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Rated R Superstar

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
lol, Pete don't you worry. I've been working on this RP for the passed 3 days, it's taken a lot of time. But it shall be done. Now, no more useless OOC talk!


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2010
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In your girl's closet
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Live at the center for the show. There is nobody inside the place yet but the ring is set up. He finds his place in the corner of the ring with his back against the turnbuckles. He has his mask on to conceal his face but he still has his upper torso revealed showing off his scars that he ha obtained over the years.

Zasalamel: Each and every day I have to sit back and look at myself. Each day I have to sit back and wonder what in the hell happened and why am I even still alive. I don’t have a recollection of how all of these happened. Some scars I remember, some I don’t… and then there are those I wish I could just forget. Those that I wish I never knew, that they never existed, that they were never there. Just that I could go back in time and remove that part of my life so it wouldn’t be there… because it is those moments that made me who I am. Those are the ones that scar you for life. Those are the ones that will follow you wherever you go for however long you go. Those are the ones that you will always look to try to remove from your memory but they are embedded so far deep inside that there is nothing that can get rid of them except death. But death is not an option. Not yet it isn’t.

Instead I have to look at myself I have to realize that those dark wounds that stain my body, that stain my mind… that stain the very being of my soul is what is my driving force to who I am today. I look at each of you and some of you want to pursue this perfect life. Some of you want to have this wealth, fame, fortune. All I want is a peace of mind. People look at clowns and all they think is happy. They don’t ever thing to ask what is going on deep inside the mind of the clown. They don’t ever think or wander… is that person really okay. Instead it is nothing more than an assumption that everything is good, that everything is okay, that there is really nothing going on inside of this head but there is so much more than what meets the eye. There is so much more than what anybody could possibly comprehend… but nobody wants to take the time to comprehend.

He pushes away from the corner and lays down on the mat looking up at the rafters.

Instead people want to overlook everything. They want to just move on with their lives and ignore what it is that made them who they are. They want to ignore their past…but you can’t. YOU CAN’T!!!

His voice echoing through the center.

WHY can’t I be happy? WHY can’t I enjoy life. WHY THE FUCK AM I STUCK LIKE THIS!? I’m stuck in this ring hoping one day to find the answer to my life riddle. Hoping that I can break free from my curse but instead I’m trapped. I’m trapped in this violent world as this violence is the only things that brings me peace. That brings me serenity. That makes any sense at all. This is the only thing in life that actually makes any sense. If only there was a way out of it I would accept it, I would take it, and I would be out of here but there isn’t. Instead this is what I am. This is what I do. This is who I am and what I do is I must illicit violence. What I must do is deprive people their “right” to peaceful living and show them the error of their way. Show them what violence and pain is all about.

I must expose them for the frauds that they all are. I must relinquish them from the hell that they have created for themselves for their lives are nothing more than bullshit that they’ve painted to impress the rest of the world. FUCK THE WORLD! This is what real life is. Real life is nothing but a fucking mask that is put on day by day by each and every person walking this damn world. Only looking to make it by each and every second to make sure that they look good enough for those that they want to impress. Forgetting entirely who it is that they actually are. But I haven’t forgotten. I haven’t lost a single bit of my identity. I want to lose it but I can’t. I look at my scars and they remind me of who I am. They remind me of where I came from. They remind me of what I must do. What I must do to the liars out there. The liars that compose of ACW and PWA. Liars that fill each and every seat in this center. Liars that are just taking up space and wasting time “living.”

There is nothing left for me to do now… nothing left but wait until the time comes. Wait for the moment that I can finally do what needs to be done and hurt each and every single person that is to be involved in this match. Show them their true colors. Show them what a piece of shit they are for living this fraud of a life. Each and every single one of them can look at me and see themselves which is why they hate me all the more because I am the living breathing version of them. Only thing is… I’m not afraid to admit it. One day the mask will be lost but the only way that will happen is when people will learn to be real, learn to accept who they are… and learn that in the end… their life is meaningless.

