ACW Adrenaline 13: Eric Snow v. Zack Bronko

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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Main Event: Vying For A Battle With Syn
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: #1 Contendership to the ACW World Heavyweight Championship
Time Limit: 30 Minutes (3 RP Cap)
Eric Snow v. Zack Bronko

If you are not in this match, don't post in this thread. If you are in this match, don't spam it up with OOC talk.
THREE RP cap with all RPs due by Sunday July 1, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​


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Dec 3, 2010
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Eric Snow: Welcome to the gates of hells.

Snow sitting in the back of the limo, taking a drink of scotch, as they pull up to the front gates of a upscale gated community in suburban Chicago. He's on his way to his childhood home to have dinner with his parents and siblings, not his ideal way to spend a night. The limo drives through the main gates, stopping at a security checkpoint where a guard is currently stationed. A fat balding man in his late 40's leaves the guard house comes to the windows and ask for credentials from the driver, before giving him the ok to continue. As the back of the limo passes by the man, he throws a wave and a nod towards Snow who has the window rolled down, he is greeted back with a middle finger from Snow. The car continues to move at a slow pace through the community, passing million dollar mansion after mansion as they go. Perfectly manicured yard, flawless construction, and expensive cards parked in the driveways is the norm around here. The limo arrives at a cul-de-sac and sitting at the top on a huge hill is the biggest home in the community.

Eric Snow: Welcome to Snow Manor.

Eric says with a sarcastic tone as the limo starts to pull into the driveway, he quickly finishes his scotch before making another. The glass he has in his hands is half full and he quickly finishes that drink also. Snow always felt that alcohol helped him deal with his family, so he's trying to get a good base going before he enters the front. The limo is at a stop now, and the driver opens Eric's door letting him know that they have arrived at there destination. Snow looks over at the bottle of scotch noticing that the battle which was half full at the start of his ride is now empty. He gets out of the car slowly walking past the driver and to the front door of the house. He knocks 3 times, before taking a step back and waiting. About half a minute passes before a hispanic women opens the door.

Woman: Hello, Mr. Eric everyone is in the dinning room if you would like to come in.

Snow looks over his shoulders as he is gesturing that he's never been called Mr. Eric before and is playing off someone else being behind him. He walks past the woman and into the house as the door closes behind him. He's in the front room of the mansion now, it's a grand room with vaulted ceilings, artwork on the wall and imported marble tiles gracing the floor. He cautious to make his way any farther as his family awaits him in the main dinning room. He looks over and see's the woman who appears to be the family maid staring at him. He looks at her before making a remark.

Snow: Think I can handle it from here whatever your name is. I did grow up in this house so I should be able to make my way to the dinning room. I'm sure you've got some toilets to clean so why don't you hop along.

The woman is stone faced, as it's obvious she used to people looking down on her, being a maid for many wealthy families over the years. She looks over at Snow with a smile on her face, before asking him a question

Woman: Would you like me to take your coat Mr. Snow?

Snow ignores the lady for a second or so as he continues to look around the room, he notices a few new vases on some of the tables, and that most of the pictures of him from when he was a child are now removed from the small table on the side of the room that had been there for years. Memories of his childhood gone now replaced with some expensive artwork his father must of picked up in his travels. He looks back at the women still sitting there with a smile on her face, pausing for a few more seconds before answering her questions.

Snow: I'll hold on to my coat. You people are known for having sticky fingers, and I need my change to taunt the homeless as I walk by them.

Snow now leaves the front room, walking past the woman not giving her a second glance. He makes his way down a long hallway now where at the end is a room with 2 big oak doors open wide, with light and chatter becoming more prominent as he moves forward. He's now only a few steps away from the room as his walk grows slower. He knows once he walks in his room what he's in for, and for the most part it's not good. Snow takes a deep breath and moves forward before entering the room. Inside seated at a large dinning room table is his family, and as soon as Snow enters and his family notices the chatter instantly stops as all eyes are now on him.

Setting at the head of the table is Michael Snow. He's a distinguished looking older man in his 60's. He has a full head of well groomed grey hair, and the normal wrinkles and blemishes you would see on any man his age. He has a cold vibe to him, always with a serious look on his face, he looks up at Eric for a second offering him nothing, just a stare and then back to his food. Sitting next to him on the left is his wife Dina Snow, like her husband she is also in her 60's, but is a much kinder and warmer person. She's always been a natural beauty and she easily looks half her actual age, with long flowing black hair, and a bright smile on her face. She looks at Eric giving him a smile before getting up to met him and give him a embrace in the form of a hug and a kiss on the check, before speaking to him.

