ACW Adrenaline 11: Tag Division Fatal Four Way

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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Sixth Bout: Tag Division at War
Match Type: Fatal Four Way
Stipulation: N/A
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
Billy Bradley v. El Loko v. Jack Ripper v. Robbie Starr

If you are not in this match, don't post in this thread. If you are in this match, don't spam it up with OOC talk.
TWO RP cap with all RPs due by June 16, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​


Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
The show is going on but, behind the scenes, Wisecrack and one of his twin terrors (not sure which one) is seen walking frantically through the halls. Wisecrack grabs the arm of one of the stage crew.

Wisecrack: Hey, Junior! Looking for a fellah, oh, about this tall...

The cracked clown raises his and over the head of Lunatic that is with him.

Wisecrack: And, about this big around...

He, then, waves his hands around the lunatic.

Wisecrack: With long, dark, stringy this...

He grabs a handful of hair and pulls it over so the stagehand can see.

Wisecrack: Ya seen anybody like that, son?

The stagehand looks stunned as he raises his finger to point out the lunatic at Wisecrack's side.

Wisecrack: For Pete's sake!! Not HIM!! He LOOKS like him! Oh, never mind!!

The leader of the Lunatic World Order storms off with his lone lunatic trailing behind.

Wisecrack: Damnable! I told you two to stay together!! Maddog! Is that so hard to understand?

Maddog begins to rant in Spanish.

Wisecrack: I know! I know! He went looking for some Cracker Jacks! Really? Cracker Jacks?

Suddenly, the clowns eyes get wide and he breaks into a run!

Wisecrack: LOKO!!!

The two figures runs down the hall and find the prone body of EL LOKO, the missing lunatic.

Wisecrack: He's out cold!! Loko! Speak to me!!

El Loko begins to move a little and mutters something in Spanish.

Wisecrack: Your foot?

El Loko repeats it louder and points at his foot to see Wisecrack is kneeling on it.

Wisecrack: Sorry. We need help. Medic!!! Medic!! Lunatic Down! Lunatic Down!!

After a short while, a couple of trainers run up to check on the fallen El Loko.

Suddenly, a suit walks up.

John McHenry: What the hell's going on here?

Wisecrack turns and smiles.

Wisecrack: Oh! Uh, apparently, someone had jumped El...uh...Maddog here.

One of the trainers: Mr. McHenry? He's got a nasty bump here. We can't clear him to compete tonight. There's just no way!

Wisecrack: Whoa! Good thing that was Maddog!

Maddog (who happens to be standing between the owner and his manager) looks over at Wisecrack with a quizzical grunt. The cracked clown elbows him hard.

Wisecrack: Yeah, we're lucky. If that had been El Loko here, he would've been done for the night!

McHenry rolls his eyes: Really? Well, how come here on his back shoulder there's a tatoo reading EL LOKO and his birthdate and time?

Wisecrack: Well, they wanted to tatoo each others name and birth on each other out of nostalgia.

McHenry: Listen. Been watching the footage over the past few weeks and the information we have on these two; including pictures from their contract signings. And you've been pushing the rules a bit as of late; switching these two back and forth without any regard to the rules. So, from now on, your boys wrestle shirts off so we can tell them apart.

The new GM walks off leaving Wisecrack none the happier. Suddenly, he pops back in.

McHenry: Oh, and that story about the tatoos...bullshit. El Loko is out of that match tonight!

As John walks off, Wisecrack is livid.

Wisecrack: DAMN!! DAMN! DAMN! DAMN! DAMN! DAMN! DAMN! DAMN! Who in the HELL did this! When I find out, I'm gonna murderize'm!!

The angry clown stops as Maddog picks up a can off the floor. It's a beer bottle with a deer on it that says TOOHEY.


Wisecrack looks over at Maddog: Austrailians?

Together: BOGANS!

