ACW Adrenaline 12: Andrew Reynolds v. Avalanche v. Multiplex

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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Second Bout:A Little Hardcore
Match Type: Triple Threat Hardcore
Stipulation: N/A
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
Andrew Reynolds v. Avalanche v. Multiplex

If you are not in this match, don't post in this thread. If you are in this match, don't spam it up with OOC talk.
TWO RP cap with all RPs due by June 23, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​

John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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Avalanche sits alone in one of the locker rooms of the Mayfield Community Center. He rewinds the show watching a particular section.

Martin Mays: Avalanche set to make his debut here, against someone who hasn't been in the best graces of management...

Kareem Ali: Here's proof positive, Martin, that nepotism can go a long way! If this guy wasn't John McHenry's brother, do you think he'd be here tonight, and in the midcard to boot?

Martin Mays: I don't know, Ali... I mean, he's no newcomer...

Kareem Ali can be heard scoffing as Bruce McGraw takes to the ring, pumping up both the crowd and himself by thumping his chest. He climbs the turnbuckles and gets a decent reaction, and he has just regained the middle of the ring when his opponent's song starts!

Avalanche rewinds watching it again. Then he fast forwards to later in the show watching the end of his match as he rummages for weapons. He stands looking around throwing the chair he was sitting in as John walks through the door.

John McHenry: Feel better?

Avalanche: What if it did?

John McHenry: Well I for one hope it did make you feel better, I hope it continues to make you feel better. That’s why I put you in a Hardcore match this week.

Avalanche opens his mouth about to argue. John puts his hand up halting Avalanche.

John McHenry: Now I know you wanted to come in and prove that you are not just Hardcore. I know you aren’t you’re also a great technical wrestler and I have no doubt that one day you’ll be a Heavyweight Champion. But right now I want, the fans want and more importantly, you need to be that Hardcore badass.

Avalanche puts his hands on his hips thinking for a minute.

Avalanche: Do you know what you’re doing? What you’re asking? My career almost ended in a Hardcore match.

John McHenry: That’s why you need to get back into the Hardcore match. Don’t be the guy that comes back afraid to do what he’s best at. We both know that you could have just as easily been hurt in any other match. It didn’t help that Monoxide was reckless he wasn’t there to wrestle. He was there to hurt people.

Avalanche: John I’m not going to go easy on these guys.

John McHenry: I’m not asking you too. Im asking you to do what you love the way you love to do it. Nothing more, nothing less. But I’m telling you now I think a couple of these guys may be more of a challenge then you expect.

Avalanche: I love a challenge.

John starts laughing.

John McHenry: Well that’s good because I mean you’re in a match with Multiplex so that’s five guys to contend with

Avalanche chuckles leaving John behind in the locker room. He makes his way out to the abandoned stage looking underneath. Spotting the usual chair, trashcan, and table. He puts his hands on his hips, dejected. He looks around the empty ringside area as if looking for something before heading to the back.

Avalanche heads to the office area looking around and in desk not finding his goal. He stops at a corkboard smiling he enters Johns office right beside the corkboard. He begins looking around spotting a package of thumbtacks smiling.

Something catches his eye and he stares a moment before turning to the cameraman.

Avalanche: Go. Go! We’re outta here.

Avalanche begins shoving the cameraman out the door closing it behind him before running off.


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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Are you CRAZY?! Do you want to get us expelled?

Now, now, Johnny...that's no way to talk to a friend! A friend who just won you your first match, no less!

Like 'ell ya won da match! I 'ad that jamook right where I wanted 'im!

Guys...guys...doesn't matter who had who where. What I want to know is, D, why the hell did you go after Ashley after the match had ended?

Why?! Because she's delicious, of know I can't resist a pretty little thing like that! Or is Johnny the only one entitled to a girlfriend?

Well, that kinda shit's gonna get me' then good luck findin' another job for us, ya chooch!

Guys, can't we all please just calm down?!

Whatever. D, don't ever pull bullshit like that again, or I'll kill ya myself. Capisce, paisano?! Ya know you's like a brother ta me, but I can't 'ave you pullin' this sorta shit when i'm tryin' ta work...capisce?

Oh, I wouldn't worry about your job, see, me and the Demon...we understand each other. Just let me have a chat with him.

I ain't lettin' you near another ring in the next ten years, paisano!

Oooh...touchy, touchy...and where's Stevie? We haven't heard from him in a while...all right there, Steven?

Y-y-y-y-yeah, I'm f-f-f-f-....*whimper*

D, maybe you should go home now.