Dina: Eric it's been to long. It's great to see my baby boy again, why don't you take a seat and have some of this wonderful dinner.

Snow now feels a little more at ease, he was always close with his mother, and she was easily the only reason he showed up to events at his family home. He makes his way over to a seat next to his mother stopping to give her a kiss on the check before sitting down and getting comfortable in his chair. Sitting across from him, he notices his oldest brother Colby Snow, who Eric couldn't stand. His apperance was pretty much identical to his father Michael, just a younger version of him. While Eric went into wrestling Colby followed his father into the family business, quickly moving up the ranks to the point that he's the second in command of a multi billion dollar company. He just lears at Eric it seems he wants to say something, but doesn't know if he should or not, he finally gives in and shoot a insult Eric's way.

Colby: Only a hour late this time Eric. That's pretty good for you and you don't even seem that drunk.

Eric seems to ignore the insult, as another maid comes up behind him with the salad course of the meal. She set's it down before asking Eric a question.

Maid: What kind of dressing would you like with your salad Mr. Snow?

Snow picks up the salad off the table and hands it back to the maid, asking for something else instead.

Snow: Gonna pass on dinner today, had a big meal at the Boom Boom Room, but what you could do is bring me a nice tall glass of scotch.

The maid nods and smiles as she exits the room to retrieve Eric's drink. A few have passed but Eric now looks over at this brother to address his previous comment.

Snow: Trust me Colby I'm drunk...god only knows how horrible these little mettings would be without the help of a few tall glasses of scotch.

The maid returns with Eric drink and hands it to him, the whole time Eric just glares at his brother Colby, he takes a drink off his scotch before continuing his conversation with his brother.

Snow: So, Colby did you come out of the closest yet? Been using this excuse that your so busy working, when I really know your the secret captain of the SS Fudge Pack.

Snow laughs and takes a drink from his scotch, this last comment was over the top even for him and it's gotten everyone's attention. His brother stands up out of his chair and is about ready to jump across the table, his mother shakes her heads and let's out a sigh, and his father who has been all about his meal since Eric arrived now looks up.

Colby: Yea really funny Eric. For your information I'm straight, but working 80 hours a week doesn't give me a lot of time for other stuff.

Eric: You should work less.

Dina: Boys please don't start.

Mike Snow begins to clear his throat as there seems to be a major argument brewing.

Colby: Sorry Eric someone has to work in this family, me and Father bust are asses so you can live like a king without actually having a REAL JOB!

Eric: Last time I checked I had a real job, and I was pretty damn good at it, actually I'm at the top of the hill right now. Certainly better than what you do walking around kissing old man ass all day.

Colby: I wouldn't call wrestling a real job Eric...rolling around with other greasy men, and your calling me gay.
Eric: Colby you have what I do confused with the gay porn you watch, I beat the living shit out of other people, there''s no rolling around, keep on running your mouth and I'll show you first hand what it is I do at my REAL JOB

Snow finishes his sentence and slams the rest of his drink slamming his glass on the table. Colby who looks like he's about to explode with anger sits down also, whether it be because he has nothing else to say or the fact that he just doesn't want things to escalate. Dina has had enough, she wipes her face and leaver her napkins on her plate as she gets up to leave the room. Eric tries to stop her, reaching out his hand in a gesture for her to sit back down before saying something.

Eric: Come on mom don't leave, we all know Colby is a giant prick, and I'm sure he'd be willing to leave so we can all continue with the wonderful evening.

Eric's plea falls on death ears as his mother just shakes her head and leaves. Snow points to his glass motioning for the maid to get him another, as he turns his attention back to his brother.

Eric: So Colby.....

SLAM! Mike Frost slams both his fist on the table before standing up and giving both his sons a stern look.


Mike Snow steps away from the table, taking a cloth from his pocket and wiping his forehead, he makes his way over to Colby and places his hand on his shoulder. It may of been some sort of untold sign, but Colby immediately gets up and leaves the room, Snow gives him the double bird on his exit as the maid arrives with his scotch. Mike Snow sits down in Colby's chair across from Eric and stares right through him as Eric tries to avoid eye contact.

