ACW Adrenaline 12: Results

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Mar 18, 2012
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Chase DeSanto v. Toyota Chelios


Hardcore Match
Andrew Reynolds v. Avalanche v. Multiplex


Jacqui Monroe v. The Demon

The camera cuts backstage, where we see the creature known simply as the Demon skulking around. The appearance of the face-painted freak is met with a sizeable, mostly negative reaction from the Yonkers crowd.

Martin Mays: It's the Demon, the supernatural menace that's been threatening ACW in these past few weeks...

Kareem Ali: Careful, Mays! The Boogeyman is coming to getcha!

Suddenly, the crowd heat turns to a massive pop, as someone attacks the menace with a double-ax handle from behind!

Martin Mays: Jacqui M! It's Jacqui M!

Kareem Ali: What is she doing here?! She's suspended!

The "Alpha Female" does not seem aware of that, however, or chooses to ignore it, as she keeps whaling away on the Demon. In their tussle, the duo have fallen over a stack of crates propped up against the wall, and the blonde is now on top of her opponent, punishing him with punches and screaming like a banshee.

Suddenly, as the Demon tries to go for Jacqui's throat, a commanding voice is heard from off-screen:

Man: What is going on here?! Break it up! Break it UP!

The camera pans to reveal ACW General Manager John McHenry, looking absolutely livid. He forcibly yanks Jacqui M from atop her opponent, and sets about giving her a lecture:

John McHenry: What the hell do you think you're doing?! You were not to be let in here! You're suspended! You...

The GM goes no further. His distraction has allowed the Demon to get back on his feet, and, as soon as he's up, the fiendish creature immediately lunges for McHenry's neck! Clearly surprised, and also visibly furious, the former wrestler struggles to break free, but the Demon seems to have an uncannily strong grip, and is choking him out. Jacqui attempts to interfere as well, but her best efforts are to no avail, and the situation seems hopeless. Until...

...a huge boot appears from off-camera, flooring the face-painted man and causing him to release McHenry. As the GM catches his breath, Zack Bronko saunters into frame, immediately checking to see if Jacqui is all right. He then goes to check on the GM, but McHenry brushes him off, as he catches his breath, hands on his knees.

Zack Bronko: Do you understand now?

McHenry nods, slowly straightening himself up as, still hoarsely, he gestures towards Jacqui:

John McHenry: You...still suspended...

Then, he vaguely waves a dismissive hand towards Bronko:

John McHenry: You...just go...

Jacqui, however, adamantly shakes her head, looking down at the still unconscious Demon:

Jacqui M: No way...I ain't finished with him yet...

And with that, she begins to drag the lifeless ghoul by the arm, headed for the Arena. It takes McHenry a few moments to react - being, as he is, still out of breath - but he soon sets off in pursuit of the female wrestler.

The camera cuts to the Arena, where the crowd are now cheering wildly. Jacqui M makes her entrance, with no music, still dragging the Demon behind her.

Martin Mays: Jacqui M coming out here, and it looks she she's not listening to anyone!

Kareem Ali: they ever listen?!

The "Alpha Female" brings her assailant to his feet, and is just bashing his head against the apron when McHenry comes running down the ramp, towards her.

Kareem Ali: Uh-oh! Bitch is in trouble!

Jacqui lets go of the seemingly still unconscious Demon and gets in McHenry's face, arguing her case. The two are having rather heated words when, suddenly, the lights in the arena go out!

Martin Mays: Whoa!

The blackout lasts no more than a few moments, but it catches everyone by surprise, including McHenry and Jacqui. As the lights come back on, the GM is looking around, bewildered, and Jacqui has her fists up, ready to fight. it does not take the pair long, however, to ascertain what most of the viewers already know: that the Demon has disappeared.

The segment ends with the camera panning in on an utterly confused Jacqui, as she wonders how her quarry has managed to escape her clutches yet again.

The show cuts to commercial.

As Adrenaline returns, during a break between matches, we see the back; busy with activity. Walking the halls is one Zack Bronko dressed in his ring gear with his MMA gloves and a solid look on his face. He’s obviously looking for somewhere to focus for the match. As he looks to his left, he gets a disgusted look on his face. The camera pans to see Christopher Martello, one of ACWs ace interviewers is standing there with a microphone and a big smile on his face.


Zack Bronko: What the hell? Mario, right?

Christopher Martello: Martello. I was wondering if I could have a word with you, Zack?

The Badass peers down at the smaller man and scowls: That ‘one word’ would be NO.

Bronko starts to walk off, but that doesn’t stop Martello from following and trying to continue the interview.

Christopher Martello: You’ve had a shaky start, at best, here in ACW. Don’t you think you’re getting a match with the champions is pushing it or you a bit?

Zack stops and turns angry.

Zack Bronko: Listen, I don’t know what kind of games you played before I got here, but, back in the day, that kinda questioning could get you killed. NO, I don’t think it’s pushing it. You know my resume. You KNOW what I’ve done before I got here. You KNOW what I’m capable of. And, tonight, I’m gonna show the ACW Heavy Weight Champion, SYN, just what he’s got to look forward to in the near future. MAINLY, the working end of a Zackbreaker and a three count nap on the mat!