OOC Note: Forgot to get permission for McHenry. Let me know if I need to rewrite. Also, for the match writer: I concede this match for storyline.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
It is a sunny afternoon in Greater New York City. Those who do not need to work have flocked to the parks and outdoor spaces, while those who are confined to the office fervently wish they could do the same. For two well-known faces of the New York independent wrestling scene, however, this period has been reserved for an incursion into a less than appealing neighbourhood.

As they walk the streets of the run-down borough, however, only one of the two wrestlers seems in any way nervous, casting uncertain glances around nervously. His partner, on the other hand, is the epitome of coolness, his thumbs stuck in his jean pockets as he walks, himming a little tune and ignoring the dirty looks he - a white man - is getting from the neighbourhood's predominantly African-American population. Similarly, when his partner voices his protest, he nonchalantly bats it aside:

Jack Ripper: Darren, this is ridiculous! I told you I don't want to do this!

Darren Pesinger: Bullshit, Jackie-boy. You ain't never tried it yet! Hell, you may even take a likin' to it! Might even cure ya!

Once again, the smaller man reacts with indignation:

Jack Ripper: I don't need to get 'cured', Darren! In fact, I *can't* get cured! Homosexuality is not a disease!

His partner, however, continues to respond with infuriating nonchalance:

Darren Pesinger: Hell yeah it is! If you'd'a gone ta church, you'd know that!

This latest comment causes Ripper to once again grumble:

Jack Ripper (muttering): Probably why I'm an atheist...

By this point, the two men have walked up to the outside of a building which, at first sight, is virtually indistinguishable from those around it. Darren Pesinger, however, takes one look at the number on the door, nods once, and begins to climb the steps towards the front door.

Darren Pesinger: Num'r 69. It's here.

Then, as if he had thought of something funny, the Southerner chuckles:

Darren Pesinger: 69...heh...

His partner, however, does not share in the mirth, and continues to vociferously object, as the cowboy all but forces him through the door and up the stairs to the second floor. As they knock on the door of apartment 2-D, the fashion designer is still ranting; however, his outburst is suddenly cut short by the appearance, on the hallway, of a stunningly beautiful, but clearly dishevelled, brunette woman. After taking stock of the boys in one long, appraising look, she drawls lazily:

Woman: What can I do f'r yous boys?

Jack is about to open his mouth to apologize, but Darren steps forward and takes control of the situation:

Darren Pesinger: You Sheila?

The woman blows a bubble with her gum, once again appraising the cowboy:

Woman: Might be. Why?

Darren Pesinger: We called earlier. Spoke to Tina. Two PM, f'r two hours...

The woman nods:

Woman: Aw yeah. She tol' me. Come on in.

The Southerner smiles, producing a wad of bills from his pocket:

Darren Pesinger: How much?

Sheila: Hundred gets ya number one, one-fifty the whole package.

The cowboy nods, counting out one hundred and fifty dollars and handing it to the prostitute. Then, he points at Jackie:

Darren Pesinger: He's a li'l nervous, so take it easy on 'im.

Sheila smiles:

Sheila: Don't worry hun. I'm gonna treat him jus' right...

Then, in a combined effort, and clearly against the fashion designer's will, Darren and the whore conspire to somehow get him inside the apartment, Sheila immediately closing the door behind her. Satisfied that his goal has been accomplished, the Georgian stands looking at the door for a moment longer, then leaves to find a suitable waiting spot.

For the next couple of hours,
Darren entertains himself at a local drinking hole, indulging in a few beers as he ogles attractive New Yorkers, even trying to chat up a couple of them. As the two-hour mark approaches, he gets up, pays his bill, and sets back on his way to Sheila's place, to check on what he hopes is now a fully heterosexual tag-team partner.

As he once again climbs the steps of number 69, he keeps an ear out for tell-tale noises coming from apartment 2-D. Hearing none, he settles for waiting outside the door, grinning to himself as he thinks about the treatment
Jack must be getting. After a while, he cannot resist the temptation to glue his ear to the door, to try and ascertain what is going on. At first, he hears nothing, but at lenght, something surprising catches his ear: the indistinct, but unmistakable sounds of people talking, then of someone giggling.

