ACW Adrenaline 12: Nicky Trix v. Syn v. Zack Bronko

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Mar 18, 2012
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Main Event: Battle of Champions
Match Type: Triple Threat
Time Limit: 30 Minutes (3 RP Cap)
Nicky Trix v. SYN v. Zack Bronko

If you are not in this match, don't post in this thread. If you are in this match, don't spam it up with OOC talk.
THREE RP cap with all RPs due by June 23, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Scene opens with Zack Bronko finishing up an interview with a reporter from the Yonkers Rising weekly local paper.


Andrew Tobia:Ok, last question, Mr. Bronko.

Zack Bronko: MR? Nah, that’s my old…Call me Zack.

Andrew Tobia: Ok, Zack, why are you calling yourself THE REVOLUTION? I mean, I know back in the PWA, you and Max Kn…

Zack Bronko gets serious: One rule in interviewing me: Never mention HIM, ok? Why call myself THE REVOLUTION. Cause I came here to shake things up. The only reason I hooked up with that Whore, Claressa. (He points at the paper, Andrew is writing on ) That’s with a capital W. Yeah. I wanted to bring some credibility to this place. Just consider me the barometer that the whole organization will be judged by.

Andrew Tobia looks a little shocked: Well, that’s a little arrogant of you, isn’t it? I mean, holding yourself as the example that all others should measure themselves by. Come on.

Zack Bronko shakes his head: This isn’t some HEEL I’m better than you shit. Listen up, boy! I’m Zack ‘THE BADASS’ Bronko. I earned that name and I earn it every night! There is NO ONE as intense and dedicated than I am!! If there is, I haven’t found him yet. The only one to come close to gaining my respect in this place is Jacqui Monroe. That is one tough ass kicking woman. But nobody else so far.

Andrew Tobia: What about the two champions Nicky Trix and Syn who you have a triple threat match with this week.

Zack Bronko leans in to the reporter: NO BODY. But I’m willing to let them prove me wrong, anytime.

Andrew Tobia (a little intimidated): Well, thank you, Zack. I believe I have what I need. I will do my best to get the ACW featured in the local paper.

As Mr. Tobia gets up to leave, Zack Bronko answers: Thanks.


God, I hate interviews. Nice guy, but I feel like I’m wasting my time. All I have to say, I say in the ring. I don’t have to mouth off. If they don’t know, they will find out sooner or later. Oh, well. It’s all for publicizing the show and program, ain’t it?

Female voice from behind: Being a bit hard on them aren’t you Zack, honey?

I turn to see the only person whose opinion means anything to me; my only love, Nikki Bronko.


Zack Bronko: Hard on them? People who care about this business give their sweat and blood every night in towns all over the world and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna sit back and watch a bunch of ingrates run it in the ground! They wanna be superstars? Let them PAY for it!

Nikki Bronko: Wow! Lifting a pretty high standard.

All I can think is that somebody’s gotta do it! Somebody has to start the REVOLUTION!

Zack Bronko: A rising tide raises all ships, Nikki. No reason to do it half assed. It just brings the whole program down.

Nikki Bronko: This REVOLUTION vendetta you’re on is sounding a bit like your Dad. Wasn’t it you that said you never did anything to please him? Well, now the whole damned company has to please you?

Why would she go there? I told her not to go there!!!

Zack Bronko: He talked to you didn’t he!?! Dammit! I told him not to!!

Nikki Bronko: No, Zack, he didn’t. But obviously he’s talked to you.

Damn! She knows me too well. In fact, there are things I’d rather her not know about me, to be honest. Don’t know why she gives a damn about me to begin with.

Zack Bronko: Yeah, but he’s gone now.

Nikki Bronko: I saw him in the crowd in the back…

Zack Bronko: Did Matthew?

Nikki Bronko: No, Zack. He didn’t. And I didn’t talk to him. But you need to work this out.

There she GOES AGAIN!!! Why can’t we just live our lives? Why can’t we just leave him behind like he did me so long ago? Why do I have to be different?

Zack Bronko: There’s nothing to work out, Nikki!!

I slam my fist through another locker. Hell, I can feel my heart beat through my fists! Man, McHenry is gonna be pissed.

Nikki Bronko puts her soft, petite hand on her husband’s monstrous shoulder: Yes, there is Zack. And, if you don’t work it out, it will be you and Matthew in the same old song and dance. Like Father…

I totally lose it. Oh GOD, I promised not to do that again!

Zack Bronko picks up a chair and puts it through a mirror across the room! He and his wife just stand there and look at each other. Silence is the only discussion they seem to end up in; especially when it comes to MR BRONKO.

As she walks out, I feel my heart sink deep in my guts. She wants me to go where I promised myself I would never go. But, if I don’t, I will end up going where neither of us ever wanted to go again. Why do I feel so enraged? And can I save it for the ring? I really hope so, because somebody is getting hurt! I look in the broken mirror; all the shattered images of myself.