Christopher Martello: What about Nicky Trix, the ACW International Champion?

Bronko grins and puts his hands on his hips.

Zack Bronko: Trix? What? You expect me to stand here and bad mouth him? Nah, he’s good. He deserves what he’s got.

Christopher Martello: What about your first meeting here?

Zack Bronko: Listen, Marty, I got one focus; the ACW Heavyweight Championship. McHenry thought it’d be cute to include Trix in this match. I just think it’s a bad idea. Not because I’m scared of him or think he’s no competition. No, uh-uh. It’s a bad idea because I’m not playin’ in that ring! I’m comin’ after Syn with everything I got and anyone who gets in my way is gonna get hurt. That’s a promise. And, with his title up for grabs in the near future, I just think it’s unwise and unhealthy of him to get in between me and Syn. My word of advice to Trix? Sit this one out…

Suddenly, both Martello and Bronko stop and look past the interview and off camera to the right of them. The camera pans over to show the ACW International Champion with his belt over his shoulder.

Nicky craned his neck to look up at the towering Zack Bronko, who posed an almost terrifying nature about him. Nicky however, never backed down from a challenge. He wasn’t afraid to take on the bigger man, he relished the challenge actually. There was nothing more satisfying than defeating a big guy. Nicky didn’t have many words for the big man as both men just stared each other down. Neither man backed down as Nicky finally broke the silence.

Nicky Trix: “Am I supposed to be afraid of you? Because you are a much larger man than I, I should be worried about my health? Listen Zack, I respect all that you did in PWA. Hell, your small rivalry with Max Ripper was one of my favorite things to watch. The first match you both had was top notch. But don’t think for a second that I won’t hesitate to go on the offensive. My leg may be hurt, but I am no weakling. I’ve fought through much more pain than this.”

Both men continued to stare each other down. Martello seemed a little nervous of where the situation could possibly lead to. He tried to interfere but was met with fury.

Both Zack and Nicky at once: “SHUTUP MARTELLO!”

Both men’s eyes never wandering from each other, as a silence floated in the air. Finally, it was Nicky who once again broke that silence.

Nicky Trix: “Come tonight; expect to see me in that ring. And expect a fight. I never back down from a fight Zack, you’ll learn this.”

Suddenly Bronko began to chuckle at the intensity in which Nicky was speaking. Nicky wasn’t too fond of that.


Nicky Trix: “You laugh now, but once you enter that ring, it will be a whole different ball game. Big things come in small packages Zack, remember that.”

And with that, Nicky left the interview area, leaving Zack to soak in all that had transpired.


Aaron Asterisk v. Dave Summers v. Stevie Starr


Maddog v. Robbo

From out of nowhere, a chair fly’s nailing Robbo in the back sending him flying forward to the ground Avalanche walks up from behind him continuing to beat him down with the chair. A ref runs in looking at Avalanche in desperation pleading with him to stop. Avalanche turns grabbing the camera pulling it in.

Avalanche: You want hardcore? I am hardcore!

Ringside Mays and Ali look on in disbelief.

Martin Mays: Avalanche has snapped our general manager has pushed Avalanche to a place he didn’t want to go and now the rest of the roster is paying the consequences.

Kareem Ali: While we were watching Avalanche in the back Maddog made his entrance and the ref has started a no show count. Robbo is actually going to pick up a loss thanks to Avalanche.


Abram Vance v. Eric Snow


Starrdom Nation v. The Bradleys


Nicky Trix v. Syn v. Zack Bronko

As ACW comes back, it is time for our scheduled main event!

Ashley Sparxxx: The following is a Triple Threat contest, and it is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Long Beach, California, standing 6'7'' and weighing in at 299 pounds, he is the face of the Revolution, ZACK BRONKO!

Bronko comes out looking less than friendly, a scowl on his features and his eyes on the ring.

Martin Mays: It's been a war of attrition between Zack Bronko and management over the past few weeks, and this big man is starting to lose his patience here!

Kareem Ali: Ha, Bronko is just like every other heel in this business...all talk and no action!

Martin Mays: Well, I guess that remains to be seen here tonight...

Suddenly, the announcers' banter is interrupted by the first few chords of Toby Mac's "Ignition"!

Ashley Sparxxx: And his opponent, from Dallas, Texas, weighing in at 180 pounds, he is the ACW International Champion, NICKY "Bag of" TRIX!!!

Nicky comes storming out from behind the curtain, hitting every outstretched hand in sight, in his usual hyperkinetic style. The fans grace him with the biggest pop of the night, and the camera pans over several posters held by fans in the stands, with sayings such as "SILLY SNOW! TRIX ARE FOR KIDS!" and images such as the one with the poster for the film "Little Nicky" with Trix's head superimposed onto Adam Sandler's.

Martin Mays: Talk about a David and Goliath situation, Ali...look at the size diference between these two!

Kareem Ali: To be honest, I'm not too sure what this kid is doing in this match! Boy's gon' get squashed like a fly!

Nicky, however, does not seem too concerned with his fate, as he climbs the turnbuckles, holding his International Title aloft. Then, jumping back to the middle of the ring, he advances towards Bronko and offers a handshake. The face of the Revolution hesitates, but eventually puts his own giant palm in Trix's, bringing a smile to the young face's lips. Just as the two are letting go of each other's hand...