Mike: Show me some respect boy and look me in the eyes.

Mike Snow's deep voice demands attention and Eric attention is now his as he looks up at his father who is red in the face, with a big vein pooping out of his temple.

Eric: Yes father how can I help you? Want to go play catch in the yard..go for a good ole fishing trip all that fun stuff we used to...oh wait we never did any of that.

Mike: That's your problem Eric your a smartass, who just can't let anything go. Yes I wasn't around when you where a kid but I was building a empire which now allows you to have pretty much anything and everything you ever wanted. So don't come into my house smelling like a wino and upsetting your brother and mother. I put up with a lot from you but I expect RESPECT when your in my house.

Eric: You don't respect me, why should I respect you. You treat me like a leper, just cause I didn't follow in your footsteeps like fucking mini me over there.

Mike: Once again you don't grasp reality. But I can play your game.

Eric: How about monopoly?
Snow has finishes off another drink and calls the maid over for another, as she takes his glass and once again is off.

Mike: Eric you can do whatever you want, be a Pimp for all I care, just be good at it.

Eric: Well I technically am a pimp and last time I checked I was a hell of a wrestler.

Mike: Last time I checked you lost your last 3 matches. I've said it a 100X, your all talk, back it up for once in your life and actually do something to bring honor to the family name. Cause right now you just a spoiled little brat who's a joke and doesn't even realize it.

Mike Snow has said his peace and leaves on that note, leaving a shell shocked Eric sitting alone in the room. Mike Snow has never given Eric a compliment his entire life, and in Eric's opinion has always been a failure in his fathers eyes, and this once again proved that point, and why Eric was dreading this evening. Eric sits there not knowing what to do. He sits there thinking, looking back through his memories trying to remember one time he made his father proud, his thoughts are interrupted though as the maid returns with his drink, Eric hands it back to her requesting something else.

Eric: Keep the glass....bring the whole bottle.



Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Moments after coming off the air, Zack Bronko finally makes his way backstage. As he passes the owner and General Manager of ACW, John McHenry, the big man stops, turns and looks down hard at his boss.


Zack Bronko: You think that's cute. You just did me a favor, McHenry. Of course, I can't speak for Snow, but I'm sure it's gonna come off different than he thinks. I'm gonna personally wipe off that smart ass grin of his and end this on the next show. Just remember, JOHN, you asked for this!

With that, Bronko stormed deeper into the back. Standing close by during the whole exchange between the man she loves and the man who controls his income is NIKKI BRONKO. She seems concerned, but doesn't say anything for a long time. As Zack grabs his stuff to go home, he finally breaks the silence.

Zack Bronko: What is it, Nikki?

I could always tell by her silence exactly what she was thinking. I could FEEL her thoughts through the back of my skull. It just seems the more things change....

Nikki Bronko: You sure all this was a good idea?


That wasn't expected.

Zack Bronko turns bewildered: All what?

Nikki Bronko: Coming back to wrestling. Putting your body and EGO on the line every night. I don't know, Zack. This might have been a big mistake.

How the hell do I answer that?

Zack Bronko walks over and gets real close to his love: I can make more in that ring in one night that I can make working a couple of weeks at a regular job! And, from what I'm hearing, the numbers are up and, if the next Internet Pay Per View goes well, everybody will be looking at more money. I dare say this place could be making PWA money in no time. You know. It's filling the void.

Nikki doesn't look convinced: It's not about the money, Zack. I could get by on less. All I need is you. And I feel that I lose a bit of you every time you go in that ring.

Never heard this before. No sure how to respond. But, as usual, I have a gut reaction that takes over.

Zack Bronko: You know it's more than that for me, Nikki. I've done this since I was a teenager. And I'm damned good at it! I've worked other jobs, hon. It just seems, the longer I stay out of that ring, the more of my soul gets eaten by this damned world. In there, I'm in control! In that ring, I command my destiny...

I try to go back to getting my stuff together; act like that settled that. Unfortunately, that never worked with Nikki.

Nikki Bronko: When you were playing a character in PWA, you know, THE BADASS that cut the heel promos and played the crowd, that was fine. I mean, you were being someone else. This side of you I see lately is too real. You're not playing a character in the ring anymore, Zack. That's you out there.