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----------------------------------------------------- (Japan, 7 days ago) ------------------------------------------------------------
-The scene opens in The Tokyo dome, as the crowd roars a three way match was in the process of taking place. Syn, who was defending the ACW World Heavyweight Championship, had been knocked from the ring and landed injured ribs-first onto the guard rails outside, momentarily taken out of the match. Inside of the ring, his two opponents, MVP and Satoshi Kojima, sized each other up, before locking up in the middle of the ring. Syn struggled to get back to his feet as the two battled inside of the ring. Insted of immediately going back into the ring, Syn leaned against the guard rail, watching as MVP dropped Satoshi with a DDT, before quickly transitioning into a Keylock submission hold! Syn decided to make his move. He sprang up to the Ring Apron and Springboarded in - Syn hits Falling Into Chaos on MVP to release the hold!

Syn sat up and gave a crazed look to the crowd, ignoring the pain shooting through his midsection as he slowly turned around and looked at MVP, who was slowly getting back to his feet. Syn slithered to his feet as MVP turns managed to get to his feet -Syn grabbed both arms and spun into a Straight Jacket Hold, before drilling MVP with an emphatic Killing Joke! Instead of going for the pin, Syn maintains the hold, rolls onto his stomach, and bridges onto his head as he bridges his body over and locks in a Straight Jacket Version of The Muta Lock! MVP screams in pain as Syn applies more pressure to the hold, bridging his head back even further to where his chin was touching the mat. MVP realizes that Syn has him, and verbally submits to the submission hold, ending the match-up and allowing Syn to retain his ACW World Heavyweight Championship! Syn release the hold after about another minute (Just to make sure MVP STAYED down), as the Japan crowd roared in appreciation for the effort of the three men. Syn didn’t stick around very long after his victory, quickly exiting the ring and heading backstage, acknowledging the fans as he left to the back and the camera fades.

----------------------------------------------------- (Backstage) ------------------------------------------------------------

Syn twitched slightly as The Trainer bandaged his heavily bruised ribs, letting out a low hiss as pain shot throughout his midsection.

Trainer: Why on earth you decided to wrestle like this when the doctors for ACW wouldn' clear you is beyond me.

Syn said nothing as The Trainer continued to tape up his midsection. It was true. The company trainer for ACW all but refused to clear him for Adrenaline this week, and John, feeling that it was in Syn's best interest to take the week off and recouperate, sent Syn "Home". But very quickly, Syn had grown bored of having free time on his hands. So, on the advice of his younger brother, Kai, Syn decided to fly with him to Japan, to get away from his boredom. He originally just planned to see the sights and watch Kai as he faced Low-Ki, but he was approached by officials from New Japan Pro Wrestling with an offer to Wrestle on a show at a later date. But Syn upped the ante and offered to give two members of the heavyweight roster a shot at his title.

Syn: You've had to treat my younger brother muliple times over the course of 5 years. Are you honestly suprised that I would compete when knowing that my body is nowhere near 100%?

The Trainer sighed as he finished.

Trainer: Yes, yes. At least you aren't internally bleeding.

Syn smirked and hopped off of the table, grabbing his World Title as he walked out of the office and down to the Locker Room that he shared with Kai. He opened the door and noticed that Kai' bag was open and the shower was running, meaning that the 20 year old was getting ready to go. Syn walked over to a chair and sat down, grabbed a towel, and placed it over his head as he gave a weary sigh, before glancing down at his World Title. As often as he said that he disliked being World Champion and didn't particularly care for it, he was somewhat proud of the accomplishment. He has been in this position once before, and had learned from the few mistakes he had made then. His musings were cut short as Kai exited the shower, fully dressed and ready to leave for the evening. He paused and gave Syn a blank look.

Kai: I assume that your ribs are now fine and you're ready to leave.

Syn shrugged as he stood up and grabbed his own bag, placing the World Title inside as he gave Kai a small smile.

Syn: Lead the way.

The two begin to leave, with Kai asking Syn one final question.

Kai: You do realize that your boss will more than likely be furious that you risked The World Heavyweight Title as you did, right?

Syn paused, then gave his brother a wicked grin.

Syn: I do, and I also realize that he can do very little about it at this point.

Syn let out a shrill, insane laugh as they walked off and the screen faded to black.


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
November 17, 1996
Somewhere on a football field in Lakewood, California


The man on the sidelines is Mark DeMure. He’s the football coach at Will Rogers Middle School. He’s not having a good day.

Coach Demure turns to his assistant coach:
Darby. We’re down by three damned points. They’re pinned against their own freakin’ goal line with a first and ten. I got like a minute on the clock and nothing left when it comes to time outs. Tell me you’ve got an idea here!

Darby knows there’s not much time left till they have to send in their defense: Unbelievable! This was gonna be it! Our rivals! Every DAMNED year they beat us….

Assistant coach Darby smiles; looking into the beaten and bruised rabble of middle school boys.

Darby: We could send in Bronko and Marko.


I remember that day so well.

I heard my name. Then I saw Coach Darby look at me. I had worked hard to get to where I was. But I was stuck playing second string behind the damned mayor’s son. I wanted it so bad. And so did my dad.

I looked up into the stands and there he was. My dad, William bronco, standing where he always was. Most kids would be glad their dad came to every game. Not me. Not when you sit the bench all the time.

“If you work hard, Zackery, you’ll get what you want. But I just don’t think you want it enough.” He would always say.


“BRONKO! MARKO! Get over here and hustle!” I could hear the coach yell.

Dad just grinned. It was time. MY TIME. To show him. To show them all.

I looked at Marko, my best friend since grade school and he put his helmet on. Then, he laughed. That made me smile. As we ran up to the coach, he didn’t look happy.