"I push my fingers into my...."

"Duality", by Slipknot, begins to play, as the ring is suddenly enveloped in a green mist. Knowing who is about to appear, the crowd reacts with another massive pop!

Ashley Sparxxx: And their opponent, from parts unknown, weighing in at 216 pounds, he is the ACW Heavyweight Champion, the Enigmatic Anarchist, SYN!!

The character in question is seen creeping through the mist towards the ring, belt around his shoulder, as the crowd continues to pop.

Martin Mays: All right! The champ is here!

Kareem Ali: Don't be lame, Mays...please?

Martin Mays (puzzled):What?!

As the two commentators argue, Syn has made his way into the ring and stopped dead in the centre of it, holding his title high as the lights in the Arena come back up. Then, he hands it to Ashley Sparxxx at ringside and assumes the position, ready to start the match!


The bell goes, and Bronko wastes no time going on the offensive, immediately lunging at Syn. The two men lock up, but Trix, who had apparently been forgotten or overlooked, quickly aims a shot at Bronko's knee. The strike does not bother the seven-footer particularly, but the small stumble it causes is enough to give Syn the upper hand, and the face-painted anarchist lifts the seven-footer in a vertical suplex!

Martin Mays:Oof! Huge impact there from Syn, lifting the giant, Zack Bronko! But look at Nicky Trix!

The small, spunky International Champion, who had been standing by the turnbuckle, is now taking to the mat at a run and, as Syn gets up from his suplex, lands a roundhouse kick square in the face!


The little fighter quickly capitalizes, clinging onto the ropes for a corner slingshot splash, hitting both men!

Martin Mays: Look at the drive here, from little Nicky! But how long will he last against the big guys?

Apparently, not long, as, just as he is trying to gain the turnbuckle, a big hand shoots out and trips him!

Crowd: OOOHHH!

Zack Bronko quickly gets to his feet, checking if Syn is still out cold. Nicky takes this momentary distraction to run at the Badass, but he stops him cold with a Reality Check to the jaw!


Kareem Ali: Well, that'll kill his momentum! Let's hope it didn't kill *him*, too...

With Nicky toppling to the floor, seemingly unconscious, Zack turns around just in time to get hit with a right hook to the face from Syn! He reels a bit, and gets another one! And another one!! Bronko has managed to grab Syn's fist in his own big hand, blocking the punch, then twisting the wrist until the Heavyweight Champion falls to his knees. Zack then promptly locks in an arm bar, wearing down that part of Syn's anatomy.

Martin Mays: Zack certainly did his homework here...working on that arm...wearing the Champion down bit by bit...but look at this!

From the corner, like a spitfire, comes Nicky Trix, who has finally regained his senses! He jumps and aims a kick at Syn's arm, making the anarchist writhe in pain, then aims one at Bronko's face! This second strike hits, but doesn't particularly faze the seven-footer. who responds by hitting Trix with a kick in the gut, then setting him up for a brutal powerbomb!

Kareem Ali: "What goes up..."

Martin Mays: Not yet, Ali!

And in fact, while in the vertical position of the powerbomb, Nicky somehow manages to convert the move into a tilt-a-whirl headscissors, planting Bronko!



Martin Mays: Did you see that? Impressive athleticism from our International Champion, getting himself out of trouble!

However, it seems as though Trix is not entirely free of trouble, as he turns around straight into a kick to the face from Syn! The Enigmatic Anarchist then advances for the first cover of the match, on Bronko!



Trix just about breaks the pin!

Annoyed, Syn begins to trade punches with Trix, over Bronko's prone body. That tomfoolery quickly ends, as the seven-footer kicks out authoritatively, reminding his opponents that he's still in this match!

After the pin attempt, all three men take the time to regroup. Syn recovers faster and runs at Bronko, who is hunched over near the ropes. Syn hits the giant with a double ax handle, and Bronko topples to the outside! Turning around, however, the anarchist is hit square in the chest by a dropkick from Trix! The little wrestler quickly flings himself towards the ropes and...

Martin Mays: This time's for real, Ali..."What Goes Up...!"

Kareem Ali: ...must come down! The cover!




Nicky grabs his head in frustration, as he almost had Syn! The anarchist, however, does not stop to think, and grabs the smaller wrestler's tights for a rollup!



Trix kicks out at two!

Frustrated, Syn launches Trix towards the ropes, then connects with a huge clothesline as the small man comes back from the ropes. He begins to apply stomps, then covers again.




Syn takes offence and the two begin to brawl, perhaps foreshadowing a match many fans want to see!

Martin Mays: Tensions boiling here between the Champion and Zack Bronko, and they're really going at it now!

In their annoyance, however, the two men have forgotten about Trix, who is allowed plenty of time to recover and go to the ropes, ready to fly! Bronko floors Syn with a punch and turns around just in time to catch the International Champion's aerial attempt and convert it into a Zackbreaker!

Kareem Ali: Zackbreaker on Nicky Trix, and here comes Syn!

The Champion comes swinging a fist, but in one swift movement, Bronko has caught him in a Zackbreaker of his own!

