personally. Disappointed with himself, he takes the role of conversationalist from Jason and barks at him.

Abram Vance: “So, what do ya’ want, kid?â€￾

Vance stares at the bar in front of him as the bartender slips him another drink, eyeing the teenager suspiciously. Vance waves him off, vouching for the kid, and then turns his gaze on the kid. The awkward Jason takes this as a sign to speak.

Jason: “I was originally hoping just for an autograph, but now, I was hoping that maybe we could…. uh…. talk?â€￾

Vance responds quickly, putting the stuttering kid out of his misery.

Abram Vance: “Ya’ got my attention till that fucker stops serving me.â€￾

Vance smiles politely and points at the bartender, pretending to compliment him. The bartender nods graciously and flashes Vance a polite smile in return, causing the two to break out in laughter.

What a moron.

Jason feebly continues talking- the confidence that he had upon his arrival now completely gone.

Jason: “Well, it’s about Beki Rayce…â€￾

Vance’s attention immediately fully turns to the kid at his side as he cocks his head to the side, staring at Jason with an alarmed look on his face.

Did she send this kid to fuck with me?

Vance quickly contains himself but leaves his intense gaze locked on the kid. He gestures for Jason to continue, so the kid hesitantly does.

Jason: “Well, it’s just that, when you were in the WWF, you were a HUGE star. Then, she pops up, and you get released quietly out of nowhere.â€￾

Vance nods, listening in carefully and attempting to determine if the kid is a genuine fan or Rayce’s mole. As he continues, Jason gets excited and his pace quickens.

Jason: “And then in TNA, you were in the limelight, and when she pops up, you get released without a statement on why.â€￾

Just a concerned fan. Too emotive to be a mole.

Jason’s tone slows as he gets more agitated, obviously taking Rayce’s recent presence in ACW personally.

Jason: “And now, she popped up in ACW! You need to DUMP HER, Vance!â€￾

Vance nods politely and lets a moment of silence pass so that Jason can catch his breath and contain himself. He then responds quietly in a deadly serious tone, completely unusual for him.

Abram Vance: “You wouldn’t believe the Rayce story if I told ya’. Hell, most promoters and wrestlers who’ve known me for years laugh in ma’ face when I tell them.â€￾

The kid immediately fires back.

Jason: “Try me.â€￾

Talk about an understatement.

Vance laughs at the smaller guy’s demand and turns his head back to the screen. He slowly sips his Jack’ and raises his hand, signaling for a fourth. He responds bluntly, continuing to stare at the TV.

Abram Vance: “No.â€￾

The bartender slides down another Jack’ as Jason slams both of his fists angrily into the bar, refusing to take ‘no’ for an answer. He immediately breaks into a question- his tone fast-paced and condescending.

Jason: “You do realize that the smarks… ya’ know, the one that have ALWAYS been on your side, have completely turned their back on you because of HER!â€￾

Vance takes another sip of his drink and nods, accepting the undeniable fact. Jason stares on in shock, watching his idol drown himself in alcohol. He breaks into a furious yell, determined to get a rise out of Vance even if it means drawing unwanted attention.


Vance smashes the glass in his hand, ignoring the glass that penetrates his skin. He rapidly turns to the kid and yells back in response.

Abram Vance: “WHAT THE FUCK CAN I DO?â€￾

The kid immediately attempts to break into an answer as Vance begins to let his emotions show. Sweat begins to droop from his forehead.

Jason: “Do you know how many dirt sheet reports I read of you…â€￾

Vance waves off the comment, surprising tears welling up in his eyes. He screams as loudly as possible

Abram Vance: “YA’ JUST DON’T GET IT… I’ve TRIED EVERYTHING to get one more shot at glory. That’s all I wanted, ONE MORE SHOT!â€￾

Tears begin to droop down Vance’s face as Rayce’s victory over him crashes down upon him. He continues, sniffling wildly and barely able to speak, but that passionate, genuine voice roars on.

Abram Vance: “But, I’m fucking OLD. A HAS BEEN. I didn’t want to admit it, but I AM. Trix is their GOLDEN BOY, and those fuckers are building him to the World Title. DO YOU KNOW WHERE THAT LEAVES ME?â€￾

Jason stares on, completely enamored, but manages to shakes his head ‘no’. Vance continues to yell, letting out his anger.

Abram Vance: “THE FIRST FUCKIN’ STEP TO HIS WORLD TITLE REIGN! The little fucker is goin’ to DESTROY MY LEGACY… and then snatch up the damn world title, leaving ME to rot on the lower card.â€￾

Jason begins rubbing Vance’s shoulder, attempting to comfort him, but Vance just shakes him off.

Abram Vance: “It’s wrestling politics. I’ve learned to accept it, and now, ya’ and all the other smarks have to too!â€￾

Vance clenches his bleeding hand before bolting towards the door, fed up with the conversation and his life. Jason follows at his heels, and the two slide out into the dark parking lot of the bar. He yells after Vance, refusing to let the old legend give up.

Jason: “YOU CAN’T.â€￾

Vance stops dead in his track and listens to Jason from afar. Jason continues, shouting over the noise of the nearby traffic.