Coach Demure: Listen, you two. You’re not ready. Either one of you. But you’re bigger than anything they got out there and we need somebody to plow a hole through that line. Now, we know they’re gonna give the damned ball to Dorsey. They always do in clutch plays. The rules won’t let them take a knee, so he’s gonna get a simple hand-off and dive. I want you two to zero in on him and hit him hard! We need that ball and you’re our only hope of that. Got that?

Bronko and Marko: YES SIR!!

Coach Demure: Well, go do it!

As we run out to the field, It all just felt right. This was it. This was going to change everything.

Coach Demure: Mason. Tracy. Get off the field!!

Mason (the idiot Mayor’s son): But COACH?

Coach Demure: HUSTLE!!

Mason gives me a look and I just smile. The crowd is going crazy. They think they’ve already won. This is gonna be sweet. Marko and me take our places in the defensive backfield, but not too far. We’re linebackers and, on this play, we’re gonna rush like hell itself.

Their quarterback: Fresh meat boys. They must be desperate.

He grinned at me. Big mistake. I may only be thirteen years old, but people have been underestimating me all my life; although I’ve always been big for my age. My dad has goaded my on since peewee ball. It was never any different. He grilled me and expected greatness. And, when I came up short, he was always there with a word of condemnation.

I could hear him in my head, “Unless you want it, Zackery, you’re always gonna be comin’ up short. Always not enough!”

I lock into Dorsey, their fullback. He’s a big guy for a ball handler. I laugh at the thought. Ball handler, yeah, I bet. I catch his eyes and so does Marko. We’ve been working on this since childhood. I can see Dorsey getting a little nervous; looking back and forth between me and Marko. Now, I’m the one smiling.


They hiked the ball and the world explodes into slow motion. The hand-off is clean. The front line never knew what hit them. Marko hit’em low and I hit’em high! I did everything I was taught; goin’ for the ball. I never felt more in control. That’s when I locked him up. He wasn’t going anywhere. I literally picked him up and power-slammed his ass into the endzone!

I felt the bones break in his midsection; several ribs, I think. He was literally screaming in pain and all I could do was stare. He was there on the ground holding his ribs with one of his legs bent in behind him. Dorsey never played football again. I had seen to that. Oh, and the football? I had knocked it loose and I had a clear shot at it. I just never saw it. All I could look at was the mangled mess I had made and I was supposed to be happy about it. But, somehow, it just didn’t feel right anymore. One of their guys dropped on the ball. A damned safety. We lost by one point. We missed the playoffs.

Most of the details I just told you was something somebody told me; like a report from another part of the globe. I just don’t remember much after looking down on Dorsey. But I remember going home. My dad was waiting by the car. He leaned there smoking hardcore. Great! He never does that unless he’s mad. Just what I needed right now.

William Bronko opens the door: Get in…

I didn’t dare say anything. I was just hoping he would do the same. No luck that happening.

William Bronko; sitting next to me: What is it with you, Zackery? I pour my heart and soul into getting you into shape and teaching you what I know and it never is enough. I mean, all you had to do is fall on the fuckin’ ball. A blueberry could do that! DID YOU? NO!

Young Zack Bronko: I’m sorry, dad…


William Bronko: Sorry. Great. That’s cold consolation to the rest of the team, Zackery. DAMN! (He hits the dashboard for effect) I mean, what is it? You try and you try and you never seem to be enough. I guess that’s what you have to look forward to ZACK! That, no matter what you do, you’re never gonna be good enough to get the job done! You’re gonna come up just THAT SHORT!

He steamed all the way home; ranting every once in a while. Cutting me apart at every chance.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - -
I wake up in pool of sweat in my own bed. Same ole dream. Same ole song and dance.

I can still hear his words echo through my life like a tidal wave: You’re just never gonna BE ENOUGH!!




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He didn’t know why, but being in his father’s gym seemed to sooth his aching body. He assumed it was because he was in such a familiar place. He couldn’t quite understand the affect this place had on him though. It was basically his second home. This time however, he was only watching as a tag team match was underway. It was more or less just a sparring match, but he knew it meant more to his brother. His brother was in the match with his tag team partner of ten years, Joey Maverick. Both men had been best friends since they were fourteen, and were nearly inseparable. Nicky couldn’t help but smile as his brother seemed to be really enjoying himself, although a little tired out. Nicky knew right away that the temptation of alcohol, and possibly drugs were close to taking over his brother’s mind. He began to shout at his brother to focus. Suddenly, using his raw strength, Donnie picked up his opponent and slammed hard to the mat below. He looked over at the smaller, more athletic Maverick and tagged him in. Maverick instantly went to the top of the turnbuckle and dropped a leg down on his opponent’s neck and went for the pin. Nicky couldn’t help but admire the skill that both men possessed when teamed up together. He knew that Maverick was more than capable of handling his own in the ring, but Donnie always needed support. Nicky grimaced as a shot of pain struck through his rattled body. The abuse he took two nights ago at the hand of Eric Snow was just too much to take sometimes. He looked back up to see his brother exiting the ring as Maverick stands in the middle, proud of what they had accomplished. Nicky stopped his brother.