Martin Mays: Oh my God! Zackbreaker on the Heavyweight Champion! Bronko could have it here!

Bronko calmly stands up and puts one huge boot over the chest of each of his fallen opponents. The referee drops for the count.




Bell: Ding ding ding!

Ashley Sparxxx: Here is your winner, ZACK BRONKO!

Zack looks over the crowd, hard-pressed to believe he actually won a match. Before he can celebrate further, however...


"Money" by Pink Floyd hits, as General Manager John McHenry appears on the platform, giving Bronko a golf clap. The Badass does not seem best pleased with what he sees as a mockery, but when the GM speaks, his tone is sincere:

John McHenry: You know,'ve been a thorn on my side, you and that Jacqui M, trying to run the joint on your own, and PISSING ME OFF...and then *I* get criticised for treating you unfairly...

The GM takes a minute to compose himself, then continues:

John McHenry: But you know what...? You proved yourself. You've earned a shot at thr title!

Bronko looks as incredulous as he's ever been in recent weeks, like he's just won the jackpot. His bubble is quickly burst, however, by the GM's following words:

John McHenry: But, as an unbiased GM, I can't just go around handing out title shots. I have other people who are just as deserving as you, AND who haven't pissed me off nearly as much! People who have stayed loyal to ACW, and waited patiently for their shot. And I'm not about to pass them over for some TV-star hotshot!

Bronko's smile is now long gone, and he seems to be getting annoyed again. Knowing he has the upper hand, McHenry concludes:

John McHenry: So, in the interest of fairness, I'm giving you a match with Eric Snow, for Number One Contendership for the Heavyweight Championship! And it's going to take place right here, at Adrenaline, next week!

The crowd reacts with a huge pop, as a smile is back on Bronko's face - or rather, more of a smirk, as if to say "bring it". The camera zooms in on this enigmatic grin, as the GM walks back behind the curtain and backstage.

Martin Mays: Bronko out to prove himself here, but Mr.; McHenry just made it harder for him, by giving him a match with Eric Snow! These are the thrills and spills of ACW Adrenaline! I'm Martin Mays, sitting with Kareem Ali, and from the two of us, good night and see you next time!

Kareem Ali: Bye!

The camera fades to black on Bronko's grinning face.

Quick Results
Chase DeSanto v. Toyota Chelios
Hardcore Match: Andrew Reynolds v. Avalanche v. Multiplex
Jacqui Monroe v. The Demon
Aaron Asterisk v. Dave Summers v. Stevie Starr
Maddog v. Robbo
Abram Vance v. Eric Snow:
Starrdom Nation v. The Bradleys
Nicky Trix v. Syn v. Zack Bronko

Chase DeSanto v. Toyota Chelios: ~Primetime~
Hardcore Match: Andrew Reynolds v. Avalanche v. Multiplex: BDC
Jacqui Monroe v. The Demon: Pete
Aaron Asterisk v. Dave Summers v. Stevie Starr: The_King
Maddog v. Robbo: ~Primetime~
Abram Vance v. Eric Snow: The_King
Starrdom Nation v. The Bradleys:BDC
Nicky Trix v. Syn v. Zack Bronko: Pete​

Post what matches you want!
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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Dibs on the main event!!!!!

I'll pick my second one later. EDIT: It's Jacqui-Demon. I'm feeling this match (and the feud as a whole). Of course, it's up to you guys to pick the winner.

A thought on match writing: I like how our styles are meshing together. This week, I had a hard time telling who wrote what. If I didn't know, I would probably not have been able to at all. The only difference is, King writes Kareem Ali in ebonics, so I know it's him, and I like to give the guys good entrances, so I exteeeeeend their naaaaaaames ;) Otherwise, we're moving towards a unified style, which is great!

Whoever writes Multiplex - make sure to have him stop periodically to debate with himself, like he did this week. After all, while it's only Andretti wrestling, it's all four guys in there giving him tips and whatnot ;) I'm not sure if Christine is becoming a permanent valet or not, but I'll let you know in time.
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John McHenry

John McHenry
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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
WOW! I show up late and get my favorite kinds of matches! Hardcore and tags! :winning:


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Mar 18, 2012
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Pete, for the main event, can you write in something similar to the below to close out the show?

After the main event (regardless of the winner) have McHenry come out with Snow and say that he's been criticized for his treatment of Jacqui (punishing her for her former PWA allegiance). He reveals that he's been considering just handing Bronko a shot at the PPV, but he wants to be a fair GM so as punishment for Bronko's former allegiance, he has a #1C match with Snow at A13, citing that Snow stayed by ACW's side and deserves the shot regardless of the past few weeks.

Trying to come up with something for the Predator division now!


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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
No worries Sean.

I'll have my Jacqui/Demon non-match thing later this evening, I know exactly how it's going to go down. I'll also cast my votes later (I win by default against Demon, and I guess Multiplex too?)

I'd really like to see Bronko/Demon, but oh well..

John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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writting my marches now


Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Quick Results
Chase DeSanto v. Toyota Chelios
Toyota Chelios by default

Hardcore Match: Andrew Reynolds v. Avalanche v. Multiplex

Jacqui Monroe v. The Demon
Jacqui by default

Aaron Asterisk v. Dave Summers v. Stevie Starr
Stevie Starr hands down

Maddog v. Robbo
Maddog by default

Abram Vance v. Eric Snow:

This one was close. I loved them all. But Vance edges iMHO...

