ACW Closed

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The Nicker

Dec 9, 2010
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Phoenix, AZ
You want to know why PWA was kept bringing up? Because when we got here with an established e-fed and great role-players who know more about e-feds probably a bit more than the owners of ACW (How many of those were they, by the way? 20?) did, you guys didn't give us or our ideas a chance. UWF is kicking your ass and people are saying "Let's have real wrestlers!", because it is obviously working for UWF and it worked for PWA. No, you guys have to be stubborn and have it your own way. You guys get into situations of people complaining about favouritism or confusion, we mention using a rating system, you guys remain stubborn and shut our ideas down.

We gave every single one of ACW's ideas and plans a chance. EVERY single one, and I said this 5 months ago that ACW was going to die because the way it is being run, and look what happened; it died. Because of YOUR stubbornness, not PWA's. PWA roleplayers were respectful, roleplayed for your e-fed, helped you guys out and King, BDC, and Pete helped more than any of the WS regulars, and you STILL didn't give us a benefit of a doubt, and are still complaining about us and the mentioning of PWA. Fine, defend your revolving door of staff members and over-abundance of complaints, confusion and activity drought, but we followed your rules and vision and it failed, numerous times.

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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If I'm just supposed to take words of merit then I guess I should have gave more respect to PWA but after over 10 years of RPing and joining about 50 different feds in that time, I just can't in all fairness just give them a rub when they are incharge and I'm in the same position I've always been in. Trying to move my way up the card through all the politics and backstabbing that happens behind the scenes. You can't just yell out about your past credentials in a new place and expect to be taken seriously by everybody. If I kept having to deal with that then I'm not just going to give everybody that gets a chance of power a great chance. We have to work together in the end but it always takes time to get there. I've actually become a big supporter of Pete and BDC even if I didn't always like the direction they were taking ACW.

The Nicker

Dec 9, 2010
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Phoenix, AZ
If I'm just supposed to take words of merit then I guess I should have gave more respect to PWA but after over 10 years of RPing and joining about 50 different feds in that time, I just can't in all fairness just give them a rub when they are incharge and I'm in the same position I've always been in. Trying to move my way up the card through all the politics and backstabbing that happens behind the scenes. You can't just yell out about your past credentials in a new place and expect to be taken seriously by everybody. If I kept having to deal with that then I'm not just going to give everybody that gets a chance of power a great chance. We have to work together in the end but it always takes time to get there. I've actually become a big supporter of Pete and BDC even if I didn't always like the direction they were taking ACW.

First e-fed related comment from a non-ITR WS member that I liked.

And I didn't like the direction Pete and BDC were taking it either, but what else could they have done if the ACW guys didn't trust them? That is what I'm complaining about. BDC and Pete know exactly what should and what has to be done to make an e-fed run correctly, and even when they are in charge, they aren't. BDC and Pete were the only chances ACW had of surviving, and that opportunity was taken away from 'em. Oh, and King too. Dude did some baddass graphics.


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Sep 14, 2010
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You want to know why PWA was kept bringing up? Because when we got here with an established e-fed and great role-players who know more about e-feds probably a bit more than the owners of ACW (How many of those were they, by the way? 20?) did, you guys didn't give us or our ideas a chance. UWF is kicking your ass and people are saying "Let's have real wrestlers!", because it is obviously working for UWF and it worked for PWA. No, you guys have to be stubborn and have it your own way. You guys get into situations of people complaining about favouritism or confusion, we mention using a rating system, you guys remain stubborn and shut our ideas down.

We gave every single one of ACW's ideas and plans a chance. EVERY single one, and I said this 5 months ago that ACW was going to die because the way it is being run, and look what happened; it died. Because of YOUR stubbornness, not PWA's. PWA roleplayers were respectful, roleplayed for your e-fed, helped you guys out and King, BDC, and Pete helped more than any of the WS regulars, and you STILL didn't give us a benefit of a doubt, and are still complaining about us and the mentioning of PWA. Fine, defend your revolving door of staff members and over-abundance of complaints, confusion and activity drought, but we followed your rules and vision and it failed, numerous times.

I dare you to find any of your PWA guys... any of them that have had more than a decade of experience in 20+ feds. Show me where they are and we'll talk.