Gary, Gary, Gary...where are your manners?! Aren't you guys going to invite me to crash at your place?! You're really going to make me travel back *at night*?!

W-w-well, m-m-maybe i-i-i.... would be for the best if you did.

Oh. I see how it is. I help you guys out, and this is how you repay me. Great. I guess I'll be getting home then.

Oh, would you all stop acting like a bunch of BABIES?! Of course you can stay over tonight. Steve, be a man for once and suck it up. All you other guys, just STOP BICKERING! We've just had our first win. We're supposed to be best friends. Can't we spend ten seconds without arguing with each other in front of Christine?

(A long silence ensues.)

Good. That's more like it. Now let's go home and get some sleep.
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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
,(Start of recording.)

Christine slept over last night. I tried to talk her out of it, what with *him* being around and all, but she insisted. She said if he got up to any mischief, she'd better be there to keep an eye on him. I tried to tell her that if he was going to harm anyone in this apartment, it would be her - he would never harm one of the group - but she wouldn't listen. She said Violet would protect her if anything bad happened.

Typical broad. They *nevah* lissen!

Jesus Christ, Andretti, is there *any* woman you *don't* have a problem with?

Sure is. Kim Kardashian. That is one hot hoochie mama. Prob'ly a bitch like all 'em others, though...

(An exasperated sigh is heard.)

Well, anyway, she slept over. She's gone now, though. They both are.

Yeah, an' ya still didn't sleep with 'er, did ya, ya sorry mook? Did ya notice that?

What are you talking about?

(A dry chuckle is heard.)

Ya really don't see it, do ya?!

See what?

How you's been goin' for nearly two years, and ya ain't nevah boned her yet!

Oh, for Christ's sake, it's not *about* that...

Like shit it ain't...

It's not her fault, Andretti. You know she has that thing in her past...

"That thing", don't make me laugh! She's got ya wrapped around her finger, paisano. Eatin' up her bullshit!

Now you s-s-stop r-r-r-right there, Andretti! I'm n-n-n-not gonna let y-y-you badmouth Christ-t-tine!

Oh, look who grew a pair! Sure took ya long enough, squirt! So what, you got a crush on her, too? Is she two-timin' Johnny with yous, is that it?


Andretti, Steve, don't make me have to hit you guys!

S-s-sorry, J-Johnny!


(A pause ensues, then, the narrator clears his throat.)

Christine Scanlon is my girlfriend.

...who doesn't do ya...


(Another pause.)

We met two years ago, when she moved to our block of flats. She started hanging around with our group, and it wasn't long before we started feeling something special grow between us...

Pal, ain't nothin' "growin' "between ya! Trust me!

Andretti, that's enough! Let Johnny speak!

Thank you, Gary, and fuck you, Andretti. What we've got is love, something I think you're not familiar with...

Some love! Won't even bonk ya...

Well, anyway, Christine and I started dating, and we've been seeing each other for a little under two years now. As you may have gathered, we haven't had sex yet. This is because Christine has a traumatic event in her past, and doesn't feel comfortable with it. Besides, she's a nurse, and she often works long hours, which prevents us from seeing each other as often as we would like. It's fine witrh me, though. I'm happy just to have someone who gets me...who gets us.

Y-yeah...m-m-me too!

The reason Christine gets us so well is that she also has a special friend. Her name is Violet. They're not together as often as we are, though. But Violet slept over last night as well.

She did?! An' ya didn't warn me, ya buncha good-for-nothin' mooks?!

(A one-man chorus of laughter is heard.)

Andretti and Violet, s-s-sittin' in a t-t-tree...

Real funny, wiseguy! I just dig her, 'k? She's all right! An' she shoulda come with us to the show!

Andretti is referring to the ACW Adrenaline show we take part in every week. It's a wrestling show. That's what we do. We're professional wrestlers. Or rather, Andretti is, but you know our group motto: "where one goes, we all go". And that was the only job that would take us: me with my scars, Stevie with his anxiety attacks, Andretti with his aggression... Now, by that, I don't mean it's a bad job. Far from it. It's actually pretty fun, except for when Daemonic decides to appear and wreck everything...

But how we got into ACW is a story for another day. Right now, I can feel myself running out of steam, and I'm going to stop. I'm not sure who these audio diaries are going to, but whoever you are, good night and good luck. From an apartment in New York, this is John Kraputski of Multiplex, signing out.

(End of recording.)

The balding man let the .wav file run its course, as he sat silently in his padded swivel-chair, pensively stroking his goatee. Then, after a moment, a slight grin invaded his features, as he muttered, half to himself:

"Violet, huh? Outstanding..."
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