ACW Striking Distance: Jacqui Monroe v. The Demon

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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: No DQ, No Countout, No Referee
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
Jacqui Monroe v. The DEMON

If you are not in this match, don't post in this thread. If you are in this match, don't spam it up with OOC talk.
TWO RP cap with all RPs due by Wednesday July 11, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​


Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
(The following video was uploaded to YouTube by a user named NotYourAverageBlonde, and later re-uploaded on the OfficialACW channel.)

The scene opens in a semi-darkened room. There seems to be no furniture at all, apart from the chair directly across from the camera, in which a hooded figure sits, reading a book. As they peruse the tome in their hand, the shadowed character forces the two front legs of the chair off the ground, so that it leans against the grimy wall behind it. In turn, their legs are apparently propped up in some off-camera elevated surface, in an attitude of studied nonchalance.

After a few seconds of silent immersion in the volume, the figure finally looks up, two vivid blue eyes suddenly glimmering from under the rim of the hood. A slightly dangerous smirk is quick to follow, as the video’s main focus finally addresses the camera:

Figure: Have you guys read this book? It’s pretty good….

The figure – now evidently a girl – holds up the volume she has been reading, so that the cover is clearly visible. It is the second volume of Stieg Larsson’s Millennium trilogy, “The Girl Who Played With Fire”. The person reading it, in turn, is now revealed to be ACW female superstar Jacqui M, whose shrouded appearance is due to nothing more mystical or foreboding than a hooded sweater, which covers up her usually loose, long blond hair. The “Alpha Female”, however, does not care to remove it as she continues to address the viewers at home:

Jacqui M: See, the main character in it is a girl who doesn’t take shit from any man. Especially not from male chauvinist creeps who think it’s all right to do whatever to a girl just ‘cause they need their jollies. I can relate to that. In fact, I know a few of those myself, and I don’t suffer them either.

The badass blonde stretches her legs, making herself more comfortable, before proceeding:

Jacqui M: Which brings me to our old friend, Demon. Here is a guy – I’m assuming he’s a guy – who likes to knock women unconscious and drag them to his own little hideout, where nobody can hear them scream. 'Trés' original, Martin Vanger.

The tomboy stops a moment before going on:

Jacqui M: By the way, if you guys wanna catch him, I’d recommend you look in the storage room next to the warehouse at the back. I’m guessing you’ll find little Lisa there, and maybe Ashley, hell, maybe even ol’ K-Bux, if he’s into cougars… In the meantime, I’d recommend you guys keep your wives and girlfriends away from the Community Center…for everybody’s safety.

By this point, the blonde could not be more serious, all hint of sarcasm gone from her words. After pausing a moment to let the message (hopefully) sink in, she concludes:

Jacqui M: If you do catch him, though…let me at him first. I’ll make damn sure he gets the message that women aren’t toys you can play with at will!

The “Alpha Female” raises her head again, staring straight into the camera as she speaks her last few words:

Jacqui M: As for you, Demon…if you’re watching this…get ready. I’m comin’ for you, and this time, there’s nothing to stop me. No rules, no referee, no anything. And trust me, bro…I’m not gonna let you off easy. In fact, I’ll be taking a few lessons from our friend Lisbeth…

The blonde superstars holds the book up to the camera again, and taps its cover twice, as she gets up and strides off camera. The video cuts off as she is exiting stage left.
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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
It is around 11.30 in the morning, and the tattoo parlour is more crowded than could be expected. A thuggish-looking skinhead is getting yet another piece of artwork added to his already vast collection, while a scrawny, twenty-something youth, in baggy khaki shorts and a black Mastodon shirt, twiddles his thumbs nervously, awaiting his turn. The young man has tattoos all the way up both his arms, a gauge earring in his left ear, a scruffy beard, and generally looks like he should be singing for a hardcore band.

Soon, the parlour’s two patrons are joined by a third: a tall, svelte young woman wearing shades, a black New York Yankees cap, tight-fitting jeans, tall black biker boots and a Girl Who Played With Fire t-shirt. She is carrying a motorcycle helmet under her arm, and seems in a hurry as she addresses the tattoo studio’s clerk:

Woman: I’m here to see Keith. I have an appointment.

The young guy at the register smiles:

Employee: Sure thing. Just have a seat.

The woman, who by now has attracted the attention of both male customers, sits down next to the hardcore kid. He glances over at her nervously, but says nothing, and it is her who breaks the ice:

Woman: Cool shirt, bro.

The kid looks down at his shirt, which depicts the cover art for the album Blood Mountain, as the woman goes on:

Woman: Ever seen them live?

The young man nods:

Kid: Yup. Saw ‘em on the Blood Mountain tour a few years ago. Still their best album. Shit is fucking sick.

Then, he points at his interloper’s cap:

Kid: What’s with the hat?

The woman shrugs:

Woman: I’m from Iowa. We don’t have any good sports teams there. Besides, I get a kick out of pissing off the locals…

The kid chortles; before the conversation can be taken any further, however, a stocky, tattooed, biker-looking fellow in a denim vest emerges from the back and walks toward the girl, hand outstretched:

Man: How ya doin’, lav? I’m Keith!