Zack Bronko zips up his bag: Ok, SO WHAT? How is that a bad thing? I'm not playing out there! I'm fighting for something I believe in! And, if guys like Snow want to waltz in here with their daddy's money and a silver spoons stuck up their asses and spit on everything that I hold hear, then I'm gonna have something ta say about it!

Nikki Bronko chooses her words carefully: Yeah, honey. But, if you're being REAL out there, then the slams and the bombs and the ZACKBREAKERS become real too! Remember the last time you got REAL with somebody?

I remember. There were doctors and lawyers involved and jail time.

Zack Bronko slams the locker shut: This is different.

I try to walk away, but she just won't let me.

Nikki Bronko: I know better than to tell you what to do Zack Bronko. Just be careful. Because wherever you go, you take me and Matthew with you.

We didn't talk much the rest of that night. But the debate still raged. I won't endanger Nikki and Matt BUT I won't let them down ever again.

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GEORGE THOROGOOD "Bad To The Bone" - YouTube


The rock anthem to the Badass finishes as Zack Bronko finds himself in a radio studio with a couple of morning jockies.

Why do I let them talk me into this shit? Well, at least, they're playing decent music.


*JIM MONAGHAN : You're back with Jim Monaghan and Kim Mulligan on the MORNING JOLT on WDHA; 105.5 FM! And we're joined by a man who is definitely BAD TO THE BONE; Mr. Zack 'THE BADASS' Bronko of the ACW. Good to have you on today, Zack.

Zack Bronko; trying to be cordial: Thanks for having me on, Jim.

Jim Monaghan: Now, it says here that you're this close to challenging for the ACW HeavyWeight Championship.

Zack Bronko: It's in the bag. I mean, it's all over but Snow screaming.


Kim Mulligan: Now, Snow. You mean Eric Snow, the man you're up against this week on Adrenaline in that number one contender's match?

Zach Bronko: Yep. Silver Spoon's getting a wake up call. I'm his REALITY CHECK.

Jim Monaghan: Now, Zack, you call youself THE REVOLUTION. What does that mean?


Zack Bronko: Well, wrestling has gotten stale and old to most people. Guys come into the business and play some character. They act like their actually helping the business when all they're doing is burying it in mediocrity. I'm here to REVOLUTIONIZE wrestling. Bring wrestling back to it's roots. Make it mean something again. Two men stepping in the ring and having it out like MEN should.

Kim Mulligan: Nice. Ok, we have a little time left. Let's go to the phones for questions for the BADASS!

Jim Monaghan: Good morning! Who am I talking to?

Listener: Andrew

Jim Monaghan: Good morning, Andrew! You're on the air with Zack Bronko. You have a question?

Andrew: Mr. Bronko?

Zack Bronko: Please call me Zack.

Andrew: ZACK, how does your family feel about what you do?

Wasnt' expecting that.

Zack Bronko: My wife Nikki and our son, Matthew, are living together in Yonkers close by. She fully supports me.

Andrew: And your FATHER?

I just stare at the microphone like it just said something dirty to me for a long time.

Zack Bronko: Not on speaking terms. What the HELL do you know about my father?

Jim Monaghan: WHOA! Looks like you've struck a nerve, Andrew. Maybe...

Andrew: Have you heard from MACY lately?

I lose it again. Before I know it, I'm up and throwing the headset.

Zack Bronko: The HELL with this! Who the HELL are you? What are you...hey, aren't you that guy who interviewed me last week?

I can still hear him over the speaker in the booth.

Andrew: Yes, I am. You haven't answered my question, Zack. How's MACY doing?

I don't answer him and I don't tell the damned radio Jockeys thanks or bye or anything. I just blow out the door and out onto the streets. My blood pumps hard in my veins as I find a cab. I look in at the cabby and bark orders.

Zack Bronko: Take me to the offices of Yonkers Rising. And make it snappy.

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Walking through the office door, I explode past the receptionist.

Receptionist: I'm sorry, sir! You can't go back there!

I don't respond I find the biggest office and knock the door open.


Zack Bronko: Andrew Tobia?! Where is he?

The older man looks horrified and angry: He's right behind you.

I look and don't see him in the sea of faces.

