ACW Striking Distance: Dr. Frank Urwhich v. Multiplex v. Toyota Chelios

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Mar 18, 2012
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Fourth Bout: A Little Hardcore II
Match Type: Barbed-Wire Cage Match w/ Weapons
Stipulation: N/A
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
Dr. Frank Urwhich v. Multiplex v. Toyota Chelios

If you are not in this match, don't post in this thread. If you are in this match, don't spam it up with OOC talk.
TWO RP cap with all RPs due by Wednesday July 11, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​


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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
“It’ll be fine, Johnny. It really will. Don’t worry.

I say these words, but I don’t mean them. I don’t mean them one bit. I am worried, and I’m afraid it will be anything but fine. It would have been okay if
Daemonic was just a figment of his imagination; unfortunately, I know that he isn’t. He may not be real, but he’s very ”real” – and there are still a couple of scars somewhere in my body to prove it. And while I’m usually able to control all of his personalities, Daemonic included, I don’t know how effective I will be when the person he wants to attack is me.

I know I should be used to this. Comes with the territory, tools of the trade, all that. Associate with a toilet, and you can expect shit. But that doesn’t mean I’m not scared each time. Oh, trust me. I’m scared. And this time’s no different.

“Ah, fuckin’ chooch was probably bluffin’! He ain’t gonna be doin’ nothin’!”

That’s another thing I’ll never get used to. How he changes voices so effortlessly, even accents. It really is as though there were five people in one body. Where he picked it all up, I have no idea – stuff in his childhood, probably. Maybe some TV. He tells me he met “the guys” when he was five, so it has to have been before then. What nobody has been able to figure out is when, or why. Usually, this sort of thing derives from a traumatic event – but, as far as anyone knows, the main traumatic event in his life took place after his “friends” were already around.

Suddenly, a realization strikes me: I don’t even know his real name. In the paperwork, and everywhere else, he is registered as
John Kraputski; but nobody can be sure that’s his actual name. It might be Steve Wimple. Or Gary Rowland. Or Anthony “Angry” Andretti, Jr. Heck, it may even be Daemonic, although I seriously doubt it.

For some reason, this thought makes me chuckle. He picks up on it, and questions me:

“What’s so funny…?”


And that is actually the right answer. Nothing about this is funny. I’m sitting across from a certified mental patient, who is telling me his deranged alter-ego is on the prowl for me. What the hell am I laughing about?!

“D-d-don’t w-w-worry, Chris-t-t-tine…we w-w-won’t let h-h-him h-h-h-hurt you!”

That makes me smile again. Steve. So sweet. I wouldn’t mind if he turned out to be Steve, actually – even if the thought of a 400-pound man cowering from the world and whimpering in a reedy voice is a bit pathetic. But Steve’s been progressing In leaps and bounds lately – he’s even standing up for himself now and then! At this rate, maybe he’ll start talking back to Andretti soon!

Look at me. Treating somebody’s split personality as if he was a real person. Are you going mad, Christine Scanlon?! Maybe you’ve been hanging around with him too much. His brand of the crazies is getting to you.

But the truth is – I wouldn’t mind at all if his real self turned out to be

“Babe, are you all right?”

I must have seemed distant or something, because here is John asking after me. He’s not so bad himself. Kind, considerate, but not as much of a pushover as Gary. Which is a good thing in my book. I wouldn’t mind him being him, either.

That’s it. I’m definitely going crazy.

I nod my head:

“Yeah, I’m fine. Actually, I wanted to talk to you …guys…about something”.

He leans forward, interestedly:


Here we go. The time has come. You don’t know how he’s going to react to this, so steel yourself, Christine. Deep breath. Atta girl.

“My Dad…well, there this friend of my Dad’s…”

Calm down, woman! What’s the worst that could happen?

He’ll kill you.

Don’t think about that. Just do what you have to do.

I’ll start over.

“There’s this friend of my Dad’s who’s a psychologist. And he’s doing a study on…”

Andretti, instantly:

“We ain’t talkin’ to no ‘ead shrinks!”

The Johnny voice comes in, then the Stevie voice, telling him to shut up and let me continue. This is so freaky. It’s like having your own personal, perpetual comedy sketch.

The task, Christine. Don’t dilly-dally.


“…thanks, guys. This friend of my Dad’s is doing a study on group dynamics, and he would really like to speak with you guys.”

“Group whatnow?”

“Dynamics, Andretti. How people function in a group. I think it’s a really interesting subject, actually.”