He rolls out of the ring and makes his way to the back as the scene fades to black.

Rated R Superstar

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
The sound was very faded and almost hallow in his ears, he could hear someone shouting at him, but he was in so much pain. It was hard to get a real sense of the battle scene he was in. He looked to the left of him, and saw an arm inside a hole, but this hole wasn’t natural. It looked as if a small bomb had just hit it. And one poor soul was unfortunate enough to be caught in the shot. He looked around and saw soldiers dropping to gunfire. Suddenly someone grabbed him and hefted him up, the man, who looked so tired and exhausted, seemed to have used the last of his energy telling to get a move on. Apparently they were ordered to fall back as he saw what was left of his regiment running back in the same direction. He looked in the direction the rest of the men were shooting towards, and saw something that horrified him. Hundreds upon hundreds of soldiers marched towards them, shooting down anybody who got in their crosshair. It was evident that this was a lost battle. Nicky went to shoot, but realized he didn’t have his rifle. He searched for it, but decided it wasn’t worth it, and began to run back. He pulled out his side arm, which was just a basic pistol. He looked back constantly, and saw that the enemy force was closing in. He turned around just in enough time to see the butt of a rifle heading towards him before everything went black.

He awoke with a splitting headache, a light was suddenly flashed in front of him, and he wasn’t sure where he was. He could faintly see dark figures passed the light, but couldn’t exactly make out who they were. The light was then removed from his direction and placed in a way that lit up the entire room. The room was nothing but a cement box. All the walls were cement, with some cracks in them; a table was the only other thing occupying the room, other than the light and the chair that Nicky was tied to. He tried to look around a little to get a little more aware of his surroundings, but he was forcibly grabbed by the neck and jerked back to look at the people in front of him. He could finally see who it was. Three men looked down at him, as they stood in a near perfect line. Each had a different kind of uniform on, indicating their position in the military they represented. One of them pulled out a cigarette and lit it, blowing smoke in Nicky’s face. He desperately fought back the urge to cough. He wasn’t a smoker, and he never liked it when people blew smoke in his face. Suddenly the man in the middle, who had a couple of stars on the side of his breast where his heart would be, spoke. Nicky assumed he was the one in charge.

Man: “Tell us everything we want to know, and you won’t suffer as much.â€

Nicky didn’t say a word, he didn’t know who these people were, and didn’t want to satisfy them. The man moved forward and hit Nicky in the face with his gloved left hand in a backhanded swing. It hurt, and caused Nicky to groan a little in pain. He looked up at the man who had swung, and gave him a very angry look. The man looked at him in disbelief. The man moved forward in the light to show his face. He had long raven black hair, and looked extremely pale. He spoke, but in a low tone, as if to intensify the feel that he was attempting to produce.

Man: “Do you have any idea who I am?â€

Nicky shook his head, he didn’t speak in mere defiance. Obviously his captors didn’t like that as they each took turns punching him in the face and stomach, occasionally getting a shot to his ribs and chest. One punch nearly took the breath right out of Nicky. They finally stopped after nearly five minutes of nonstop abuse. Nicky was in such pain he could hardly keep his body erect. One man made a noise that caused Nicky to look up at him. It was the pale man again.

Man: “I’m Heath Venomous; you may have heard of me, I’ve been considered the Vampire by those I let survive to tell my tale. With me is Aaron Asterisk.â€

Heath point to the man on his left to indicate Aaron, and then pointed to the right to introduce his other partner.

Heath Venomous: “And this man right here is Henri Calvash, the man that brought you here. It’s funny; he found it quite easy to get you, and boy what a catch!â€

Nicky let out a ragged breath before asking a question.

Nicky Trix: “Why do they call you the Vampire?â€

Heath smiled and showed some fangs, almost like a vampire would. It obviously amused him every time someone asked him that question.