Nicky Trix: “Where you going?â€￾

Donnie simply just grunted as he shrugged Nicky off and continued to where ever he was heading. Nicky just looked on in a state of shock and confusion. He wasn’t sure what to make of Donnie’s strange attitude. Nicky looked over at Joey who was just getting out of the ring, attempting to catch his breath. Nicky walked over to him and shook the man’s hand. Joey smiled as he accepted the handshake as a sign of respect. He looked over in the direction where Donnie had walked off to. Finally acknowledging Nicky once more as both men began to discuss wrestling. Suddenly Nicky’s father walked in on their conversation to get in a few of his own words.

Toby Trix: “Joey here is proving to be one of my most promising students. He’s an amazing talent, and when tagging with your brother, he’s damn near unstoppable.â€￾

Joey nearly went crimson red in the face at the compliment. He surely was a talented young man, and could be of great value to any company. Nicky suddenly began to think about his brother in the match. He looked absolutely impressive. Nicky knew that if given a try out for ACW, Donnie wouldn’t disappoint. But that wasn’t what Nicky was worried about. He was worried that if he were to get Donnie a try out, he would impress the people watching him. Donnie would have to prove himself long term however. That was what caused so much worry for Nicky. In his mind, his brother would crack under the pressures of such a tight schedule. Donnie was never used to such a schedule, which is why he crumbled when he was in other companies that demanded consistency.

Nicky Trix: “That’s something I’d be worried about though dad. How long would it take for Donnie to just crack?â€￾

It was Joey who answered the question this time, defending his best friend.

Joey Maverick: “In my personal opinion, your brother can achieve much greatness if given the chance.â€￾

Joey always liked to talk in a more traditional way. He would often time talk in such a way that sometimes it was difficult to understand what he had just said. Nicky knew that Joey spoke the truth, but Donnie had a bad habit of failing.

Nicky Trix: “Yes, but what about his problem? You saw him in the ring, he’s too dependent on alcohol and drugs. He needs them to feel good. I can’t get him anything, or even both you in ACW. He’ll either show up completely out of his mind, or not show up at all. He needs to go to rehab again.â€￾

Toby had a look of almost anguish on his face. He clearly didn’t like the idea that his youngest child was an alcoholic drug addict. Everybody knew that Donnie was better than that, and when not on drugs, he was amazing.

Toby Trix: “I don’t think we should discuss this any further. Especially when you have a big match coming up, and you’re injured. You’re facing not only the world champ of the damn company, but the guy who’s looking to destroy the entire roster. I know what Bronko is capable of, I’ve seen it firsthand. He’ll stop at nothing to get what he wants. Syn is also another guy to keep an eye on. He’s not world champion for nothing.â€￾

Nicky was nodding his head at every word. His father spoke the truth; he was after all, a veteran in the business. Some would even go as far to say a legend. Nicky remembered watching his father in that company, just before his retirement. He used a different ring name then, and if given the chance, would probably get in the ring again. Nicky truly admired his father for that. The man wasn’t afraid of anything, and he wasn’t afraid to put his body on the line. At his age, he figured he’d live through it all, so why worry now?

Toby Trix: “Listen Nicky, I don’t think it would be wise to train, especially with the shape your body is in.â€￾

Nicky couldn’t disagree with his father more. Nicky knew that he had to continue training in order to get better. Being the small man on the roster, he had to prove to everybody that he was no pushover. Shaking his head, he responded to his father.

Nicky Trix: “My body is fine; my leg will get better in time. This match is extremely important. Not only is it the main event, but it’s also my proving ground that I can run with the big dogs. You know this better than anybody, that in order to make it in the business, you have to put your body on the line. You have to sacrifice your mind, body and spirit to the thing you truly love. I love this business dad, I grew up with it, and I grew up around it. This is my chance to make a name for myself!â€￾

Nicky limped over to the ring and got in with some pain. It took a lot out of him to get in the ring. But once in, he could already feel his energy coming back to him. It was like the ring gave him more energy. He called out for a sparring partner, and was greeted with many hands raised. He looked down at Joey Maverick and pointed towards him.

Nicky Trix: “You ready for another round?â€￾

Joey smiled as he got into the ring, and looked straight ahead at the now energized Nicky Trix. Both men jumped forward.


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma

New York is a busy place and Yonkers isn't much different.


But, at least, there are neighborhoods and parks; places to go and relax. That's what I decided to do. Take Matthew to the park; get away from the gym, the Mayfield Community Center and, most of all, that damned apartment. Not that it is that bad, but the walls were closing in on me. Heck, I'd live anywhere as long as I am close to Zack. That's the whole reason I pulled up roots out west and followed Zack out here. For one, I'm his wife, Nikki Bronko. And, most of all, I just can't live without the big lug.


The park's crowded with kids and parents. But no one is talking to me. Alone in the big city; what's new, right? Matthew is loving this park. I think we'll make this a part of his routine. Have him come out here, play with some other kids and get some sunshine and fresh air. Who am I kidding? I know why I'm really out here. It's selfish. It helps me to think about things; hash things out. Zack seems a bit out of sorts lately and I think I know why.

“Is this seat taken?”

I look up into the face of the reason; William A. Bronko.

Nikki Bronko: Of course, not, William. Why else would have I called you?

Zack is a big man like his dad. I wish that was the only thing they had in common.

William Bronko: Listen, Nikki. If Zack knew I was this close to Matthew...