“Are we g-gonna be on TV?”

I smile. Not as bad as I thought it would be.

“I don’t think so, Stevie. But you may be in his paper, when he publishes it!”

Stevie comes back, excitedly:

“What do you t-think, guys?! I w-wanna do it!”

Gary is the first to reply:

“Yeah, let’s do it.”

Then John:

“Yeah. Andretti?”

This takes a while longer, but eventually a begrudging “alrite” comes from that end as well. Definitely not as bad as I’d thought. There’s only one loose end, and to my pleasant surprise, Steve voices it before I do:

“Wh-what about D-D-D-D-Daemonic? Is he c-c-c-comin’ with us?”

I find myself giving this quarter-pounder, who could crush me with his bare hands, a maternal smile:

”I don’t know. What do you guys think?”

Surprisingly, it’s Stevie who takes the lead once again. Like I said, leaps and bounds.

“I d-d-don’t think we w-w-w-want him with us. Right, guys?”

I hear that all-too-familiar one-man chorus of assent, and smile.

“Great. I’ll let Dr. Horowitz know.”


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Sep 14, 2010
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In your girl's closet
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The scene opens to Chelios at the hotel after the show. Chelios is leaning against the closet door while the cameraman is sitting on the bed opposite oh him keeping the camera on Chelios in his white shirt and jean shorts.

Cameraman: Well you gave it your all and you had a good match but it just wasn’t enough.

Chelios: Yeah and now I have this triple thread thingie and I don’t know if that crazy person is going to get me again… I don’t know what is going on anymore. I’m… I’m nervous.

cameraman: What you need to do is clear your head… well not completely but you know… just enough so that you can focus on at least one thing. And that one thing is the match. Forget the crazy person. Focus on your match… focus. I’m thirsty though. I’ma leave this here with ya.

As the cameraman exits the room Chelios starts to feel a little more confident as he leans against the closet door with a smirk on his face. He pushes himself off of the closet door and towards the vanity mirror on the dresser.

Chelios: I am better. I am better then all of them. Better then that doctor guy that probably isn’t even a doctor and multi guy. They…

He stops midsentence as he sees the person in black behind him but before he can do anything his head is slammed into the mirror. Blood flows from the gash on his forehead after it connected with the mirror. Then the person smashes his head against it again for good measure as Chelios is almost lifeless this time. The person drags Chelios out of the room and closes the door behind them. A few minutes later the cameraman comes in and sees the damage done to the room and is unsure as to what to do.


Back in the room that he was before, tied up to the chair with the mask covering his eyes and nose, Chelios is strapped extra tight to the chair and there is still some blood seen around his mouth and shirt from the beating he took earlier. The person has their own camera hoisted on a tripod shining on both of them as the person stands in front of Chelios, shakes their head a couple of times before delivering a vicious kick to the side of the skull knocking Chelios and the chair over to the floor.

Person: You are pathetic. I prepared you for Andrew and you failed. And now you have a bigger stage to compete on. I want to be sure that you deliver like you should. And that kick? That was for questioning me over the phone last week. Remember I told you to not ask questions. All you are to do is answer and reply. But in case you are wondering how I knew where you were going and where you would be… I have tabs on you. I know where you are at all times. Because you are the messenger. You are the one that is to warn them that I am coming. Nobody wants to believe that this is real, nobody wants to believe that this is legit. Nobody wants to believe that this could possibly happen but I want you to be the one to tell them that it is happening. That soon… everybody’s entire world will be turned upside down and inside out.

The person leans down next to Chelios and pulls him up with the chair back into a sitting position.

Person: Now did you get all of that?

Chelios: I… I think so. I hope so. Please don’t hit me again.

Person: You aren’t ready. You are about to enter a hardcore environment and here you are pleading like a little bitch. What is wrong with you? Are you a pussy or something? Did you forget your balls somewhere?

Chelios: I… I dunno. I didn’t do it. Spare me.

The person punches their right hand into their left hand. The hands are taped and then delivers a right jab, left jab, right jab, and then left hook to Chelios.

Person: SHUT IT! Not another word.

Chelios: But…

An uppercut is delivered to Chelios jaw that lifts the front legs of the chair up as he and the chair fall backwards to the floor. The person pulls the legs back down and then pulls the covering off of Chelios face so he can finally see where he is at. He looks around and is horrified. The light that is shining shows weapons of torture. No clue what is in the dark in the rest of the room.