The older man gets managerial with me: I don't know what you're needing here, but this kind of behavior...

A younger man steps up and swallows hard: Can I help you?

Zack Bronko: just point out Andrew Tobia. I have a bone to pick with him!

The younger man looks white as a sheet: Well, I'm Andrew Tobia.

Zack Bronko: Wha? You can't be! I had an interview with him last week!

Andrew Tobia: Well, I'm sorry. I've never seen you in my life.


Zack Bronko: Well, if it wasn't you, who the hell was I talking to?

That one question echoed through my mind the rest of the day.​


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2010
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THUMP....THUMP....THUMP the sound of load knocking on a door. Waiting outside is Deandre Jordan agent for Eric Snow. The door he's knocking on is the door leading into Eric Snow's penthouse. The knocking goes on for a few minutes with no answer, there's no door bell so continuing to pound is the only option.

Deandre: Bro, get off your ass and let me've got shit your suppose to be doing right now shit you got paid already to do.

Inside on the couch sits Eric Snow. He's not his usual daper self, as he unshaven, hair a mess and wearing track pants and a t shirt. He ignores the knocks as he doesn't really want to be bother. His recent losses in ACW along with a very critical dinner with his father has put him in a foul mood.

Deandre: Eric if you don't let me in now, were done. It's my job to make sure you do the stuff your suppose to do and guess what your not FUCKING DOING IT!

Once again no response from Snow as he continues to sit on the couch, he's watching TV and honestly doesn't care what Deandre or anyone else has to say. He get's up walking up to the door and looking through the peephole of the door, seeing that Deandre is still there. He chuckles and continues on his way to the fridge where he grabs out a soda and makes his way back to the couch. Suddenly the door opens and Deandre appears inside the apartment. Eric remembers that he gave him a key when he bought the place, something that had been a convience in the past, but now doesn't seem like such a good idea. Snow looks away from the TV and back at Deandre who doesn't look to happy, he breaks the eye contact immediately and goes back to the screen.

Deandre: Get up man, you have a autograph singing you have to be at...they paid you 10k so either get up or pay it back.

Snow looks at Deandre and then points over to the dinning room table where his wallet is. Motioning to him to take it as go, as it seems he still has no interest in leaving the house today.

Deandre: I didn't think your tight ass was actually willing to pay anything doesn't matter though I'm dragging your ass out of here myself if I have to.

Snow: I'm busy boss, got a match to get ready for this week don't have time to hang with the local hicks.

Deandre: What you watching match footage...getting ready for Bronko?

Snow: Yea don't worry about it, I've got my ways.

Deandre seems suspicious as he makes his way over to the couch to see what Snow is watching. He immediatly realizes he's not watching any match footage.

Deandre: Really bro, your watching Girls Gone Wild?

Snow: No it's not Girls Gone's Slut's Go Nuts a much raunchy more artistic version of the original.

Deandre grabs the remote out of Snow's hands and turns off the TV, he then leaves the room going into the bedroom coming out a few minutes with more presentable clothes in hands that he tosses at Snow.

Deandre: This shits getting old bro, you need to get over it.

Snow: Am I about to get one of those awesome pep talks from you Dre? I look forward to them so much.

Deandre: Nah, I'm done with those they just don't seem to sink in. You want me to be honest with you here?

Snow: Whatever is going to make you stop talking sooner works for me.

Deandre: There's problem one, you don't need to be a dick to everyone. Yea bring that attitude to your opponents people you don't like, but not people like me that are supposedly your friend.

Snow: Man I'm just....

Deandre interrupts him before he can finish.

Deandre: Shut your fucking mouth, let me talk. Problem number two..STOP BEING A BITCH. "My daddy ain't proud of me", "I lost some matches", I don't make enough money". Last time I checked you life is pretty fucking great. Stop shitting your pampers every time something doesn't go your way. I know why you act this way you got daddy issues, get over it. You loose move on get ready for the next challenge.

This appears to have gotten Snow's attention, who get's up grabs the clothes and comes up to Deandre giving him a firm hug before going into the bedroom. Snow comes out a few minutes later, dressed and ready to go.

Snow: You know why I do what I do?

Deandre: Been friends since we where five brother, I know you better than you know yourself.

Snow: I'll try to spread around my prick powers a little better...I'll concentrate a 100% on Bronko this week.