Vance nods emphatically.


Vance nods again and chuckles to himself while brushing the tears from his face.


Vance nods yet again, a smile on his face at the sound of the words.


Vance drops his head in deep thought, allowing the cold, demanding words to linger in the darkness of the night. Jason stands a few feet away, hopeful that his plea will work and waiting for a response. Vance turns his head to the side, so that Jason can see it, but keeps his back turned to him to maintain a sense of mystery. He smiles knowingly and with his usual confidence, growls at the persistent kid.

Abram Vance: “Stop in at the box office tomorrow night. I’ll save ya’ a ticket….â€￾

Jason smiles excitedly as Vance finishes his statement.

Abram Vance: “You’re gonna’ want to be live for this one.â€￾

The creepy, knowing smile remains glued to Vance’s face as he walks towards the street leaving a satisfied Jason standing in the parking lot.

A player and not a piece?
I like the sound of that.

~*~*~*~*~*END OF SCENE*~*~*~*~*~


Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Abram Vance: Roleplay #4 of 4
The Fall (Part 4) [Televised]

The cameras cut to the ring as the tag team championship match between RipperCussions and The Bradleys is about to kick off. The crowd is lively, still hot from the closely four way International match that crowned a new number one contender to ACW’s ‘golden boy’ and International Champion Nicky Trix. The cameras cut to Mays and Ali who prepare to deliver the monotonous introduction for the tag match.

Martin Mays: “That four way set the bar pretty high, but RipperCussions are definitely going to push that bar to keep those belts around their waist.”

Kareem Ali: “Dawg’, don’t be so damn cheesy….”

The emphatic, familiar opening power chords hit, causing an anxious silence to fall across the arena. Just before the words to his theme song, the ‘Indy Legend’ Abram Vance breaks through the curtain.


Kareem Ali: “What in da’ hell?”

A massive heat breaks out throughout the arena. To everyone’s surprise, Vance doesn’t walk out wielding his cigs’ or his Jack’ but instead saunters down the ramp in his ring gear, ignoring the casual fans and smarks who have turned against him for very different but very deserving reasons over the past few weeks. He scans the arena: disappointed about his precious smarks screaming insults, relishing the scurrying stage hands trying to rectify the situation, and loving the shocked expression on the faces of Mays and Ali.

Look at those two overpaid monkeys.
They’re shittin’ their pants. Haha.
(Cockily) They should be.

A nearby stage hand darts away when Vance’s eyes travel to a microphone the stage hand clutches. Satisfied, Vance slides a microphone from his pocket and turns it on as he slides into the ring. The heat continues to pour down on him as he stands in the center of the ring. Vance spins around slowly, staring out at the crowd, and spots Jason in one of the front rows. He manages to contain a smile and instead droops his head, concealing it from the crowd and attempting to appear emotionally ‘vulnerable’. He takes a deep breath and releases, allowing himself one final moment of silence as the heat begins to die off.

Wingin’ a promo to win over the fans that you’ve fucked over and get a final run with a title.
(Sarcastically) Genius, Vance. Genius.

Vance lets out a final sigh before nervously diving into the promo. His quivering voice reveals his nerves and his emotions.

Abram Vance: “Twenty one years in this business. Twenty one years, and this is what I get.”

Vance leans against the ropes and stares out in the crowd as the fans shower him with boos, insults, and various slurs. Vance shakes his head in disgust but continues, determined to win them over.

Abram Vance: “Hear me out, people!”

The trace of genuine desperation in Vance’s voice seems to affect the crowd as silence falls over them. Vance nods satisfied and walks over to the corner. He drops to the canvas and leans his head and back against the turnbuckles.

Abram Vance: “Ya’ know what twenty one loyal years of puttin’ my body at risk in the ring is getting’ me?”

Vance pauses, waiting for a response, but as expected, the unknowing audience stands in silence.

Abram Vance: “A chance to blow my final and only real chance in the spotlight to put over a one-trick pony stunt monkey.”

Vance hears murmurs in the crowd, and realizing that he’s losing them, quickly resorts to compliments him.

Abram Vance: “Don’t get me wrong. Trix is a nice guy, but the fucker is a stunt monkey through and through.”

Vance climbs to his feet, clutching his still tender knee discreetly, and looks out into the crowd. He notices the older males and teenage boys, his ‘smarks’, staring on anxiously with smiles on their faces. A few even manage some cheers and hollers. The younger crowd- or more accurately, Trix’s fan base- seems angry at the heel bashing their precious babyface in the ring. Vance smiles, recognizing his tactics are working, and reaches into his crotch, pulling out folder papers. He lifts them above his head and begins speaking, the initial nervousness in his voice fades in favor of a sense of fight and passion.

Abram Vance: “Ya’ see these?”

The crowd nods along at the rhetorical question as Vance begins to unfold them. He continues in that same passionate tone.

Abram Vance: “These are YOUR complaints sent to and IGNORED by ACW!”

A minor heat breaks out through the arena, but Vance smiles satisfied, knowing the heat isn’t in response to him but instead his smarks voicing their discontent with ACW. He continues in a sarcastic, biting tone.