Person: Now you see where you are. And you will leave only when I say you can. Last time I let you leave and you bitched. This time… you will be staying a while so get comfortable. I will allow you a way out in due time but until then… you will stay there and suffer. The only thing you will need to survive is your own saliva and blood as it flows freely. Let me know if you need anything else.

Chelios: I… I am… I am a little thirsty.

The person stops in their tracks, turns around and walks towards Chelios, pulls out a pocket knife from their pocket and pulls the blade out. They point the tip of the blade on the opening on Chelios forehead made earlier from his head smashing against the mirror and reopens it as blood starts to flow and Chelios lets out a yell.

Person: Shut it before I really make sure you have a reason to yell.

Chelios bites his bottom lip as the blood starts to flow from the reopened gash.

Person: Rest up… we have much more to discuss. Jusqu'à la prochaine fois.

The person walks away as Chelios head slumps against his chest. The camera is turned off cutting the scene.

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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We get to a dark, damp place and we once again see that mad doctor rubbing his hands together as he rocks back an forth on what appears to be a rotting wooden bench. We see his expression numerous times as he adjust his face to be seen by the light of the room. It seems now their is water dripping above from appears to be leaky pipes. This makes Frank look up only to catch a droplet in his eye making him shudder for a second. He then gets a bit more serious as he stops the rocking and just looks ahead.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: I've been looking... I've been searching... I got to find it... I got to find a way to complete my experiments. I can't have any more distractions. I can't have anything get in my WAY! Nothing at all. Do you understand? Oh who the hell am I asking? I'm certainly all alone right? Let's see if this changes your mind.

The great doctor gets up, turns to his side and kicks something swiftly. You hear and yelp of some sort and seems to be a body bag appear just for a brief moment. Dr. Urwhich then gets back his fabulous rotten bench. He turns his head looks at the bag before turning his face back to the cold wall in front of him.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: Ugh... This is nothing, though... I'm not sure I've even going to use this specimen but I think I may leave them down here to dwell. This place won't do at all either... I know you can hear me... So I hope you aren't ignoring me. I don't like it when I'm ignored...

Just then we hear a whimper from below. Frank gets up again and kicks the bag with fury this time repeatedly until he gets just a little winded and has to sit back down looking in disgust at whoever may be with him.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: (Catching his breath) Now... did... I... say you.... could fuckin'.... talk? No, I meant you just listen... I wish I could avoid any sound from you right now but that gag doesn't seem tight enough... I would adjust if it mattered... It's still not like anyone can hear you down here... You could scream for hours, days, weeks... It wouldn't matter, I've scouted this place... I think it floods occasionally so I can't have that... Do you enjoy the sound of my voice? I know I sure as hell do.... Hahahahahahaha... I also enjoy the sound of my laughter... Isn't it great? Laugh with me... Hahahahaha...

Dr. Urwhich stops laughing suddenly and realizes his little friend is mute. He gets up in fit of rage...

Dr. Frank Urwhich: I SAID LAUGH WITH ME?

More kicking comes and we hear something from the bag, it sure sounds like muffled crying, not laughter.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: FINE, I guess that will do... Now before I expose you to the world, bitch.... I would like to say something to ACW... Everyone in ACW... My future opponents... The entire staff.... The fanbase even... Something like this will soon be your fate... At least I will do something for you. I will promise on my dead Mother's grave I will meet you face to face in the ring before I do something drastic and horrific... What do ya say? Are you with me? Toyoto Chelios and Multiplex... Are you with me? Haha, I hope you guys don't mind the surroundings around me because a dark, cold cement floor is your near future... Are you with me? Hahahaha... Hahaha... Hahahahaha

The laughter continues as he lifts the body bag and decides to reveal something as leans it up against bench. Pulling down a zipper he shows the world... It's none other than his Wife, who now seems to be unconscious from the earlier beating. The camera zooms on the head as just lies there motionless.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: See this is it? This is all you got to look forward to when you meet in the ring with me?(camera zooms back out) I don't know if Multiplex is more psychotic then me or not but at least one of his personalities has got to be close... So, I think it would be a lot of fun watching you squeal as part of my chain...Yes, it sure would. As for Chelios, I think you would make a fine middle piece that way the world itself doesn't have to listen to your obnoxious ass... I think ACW should be looking at me as a savior... If I get my full chain of 12 people just like you man... Oh my goodness that would be unbelievable, I am going to take so much pride in taking apart this entire roster... This place could be in my imagine soon and my imagine alone... Whoa, whoa, whoa, you know enough with my plans and thoughts... You don't need to know anymore... You got that?