Frowning in puzzlement, the cowboy knocks on the door, which is promptly open by a still (scantily) dressed
Sheila. Darren has barely stepped in the threshold, however, before the hooker turns back towards an equally fully clothed Jack, squealing in delight:

Sheila: Oh, you design *those* as well?! Awesome!

The fashion designer, who has a laptop on his lap, smiles:

Jack Ripper: Yup...look, I'll show them to you...

The whore leans over Ripper's shoulder to look at the computer screen, but after only a moment, the pair are interrupted by an outraged Darren:

Darren Pesinger: Wha' th' HELL is goin' on here!?

The hooker and Jack merely look at him in puzzlement, after which Sheila smiles:

Sheila: Your friend's a hoot, hun! You can bring him round more often!

Still flabbergasted, Darren can barely stammer out the next few words:

Darren Pesinger: Y'all...y'all done the nasty, right?

Jack shakes his head ever so imperceptibly, as Sheila smiles again, and takes a wad of notes - Darren's wad of notes - out of her pocket:

Sheila: Here, hun... Since I liked yous boys, I'm givin' you a freebie! I ain't had nothing better to do this afternoon anyhow...

Then, to the fashion designer:

Sheila: Jack, you got my number, right?

Jack nods, and Sheila cracks another smile:

Sheila: I'm gonna call you real soon...I want that gown we looked at...

Ripper nods again, grinning complacently:

Jack Ripper: Remind me to knock a bit off the price for ya, 'k?

Sheila: You betcha!

Then, as the fashion designer gets up to leave, she kisses him on the cheek. And as she closes the door on the recently crowned ACW Tag Team Champions, the moods have switched completely: it is now Jack who has a spring on his step, as Darren trudges glumly along.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
It is the final few hours before ACW Adrenaline episode 12 as Jack Ripper and Darren Pesinger rush through the door of the Mayfield Community Center, gym bags over their shoulder, headed for the dressing rooms. The two are slightly late, due to Jackie's quasi-escapade with a high-end prostitute, and as they hurry along, the fashion designer makes sure to berate his partner for it:

Jack Ripper: Because of your genius ideas, we were damn near late!

Darren Pesinger responds with a huff:

Darren Pesinger: You's actin' like ya didn' like it...I wasn't the one gettin' all pally with that hooker...

Jack sighs, but is forced to drop the matter, as just then, while turning a corner, the ACW Tag Team Champions bump into their long-time rivals, Starrdom Nation. The two pairs stop and gawk at each other for a second, reactionless, before a smirk invades Robbie Starr's features:

Robbie Starr: Well, well, well...look who it is, Ray!

The two Champions continue to not say anything, merely glaring at their opponents defiantly, as Robbie now turns to his partner, Ray Price, in mock doubtfulness:

Robbie Starr: Hey Ray, is it just me, or didn't Stevie tell us it was going to be *harder* to win in this tag division?

Price nods, playing along:

Ray Price: That's 'xactly what he tol' us, Rob!

Robbie grins again, once more turning his attention towards the cowboy and the fashion designer:

Robbie Starr: Well, I think he must have been mistaken...if *these* bozos are here, it can't be all that hard...

Here, finally, one of the members of RipperCussions reacts - typically, it is Darren, who steps forward defiantly:

Darren Pesinger: Hey buddy, 'member who took them P Dub A belts from yous....TWICE?!

Robbie guffaws sarcastically:

Robbie Starr: You got lucky, bigshot!

Darren, however, is not intimidated, rummaging in his shoulder bag and producing his ACW Tag Team Championship belt, which he holds up for Robbie to take a clear look at:

Darren Pesinger: Oh yeah? Guess what...?

Once again, Stevie Starr's younger brother reacts with derision, once again turning to Ray Price:

Robbie Starr: See, Ray? What'd I tell you? This shit must be REALLY easy!

This time, Jack Ripper - who, until then, had been doing his best to keep calm - is the one to react, stepping forward and looking Robbie in the eye, in what is clearly a direct challenge:

Jack Ripper: See you in the ring, Rob...see you in the ring.