Heath Venomous: “I’m so glad you asked, you see, as a child, I had always enjoyed the sight of blood.â€

Both Aaron and Henri seemed to get a little uneasy as Heath continued speaking of the times he actually bit people’s necks as a child, and his growing admiration for the vampire race. He would then go on to say he believed himself to be a vampire. Nicky wasn’t sure what to think, although the very first thought was that the man was crazy. But he did remember reading something about a man known for biting the necks of his enemies when he killed them. A sudden chill ran up Nicky’s spine. Suddenly he heard a large metal door slam open. He looked up to see light coming from the doorway. He got a better look of his surroundings and came to the conclusion that he was in a basement. He could see a set of stairs. He suddenly saw two figures walking down the stairs, and he could only assume it meant more trouble. Shame he was right, as a very menacing woman walked down those stairs, with an odd looking man walking behind her. She looked very awkward in her beautiful black dress that showed just enough curves to drive a man wild. The man behind her looked like he was just about ready to kill anybody. Nicky was now growing a little more concerned for his life. She finally reached the rest of the group, and whispered something to all three men who were beating on Nicky. They all nodded and left, he knew they’d be waiting close by, he could tell she was the leader, and would probably call for them to beat him even more senseless. He was quite surprised that she didn’t come up and straight up slap him. He had almost tensed up, waiting for it.

Woman: “Aww, don’t you worry your pretty little head, I won’t hurt you, just so long as you give me what I want.â€

The way she spoke was almost in a mocking way, she was belittling Nicky, simply for the sole fact that he was their prisoner of war. They probably felt they were doing the right thing. And the way she moved was just filled with cruel intent. He knew she would hurt him more than the others. He knew the big ugly guy with her would be more than happy to inflict pain on him.

Woman: “Gonna play the quiet game are we? That’s fine, my friend and I here know how to get a little noise out of people like you. Oh! How rude of me, I almost forgot. I’m Jacqui, and this is Zasalamel. We get the answers that are important to the Superior. And we believe you have some very important answers.â€

She said, with a sinister smile. Nicky wasn’t sure how to respond. He could by looks on both of their faces that they had some sick and twisted things planned for him. Suddenly out of nowhere a knife is slammed into Nicky’s left leg, and he let out a loud scream of pain. Jacqui had stabbed him in the leg, and looked to be enjoying the pain that she was causing Nicky. Zasalamel chuckled a little.

Jacqui: “Tell me what I want to know, and this could all be painless.â€

Nicky again did not speak; he was not going to give her the satisfaction of seeming weak. He was far from weak. He couldn’t let this scum get anything out of him. And Jacqui quickly became dissatisfied once she found out that most of her torture would not have any effect on Nicky’s stubbornness. She quickly called for Henri and Aaron and both men stormed down towards Nicky. Calvash got one final word before knocking Nicky out.

Henri Calvash: “You pissed off the wrong people buddy.â€

After that, everything went black. Nicky woke up yet again with a splitting headache, but he had been moved. He was no longer in that cold, dark room in some basement. Although, this room didn’t seem any better. There wasn’t any light, other than a faint glow from a light in the hallway. It shone through a tiny barred window on the door. He could hardly see anything in the room. He could hear some breathing though. He knew instantly that someone was in the room with him; he barely let out a squeak as he asked who was in the room with him. He was still groggy from the blow to his head, he didn’t really want shout in fear that it could send a large amount of pain to his head. Suddenly an older man appeared from the darkness, his greasy long blonde hair, the scars that were visible, and the overall look of his haggard body only told Nicky that this poor man had been a prisoner for a long time. The man didn’t smile; in fact, he had an almost angry look on his face. This caught Nicky off guard, was this some trick by Jacqui? Nicky got into a small defensive position and prepared for the worst. Suddenly the man let out a small chuckle, this truly perplexed Nicky.

Man: “Relax kid, I’m not gonna hurt ya.â€

Nicky didn’t exactly relax, but he did loosen his tense body a bit. The way the man spoke, in a very rugged, but also scratchy kind of voice told Nicky he could possibly be trusted, but not totally underestimated. The man pointed towards a bench that was attached to the wall. Nicky sat on it, his body aching, and pleading for rest. The older man sat down beside him, obviously feeling the need to be close by the younger fellow.