Deandre: Just gotta keep your head up and keep moving forward.

Deandre goes in for another hug from Eric and the two engage again. There's been a lot of talks like these over the years but somehow it seems like this one sunk in. Snow is never going to be Mr. Nice Guy, but at least the idea is in his head to be nice to the people that he cares about.

Snow: This is getting a little to Brokeback mountain in here for me man....should prob get going I'm already late.
Deandre walks away from Snow who has a confused look on his face as he though that this was a urgent thing. As Deandre opens the door and begins to walk out he shouts something back at Snow before leaving.

Deandre: There's nothing going on today, but you've got a ton of shit to do tomorrow so be ready....I was just fucking with you today, been hanging out with you for so long that some of your asshole tendencies have rubbed off.



Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Middle school never got easy.


On the contrary, it seemed to ever get harder. I went through the off season, lashing out and getting into trouble. But, little did I know that the REAL trouble was only about to begin. But not too soon. No, for now, it was all about the regular early teen angst. I walked the halls of Will Rogers Middle School much like I did today; just trying to be left alone.


I turned to see Marco coming my way. We were, by far, the biggest guys in our class and still fighting for top seed as line backers. Practice had just begun and, even in the California breeze, it was grueling.

Young 14 year old Zack Bronko: Hey, Marco, what’s up?

Marco hit me in the arm and laughed: DUDE! That Melanie chick was SO hitting on you today! She was wanting a ride on the Bronko!

He was always saying that, but I never saw it. She had simply talked to me; nothing more.

Zack Bronko: Nah. She’s taken anyway. Mason’s girl.

Marco laughed: Mason? Dude, that dillweed couldn’t score that with million dollars! Which he acts like he’s got, but doesn’t!

Zack Bronko: Just sayin’ it’s not a good idea.

Suddenly, a voice came from up a set of stairs leading to the football field: Damn straight it isn’t!

It was Mason and four of his best friends; closest thing this crappy middle school had to a gang. Mason slide down the guard rail and landed in front of the bigger Bronko. His friends follow.

Mason: Good choice keeping your distance. Wouldn’t want to endanger your chances of staying on the team would we?

Marco: Beat it Mason. Got no time for you today. Don’t you have a few kittens to kick?

Mason laughed sarcastically: Oh, SO funny. SHUT IT, MARCO. Last thing you and that trash collector dad of yours need is for you to get into trouble again, right? Something I CAN arrange.

Marco literally growled at the guy and, then, looked around at Mason’s posse.

Mason stepped up to me: Just keep minding your own business and go troll the trailer park for you a girl. Melanie is mine. She’s way too good for the likes of you anyway, Bronko.

I could feel the rage building but I couldn’t get into trouble again. My dad could dish out tons more than any of these dweebs ever could. SO, I tried to walk off.

Then, Mason went one step further; feeling his oats, I guess. He went one step too far.

Mason: Yeah, you just back off like that drunk of an old man. Sorry no good lush…

Before I knew it I had hoisted Mason up against the wall and was strangling him. Marco knocked most of them off me, but a couple got ahold of my arms. But they couldn’t budge me! And all I could see was the look of horror on that punk, Mason’s face!


Suddenly, Mason’s guys bolted. I knew that voice. I was in SO much trouble

“LET HIM GO!!!â€

I didn’t realize that I hadn’t let Mason go. The poor guy’s face was purple and he was gasping for air and acting like he was going to throw up!

Mason tried to make excuses: Coach Darby! It was Bronko! I swear!

Marco stood up for me, like he always did: Liar! It was Mason and his punks!


The two of them scattered like scared little animals. I must have been laughing.

Coach Darby: BRONKO! Is there something funny?

I sobered up real fast.

Zackery Bronko: No sir. Well, actually…

Darby rolled his eyes: get your damned gear and get on the field! I got something to show you!

I didn’t waste any time. Darby was good at makin’ us run the bleachers till we puked. I was taking any chances irritating this man.

Coach Darby looked up a bit exasperated: Dammit, Bronko! Everytime I look around you’re getting into trouble.

I also didn’t bother making excuses. Dad always said excuses were for the weak.

Coach Darby: You’re going to have to learn to channel that aggression of yours or it’s not going to end well for you. Come on.