Nikki Bronko: Why are you here, William?

The big man smiles and laughs: Well, damn, let's just get down to it.

William Bronko: Life's short.

I don't give him a smile or a soft look. I've only found one man who was worth that courtesy; well, maybe two.


William Bronko stops smiling: I didn't come here to disrupt anything. I don't want anything from you guys. Lord knows I've taken enough.

Nikki Bronko not looking at him: Damn straight!

William Bronko clears his throat uneasily: Yeah. I'm just here to try and get back what I've lost, Nikki. Honest to God! I've been off the booze for a good two years and I want to put my life back together.

HONEST? Really?

Nikki Bronko: Well, Zack is too and it hasn't been easy on him either!

William Bronko: I know. And I want to make that up to him. Be the man he needs in his life.

Be the MAN?

Nikki Bronko: You gotta understand, William. Zack has been piecing his life together in the past couple of years too. He quit a major wrestling promotion to do that. And, now, he's trying to make it work in the ACW.

William Bronko: He's good. Always has been. I was too smashed to see it.

Nikki Bronko: Look, William, here's the bottom line. Zack is just getting back on top. You coming in here is like a kick to the privates for him. You're a distraction. And that's not something him or me can afford right now. I didn't call you here to talk this over. I called you here to get you to give Zack some space; some time to get things back together.

William Bronko: Nice. So I'm just supposed to put my life on hold while he does that? Dammit, Nikki. I can't move on with this. My therapist...

Nikki Bronko: I don't give a damn about your therapist, BILL! And I personally don't care about your 'movin on'! I care about your son. More than you ever did or will! So, take my advice and go back to wherever you came from! And, if your lucky, I'll call you when things are better!

He was quiet for quite a while.

William Bronko: Sorry, Nikki. I can't do that. I'll be in touch.

With that he stood up and walked off. I wanted to yell after him; put him in his place. That's when Matthew ran up.

Matthew Bronko: Momma, are you crying?

Nikki Broko: No, I'm fine...

Matthew looking after William Bronko as he leaves the park: Who was that man?

Nikki Bronko: Nobody, Matthew. Nobody.

- - - - - – - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - – – - - - - - - - - - - - - - - – - - - – - - - - - – - - - - - - - - - -

Here I am; Back at the gym. Killing another bag.

“NO SHOW!”, I say out loud as I smash into the bag with a right.

“Pay Per View Loss!!” , I say louder as I hit it with a hard left.

“Following that BITCH Claressa King around like an idiot for weeks!!” I rock it with another right!

“Lost a year! All down the drain! PWA gone! Damned championship means nothing!!”

I continue to pulverize the bag with each thought. The gym has cleared. I think I've scared a few of them. Well, to hell with them. I gotta be ready. I gotta be on my best game. I gotta win this next match!

I stop to catch a breath and swallow some liquid.

“I keep coming up short!”

I didn't realize it, but I was yelling. My voice is echoing off the walls now. I look in shock at the sweaty, angry monster in the mirror.

“I'm through letting Nikki and Matt down. No more excuses. I know what I'm capable of. Time to show McHenry and the ACW what I can do!”

My cellphone starts ringing. Not Nikki. Not her ringtone. I pick it up and look at who's calling.

Without a thought I throw it across the room; smashing it on the wall opposite of me. Everything is spinning. I can't think straight.

“Just not enough...”

I react with a lightning reflex shot as I spin around. I connect hard. I back off shocked as shards of mirror fly and fall to the ground at my feet. Nobody there. Losin' it, Bronko. I just grab my bag and hit the showers. Nikki will be expecting me.


As Bronko leaves, we pan into a close up of his broken cell phone's display. It reads: WILLIAM A. missed

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Syn grunted as he shoved past another passenger as he tried to navigate his way through the busy airport, looking for the exit as he disembarked the plane. His time in Japan was enjoyable, and he had finally gotten around to actually resting so that he could heal, so he decided to return to the States for the next Adrenaline. He had flown from Tokyo to Los Angeles, and was planning to fly to New York immediately afterward, but due to the flight being longer than expected, it looked like he would have to wait until the next morning for the flight. Syn calmly walked out of the airport and into the parking lot, before looking around, frowning.

Syn: Hmm. Kai DID say that the rental car would be fairley recognizable.

Syn contined to look around, before his eyes came onto a dark green Impala sitting not too far off from where he was standing. Smirking a little, Syn quickly strolled over to the car and opened the front door and got in, before starting the car. He pulled out of the parking spot and drove off in the direction of a nearby hotel. 20 minutes later, Syn spots the hotel and let out a low whistle, fairley impressed.

Syn: Seems like quite a place for only a one night stay.

Syn pulled into the parking lot and shut off the temperary vehicle, before exiting and walking up to the very fancy looking hotel. He stopped short of entering, and arranged his hoodie to where it decently covered his face and features. While it seemed strange to most, he very seldom showed his face in public (Not counting wearing his face-paint). He entered and walked up to the front desk.

Syn: I would like a room.

The young woman at the desk looked up at him for a moment, before shrugging and typing something into the computer.

Young Woman: It'll be $300 a night.

Syn gave a blank look, before he pulled out four bills and slowly laid them on the desk. The woman looked up and blinked, looking between the money and Syn, before she accepted the money.

Young Woman: Well then, will it be for one night Mister...