Starrdom Nation v. The Bradleys

I'm callin this one a draw, but will, of course, go with the majority. Call it a copout, but they both developed characters well and had the same amount of flaws.

Nicky Trix v. Syn v. Zack Bronko

Too many defaults..sheesh

John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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Quick Results
Chase DeSanto v. Toyota Chelios
Toyota Chelios by default

Hardcore Match: Andrew Reynolds v. Avalanche v. Multiplex

Jacqui Monroe v. The Demon
Jacqui by default

Aaron Asterisk v. Dave Summers v. Stevie Starr

Maddog v. Robbo
Maddog by default

Abram Vance v. Eric Snow:


Starrdom Nation v. The Bradleys

Stardom Nation

Nicky Trix v. Syn v. Zack Bronko

John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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Ok so for no shows we need to establish something. I really don't enjoy putting forth effort them. Now the one guy rp'd so I figure we should do something for them but I really have little motivation for these matches.

John McHenry

John McHenry
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Anyone talk to Andrew he's control of at least one character in both of my matches and RP'd for neither. Really not sure what to do with these matches Perhaps announce Desanto Chelios as the Dark Match Opening. Robbo Maddog I see as completely unnecessary and have no idea what to do with it. Suggestions?


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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Added Jacqui-Demon segment. I had permission from Derrick to attack him, so I went with my original idea.

On the other match, I'm waiting for you guys's votes.

As for Maddog-Robbo, just have a segment where Maddog took out Robbo backstage, and then explain the match away that way.

John McHenry

John McHenry
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If Avalanche loses I'll have him take out Maddog. Leaning towards just having a commentator during the avalanche reynolds multi match say that chelios desanto was a dark match before the show announcing desanto as a winner. Next week I need a match with people who rp.


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma

The pyro goes off and the Yonkers crowd is making tons of noise as NEW song gets the crowd pumped!


The camera pans the fans who are all on their feet with their signs; all waving and trying to get attention.

Martin Mays: The internet phenomenon is back on the air and ready for another night of unbelievable wrestling action! I am Martin Mays.

Kareem Ali: And I am Kareem Ali! Yonkers is BONKERS and the wrestlers in the back are all rarin’ for a chance to prove they have what it takes to take gold in the ACW!

Martin Mays: For those fans lucky enough to gain admission to the packed out Mayfield Community Center, we opened up with an incredible win for the bizarre new star, Toyota Chelios, over newcomer, Chase Desanto!


Chase DeSanto loses to Toyota Chelios

Kareem Ali: I don’t know, Mays. I just don’t think Desanto wanted it bad enough. He just didn’t show me anything here tonight.

Martin Mays: And Chelios did?

Kareem Ali; Well, he IS the most unpredictable wrestler I’ve ever seen. You do not know what he’s going to do next!

Martin Mays: That is to be sure. I look forward to see what he has in the near future! But, right now, we have a major match to open this internet only show!


Hardcore Match
Andrew Reynolds v. Avalanche v. Multiplex

Hands Like Houses - Lion Skin (Featuring Tyler Carter & Jonny Craig) - YouTube

The music blares and the crowd gets excited in anticipation as Andrew Reynolds steps out onto the stage area!

Martin Mays: Speaking of unpredictable, here we have an enigmatic personality who is finally gathering some momentum here in the ACW!

Kareem Ali: Yeah, I think it best to just forget the past and see what he has for us this week!

Ashley Sparxxx: The next match is scheduled for one fall and will be competed under HARDCORE RULES!!!

Martin Mays: Oh, boy, here we go. Hardcore rules means anything goes.

Kareem Ali: Yeah, rules go out the door and It’s only the strongest survive! I’ve noticed the past few weeks a handful of our wrestlers upping the ante and bringing a more dangerous edge here in ACW!

A video package from Avalanche’s match last week begins to play.

Martin Mays: The epitome of this was Avalanche getting himself DQed for using a foreign object. I mean, we’ve had people kidnapped and jumped and double teamed. El Loko is out for a few more weeks with a leg injury because of that. McHenry better get a grip on these guys before something bad happens.

Kareem Ali: I don’t know. If the boss thinks putting them in a ‘no rules’ match is going to fix this, I think he might have to rethink his strategy.

Ashley Sparxxx: Entering the ring area, from Milford, Connecticut and weighing in at 225 lbs, he is THE CUTTHROAT Andrew Reynolds!!

Suddenly, a streak shoots from the back carrying a metal pole of some sort.

Martin Mays: That’s the insane brother of ACW owner, John McHenry; better known as Avalanche. And he’s got a pole of some sort.

Before Sanders knows what happened, Avalanche nails him in the left knee; taking him down hard to the steel ramp!

Kareem Ali: OOO! That’s gotta hurt!!

Avalanche starts to use the metal pole like a martial arts long stick; swinging it back and forth scoring hits all over the fallen body of Andrew Reynolds.