The reason why things didn't work is cause PWA came in demanding changes before show 1 started. So don't try ... no I'm... All I'm saying is if the ones that did harp on about PWA didn't come in like raging dogs talking about how things need to change before they even gave things a chance things would have been different. But the thing is you won't put yourself in the shoes of us. A fed merges with yours and before they are even booked on one show... before a show is even posted... they come in and say this is wrong this should be changed that should be changed, this needs to be like this because that is how it worked on our fed. Respect is a big part of fedding and coming in like that is not respect. That's coming into another man's house telling him he is living wrong because he isn't living like you. That was what happened and things got off to a very bad foot and never fully recovered.

So you need to get your facts straight before you start spoutin out at the mouth like all of ACW's ideas were pure shit and the only way to survive was to use real wrestlers... which if that was done it would be nothing more than UWF lite. And if that is the case... why even have it? It's essentially the same thing. But Nicker... really coming in from the beginning and saying its going to die because it isn't like your fed... that's a real douche thing to say hoping that it'd die. And to say that all PWA guys were respectful? shut up with that lie. You know it and everyone else knows that is not true. There were those that stepped out of line and needed to be cut but weren't.

But for you to act like PWA was just this perfect fed where nothing happened wrong, where nothing went wrong, where everyone lived harmoniously and everyone got along happily and gayly... how about taking off the rose tinted glasses and see shit for what it is. Every fed has its probs and this fed had a lot of issues and because the two feds could not successfully merge you want to say that it is all ACW's fault and none of PWA's fault... where was your ass at? Oh you were over on that other site talking shit about how ACW has nobody and that everyone sucks and it was going to die because it isn't the magical PWA. Shut your mouth you weren't part of the fed long enough to have a viable opinion that amounts to shit fresh out of a dog's anus.

You just act like the only people that know efeds are BDC and Pete and everyone else is idiots... I'ma be blunt... fuck off.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
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The man, the myth, the legend... Slim.

The decade of dominance for a reason... Hehe, back to the topic at hand, what is PWA? Some fed? BDC & Pete were the only guys I saw from that fed who could hang with Me, SBS, Cwalker & Slim when it came to what we do. Would I want BDC & Pete in UWF Staff, absolutely but that isn't my call but to presume they are the only two with a clue how to fed is beyond lulzy, I've seen some real bad owners and I've seen some real good ones and under a pretty good one at the moment but from what I've seen, the majority of the issue is PWA side of things fault, not ACW.

Slim knows how to run a fed, you? Not a chance if that's your menality, I want to see you set up a fed here on Wrestlingsmarks, if you can even convince Troy or Ben in the first place, then see how far up your own ass you'll be when it flops because you become nothing more than a trend-whore? Perhaps a self-righteous asshole, you can't criticise shit you clearly have nothing to do with or have the ability to do in the first place.

It's sad to see any fed dies and I pointed out it's flaws but also they can always live and learn and I'm not afraid to offer my advice to them but someone like you? I didn't see you offering to help or give advice.

John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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There were several problems the most notable the PWA ACW clash.

The second was rule by committee you always need a defined figure head one to over rule all as opposed to x disagreeing with y and z so x recruits a to his cause only to have d show up with a completely new idea. Figure head should also not be a tyrant though.

We did have issues with people completely recreating their characters.

But the biggest was simply the revolving door in staff. It was an issue the issue before the PWA guys ever showed up.


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Yeah, not even going to get into this discussion very far.

The fed failed because of misconceptions, miscommunication and paranoia Andy came in blazing glory and set the tone. Me and Pete had no chance with some of you because all you saw was PWA. Damn, are we the only ones who can do this? Hell, no. Slim, Eor...countless others. But, in the end, it was in our laps with no where to go.

I enjoyed working with worked well. I enjoyed working with the fatal four after (King, Pete, PRime and me). But there was always this feeling like we were rowing up stream, against the tide. So many where sure we were trying to make this PWA even when we conceded on every turn. Not really interested in making this place PWA. I'd like to see it become something better than anything seen yet. not sure it's possible.


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Alright closing this as everyone has had their say.

Enjoy the time off and maybe in a couple of months we can start something again.
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