Man: “Name’s Abram Vance, what’s yours?â€

Nicky Trix: “Nicky, sir.â€

Abram only nodded his head and looked straight ahead. After nearly five minutes of silence Abram got up started to walk around, stretching his legs. Nicky wanted to do the same, but after what he had gone through with Jacqui and that monster, he just couldn’t move. He had been tortured to the point where he thought he may have been going crazy. At one point he even enjoyed it. He looked at the scars on Abram’s body, the man had obviously seen some bad times. Abram turned around in just enough time to catch Nicky eyeing his scars, and slowly walked towards him.

Abram Vance: “I’ve seen and been through a lot of shit in my time. But most of these scars are from that freak Zazamel.â€

Nicky went to correct him on the man’s name, but Abram stopped him.

Abram Vance: “You try saying his name without suffering from a brain aneurism. Anyways, me and that guy have been at our own personal war for years now. Since being locked up in here, I’ve vowed that I’d kill him before I die. But now it looks like I’ll die before I get that chance. That Jacqui bitch keeps this place on total lockdown.â€

At the mention of Jacqui, Nicky gets in a near rage. The woman had caused him so much pain, and he knew before his time was done, that he would kill her.

It had been nearly three weeks now since being taken hostage, and all three weeks have been nothing but torment for Nicky. He wasn’t quite sure what happened to Abram when the man was taken away, but he always seemed to come back with a new scar. The pain never showed on his face though, he always seemed to just accept it. Nicky was starting to accumulate his own collection of scars himself. Jacqui and Zazamel had done things to him that would make any ordinary person want to puke. He walked over to Abram, who was lying down on a bench looking at the ceiling and began a conversation with him.

Nicky Trix: “So, uh, how long-“

He was cut off as a sudden commotion erupted outside of their jail cell. He heard shouting and a gunshot, followed by a sound of almost a body falling. Suddenly a face appeared through the opening in the doorway. A man called out.

Man: “Damn, thought we’d never find you.â€

Nicky couldn’t really tell who it was, the man could see the confusion on Nicky’s face, and only smiled.

Man: “Nicky, it’s me, Andrew... *Sigh* Sanders! I got Raiden and Billy with me. Come on, it’s time to get you out of here. Get back!â€

Nicky did as he was told, and he was glad he did. The door blew open, causing Nicky to jump. Abram was already on his feet and looking straight at the door. A look of some kind of emotion washed over his face. But Nicky couldn’t tell, the man was so good at hiding his emotions; Nicky just assumed he had none. He saw that Sanders was a little concerned about Abram, Nicky only nodded towards him. Giving him a sign saying that Abram was an ally. Sanders nodded back and tossed them both a rifle, and some ammunition. Abram tossed his on the ground.

Abram Vance: “Won’t be needing this where I’m going boys. You got a knife?â€

Sanders nodded and handed him a knife. And a side arm, Abram took it hesitantly, but knew it would come in handy. Nicky knew what Abram was going to do. Nicky also knew that it was most likely a suicide mission, but Abram had already set it in his mind that it needed to be done. Abram gave him a weak smile, and slapped him on the shoulder before heading off. Nicky exited the cell, and saw Billy Young and Raiden Blaze on either side of the hall crouched and aiming their guns for kill shots. He had already seen a few dead bodies strewn out across the floor. But one dead body stuck out, it was the lifeless body of Henri Calvash and that made Nicky almost smile. The man caused him quite a bit of pain himself, and deserved nothing but death.

Nicky followed Sanders in a direction he couldn’t exactly know. He just trusted that Sanders would get him to freedom, and away from all of this misery.