Creepy Music - YouTube

Without warning, all the lights go off and the crowd erupts! The pyro explodes on the stage; silhouetting the 400 plus pound monster, Multiplex, standing at the top of the ramp! He’s muttering to himself, as usual. At first, it looks like the big man is chickening out and headed for the back. But, he suddenly becomes belligerent and begins screaming at himself and the rest of the crowd. He has something in his right hand. It’s a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. He turns and looks at the Pyro still burning on stage. He backs off, at first, but he suddenly turns back to it with a sinister glint in his eyes.

Martin Mays: Oh, I don’t like that look in his eyes. He’s up to no good.

Kareem Ali: Business as usual…

The monster smiles as he reaches out with the bat and tips the end of the bat in the Pyro. To the shock of the crowd and the commentators, the bat lights up with fire!

Kareem Ali: A burning barbed wire bat? A bit of overkill isn’t it?

We get a look at Avalanche’s face as he looks in near shock, at first. He, then, smiles himself and jumps to his feet, running at Multiplex! Without a thought, the big man takes an accurate swing; knocking McGraw off the ramp and falling hard into the barricade. Mulit walks past him down to Andrew Reynolds; who is in a great deal of pain from Avalanche’s attack. The huge man stands over him and, then, looks up at his still burning bat. After a sick smile, he hits Reynolds in the leg with the burning end of the bat! The referee has called for the bell.

Martin Mays: Ok, folks, as crazy as this sounds, we have a match!

As Multiplex just stands over Reynolds, the fallen wrestler’s leg begins to engulf in flame! The big man just stands there laughing.

Kareem Ali: What a sick bastard!! Somebody, put Reynolds out!!

Suddenly, the psychotic mass of multiple personalities gasps in horror and drops the burning bat! Mulitplex backs off from the still burning Reynolds holding his hands out as if to keep the flames away! Out of nowhere, Avalanche hits the 400 lb psycho in the head with a fire extinguisher! He, then, turns the working end toward Reynolds and begins putting his leg out!

Martin Mays: THANK GOD!!! McHenry has to come out here and stop this!!

Kareem Ali: I’m lovin’ this!! Awesome booking!!

Multiplex never went down, but he teetered on the ramp and ended up leaning up against the barricade. Once Reynolds is out, Avalanche picks him up.

Martin Mays: You know. I always knew that McGraw guy was a good fellow; a real straight arrow!

Avalanche suddenly rolls Reynolds into the ring and follows him; going for the pin!

Kareem Ali: That dirty rotten scoundrel!! I LOVE this guy!!

…Multiplex pulls Avalanche out and begins giving him the strikes up against the apron. Then, he delivers some strong chops to the chest of the smaller wrestler.

Avalanche blocks a few and gets a couple of strong kicks to the huge midsection of the lunatic. Finally, realizing that won’t work, he pulls up both feet and gives him a double kick to the stomach; launching him hard into the barricade. As Multi bounces off the barricade, Avalanche jumps to the first rope and springboards off it into a flying lariat!! This takes the big man back a few steps and McGraw lands on his feet incredibly! He goes to roundhouse kick Multi in the head, but monster catches the incoming leg and tosses him into the barricade across from him like a small child’s toy!

Kareem Ali: Did you see that?

Martin Mays: Avalanche is definitely not going to win a test of strength against the big man! He needs to keep up with the high risk surprise hits!

Multi stalks his prey as Avalanche tries to pull up. Suddenly, from the ring, Andrews nails Multiplex in the back with a falling elbow! The monster teeters again but doesn't fall.

Kareem Ali: What in the HELL is it gonna take to bring this big guy down?

Martin Mays: A big bus maybe?

Reynolds nails Mulit a few times in the head, but is totally blindsided by a SUPERKICK from Avalanche!

Kareem Ali: If he wasn't before, he's OUTTA there now!!

The psychotic big man, then, grabs Avalanche by the throat and chokeslams him hard to the floor!! Multi wastes no time, but picks his Reynolds up and takes off running! He drops the unconscious form hard with a running powerslam!!

Crowd: Holy Shit! Holy Shit!!

Martin Mays: Oh, come on!! Reynolds is out here. What is he trying to do?

Kareem Ali: End his career by the looks of it.

As Multi rolls Reynolds into the ring, Avalanche is up and on the barricade. The crowd erupts in anticipation.

Martin Mays: What is Avalanche doing there with that steel chair?

Suddenly, he jumps as Multiplex looks up; nailing the big guy in the face with the steel chair! Both men fall to the floor!

Kareem Ali: You have been TERMINATED!! All 5 of you!!

All three men are down on the floor and the referee begins to count. Avalanche is first up and he tries to pick up Multiplex, but the big man is just too much trouble. So, McGraw drags Reynolds over and rolls him into the ring. Multi is up on one knee and, suddenly, catches Avalanche with a running spear; sending the smaller opponent hard into the turnbuckle!! Multiplex finally gets up and rolls into the ring. The cameras see Avalanche out cold. Multi stands over Reynolds muttering to himself.

Martin Mays: What is there to discuss at this point? Just pin the poor man!

Multiplex grins at the camera and picks up Reynolds.

Martin Mays: Somebody get security in there and stop this! This is just sadistic! He has him beaten! WHY go for overkill??

Kareem Ali: What part of Hardcore or psychotic do you NOT understand?