He led me onto the field as the varsity team practiced.


Coach Darby walks up beside me: We have some of the guys from
Robert A Millikan High over to push some of the graduating group. I want you to show them what you’ve got!

I must have just stared at him in disbelief.

Coach Darby: Don’t look at me like that.

Coach stepped amidst a group skirmishing and they stopped in respect.

Coach Darby: This young man, here, is Zack Bronko. He’s gonna start as linebacker his first year in High School!

I was in shock. I hadn’t even started my middle school team. The others just laughed.

Coach Darby: LINE UP!

They took their offensive and defensive positions.

Coach walked over to the linebacker: This is where I want YOU, Bronko. Get in here and show these BOYS how it’s done!

As I took my position, I could see the fire in their eyes. They wanted to kill me. Some of them laughed. That just burned me up a bit. We lined up and I was supposed to rush the passer. The first time, a stooge on the front line just caught me and plowed me into the ground! The second time, he flipped me up over his head and buried me in the backfield. The third time, the fullback ran right over me. The fourth time, the quarter back just stiff armed me and ran on. Need I go on? And what was worse they insulted me the whole way and laughed at the thought of me being first string. That really burned me. FINALLY, Coach Darby stopped us and pulled me to the side.


Coach Darby: Did you see that?

Zackery Bronko: What? The Ground?

Coach Darby: NO! The focus? The whole team solidified and channeled the anger they felt and let you have all of it. That’s what you have to do, Bronko. You’re an angry young man. You’re going to have to channel that and store it. Then, you must learn to unleash it at the right moment; make it WORK for you. Do you understand?

Zackery Bronko: I think…

Coach Darby: IT’S NOT ENOUGH!!

That ate into me. I’m not sure why, but those words made my blood boil.

Coach Darby: Guys like Mason are always gonna own you if you play THEIR game. You have to take what hate you felt at what Mason said and store it and let it go on the field! USE THAT HATE.

Coach Darby turned to the others: OK, let’s do it again. Bronko, back at Linebacker’s position.

The offensive and EVEN the defensive line began to chuckle.

“Not gonna be good enough to get through that line…â€

That was it! My blood boiled and my heart pounded, but I held it inside until the ball was snapped. Suddenly, in that one moment, all the things Mason had said about me came rushing back. Every nasty name I had been called echoed off the walls of my skull. Then, I heard my father…

“Never Enough!â€

I exploded through the line; pushing the blockers down like little kids. The Fullback came towards me to block and I got under him and flipped him into the guys on the front line. Then, I zeroed in on the quarterback; who had the ball. All the rage pumping through my veins was released upon this one poor guy. I speared him hard and rode him down to the turn; grinding him deep into the field.

I could hear Coach’s whistle going off in the back ground, but I just held the Quarterback down. As I started to get up, I looked into his frightened eyes and announced with a smile.


And the rest they say is tragedy.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
I always seem to end up at the same place in the end.


Here I am, sitting on a table in a rugged looking locker room waiting for the word that the match of the night is about to begin. I just got back to the backstage gym area. McHenry made me come back here. Said something about a difference in letting off steam and scaring the hell out of the new talent. Talent, really? Look at the opener. We got some mad scientist goin’ against that nutjob, Chelios. Kinda like him. He’s funny at least. Not sure about this crazy doctor gimmick. At least it’s not another in a long lineup of nondescript heels with ego problems. I’m surprised Snow and Stevie Starr can fit their heads in the door at the same time they’re so inflated.

I gotta get up. Sitting isn’t working for me. I got to hit something. I mean, HELL, I’ve been ready for this match ALL WEEK.

Zack flips his cell phone open.

Man, I wish I hadn’t bashed this thing in the other day. Story of my life. I really need to call some people. What that lunatic on the phone said had shaken me up. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was some idiot SNOW hired to try and shake me up. Sounds like his speed. But what does he know about Macy? I thought I kept that quiet.

“Mr. Bronko, you got fifteen!â€

I look over and see Chip, a teenage intern. He works here with his family. He’s a good kid.

Zack Bronko: Thanks CHIP…

The little guy runs off probably to alert Snow. About time, did I mention that I need to hit something? I hear the door open.

Zack Bronko: What is Chip? I don’t have much time or patience right now.

William Bronko: NOT Chip.


