The Scene Opens back in the swamps of Louisiana, Leroy and Billy Bradley are having a going away party, as they set out tomorrow to join ACW as there newest tag team.
Billy: Leroy needs t'git back fum th' sto'e wif th' party supplies
Just as Billy Bradley finishes his sentence Leroy pulls in from the woods on a four wheeler with a trailer tugging behind filled to the brim with various items.
Billy: About time yo' got back brother, ah's hungry an' so is ev'ryone one else. We need t'git this hyar part started, cuss it all t' tarnation.
Leroy: I've got a whole bunch of fine stuff brother, stopped by th' old fishin' whole an' caught me a ton of them big old catfish.
Billy: We gonna need mo'e than jest some catfish.
Leroy: Shet yer mouth an' let me finish. ah also stopped at th' market in town an' got some mo'e stuff.
Billy: Do yo' git th' drank of th' gods?
Leroy: Yo' bet yer ass ah did brother
Leroy walks his way over to the trailer and pulls off the tarp, revealing a whole pallet full of Mountain Dew.
Billy: Fella thass whut ah's talkin' about, Mountain Dew an' Catfish doesn't git much better than this.
Leroy: Plus we got mamma in th' kitchen fryin' up some patootees an' frog legs.
Billy: Suppose yo' sh'd start cookin' this hyar fish instead of sittin' hyar chattin' Brother rules of th' swamps is eff'n yo' ketch it yo' cook it. ah's a-gonna set on on over thar an' take t'thet purdy lady
Leroy: ah knows th' rules brother, I've got it, but ah reckon thass cousin Peggy on over thar. Don't reckon mama'd be t'happy about thet.
Billy: No thass cousin Liz, an' she's our 2nd cousin so it's all fine.
Billy grabs a Mountain Dew from the trailer slams it, and grabs another and makes his way over to the lady.
Billy: It's hoof it time
Leroy: Git on fella wawk yer magic ah got cookin' t'do