The monster picks Reynolds up into a gorilla press and holds him there for a long time. The cameras get a shot of the unconscious Avalanche as Multiplex drops Reynolds in an RKO!! THEN, he goes for the pin!


Creepy Music - YouTube



Multi starts to get out of the ring but stops and looks down at Avalanche and, then, over to Reynolds.

Martin Mays: He's not going to keep going is he?

After an argument with himself, REASON wins and Mulitplex rolls out of the ring and walks slowly up the ramp. As he stops on stage, Avalanche is coming to.

Kareem Ali: That was an incredible hardcore match people! These guys know how to bring it in the ACW!!

Martin Mays: I don't know. McHenry may have bitten off more than he can chew.

The camera fades to black as Multiplex lumbers off to the backstage area.


Jacqui Monroe v. The Demon

The camera cuts backstage, where we see the creature known simply as the Demon skulking around. The appearance of the face-painted freak is met with a sizeable, mostly negative reaction from the Yonkers crowd.

Martin Mays: It's the Demon, the supernatural menace that's been threatening ACW in these past few weeks...

Kareem Ali: Careful, Mays! The Boogeyman is coming to getcha!

Suddenly, the crowd heat turns to a massive pop, as someone attacks the menace with a double-ax handle from behind!

Martin Mays: Jacqui M! It's Jacqui M!

Kareem Ali: What is she doing here?! She's suspended!

The "Alpha Female" does not seem aware of that, however, or chooses to ignore it, as she keeps whaling away on the Demon. In their tussle, the duo have fallen over a stack of crates propped up against the wall, and the blonde is now on top of her opponent, punishing him with punches and screaming like a banshee.

Suddenly, as the Demon tries to go for Jacqui's throat, a commanding voice is heard from off-screen:

Man: What is going on here?! Break it up! Break it UP!

The camera pans to reveal ACW General Manager John McHenry, looking absolutely livid. He forcibly yanks Jacqui M from atop her opponent, and sets about giving her a lecture:

John McHenry: What the hell do you think you're doing?! You were not to be let in here! You're suspended! You...

The GM goes no further. His distraction has allowed the Demon to get back on his feet, and, as soon as he's up, the fiendish creature immediately lunges for McHenry's neck! Clearly surprised, and also visibly furious, the former wrestler struggles to break free, but the Demon seems to have an uncannily strong grip, and is choking him out. Jacqui attempts to interfere as well, but her best efforts are to no avail, and the situation seems hopeless. Until...

...a huge boot appears from off-camera, flooring the face-painted man and causing him to release McHenry. As the GM catches his breath, Zack Bronko saunters into frame, immediately checking to see if Jacqui is all right. He then goes to check on the GM, but McHenry brushes him off, as he catches his breath, hands on his knees. Zack seems a little miffed, but chooses to ignore it, instead asking the GM:

Zack Bronko: Do you understand now?

McHenry nods, slowly straightening himself up as, still hoarsely, he gestures towards Jacqui:

John McHenry: You...still suspended...

Then, he vaguely waves a dismissive hand towards Bronko:

John McHenry: You...just go...

Jacqui, however, adamantly shakes her head, looking down at the still unconscious Demon:

Jacqui M: No way. I ain't finished with him yet!

And with that, she begins to drag the lifeless ghoul by the arm, headed for the Arena. It takes McHenry a few moments to react - being, as he is, still out of breath - but he soon sets off in pursuit of the female wrestler.

The camera cuts to the Arena, where the crowd are now cheering wildly. Jacqui M makes her entrance, with no music, still dragging the Demon behind her.

Martin Mays: Jacqui M coming out here, and it looks she she's not listening to anyone!

Kareem Ali: they ever listen?!

The "Alpha Female" brings her assailant to his feet, and is just bashing his head against the apron when McHenry comes running down the ramp, towards her.

Kareem Ali: Uh-oh! Bitch is in trouble!

Jacqui lets go of the seemingly still unconscious Demon and gets in McHenry's face, arguing her case. The two are having rather heated words when, suddenly, the lights in the arena go out!

Martin Mays: Whoa!

The blackout lasts no more than a few moments, but it catches everyone by surprise, including McHenry and Jacqui. As the lights come back on, the GM is looking around, bewildered, and Jacqui has her fists up, ready to fight, and an anxious look on her face. it does not take the pair long, however, to ascertain what most of the viewers already know: that the Demon has disappeared.

The segment ends with the camera panning in on an utterly confused Jacqui, as she wonders how her quarry has managed to escape her clutches yet again.

The show cuts to commercial.

- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

As Adrenaline returns, during a break between matches, we see the back; busy with activity. Walking the halls is one Zack Bronko dressed in his ring gear with his MMA gloves and a solid look on his face. He’s obviously looking for somewhere to focus for the match. As he looks to his left, he gets a disgusted look on his face. The camera pans to see Christopher Martello, one of ACWs ace interviewers is standing there with a microphone and a big smile on his face.


Zack Bronko: What the hell? Mario, right?

Christopher Martello: Martello. I was wondering if I could have a word with you, Zack?

The Badass peers down at the smaller man and scowls: That ‘one word’ would be NO.

Bronko starts to walk off, but that doesn’t stop Martello from following and trying to continue the interview.