I turn to see my white haired daddy. What the HELL?

Zack Bronko: Not now, pops. I got a match.

William Bronko: I’m afraid it couldn’t wait.

Couldn’t wait…the guy abandoned me and my mom for like ten years and this couldn’t wait.

Zack Bronko: Not interested…

William Bronko: I’ve kept this to myself way too long, Zackery.

Ok, I’m getting a little peeved, but my interest is peeked.

Zack Bronko gets up and steps up to his old man: Ok, how about we get this over with. Cause after you tell me whatever it is you have in that twisted mind of yours, you are gonna disappear, got it? Cause if you don’t, I won’t be held responsible for what happens to you.

William Bronko grins sarcastically: The more things change, eh?

Zack Bronko: What the HELL? Ya know, on second thought, just keep it to yourself. Whatever it is you have to say can’t be that important and definitely something I couldn’t care less about!

My dad bows his head and he loses his smile. This couldn’t be good news…duh, it’s coming from HIM.

William Bronko: It’s about MACY, Zack.


As my mind begins to race, the rest of the world melts away and that one name just echoes off the inside of my skull.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2010
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It's moments before Adrenaline is suppose to go on air, the arena is full as all the fans take there seats waiting for the event to get underway. Suddenly the lights go dim and a video package begins to play.

The Following is a public service announcement brought to you by Eric Snow.


Eric Snow appears on the screen, sitting behind a desk in a office.

Hi, ladies and gentleman, it's me Eric Snow. As much as I like to have fun, there's a point in time where a man has to take a step back and tackle the serious issues, that's where this PSA comes into play. The following video was produced, directed, written, everything done by yours truly Eric Snow. I'm a talented man, but you all already know that. The reason we are hear today is to get to the bottom of who is one of the most polarizing figure in ACW.....Zack Bronko.

Snow gets out from behind the desk and makes his way over to a window looking out it at nothing particular.

Wonderful world we live in, but for all the good in the world there's just as much if not more bad. Which leads me to Zack Bronko...the badass with a heart a gold? I think not, after some top notch investigation I am here to show you the real Zack Bronko, and trust me there won't be a lot of good here

Snow moves away from the window over to a chalkboard which is randomly placed in the office, the screen fades to black again for a second before another graphic flashes on the screen.


I honestly don't even know where to start here. Meth has taken over America as one of the most devastating drugs, and to keep up with his bad ass lifestyle it seems that Bronko is in it's grip. What's even worse is it appears that he passing along the drug, but not to fellow low life piece of shit biker wannabees like himself, but to the children. I do sponsorship all the time but at least I have values, sponsoring drug making to kids, that's just wrong. Just listen to the jingle for the product.

Mom's Passed Out, Dad's To High, So I help Out To Get Us By
They Make Meth, So Why Can't I, Just Need To Find Some Bleach And Lime
It's All Here In My Lab, Thanks Zack Bronko, Your So Rad

The screen fades to black again as this time Eric Snow is sitting on a bench in a busy playground full of kids running around and playing on the various slides and toys.

See Folks these are what kids should be doing, playing outside having fun, not sitting inside all day making meth thanks to Zach Bronko. But soon even playgrounds may not even be safe for kids anymore if Bronko has his way. We dug even deeper and found out even more disturbing information about him, and soon all these innocent children could become his prey.

The Screen fades to black again before another image pops on the screen.


I see this girl backstage all the time, my inside sources tell me her name is Nikki. I haven't tried to bang her yet mainly cause she looks like she's 16 years, but that didn't stop Bronko who apparently has a relationship with her. Maybe she bought his meth toys when she was a little younger, and that's how he got her hooked, but regardless what he's doing with this girl is just wrong. Who knows how many other girls have fallen victim to Bronko's web of lies, drugs, and unlimited chuck e cheese tokens.

The scene fades to black again and Eric is back sitting behind the desk

Is this who the fans of ACW want as there next champion, I think not. Bronko is no good and the info I showed you today should show that without a doubt. Eric Snow is the future of ACW, and who you should all want as your world champion. I don't do drugs, I don't sell drugs, and the only high school girls I date are 18 year old seniors. So I plead with you, throw down your Bronko merchandise, hide your household cleaners, and keep your young daughters as far away as possible. Thank you for your time and have a blessed day. X FACTOR OUT.