His accent is foreign, English, or possibly Australian. The woman takes his hand with surprising firmness:

Woman: Jacqui.

Keith smiles:

Keith: Well, Jacqui, me duck, step raht over ‘ere, an’ we’ll get this bugger under way!

Jacqui M – for the woman is none other than the ACW “Alpha Female” – promptly does so, smiling at the tattoo artist’s accent and boisterous manner.

Jacqui M: You remind me of a friend of mine…

Keith chuckles:

Keith: Good friend, I ‘ope!

Jacqui allows herself a private grin as she thinks of her overseas chum:

Jacqui M: The best....

Keith: Good stuff! So what’s it gunner be, then, lav?

Jacqui points at the side of her neck, then at her shoulder:

Jacqui M: A wasp right there…and a dragon at the back. Here are the designs.

She produces a photo of the actress from the American version of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, in which both tattoos are clearly visible. Keith studies it a moment, then nods:

Keith: Right. No worries. It’s gunner cost yez, though, lav. Ya got dosh?

The female wrestler produces a wad of notes from her pocket and hands it to the tattoo artist:

Jacqui M: I do. Here.

Keith whistles appreciatively:

Keith: You’s lawded! Work pay well, then?

Jacqui grins to herself again:

Jacqui M: Not bad, not bad…

Throughout all this, the female wrestler has managed to go unnoticed. It is not until she removes her t-shirt and sunglasses that the tattoo artist exclaims:

Keith: Blimey! I ‘no’ yous! You’s that wrasslin’ chick…from ACW!

Jacqui, not bothered in the slightest, smiles, quietly confirming Keith’s hunch. This makes the tattoo artist even more excited, as he continues:

Keith: We’ve ‘ad one o’ you lot come ‘round earlier…that fella Asterisk! Ya ‘no’ ‘im?

Jacqui manages to hide her surprise upon learning that Asterisk had gotten a tattoo in that same studio, on that same day. “Must mean these guys are good”, she reasons. She quietly acquiesces. Keith, seemingly satisfied, drops the subject, moving on to more practical matters:

Keith: Right. You wanna take off yer cap, then?

This time, the blonde coolly, politely turns him down:

Jacqui M: Not really. And besides, you need my hair outta the way, so I’m doin’ you a favour, aren’t I?

The tattoo artist shrugs:

Keith: Fair enuff. Now ‘old still. This next bit might ‘urt a bit.


May 29, 2012
Reaction score
The Hell itself
It is an unknown time of day, however, the sky is darkening, which could possibly mean that it could be around 8 pm. On a field, next to a road with no cars, with NYC nowhere in sight, is an old warehouse and a grave next to it. The warehouse is heavily damaged with fire, and boxes of matches can be found around it. Next to them are glass bottles of alcohol, apparently used to ignite the fire stronger. Behind that warehouse sits a man in a shirt, almost dressed as a weird businessman, or even a bartender, the only difference is that his face is painted dark blue, with black ornaments. His hair is long and dark, and seems fake. Almost as if it was a glued wig. The look in his eyes basically leads nowhere. He just keeps staring at the skies, as if he was awaiting a meteorite to fall, or something weird like that. He looks at his gloved hands confusedly, as if he was wondering why does he wear black-leathered gloves.


Demon: So this is.. where it all began. Spencer's away.. Spencer's away, but he called him differently, I cannot remember, it's all far away in my memories, blocked from my knowledge, I feel like I'm forbidden to know it. Fire, my dear fire, I found his soul.

Strong wind starts blowing.

Demon: People never recognized my existence, for they have thought he was me. He wasn't. And he isn't. The last time I have seen the skies like this, the last time I've been to the human world, that was years ago, and I don't know how, all I know is that my appearance is summoned by a heavy mind.

The wind stops.

Demon: I have lived for thousands of years as the embodiment of pure evil, that is what I still am. Nobody ever know, neither do I, who I truly am.. what I truly am. A monster; that's what many have called me. A force unstoppable, impossible to control, feared by the most, however, believe me or not, my personality has a hole in it.

The man stands up and walks towards the entrance of the warehouse.

Demon: I HAVE BEEN CONTROLLED! My mind wasn't my mind anymore, it was, yet it wasn't. Something, somebody, wanted me to kidnap people. Something, somebody wanted them in their hands, I'm aware it was him. But, believe it or not, I have managed to stop him right after I took the desired persons to the place I wished them to see. After that I let them see what I am capable of.. a little presentation, shall we say.

He enters the warehouse; each wall of it has around thirty candles hung on it. The man puts his hand into one of his pockets and lights up a match with which he lights up one candle. And he started lighting the candles up, one, by one.