She trailed off, realizing that Syn hadn't given his name. Syn realized this as well, and spoke.

Syn: J.Reko.

The woman gave him a curious glance at the strange alias, but otherwise said nothing about it as she continued typing.

Young Woman: Oooooooooookey, Mister Reko. You'll be staying in room 311.

She reached under the desk and pulled out a room card, before reaching over and handing it to Syn, giving the enigmatic young man a charming smile.

Young Woman: Here's your key, and I hope that you enjoy your stay.

Syn stops her before she turns around, and moves his hoodie slightly to show a small smirk on his face. He leaned in close, and purred into her ear.

Syn: Don't worry, sweetheart. I'm sure I'll MORE than enjoy it.

Syn pulled back and turned to walk to the elevators, hi smirk widening at the blush that the woman was sporting after his display. But before he could go to the elevator, his cell-phone began ringing. He pulled i out of his pocket and rose an eyebrow, as only one person had his number.

Syn: Hello, little brother.

Kai's familiar cold, emotionless voice was heard on the other end.

Kai: Remind me again why it is I get messeges that are for you insted of you taking them yourself?

Syn smiled slightly, knowing full well that Kai can't see him.

Syn: The less information that the world has on me, the better. But I take it that this phone call isn't for brotherly banter or annoyance at having to play my "Secretary", hmm?

Kai, not missing a beat, continued speaking.

Kai: Unfortunately, no. I was just sent the card for the upcoming Adrenaline. It seems that you will be in the main event against Nicky Trix and Zack Bronko.

Syn frowned slightly at that

Syn: I see. Thank you.

Kai just gave a grunt of response, before hanging up. Syn placed the phone in his pocket and slowly walked over to the elevators in thought, before he gave a small, evil smirk.

Syn: Bronko and Nicky Trix. Things have just become more....interesting.

Syn gave a small chuckle as he entered the elevator, his devious mind already drawing up countless plans and ideas as the scene fades to black.

Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
Nicky just wasn’t sure which item to take. All three of his children liked something different in this particular item. He didn’t want to buy them all something different, it was far too expensive. This was one of the reasons he truly hated grocery shopping. It was always far more complicated than it should be, especially with three children. It was certainly easy with Kari around, as she knew how best to buy the groceries. Nicky finally decided to just go with the plain chips. That was something they could all eat, possibly have it along with their supper. He suddenly remembered that they also wanted to rent a movie, but couldn’t for the life of him remember what it was they wanted. After grabbing two bags of plain chips, Nicky went on to get some coke also. He knew it was bad, but his children loved it. He didn’t drink much soda himself; he was more a Gatorade kind of guy. This was mostly due to the fact that he was always working out. He limped along to the next aisle. It was proving to be quite the struggle walking around. After what Eric Snow had done to him during their title match only two days ago, Nicky was finding it hard to do his normal routine. And he knew it would be a bane for him in his next match. A match that was, of utmost importance. It was the second main event he would be in, in a row no less. Syn was someone he was a little more worried about. Nicky had no idea what the man was capable of, there was no information about him. It was almost as if someone had completely cleared any history of the man. Then there was Zack Bronko, Nicky knew a little about him. He did after all know someone who had wrestled the man before. Nicky knew he had to truly be careful out there. As he entered another aisle, a young man, seemingly in his twenties caught a glimpse of Nicky. His eyes immediately went wide with excitement.

Young Man: “Holy crap! It’s Nicky Trix!â€

Nicky muttered a small curse under his breath. He was hoping to not have any interaction with fans today. He just wasn’t feeling up for it. But he knew he had to keep his cool, a lot of people looked up to him. Nicky smiled at the young man, but never replied. The man just stared at Nicky in wonder, Nicky was obviously a favorite of his, or maybe he was just excited to see a wrestler in the flesh.

Young Man: “Dude, I can’t believe you’re walking right now! After what Eric Snow did to you, I’d be lying in bed for a week at least. And that Abram guy, he means serious business.â€

Nicky chuckled a little as he listened to the mindless banter of a fan. It was usually quite amusing to him. Sometimes fans got so excited they would just ramble on. This man however was proving to be more than just an excited fan. Nicky looked up at him and smiled again before speaking.

Nicky Trix: “They all mean serious business man. Abram was just showing me that he’s not invisible. And as far as what Snow did to me, well I’m sure he’ll get what’s coming to him. I’ve never been one to back down from a challenge.â€

The man snorted loudly as he was taking in the whole scene. Nicky wasn’t sure what was going through his mind. Nicky continued to shop however as he looked at some canned soups. Picking out a couple of different flavours, he looked back to see the man staring at him. It crept Nicky out a little to be stalked in such a manner. He turned around to acknowledge the fan.

Nicky Trix: “So you watch ACW man?â€

The young man snorted once again before replying.

Young Man: “Every week man! I also check the cards to see who you face next, and man, I’m excited for the main event. I mean Syn is my favorite wrestler on ACW.â€

The young man caught himself after he had spoken the words.

Young Man: “No offence.â€

Nicky only smiled as he waved off the comment. It didn’t bother Nicky in the least. Syn was one of the most talented guys on the roster; he wouldn’t be champion if he wasn’t. Nicky was just thankful to have the opportunity.