OOC: Part 1 of a 3 part series! Stay tuned in later episodes of ACW! :) Also, all will be explained in the next RP. I promise. And if you think that I fucked up your characters, please PM, and I'll promise to do them more justice in the next RP. Don't PM me ideas, as that will fuck with my original plan, but just tell me you aren't quite happy with how I wrote your character and I'll make some adjustments in my next RP.

Chris Dresdon

Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2010
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The scene opens in the graveyard again, except the camera is shooting from the other side of the fence, from the outside in. Heath is walking through the area, the ground covered in leaves that rustle about with his continuous movement. His coat blows in the wind behind him as well as his jet black hair, his focus in front of him as he seems determined to arrive somewhere specific. The camera now cuts away and now films from the inside of the gate, right behind Heath as he crosses over into a different area of the graveyard, an area that has no leaves, no grass, no plant life whatsoever, it is just barren soil, gray in color likely from malnourishment. In the middle of the desolation is a large tree, also absent of leaves, aged greatly in its bark and limbs. Heath steps before the tree and crouches down, holding this position as he rests his right arm across his knees, extending his left towards the ground as he scoops a small amount of the soil into his hand and raises it up to eye level, where he examines the substance and then draws it toward his nose and smells it. He then brings his hand to his mouth as he laps the soil from his fingers with his tongue, tasting what he fetched from the ground. After ingesting the substance, he speaks with morbid satisfaction.

Heath Venomous:Perfect.

Heath rises to his feet and walks away from where he's currently standing, seemingly headed for an area of the gate that has a shovel propped up against it. Heath arrives where the tool is located and takes it into his grasp with both hands, placing the part of the handle that is below the shovel part on his right shoulder as he returns his left arm to his side, now carrying the tool with one hand as he pivots around and begins heading in the direction of where he previously departed in order to retrieve the shovel. Once he arrives, he swings the tool off of his shoulder and sideways through the air, then downward into the ground as it penetrates the Earth slightly. Heath places a foot on the shovel to drive it deeper into the ground as he grips the handle, and then begins to dig, throwing the dirt over his shoulder before going in for a fresh shoveful. Suddenly a circular beam of light appears on the side of Heath's face as he stops what he's doing and stands upright, turning to discover the source of the light, and there stands a police officer holding a flashlight.

Officer: Hey fella, you aware you're on private property?

Heath looks at him with fire in his eyes and addresses him sternly and coldly.

Heath Venomous: Do not interfere, human.

Officer: It's my job to interfere, pal. What you're doing is illegal.

Heath throws the shovel down and turns to face the policeman entirely.

Heath Venomous: And what exactly is it that I'm doing, officer?

Officer: That I'm not exactly sure of, but I don't intend to leave you be and find out. If I was to take a guess, I'd say you're looking to engage one of the corpses sexually.

Heath Venomous: You guess wrong, mortal, I have not brought myself here to disturb any of the slumbering deceased. Think instead of my purpose as erasing liability.

Officer: What are you talking about?

Heath ignores his question and reaches up and grabs one of the tree's branches, pulling what appears to be a fruit loose and holding it in his hand to where the officer can see it.

Heath Venomous: Do you know what this is, officer?

Officer: It's an apple, but it can't be, nothing's grown on that tree for years.

Heath Venomous: I can give life as simply as I can take it away, officer, that is a perk that comes with being the last of my kind.

The policeman looks both frightened and puzzled.

Officer: Your...kind?

Heath Venomous: Pay attention. This apple is like the forbidden fruit in the story of Adam and Eve, because of their partaking, the entire foundation of all humanity was changed. In that instant, due to one action, everything was drastically altered. That is the reason that people like you, mortals in other words, are cursed with having their lives one day come to an end. That is why you and your kind will one day each feel the sting of death, because of one bite of an apple. ACW made a very similar mistake, officer. Anyone that sees me at first glance knows there's something unique about me, something that sets me apart from all others that walk this planet. They don't know what it is or whether it's a positive or negative attribute, but they do sense that it exists. They knew in their heart of hearts that signing me to a talent contract was a risk, but they couldn't resist, I mean look at me. I am an outstanding physical specimen, I am as physically commanding in combat as I am articulate with my words. Something inside them said they shouldn't sign me, but they did it anyway because the pros seemed to outweigh the cons. It was the serpent of their conscience that talked them into disobeying their inner deity, and by allowing me to compete for their promotion they, in their own way, consumed a forbidden fruit. And because of what I set out to do in my time in ACW, in the grand scheme, their consumption of that forbidden fruit will doom all of humanity.