Dr. Frank gets up one more time looking as his Wife on the ground now.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: I hope you can find your way home, hunny...

Frank then walks off coldly as the camera fades to black.
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In your girl's closet
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The lights inside of the room turn back on showing a very forlorn Chelios slumped over in the chair. The lights turning on make him raise his head as the dried blood is seen on his face. The person walks up with a wet rag and hoists his head up and wipes it clean. They then take some gel and wipe it on the wound to keep it sealed and from bleeding again.

Person: I made sure not to slice too deep so that you wouldn’t need stitches or staples to keep it sealed. You’ll be just fine for your match. You have to remember that brute force is not always the answer but precision is. The more precise you are, the better you are able to pick apart your opponent. You are the chosen one for a reason. And although everyone wishes to count you out as a joke and consider you the major underdog in this match… I’m going to tell you that the underestimating that they are placing on you will be their undoing and will be the main thing to use against both of them in creating that upset and sealing the victory.

Multiplex is tall and strong but mentally he is too unstable. He will be his own biggest distraction trying to figure out which identity is taking over at which point and it is in those moments that you can strike because that will be when he is most vulnerable. All you have to do to him is strike him at his weakest moments. Strike him in the knees, one of the vulnerable spots on the body. You can’t build muscle around your kneecap. And then there is the Dr. Dr. Frank is nothing to be intimidated by in the least.

The person reaches forward and starts to undo Chelios’s wrists from the arm rests.

Person: Believes himself to be a crazy insane unstable person but really it’s all a pathetic ploy that I’ve seen many times before. What he is doing is nothing special but is merely a spectacle. Just something slightly out of the ordinary but blown up in an attempt to throw people off. He won’t be able to dissect you because he has no focus. He believes that showing that he was tormenting his wife shows how twisted he is but really it doesn’t. It is the simplest ploy that has been devised since attacking a random person on the streets. There is minimal to gain from it unless someone is sucked in by it and you will not be sucked in by it. Right now you are subdued and hungry. Right now you are on the verge of wanting to fight me. On the verge of wanting to attack me. On wanting to extract revenge on me. But I warn you… do not attack out of anger and rage because you do not yet have full control of it and if you do… you will be caught.

The person undoes Chelios’s ankles from the chair legs and as soon as they step back Chelios lunges out of the chair and tackles the person to the ground. Chelios then begins to yell and after throwing the first punch the hand is caught and pulled as the person’s legs fly up around Chelios head. The left leg goes over the back of Chelios neck while the right leg goes over their left ankle. The foot is adjusted to be placed right behind the knee and pressure is then pulled in on the back of Chelios head as the triangle choke is cinched in tighter and tighter as Chelios first begins flailing wildly. The choke is held in tightly and soon Chelios stops flailing so wildly as he starts to calm down as he can’t really breathe and soon he is almost motionless before the hold is released.

Chelios lies on the ground face first as the person scoots back on their butt looking down at Chelios.

Person: I told you do not do that because you would leave yourself wide open. And then on top of that you have been down here for days you would not be strong enough nor in the right frame of mind to continue. Your strength is nowhere near where it needs to be. All you were good for was that initial attack and then beyond that useless. Precision is key for there is always going to be an opportunity to attack. An opportunity to provide the most damage to the one you are looking to attack. The key is to catch them off guard and strong. Otherwise you will just surprise them and as soon as they get their wits from your rage filled attack they will counter you and best you. Now you lay there and do not try to get up.

The person leaves the area and then returns with another wet rag that is placed over the back of Chelios’s neck as he is slowly raised to a sitting position.

Chelios: Why are you doing this to me?

Person: You are the chosen sacrificial lamb.

The person gets up to their feet and then delivers a swift kick to the side of Chelios’s head sending him right back down to the cold cement floor.

Person: I told you never question but only accept. And now that I have told you exactly what you need to do in order to not only survive but to also win your match… it is time for you to eat. You need to regain your strength so that when it comes time to fight you will be back near full strength. And as long as you use the tactics that I told you which I already know you will deviate from here and there… you will manage to do moderately well and may even pose to be successful in your attempt. But until then… clean yourself up. You are leaving your spit and drool on my floor.

The person gets up from their seated position and walks off as Chelios finally begins to stir a little bit.

Chelios: My head. There is no way that person could be… no. It can’t be. No possible way it could be. We’re finished if it is. I have to win now. For my own sake and safety.

He picks up the rag that fell to the floor and cleans up the mess he left before pulling himself groggily to his feet and starts to walk away.