Demon: Light, it's sometimes needed to strengthen the darkness. Sometimes you simply need it, however the only light I approve is fire. Fire, oh, my fire, what a beautiful thing that is. It exists in the human world since the very beginning, it can help a man survive, it can take his life too. He never liked fire, oh no, for it has taken away his Spencer, that was the reason. But, Spencer! Spencer, Spencer, thank you for your death, you let me take his body and make it mine.

All the candles on one wall have been lighten up. He proceeds in lighting up more candles as he throws away an empty box of matches and takes a second one from his pocket.

Demon: This all is a story unbelievable, I exist. They don't have an idea who, what my body is, they would be shocked, at least. This is the first time I had and seized the opportunity to grant my body my true look, I gave it scars and burns, just the way I love it. This world.. there's just too many happiness in it, I am here to reduce it. Making people suffer.. it is my pleasure. All I ever wanted.. all I ever needed. Suffering people feel no happiness, the only thing they feel is fear and pain. The smell of burning human flesh means everything for me.. That is how I bring the hell to the human realm, believe me or not. Every tear a human sheds is my pleasure.

The man throws away a half-empty box of matches and leaves the warehouse with the candles alone. He walks slowly to the road and falls on his knees. He starts laughing maniacally and falls on his chest, but he amortizes the fall with his hands. After that, he starts crawling. He crawls all the way to the grave that is situated between the warehouse and the road; closer to the road. He grabs the gravestone with his hands and starts whispering.

Demon: Spencer.. he wants back, he pleads all the time. I won't let him...
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May 29, 2012
Reaction score
The Hell itself
In an empty room, with all windows shut and all curtains pulled over the windows. The only thing in the room is an old table. A wooden table and on the table is a camera. The camera doesn't look like a new, modern one, it looks like an older digital camera, and it seems that it's on; recording a video. It's aimed at the corner of the room, in which is sitting the ACW wrestler and a very mysterious person, whose true identity we don't know, for he refers to himself as "The Demon". Now, what's weird is that his facepaint is washed on some places, and it looks like as if his face was melting. He covers the places where his face is uncovered with his hands, and besides, his long dark hair fell all over his face, so it's a good cover as well.


Demon: Various occurrences have made me do various unreasonable decisions. In an attempt to destroy my inner self and score a victory over him, I've tried so many things, I've even tried to face him face to face with uncovering my face, but then I was stopped by my needs to be who I am, the embodiment of evil.. even though I am who I am. Even though he is, who he is, I shall stay myself, that will never change.

He looked at the ceiling and continued.

Demon: The death of Spencer has summoned me, but that may be something you are already aware of, the death of Spencer was my birth, no, my revival. I was never wanted nowhere, therefore I have found my own way into this body, his personality.. his soul.. it's just too strong. It wants out, but I block it consistently.. day.. by.. day.

He suddenly went silent and adjusted his sleeves.

Demon: He wants things I don't want.. what's worse, he takes over my body. He does things I don't realize, he does them and I don't understand the reasoning. Fire, my dear fire.. I want you to burn him, yet you won't listen..

He takes a deep breath and continues on a more serious note.

Demon: Jacqueline.. it was him who wanted you, I never wanted to do anything with you, but since he gave you to me, no, since I took you away from him, took him away from you, let's play with words, every combination makes sense. Hahahaha.. laugh with me, Jacqueline. It might be your very last laughter. Who knows what can happen when you suffer injuries.. who knows what happens then.. I never.. ever.. wanted to fight you, but since you demanded it.. I accept the challenge.

He licks his finger, and washes a small piece of face paint from his cheek and starts writing something on the floor with it.

Demon: Jacqueline. I've heard people wanted me to leave you alone in this fight, to not put my hands on you.. but Jacqueline. Regardless of your gender, you are human. You are a mortal, you breathe air in order to survive and red blood flows through your veins. It makes you the same. You're the same animal that Multiplex is.. that Zack Bronko is.. that everyone on the roster is.. you're still the same animal that.. Raiden Blaze is.

He starts laughing maniacally, and it is visible that he painted the letter 'D' on the floor with his dark blue face paint and he continues.

Demon: Jacqueline. Look at yourself in the mirror. That just might be the last time you'll recognize yourself when you approach the mirror. Maybe glass will leave marks on you.. maybe pain. Maybe he will wake up, maybe he will approach you, maybe not. Maybe it will be my dearest fire.. maybe not. Maybe it will be the wrath hidden in my fists, maybe it will be my rabid rage.. be it what it be.. it will cause you a traumatic memory you will never get rid of.. and a blue face of a demonic creature.. will haunt you.. forever. everything.. is so relative..

He painted a second letter; 'I'.

Demon: Jacqueline.. my final words.. maybe for now.. maybe forever. I was out here many times.. you saw me, the Demon so many times, yet you never recognized me.. this time.. I assure you I'll engrave my face into your memory.. forever. Look.. Jacqueline.. come Striking Distance.. we.. shall..

He stands up and takes the camera and films the last letter he wrote - 'E' and the word it made..

Demon: Die..

He laughs.. once again. After that, he puts the camera on the ground, sits indian style and maniacally starts rocking back and forth. And back.. and forth..​
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