ACW Striking Distance: Chase DeSanto v. Donnie Trix v. The Angel

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Mar 18, 2012
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First Bout: Rookie Showdown
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: N/A
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
Chase DeSanto v. Donnie Trix v. The Angel

If you are not in this match, don't post in this thread. If you are in this match, don't spam it up with OOC talk.
TWO RP cap with all RPs due by Wednesday July 11, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​


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Stranded. Emptiness. Loneliness you could say. Here I am in the middle of a park, sitting on some grass, the birds chirping and the sun's out. Just at peace, it's just the way I want to be. But I'm interrupted by a guy with a camera, probably posing or making a home-made movie, never seen him before.

Random Guy: Hey you... You're Chase DeSanto from ACW yeah?

Chase DeSanto: That I am, why do you ask?

Random Guy: Hi... I'm Shane, Shane Lerbeurgi. I am a new interviewer for ACW, could I just interview you and get a brief from you to why you haven't been appearing and since your debut you haven't really shown you care for this business.

Chase DeSanto: You want to speak? You want answers? You'll get answers Shane. There was never a debut, people tend to mis-understand that I was formerally known as Drew Alexander. I changed my name, changed my look, everything. I've been living double lives, I've been on the run for far too long. Everybody has been looking for me, last week I didn't turn up because I handed myself into the local police station, told them who I was. I went to court yesterday and luckily I was found Not Guilty. The name change is a good thing, I want to move on from my very past. I want to be able to live my life to the fullest, I want to show people I can respect them. While it's not easy... I am Chase DeSanto and I am proud of who I am and what I am!

Shane Lerbeurgi: So, what made you choose this name? Wasn't Drew your real name?

Chase DeSanto: No, Drew was just a name I chose to use for ACW when I debuted. My real name is Chase, however my last name was never DeSanto until I decided to change it. I'm not going to tell you what my last name was, let's move on from that very subject, I wish not to speak of it. I wish to speak of what I will do for the people that are fans of ACW, I wish to acknowledge them and tell them that come Striking Distance. Donnie Trix and The Angel have nothing on me, I'm a changed man... Now, sorry to cut you short but I do want to be at peace at this time being. Give me your business card, I'll contact you sometime this week.

Shane Lerbeurgi: Alright, here's my number. Just call me on my cell phone. I'm looking forward to see what you've got in store for ACW.

OOC: Something short to start us off.


Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
Sleep had evaded him yet again; it was starting to become a nuisance. Donnie laid there, in a near cold sweat as he looked up at his dark ceiling. In his tiny apartment, he could hear through the walls. And the one thing he truly didn’t feel like hearing was the young college kids having some sort of orgy. He didn’t know how accurate that assumption was, but he knew that there was a party going on. He got up quickly and headed towards his small kitchen. He looked inside his fridge and found exactly what he had been looking for. His bottle of Jack Daniels, the thing that helped him calm down the most. He knew he shouldn’t be drinking, especially when he’s supposed to be training. But he had fallen to temptation far too many times and now found himself addicted. He hated himself for it too. He knew that his father would disapprove the most out of all of this. He didn’t care though, he needed a drink, and he needed to get drunk. He decided to sit down in his living room; he attempted to turn on his TV, but remembered that he hadn’t paid his cable bill in a while. Sitting there, with no lights on, no TV, he had nothing to really do. He then remembered the party going on next door. He thought about it for a mere moment. He wasn’t sure if it was appropriate for him to just walk on over. He decided to do it anyways, he wasn’t getting any sleep tonight, and it might be fun to party with the college kids. He wasn’t that much older than them, so he was sure he could keep up. Boy was he wrong.

He was almost immediately let in the party and already he could tell it was a bad idea. These college kids were going nuts, having a good time. He took notice of many attractive girls, but saw some things he wasn’t so sure about. At least half of these kids were naked. They were as he thought, having an orgy. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that, it just seemed so strange to him. He looked over to one side of the living room to see two girls having a grand old time all over each other’s naked body. He was ashamed to admit, but he was slowly becoming aroused. The music was loud too, and it wasn’t his kind of taste in music. It was that dubstep kind of shit that he despised. He was so tempted to just leave, but something caught his eye. One young girl was giving him a very seductive look. He couldn’t help but be flattered, and a little bit curious. He knew some women found him attractive because of his build. And this girl just seemed to be taking all of him in. He had to admit, he was slowly starting to become intoxicated drinking in all of her. She was just a beautiful girl, although slightly slutty looking, he didn’t care. He headed towards her, and without warning starting kissing her. She started kissing back as their light kiss became a deep kiss of passion. Suddenly his hands started to tread lower and lower down her body until he found what he was looking for. All of a sudden the door of the apartment came crashing down as cops piled into the small space. All the police officers had serious looks on their faces as they shouted at all the college kids. In that moment, Donnie knew he was doing something terrible. A cop knew this too as he tackled Donnie to the ground and handcuffed him on the spot. The young girl he was just with was crying at this point as he was pulled away viciously. Donnie just lowered his head in shame as he was pulled away from the apartment and on his way to the police station.