Then, he taps his partner - who has been engaging in a staredown of his own with Ray Price - on the shoulder:

Jack Ripper: Let's go, Darren.

And, without another word, the Champions take off towards their locker room, paying no further heed to their rivals. As for Starrdom Nation, they are left undecisive for a second, almost looking ready to chase after their rivals, but ultimately elect to ignore the taunts and, with one final shrug at one another, once again be on their way.

(Permission to use Starrdom Nation)


Mar 18, 2012
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Welcome to the Nation of Starrdom is the message but how did this message come to mean something?

One night in the summer of last year, Starrdom Nation were the second team to enter a five team gauntlet and against all odds the newly formed tag team shocked everyone by going on to beat four other teams to become the Tag Team Champions. During their time as tag team champs and the times after that, team after team in one way or another split up or left the company and at one point it looked like Starrdom Nation was going to be another name on that list. Although Ray Price was announced as the the replacement for the former member, they have looked more deadly than ever, that was until they found themselves out of a job. That was until a upcoming and company had agreed terms with the man that created the team, Stevie Starr. Once he signed it was only a matter of time before they followed but can the impact be anything like the one they once made?

That was the message left on the brief message on about Starrdom Nation after they were announced as the newest tag team to join the ACW roster. While reading this, Robbie Starr and Ray Price couldn't help being relaxed after all they were in a penthouse rent out by Stevie Starr for them to stay in while in New York. Sitting on expensive leather recliners, Robbie and Ray are watching a rerun of Riot Act. The match currently on the 50 inch plasma screen just happens to be the Four Way for the ACW Tag Team Championship.

Robbie: Is it just me or does this match look more like a episode of Ugly Betty? I mean some of them even look like women, the slightly overweight women with beards that you see in the circus but still. Wait is that Betty? Oh no, it's just Darren Pesinger.

Ray looks at Robbie with a look of confusion on his face, Robbie shrugs his shoulders not knowing why Ray is looking at him in that way.

Ray: Seriously Robbie, you claim that Sesame Street has had the biggest influence in your life yet you still call two guys who aren't in the best shape, women?! Apart from seeing Elmo and the Cookie Monster, what the hell goes on in your head?

Robbie: Don't foget The Muppets, apart from that I like to think about what it would be like if Muppets were real and at this moment in time, why the Warner Brothers are wrestling?

Ray: It was a rhetorical question, and it's the Bradley Boys not the Warner Brothers. You're such a idiot, it's a good thing that you're tough unless you would be screwed. When I first became a bodyguard for Stevie, you weren't this stupid. It's like you took a bang to the head and never recovered. What happened to the Robbie that was part of Starrdom Nation that stole the spotlight from RipperCussions when they first formed and the Robbie that won the Tag titles?

Robbie looks to Ray with a serious look on his face for once but like Sesame Street would instruct him to, Robbie kept himself calm.

Robbie: Ray stop talking down to me like I'm a child and if you're so desperate to know why I'm like this, it's because I had an epiphany.

Ray: Let me guess, Elmo came to you in a dream and told you not to join the dark side.

Ray has a little chuckle to himself as Robbie looks far from impressed at this comment.

Robbie: No despite how awesome that would have been that wasn't the epiphany. It was when I was watching Saturday Night Live and seen Katy Perry in that low cut Elmo shirt jumping up and down.

Ray: Well that is a good enough reason but you need to start focusing on wrestling again, we had a break but we need to get back in the rhythm we where in.

Robbie then springs out of his chair and sits by the kitchen table and signals for Ray to join him.

Robbie: Come here, I reckon an arm wrestle will get us ready.

Ray then turns his chair to face Robbie.

Ray: We both know if he had an arm wrestle, that I would tear your arm off. Anyway if you want to get revenge on RipperCussions for taking the Tag titles off you, you need to start getting serious again.

Robbie then rather reluctantly walks into his room as Ray continues to watch the rerun of Riot Act.

Ray: I know Katy Perry's boobs are awesome but they have brainwashed that kid.