Christopher Martello: You’ve had a shaky start, at best, here in ACW. Don’t you think you’re getting a match with the champions is pushing it or you a bit?

Zack stops and turns angry.

Zack Bronko: Listen, I don’t know what kind of games you played before I got here, but, back in the day, that kinda questioning could get you killed. NO, I don’t think it’s pushing it. You know my resume. You KNOW what I’ve done before I got here. You KNOW what I’m capable of. And, tonight, I’m gonna show the ACW Heavy Weight Champion, SYN, just what he’s got to look forward to in the near future. MAINLY, the working end of a Zackbreaker and a three count nap on the mat!

Christopher Martello: What about Nicky Trix, the ACW International Champion?

Bronko grins and puts his hands on his hips.

Zack Bronko: Trix? What? You expect me to stand here and bad mouth him? Nah, he’s good. He deserves what he’s got.

Christopher Martello: What about your first meeting here?

Zack Bronko: Listen, Marty, I got one focus; the ACW Heavyweight Championship. McHenry thought it’d be cute to include Trix in this match. I just think it’s a bad idea. Not because I’m scared of him or think he’s no competition. No, uh-uh. It’s a bad idea because I’m not playin’ in that ring! I’m comin’ after Syn with everything I got and anyone who gets in my way is gonna get hurt. That’s a promise. And, with his title up for grabs in the near future, I just think it’s unwise and unhealthy of him to get in between me and Syn. My word of advice to Trix? Sit this one out…

Suddenly, both Martello and Bronko stop and look past the interview and off camera to the right of them. The camera pans over to show the ACW International Champion with his belt over his shoulder.

Nicky craned his neck to look up at the towering Zack Bronko, who posed an almost terrifying nature about him. Nicky however, never backed down from a challenge. He wasn’t afraid to take on the bigger man, he relished the challenge actually. There was nothing more satisfying than defeating a big guy. Nicky didn’t have many words for the big man as both men just stared each other down. Neither man backed down as Nicky finally broke the silence.

Nicky Trix: “Am I supposed to be afraid of you? Because you are a much larger man than I, I should be worried about my health? Listen Zack, I respect all that you did in PWA. Hell, your small rivalry with Max Ripper was one of my favorite things to watch. The first match you both had was top notch. But don’t think for a second that I won’t hesitate to go on the offensive. My leg may be hurt, but I am no weakling. I’ve fought through much more pain than this.”

Both men continued to stare each other down. Martello seemed a little nervous of where the situation could possibly lead to. He tried to interfere but was met with fury.

Both Zack and Nicky at once: “SHUTUP MARTELLO!”

Both men’s eyes never wandering from each other, as a silence floated in the air. Finally, it was Nicky who once again broke that silence.

Nicky Trix: “Come tonight; expect to see me in that ring. And expect a fight. I never back down from a fight Zack, you’ll learn this.”

Suddenly Bronko began to chuckle at the intensity in which Nicky was speaking. Nicky wasn’t too fond of that.


Nicky Trix: “You laugh now, but once you enter that ring, it will be a whole different ball game. Big things come in small packages Zack, remember that.”

And with that, Nicky left the interview area, leaving Zack to soak in all that had transpired.


Aaron Asterisk v. Dave Summers v. Stevie Starr


Maddog v. Robbo

From out of nowhere, a chair fly’s nailing Robbo in the back sending him flying forward to the ground Avalanche walks up from behind him continuing to beat him down with the chair. A ref runs in looking at Avalanche in desperation pleading with him to stop. Avalanche turns grabbing the camera pulling it in.

Avalanche: You want hardcore? I am hardcore!

Ringside Mays and Ali look on in disbelief.

Martin Mays: Avalanche has snapped our general manager has pushed Avalanche to a place he didn’t want to go and now the rest of the roster is paying the consequences.

Kareem Ali: While we were watching Avalanche in the back Maddog made his entrance and the ref has started a no show count. Robbo is actually going to pick up a loss thanks to Avalanche.


Abram Vance v. Eric Snow


Starrdom Nation v. The Bradleys


Nicky Trix v. Syn v. Zack Bronko

Quick Results
Toyota Chelios DEFEATS Chase DeSanto
Hardcore Match:Multiplex DEFEATS Andrew Reynolds & Avalanche
Jacqui Monroe v. The Demon: NO CONTEST
Stevie Starr DEFEATS Aaron Asterisk v. Dave Summers
Maddog DEFEATS Robbo
Abram Vance DEFEATS Eric Snow:
Starrdom Nation DEFEATS The Bradleys
Zack Bronko DEFEATS Nicky Trix & Syn

Chase DeSanto v. Toyota Chelios: ~Primetime~
Hardcore Match: Andrew Reynolds v. Avalanche v. Multiplex: BDC
Jacqui Monroe v. The Demon: Pete
Aaron Asterisk v. Dave Summers v. Stevie Starr: The_King
Maddog v. Robbo: ~Primetime~
Abram Vance v. Eric Snow: The_King
Starrdom Nation v. The Bradleys:BDC
Nicky Trix v. Syn v. Zack Bronko: Pete​

Ok, I'll write the hardcore match as the opening and announce Chelios the winner, right?

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