All fear vanishes from the policeman as it is now replaced with anger.

Officer: Okay, I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't know what ACW is, and I don't know what you're setting out to do. As far as I know you dropped acid at a Marilyn Manson concert, which explains how you're dressed, and wandered into the middle of this graveyard and started digging and everything you're saying is gibberish derived from the trip you're on. But because you're threatening humanity, I can't risk this being the truth, so I'm taking you in!

Heath gets furious as he begins to scream at the policeman.

Heath Venomous: Fool! I was alive when the statutes and laws you are trying to enforce were created! I know all the ins and outs of your pathetic legal system, and even if you succeed in prosecuting me, I possess a lifespan that will never cease, and will survive as many consecutive life sentences as your pathetic judge wishes to sentence me to! How dare you mock my words and style of dress, you represent what it is that I'm here to destroy, so heed my warning, human, leave now or be dealt with!

The policeman is taken off guard, looking frightened for a moment, but then decides to engage the confrontation as he swings his flashlight at Heath, who swats at it and breaks it in two as the top half falls to the ground and the cop is left there trembling with the other half in his hand. He then gets angry again as he throws it down and reaches toward his side, pulling his firearm out of the holster, aiming it directly at Heath. The officer pulls the trigger but the second he does, Heath throws the apple at a blazing speed unlike anything ever seen and it shatters the gun and the fruit both as the policeman jumps away from the flying debris and Heath stands there with the bullet in his hand. Petrified, the policeman turns the other direction and flees the graveyard as Heath drops the bullet to the ground and turns around, picking the shovel up off the ground and returning it to his grasp as he begins to dig again. As he digs, he begins to speak to the camera.

Heath Venomous: Some of you are probably envious of your highly respected lawman, because in a conflict with Heath Venomous, he was given an option none of you will be given, to use the latter half of his body's natural fight or flight response. He gets to return to his home and enjoy all the luxuries utilizing a hard day's work and common sense over the years has provided him. He gets to enjoy a meal with his family and comfortably lay his head down next to his wife and slumber peacefully, blanketed with the lesson he learned to never darken the path of the "Last Vampire" ever again. What do all of you get? You get to leave behind your homes, leaving those household luxuries unenjoyed, rendering all that hard work and common sense useless. Your family will dine without you, and your spouses and significant others will suffer a series of sleepless nights in the bed you share, knowing why you aren't there lying next to them, pained with the reason for that empty pillow and unoccupied section of bed space. It is because you are miles away, standing under hot lights and surrounded by thousands of screaming people, cameras watching you from every side as you stand in the ring, in between those four sections of rope, and do your best not to win the Battle Royal, but to survive it. Victory will be on your minds, but it will be too far away to grasp, and the reason for that will be the man that refuses to relent, the man that has no compassion or remorse, the being that doesn't care about victory, ME! Your respective fanbases will weep as I dismantle you and toss your ravaged corpses from the ring like bags of compost headed for a dumpster, and I will see their tears, and I will hear their cries to stop, but these things will only inspire me to continue my actions with increased brutality. At the end of the night, you may not fear me, you may not respect me, but I promise you this, you will know why my surname is Venomous.