Abram Vance: “And since this ‘great, prestigious company’ can’t respond to the people who (switches to an angry tone), ya’ know, fill their fuckin’ arenas every and spend their hard earned dollar on their product every DAMN WEEK! I figured, what the fuck, I’ll do it!”

The last inklings of a heat die as the crowd gets behind Vance, or at the least, the smarks drown out the clueless children in the audience. He unfolds the complaints and reads off the first.

Abram Vance: “WrestlingAddict wrote: ‘Why da’ hell is this Rayce chick back? She’s bad news, and the hoe’ is bringin’ my man Vance down.’

The cheers of the smarks seem to almost demand an answer, and a furious Vance attempts to get the crowd on fire.

Abram Vance: “Ya’ wanna’ know why?”

Crowd: “HELL YEAH!”

There’s my smarks.

A satisfied smile crosses Vance’s face as he supplies their answer.

Abram Vance: “They brought the bitch in to babysit me, but ya’ know what I gotta’ say to her?”

Just as expected the crowd responds with the classic Austin ‘what’ chant.

Crowd: “WHAT?....”


The crowd goes absolutely insane as the smarks eat up Rayce’s live bashing, a bashing they’ve been desiring for years. Vance takes a bow as the crowd continues to pop loudly around him. He unfolds the second sheet of paper and begins reading it.

Abram Vance: “TrixAreForKids wrote….”

Vance pauses and stares into the camera, allowing the obvious irony to linger for a moment.

Abram Vance: “Why the hell do you keep shovin’ Nicky Trix down our throat? Yeah, we get it. The guy kicks it with Jesus and Gandhi when he’s not wrestling, but WE DON’T WANT A STALE BABYFACE.”

Almost as if on cue, the smarks break out into a chant.


That’s not somethin’ ya’ hear every day.

Abram Vance: “You wanna’ know why?”

The crowd suspends their ‘Trix Sucks’ chant to respond with an emphatic ‘Yes’.

Abram Vance: “Cuz Trix is a semi-attractive, solid worker, and a nice guy that they can push around. But me?”

Crowd: “WHAT?”

Vance can’t help but smile as the crowd continues to play into his hand.

Abram Vance: “Imma’ bitter old fart who does what he wants, WHEN HE WANTS! So, with that being said, I gotta’ message for the fuckers in the back who said I’m only good to put some one-trick pony over and then die off…”

The smarks in the crowd know what’s coming after watching the legend in the Indies for years prior. He raises his free hand over his head and flicks off the guys backstage while screaming demandingly, his smarks joining him.

Abram Vance and Crowd: “FUCK OFF!”

Vance stares out at Jason, and the young fan nods for him to continue. He walks cockily over to the ropes facing the stage and leans against them. Using his free hand, Vance points at the stage.

Abram Vance: “And, finally, Nicky Trix….”


Vance walks to the center of the ring and crouches down, staring at a specific spot.

Abram Vance: “Imma’ drag your bony ass to the center of the ring, lock ya’ in a sharpshooter, and give ALL THESE SMARKS WHAT THEY WANT… ACW’s GOLDEN BOY TAPPING OUT IN THE CENTER OF THIS DAMN RING!”

A massive pop breaks out through the arena, almost as if the smarks were calling for Trix’s head. He returns to the ropes nearest the stage and stares at the backstage area. He continues his threats, as if speaking directly to Trix.

Abram Vance: “Management told me that ya’ would be my last match in the spotlight.”

Vance lets out an amused huff, and the crowd joins in on the laughter.

Abram Vance: “Just let me warn ya’ Trix, when I make ya’ tap in this very ring, I’m not just goin’ to be takin’ MY INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP, I’m also gonna’ BREAK YOUR FUCKIN’ LEG!”

Despite the monstrous, unethical threat, a majority of the crowd continues to cheer for the ‘Indy Legend’.

Abram Vance: “And ya’ know what happens to a pony with one leg?”

Vance raises the microphone, and the crowd unanimously shouts the answer.

Crowd: “KILL IT!”

Vance nods, satisfied, and brings the microphone to his lips for one final threat.”

Abram Vance: “Betta’ prepare for The Leviathan, golden boy.”

Vance drops the microphone and slides out of the ring as the crowd breaks into a deafening pop at the sound of Vance’s old nickname, Leviathan. He slowly walks up the ramp, soaking in the pop and basking in the glory, as the emphatic chords to ‘Back In The Saddle Again” sound. The crowd breaks into a Vance chant as he reaches the stage.

Crowd: “VANCE! VANCE! VANCE!...”

Vance turns to the crowd and bows graciously before turning to the curtain, preparing to face Rayce and management likely standing just beyond it. He points up at the sky as the opening lyrics fill the arena, the crowd singing along.


ACW Management: A Piece
Beki Rayce: A Piece
Abram Vance: A Player

He pushes through the curtain as the crowd continues to roar for ‘The Leviathan’.

Crowd: “Vance! Vance! Vance!”

~*~*~*~*~*END OF SCENE*~*~*~*~*~​