End scene.


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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Ya really think this is a good idea?


This doctah thing! Ya think it's safe?

C'mon, Andretti. Christine never gave us reasons to doubt her!

Y-y-yeah, And-dretti! She n-n-never d-did!

What is she doin'?

Still on the phone....

Then it ain't too late! We can jus' go ovah there an' tell 'er we's changed our minds!

We've already told her we would, though...

So what? Ain't ya nevah heard of a last-minute change a' heart?

WHAT about it, Andretti? What's so wrong about us goin'?

Dunno...I jus' don' trust doctahs!

Yeah, same as you don't trust women, right?


You're just paranoid,'ll see, it'll be fine!

Y-y-yeah! You're acting l-like m-m-me!

Shh, she comes now!

"Good news, guys...I've spoken to Dr. Horowitz, and he can see us tomorrow."

TAMORROW?! I was gonna go to the gym tamorrow!

Oh, c'mon, Andretti! You can go to the gym some other time!

Well, 'e can see us some othah time too! We got a Pay-Per-View comin'!

Probably not. I'm sure he's a very busy man... Tomorrow's fine, Christine.

"Great! There's only one problem, though..."

W-w-w-what?! W-what p-p-problem, Christ-tine?

"He wants Daemonic to come with us."
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Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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Dr. Frank Urwhich's nice suburban home comes into view looking beautiful as always. We see a nice array of flowers out front to some nice vine-like plants wrapping around pillars. The grass is immaculate, of course. The camera than goes up to the front door which opens ever so creepily with no lights on behind it. It's not too long after we see Frank come into view himself. He's rather shirtless looking pretty disgusting too. The doctor then motions for the camera man to come inside his humble abode.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: Come in! Come in... I've been waiting...

The camera seems to nervously go into the door slamming shut behind him that looked quite startling.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: Oh don't be afraid... I'm going to tone down my actions a bit. I haven't slept in days... But I wanted to show ACW another side to me... I want to show people I am really a very kind man... Right here down this hallway.

They continue through the house until Frank stops and takes a picture off the wall of his Wife.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: Ah... the love of my life... I don't know why she would leave me... I've always been so supportive of her from working late nights at the dump to getting this huge contract with ACW... I hope she returns to me someday...

A little smirk goes across Frank's face as he looks at the camera and places the picture back on the wall.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: So many fond memories... I wouldn't know where to being. Maybe our wedding night? Our honeymoon? How about...

Frank moves a little further down the hall approaching another picture of someone that would probably be about half his age now.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: Our only son? He just turned 18... He didn't want any part of this household or me... He said I was changing... I told him I've been like this. I'm just a very hardworking man. I always have been and I always will be. Yet... he didn't understand. That's okay, I guess... I'm sure we'll be able to mend our lives back together sooner or later...

Urwhich seems a little distraught as he shakes his head and walks into what appears to be the kitchen. A couple plates of breakfast are on the table looking rather scrumptious. Dr. Frank sits down and starts dipping some toast into some runny egg yolk. He takes a bite and with a mouthful decides to speak again.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: Sit down... I made plenty. I'm not a bad cook to go along with being a great doctor as well...

The camera man sits down and places the camera on the table as we continue to watch Dr. Frank sloppily eat. The hesistant camera man soon follows and after a minute of awkward silence Frank decides he's done and carefully takes his plate to the sink.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: How is it? I'm hoping it's to your liking... I have some other things I want to show you before...

This is now where Frank opens up the basement door and merrily travels down the steps. The camera comes down and looks at the damp, cold room. Blueprints and schematics are littered everywhere along with tons of empty coffee mugs and Twinkie wrappers.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: I'm sorry it's such a mess... This isn't what I wanted to show you, though... Come this way...

Frank looks quite sinister as moves down old furniture out from under the stairs revealing a trap door.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: Don't be shy... I just wanted to show you my sub-basement or maybe it's a wine cellar... I don't know but I have my own plans for it... Come on!

They both head down and it's dark as hell. Nothing can be seen as they both go down the ladder and hit a dusty floor.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: Now where is that light?

Some muffling is heard as they scatter across this room.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: Oh here it is!

Frank pulls on a string bringing light to sight. It's then we notice on the floor more body bags. A couple seem to have people in them as well. This is when the scared as shit camera man takes off like a bat out of hell. This just leads to more of that horrible, awful laughter from the over the hill, middle aged crisis of man. The last thing we see is dust looming in the air before the camera itself goes blank on the floor.