Heath throws the shovel aside, satisfied with the depth of the hole he has dug. He walks around it and goes to the other side of the tree, bending down to grab something that cannot be seen. He stands up and walks back over to where he was previously standing, carrying a tattered and wet burlap sack. He turns the bag upside down and begins shaking it as the contents are deposited from the bag into the hole. They appear to be voodoo dolls created in the likenesses of Andrew Sanders, Jacqui M, Abram Vance, Nicky Trix, Raiden Blaze, Aaron Asterisk, Zasalamel, Henry Calvash, and Billy Young. Heath drops the sack to the ground as he reaches into his jacket and pulls out a match, lighting it off of the sunglasses on his head as he throws the match into the hole, the entire grave being engulfed with fire. Heath looks at the camera, the flame roaring behind him.

Heath Venomous: Who wants the title shot the most is still to be determined. But as far as what I want, there is no question who wants that the most. See you in three, mortals.

Heath Venomous turns his back to the camera and walks towards the fire, stepping into the grave and disappearing amongst the roaring heat. As he vanishes into it, the fire instantly dies out. The camera moves forward and pans down into the grave, where only the sunglasses of Heath are seen, with the word "ADRENALINE" in bold letters written across the lenses in blood.
Last edited:


Mar 18, 2012
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International Contendership Bout Roleplay 1 of 2

The cold night air expands into a vastly infinite landscape widely recorgnized as the Alternative Champhionship Wrestling's weekly sports entertainment show, Adrenaline. The Mayfield Center in Yonkers, New York is jam-packed as the camera begin to roll in the image of the audience becomes visible to the naked eye of those viewing at home. Those in attendance at the live event vary in appearance, but liter the arena in pursuit of viewing what has been hyped as a once-in-a-lifetime event, that being Andrew Sanders' revelation of his true identity. As the moments before Sanders' unravel at a quickening rate, the crowd quiets to a mild hush. Meanwhile, the lights begin to dim. A sense ubiquity fills the stadium as the man of a thousand faces shows his face amidst the rays cast down by the fireworks accompanying his entrance. Sanders begins to speak in a semi-deep tone-of-voice while walking towards the ring.

Andrew Sanders: "Let's make this plain and simple. I'm going to skip the formalities this time."

Sanders looks around and views all eyes remaining vigilent of his actions.

Andrew Sanders: "Meteors and monikers, they all fall the same way, as does this name. For years and years, people have viewed a man named "Andrew Sanders," supposedly changing his look every few months, or laying claim that he is being impersonated. Well, I'm here to give you, the Alternative Championship Wrestling audience, some insight on the topic."

With the proposal set in motion, the crowd slowly begins to flare back to life.

Andrew Sanders: "My name is Andrew."

With the lack of the a revelation of a surname, the crowd become enraged to the point at which Sanders receives a large amount of heat.

Andrew Sanders: "Ladies and gentlemen, I am here tonight as my own person. And that person, shining brilliantly under this undying light is Andrew Reynolds. Reborn as the future of this company. No longer will I strive to carry on a floundering legacy that would much less sooner be forgotten. I am younger and faster than anyone else who has portrayed this "character" of a man, a thus, I will be dominant while facing the competition from here on out. Despite this, I will have to forfeit the match tonight, as I would much rather see my friend, Nicky Trix, pick up the win tonight and show Eric Snow what he has to offer for the title. Reynolds is my name and it will be my claim to fame and don't you all forget it."

The audience begins to give Reynolds a large pop as he continues to speak.

Andrew Reynolds: "I have to take my leave now, but if you would like to know more, you'll have to wait until next week. I know things are a bit hazy right now, but light will be shed on the issue. Good night, my friends!"

After his final word, Reynolds leaves the ring a changed man, ready to combat the world a capture what he hopes will soon be near and dear to his heart.

End of Scene


Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma

Nice offering guys! I'm impressed. There wasn't a BAD rp (really, the only bad rp is the one not written). But it's Midnight Central no more please.
Gonna be hard to chose. And the ones who got only one in, you're still looking good...this is the creme dela creme of the future of ACW!


Mar 18, 2012
Reaction score
Lawl, the all the more credit shoud go to RRS, who somehow convinced me to roleplay with a decent amount of time left, haha.