As he sat in the cot, waiting for word from anybody as to when he’d be let out, a police officer came to his cell.

Officer: “Trix, you’re being bailed out. Come on.”

Donnie wasn’t sure who to expect to see. He felt even more ashamed of what he did when he saw his father standing at the desk waiting for him. As soon as Toby laid eyes on Donnie, a look of sheer disappointment washed over his face. Donnie couldn’t even look at his father as the whole bail out procedure was taken care of, only speaking when he was supposed to. As they made their way to Toby’s truck from the police station, all Toby could do was glare at his son. As they entered the truck, Donnie immediately buried his face into his hands and couldn’t help but feel disgusted in himself.

Donnie Trix: “I didn’t fucking know! I had a bad feeling the instant I walked into that apartment, but I wanted to have a good time.”

Toby Trix: “I’m not angry at that part; you know what I’m really upset about.”

Donnie did, he knew he was very close to having sex with a minor. He couldn’t believe he allowed himself to fall victim yet again to temptation, but this time of the flesh. The drive home was painfully long as the street lights flashed by in one big blur. Donnie couldn’t focus, he felt too horrible for what he had done. He looked over at his father who just shook his head. Donnie knew he had just disappointed his father more than he could ever imagine. And it all started with one single drink.​

Rated R Superstar

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
He was in the one place he didn’t really want to find himself, least of all now! Press conferences always depressed Donnie; they always consisted of nosy reporters who would later on change your words to either make you look good or bad. He knew they got paid well for it. They have done it to him in the past. He hated how they misconstrued his words. He knew full well too that they would have plenty of material after tonight. He was pretty much forced to speak truthfully and as honestly as possible. Donnie couldn’t imagine how hard it would be to do such a thing. He still couldn’t believe all that had transpired in all but a single night! His life had turned upside down. He had fallen into the very lifestyle he had attempted to leave behind nearly two years ago. It never helped him then, it certainly wasn’t helping him now. He knew he had to change the way he did everything. He looked all the faces just staring blankly back at him. This was it, this was where his career would either crash once again, or somehow miraculously come back to life. He just needed to say the right words. It wasn’t going to be easy, as he was sure people would know all about what he had done. He looked back out to the faces and took in a deep breath. No point in keeping them waiting.

Donnie Trix: “I suppose you’re all here to ask about what I plan to do in ACW, and other personal things.â€

Everybody in the room started to shout, trying to be louder than everybody else. All it did was give Donnie a headache. He hated this so much. It was pure torture for him. He waited for a good question, once getting one, he answered.

Donnie Trix: “I did not have sexual relations with that young girl, much the way the tabloids make it seem. I made a poor decision and now I must face it myself. I think we should move away from that topic of discussion and talk about other important matters.â€

A man stood up from the crowd and asked Donnie what it felt like to be given a second chance in his wrestling career. Considering the first company he worked for didn’t have much faith in him, and ultimately dropped him.

Donnie Trix: “The last company I worked for never truly gave me a chance, but they helped me get my career to a slow start. I was given some opportunities there. Since then, my name has gotten a bit more out there. I do get asked to make special appearances on some smaller shows. But I’m planning on working full time for ACW.â€

Suddenly Toby walks onto the stage, and the people in the crowd go nuts. Here he was, the man, the myth, the legend. Donnie always hated having to live under that huge shadow. It didn’t help much that his older brother Nicky cast quite the shadow himself. Nicky was the current International champion with only one loss under his belt. That was a huge shadow to try and step out from. Add to that the mountain he faced that was his addiction. It was nearly impossible to overcome such a mountain. He blamed only himself however, he chose this path.

Toby Trix: “My son is very focused on his debut match at ACW’s pay-per-view Striking Distance. He will prove to everybody that he’s not just here because of my name alone, like most people have speculated. He is a very talented young man and has a lot to prove. We will take one last question before this event is over.â€

A man holds up his hand, patiently. Toby nods in his direction as he stands up and asks his question.

Reporter: “You have a tag team partner who you have found some minimal success with in Joey Maverick. Can we expect to see him join you at any point in ACW, and if so, will you two attempt to challenge for the tag belts?â€

Donnie just smiled at the mention of his best friend.

Donnie Trix: “Joey is one of the most talented wrestlers out there, and there is an off chance that he may join ACW. As it stands he won’t be. If he does decide to jump on board, I’d be extremely happy to team up with. As for your question of the tag belts, if Joey does come to ACW and we team up, the tag belts would easily be ours in weeks. Don’t get me wrong, I have respect for RipperCussions and all the other tag teams in ACW, but they haven’t seen what Joey and I can do as a team. Only a matter of time I guess. For the time being, I’m hoping to hone in on my singles career before venturing into the tag team stuff again.â€

Toby Trix: “Thank you ladies and gentlemen that will be all. Thank you all for coming out today.â€

With that said, both Donnie and his father left the table they were seated at and left the room. As they walked towards the exit, both men continued on in silence. Clearly Toby was still in a sore mood of all that had transpired, and Donnie didn’t blame him.​