Nicky Trix: “None taken man, not for me to say who you should like the most. All the guys and girl on the roster are incredibly talented. They have all proven why they deserve to be on the roster.â€

Young Man: “Yeah bro, so can I possibly get an autograph and a picture?â€

Nicky didn’t see the harm in that. He shrugged and nodded. The young man let out an almost girl like shriek as he moved in to get an autograph. Nicky was a little caught off guard seeing that the man had a notebook and pen at the ready. He was so used to signing items of clothing. Once satisfied with getting an autograph and photo, several actually. The man began to shout hysterically about meeting Nicky Trix. Suddenly, without warning a swarm of fans charged after Nicky. Nicky sighed loudly as he watched people scrambling around to find something for him to sign. Nicky knew right then and there that it was going to be a long time before he got out of the grocery store.

Rated R Superstar

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
As Nicky gingerly walked down his road, he couldn’t help but think about how much his life had changed. In just a few short and sometimes tragic years, Nicky’s life had changed dramatically. At first, when his wife was still alive, it was easy taking care of three kids. Heck, it was even fun. It still was, but he had to mature quite a bit to be able to keep up with the daily stuff. Not only that, but managing a job that wasn’t nowhere near his home. He was constantly on the road or flying. Sometimes he would take his children with him to his matches. It all proved to be a much bigger challenge since his brother had decided to be more involved in his life. Nicky couldn’t help wonder what would be happening now if Donnie wasn’t around. Hell, it was sometimes hard with his father, who would often expect Nicky to be at the level he was at in the indy scene. Nicky knew that was a huge mountain to climb, especially considering all that his father had accomplished in his thirty years in the business. The man used the same ring name for that entire time too. Everybody knew he was a man not to be messed with. Nicky was proud of his father though, the man was still really happy. He was still in the business he cared so much for. Nicky wondered what his father would think if he found out about his son visiting his wife. Nicky knew that his father had changed also since his mother went insane twelve years ago. He wondered if his father felt guilty for what he did. The man only did what he loved, and provided for the family he loved even more. His mother never saw it that way however. She always saw it that her husband cared more about wrestling than the family, and often accused him of sleeping with the female co-workers.

Nicky knew this was far too outrageous to even consider, his father was a faithful husband. As Nicky continued to walk, with more difficulty than before, he notices two young boys wrestling on their lawn. He smiled as it reminded him of better times when nobody was fighting. There was no such thing as hate in their family. When he and Donnie were young, they would do just as the two young children were doing. Wrestling was their passion, their life almost. Nicky still couldn’t believe they were both pursuing careers in wrestling. He thought for sure they would end up in some slack jobs. Nicky knew that wasn’t something neither he nor his brother would enjoy doing. Suddenly two large men wearing black trench coats came right up to him and stopped him dead in his tracks. Suddenly, without notice, Nicky was punched in the face. He fell back from the blow. He suddenly got a little angry and darted towards the first man, who easily side stepped him and grabbed him. With the first, slightly bigger man holding Nicky down, the second man laid into him like he was a punching bag. Nicky tried to break free, but the man’s grip was impossible to break. The large man holding Nicky threw him to the ground after a couple more shots from his companion. Both men stood over the fallen Nicky Trix and looked down at him. Nicky tensed his body, preparing for another beating of some sort, but it never came. The smaller of the two men sighed and took off the sunglasses he had on. The man had dark blue eyes, had a stocky build with slicked back raven black hair. His most defining feature was the scar on his chiselled chin. He spoke, in a low almost baritone like voice.

Unknown Man: “You have something that belongs to us.â€

Nicky was dumbfounded as he had no idea what the man was talking about. Just before he could question the man, the bigger of the two kicked Nicky in the chest. This nearly knocked out all of the wind from Nicky.

Unknown Man: “Don’t fuck with us! Donnie told us you’d have what we’re looking for!â€

Nicky finally caught his breath as he gasped desperately for air after that kick. He still wasn’t sure what they were talking about, but the mention of his brother causes much worry in his mind.

Nicky Trix: “Have what? What are you talking about? Do you seriously beat up people before asking a question?â€

That was a huge mistake on Nicky’s part as both men laid into him once more. Nicky wasn’t sure exactly what was happening after as his vision went blurry, his ears became muffled. He was slowly becoming numb to the pain. Suddenly one of them hefted him up, and all of his senses came crashing back into his body.

Unknown Man: “Your brother owes us a lot of money, and he told us that you’d have it.â€

Nicky was just stricken with curiosity at this point. What exactly was happening here? Was he being punk’d?

Nicky Trix: “Why would I have money that he owes you and why exactly does he owe you this money?â€

Unknown Man: “He bet a lot of money on your title matches, and even put a ton of money on your next match. Let’s just say that because of the two matches alone, if we don’t get our money soon, someone will get hurt much more than what you did here.â€

Nicky just had to find out, more out of curiosity than anything.

Nicky Trix: “What were his bets?â€

The large man just smiled as he answered.

Unknown Man: “He put down about six grand on your first title match, betting you’d lose. He put another five on the next match, with the same outcome. And now he’s thinking he can win it all back by betting 12 gee’s on your main event match against Syn and Bronko. He thinks you’ll get destroyed by Bronko in the first five minutes of the match.â€

Suddenly, without warning the man threw him to the ground and both men just left laughing. Before they got out of earshot they called back telling him they’d be seeing him soon. Nicky couldn’t fathom what he had just gotten volunteered for. He knew he didn’t have that much money. He didn’t even know where to get that kind of money. Nicky knew right away that he needed to see his brother, but first he’d have to stay where he was first. He was in far too much pain to move right now. His leg wasn’t going to be the only thing causing him problems in his match.


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Jun 30, 2011
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Louisville, KY
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Ashley Sparxxx walked into the building where Adrenaline was taking place, preparing for what was sure to be a great show tonight. As she turned down a hallway, the lights suddenly went out. Ashley paused, then slowly looked around, and notices that the hallway, which was busy just seconds ago, was now devoid of any life what so ever. She slowly started to turn around and go back, but then, much like the hallway that she is in now, the lights mysteriously went off. Now nervous beyond all reason, she slowly called out into th darkness.

Ashley Sparxxx: Hello?

The only response that she got back was silence. Slowly, she started to freak out as she could swear that there was something, someone in the darkness, watching her.

Ashley Sparxxx: Hello? Is someone there?

Still, no one answered. She noticed something move several feet away from her and quickly turned to look at it, but nothing was there. Ashley's fear turned into annoyance and paranoia as she noticed a shadow slowly approaching her.

Ashley Sparxxx: Ok, seriously, this isn't freaking funny. Whoever is doing this, come out now! I mean it!

Ashley then heard something on her left, and turned towards it. It was the sound of footsteps. Slow, deliberated footsteps, walking towards her. She backs up aganst a wall as the footsteps get closer and closer.

Ashley Sparxxx: Don't come any closer!

The person ignores her and continues to walk towards her, causing her to close her eyes and look away in fear. Suddenly, the footsteps stop, and its silent once again. Ashley squints one eye open and peers to her left, and sees that nothing is there. She opens them both fully and looks around, still seeing nothing.

Ashely Sparxxx: I...I must have imagined it.

As she turned to walk away, she was stopped cold by a voice that seemingly came from all around her.

???: Oh, I would beg to differ, Asssssshley.

Ashley's head whipped around, trying to find the source of the voice. She did, however, register the fact that the voice was familiar, and she knew who it was.

Ashley Sparxxx: S-Syn?

She could almost FEEL the evil smirk that the Enigmatic Anarchist more than likely had on his fac at that very moment, before he heard a dark chuckle directed at her.

Syn: Now, I know that one of our newer talents has taken to using the very same methods that I use, but who else did you think it would be?

Ashley visibly relaxed slightly, but she was still a bit tense. While Syn wasn't likely to do anything to her, he was still one of the more dangerous wrestlers on the roster for more than the fact that he was fearless. Looking around, Ashley tried to find him, but frowned as she STILL couldn't find anything.

Syn: If you're looking for me, Ashley, I'm afraid that you won't find me. As I've said in the past, I'm incredibly hard to find when I want to be.

Ashley takes Syn's word for it and stops looking, but still wonders not only where Syn is, but how he is doing this.

Ashley Sparxxx: A-alright. But where exactly are you?

This time Syn lets out an insane cackle, badly startling her.

Syn: Oh, Ashley. Sweet, sweet Ashley. Thats the beatuy of having a mindset like mine. I can be anywhere, anyplace, at anytime. I could be right beside you, could be in The Security office, watching your every move...

Syn seemed to pause for a moment, before continuing.

Syn: I could even be right above you. Right. Now.

At this, Ashley froze, before slowly looking up. What she saw made her eyes widen in shock and gasp in both fright and awe. It was Syn, hanging upside by a chain, looking down at her in obvious amusement. She just continued to stare as Syn slowly rose one of his hands, and slowly waving at her. He let go and she took a large step back as he turned in mid air and landed perfectly on his feet. Syn brushed the imaginary dust off of his trench coat and turned to look at Ashley, before giving her a small smirk.

Syn: So, I'm gone one week, defend my World Title in Japan dispite several injuries, I come back and find that I'm in a triple reat match against our International Champion, and a man who is seen as The Measuring Stick for most of the roster. Now, with that in mind, tell me sweetheart: How did that happen?

Ashley shook herself out of her daze and gave Syn a confused look at one perticular statement.

Ashley Sparxxx: Wait, you did what in Japan?

Syn waves off the now-not-so-secret match that he had while he was "Sent Home" the previous week.

Syn: It's not something that you won't find out about sooner or later, my dear.

Ashley then gives Syn a curious glance, as if she wants to ask a question.

Syn: (Sigh) If you want to ask, then ask.

Ashley, needing no more prompting than that, pulled out a tape recorder and begin firing off questions.

Ashley Sparxxx: Syn, last week you were noticably absent from ACW Programming, but it seems as though you've made waves elsewhere. Is it true that you not ony competed in Japan when ACW Doctors refused to clear you for action last week, but also made the bold and cotroversial decision to defend your ACW World Heavyweight Championshp in that same match?

Syn gave her a small, dark smile a he answered.

Syn: I may have, but that is something that everyone will find out in due time.

Ashley frowned at the vague answer and she went to ask the question again, but Syn cuts her off.

Syn: I'm sorry, Ashley. But it seems as if our time must be cut short.

Before she can ask what he ment, the lights come back up, and Syn disappears into nothing. Ashley looks around in confusion as the scene fades to black.