ACW Adrenaline 11: International Rematch- Nicky Trix (c) v. Eric Snow

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Mar 18, 2012
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Main Event: International Rematch
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: ACW International Championship with Abram Vance on commentary
Time Limit: 30 Minutes (3 RP Cap)
Nicky Trix (c) v. Eric Snow

If you are not in this match, don't post in this thread. If you are in this THREE RP cap with all RPs due by June 16, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​


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Dec 3, 2010
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The Mayfield Community Center is empty, the stands which only a few hours ago were filled with fans is void of any sign of life, empty cups and food containers are all the remains. The lights are dimmed, the brightness that was there earlier in the evening is gone, the crew and wrestlers have all went home and all that is left is one man is left in the ring. It's Eric Snow, sitting in the middle of the ring, and for the first time in his professional carer he is at a lost for words. He went to his locker room after his match, he blew off the fans, the backstage interviewer and anyone else that attempted to console him. He sat at his until everyone had left the arena, and then he made his way back out to the ring alone with his thoughts.

Snow is not used to loosing, the world where he comes from failure is not a option. His father a succesfull businessman, his mother a best selling author. His siblings all went to college and earned top degrees in various fields, and then there was Eric, the so called black sheep of the family. He was the youngest of the family and really flew under his father radar, school was never a priority for him, he cheated and payed his way to getting his diploma, partying was always his main focus. Long lights, never a early morning, exotic vacations, throwing massive parties was all Eric was for a very long time. Everyone in his family looked down on him during his wilder days, and eventually it wared on him and for the first time he strived for something more.

That's where Pro Wrestling came in. Snow thinks back to his childhood, watching matches on TV on Saturday afternoon, having pretend matches at the school yard with his friends and going to local Indy shows. He thinks back to a time before booze and boobs were his main concern to when he realized he wanted to be a pro wrestler. Snow was 13 and he was at a show and for the first time got to see Freddy "Fantastic" Jones. He never had a lot of success in the main stream promotions, but in the indy wrestling scene of Chicago he was a legend. He was a high flyer and could wrestle with the best of them. But the thing Snow liked about the guy was his attitude, the guy knew he was good and he walked around with a cocky attitude cause he knew it. It was at that show that Snow knew he wanted to be a wrestler just like Freddy. He wanted to be the best and he wanted everyone to know it.

But that was a long time ago, and Eric isn't the same boy he was when he was 13 or the same man he was when he was 21 partying all over the place. He's accomplished a lot, he's a top guy in a promotion and before tonight was a champion. But now he's lost, he looks weak in his eyes, in his father eyes, in the fans eye and that's something that Eric can't handle. Was it the rib injury that cost him the match? He came into this match not at 100% and that could of affected the outcome. Did he not take Trix serious enough? He spent the week partying and only trained at the last minute. That's how he's always done it, but this was a bigger stage a bigger match, maybe he should of taken it more serious? Or is Trix just a better wrestler than him?  Snow knows he good, but is he as good of a wrestler as he is a talker? DOUBT....DOUBT...and more DOUBT is all that runs through Eric heads.

As Eric sits in the ring as still as he can be he hears a voice and sees a boy standing outside the ring. He's 10 maybe 12 years old, with a shaggy head of blonde hair, a Eric Snow T Shirt, cut off shorts and a old pair of sneakers.

Boy: Mr. Snow, could you please sign my program.

The boy stutters a bit as he's obviously nervous to be asking for the autograph. Snow gives him a annoyed look as he begins to speak.

Snow: Kid.....I'm a loser why do you want my autograph? Why don't you get out of here the arena is closed anyways.

The boy looks down at the floor and begins to whimper a bit, which catches Snow's attention again, as he remembers what it was like to be a kid again.

Snow: I'll sign the program kid, hand it over.

Snow stands up and makes his way over to the ropes and takes the program and a pen from the boy and signs it handing it back to him.

Boy: Thanks, Mr. Snow....your my favorite guy in ACW...and maybe one day when I'm a pro to we can tag up together.

The boy is a lot less nervous than before and the stutter he had is now replaced with excitement and a smile.

Snow: Thanks kid....but you shouldn't look up to me, I lost tonight and it's hard to say if I'm ever going to be champ again. Now get out of here your ride is probably waiting for you outside.

The boy gives a wave to Snow as he makes his way away from the ring and starts to crawl over the guard rail and back into the stands. He stops for a moment and turns around shouting to Snow

Boy: Just cause you lost once doesn't make you a loser.

Snow: It certainly doesn't make me a winner.

Boy: Even the best don't win all the time, there's ups and downs in life and the great ones now how to deal with it and get back up and come back better than before. That's what separates the best from the rest.

A look of amazement comes over Snow's face. For a little boy this kid has some profound advice for him, and even though Eric brushes off most advice, this young boy reminds him of a young Eric Snow all wide eyed at local wrestling show.

Snow: Thanks a lot kid, that's some damn good advice, got any other midget words of wisdom for me?

The boy stops for a second, thinking about what he wants to say next, before screaming out 3 words before making his way up the steps and out of the arena.


Snow laughs as he leans against the ring ropes as he watches the boy leave the arena as he is left alone once again with his thoughts. Now though his thoughts aren't filled with DOUBT, but are filled with just one word after the words of a young fan have perked him up REDEMPTION.

Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
After receiving the text from his brother, Nicky couldn’t believe where he was. A long time ago their uncle had own this fine establishment that was now a ratty looking bar. The paint was badly chipped, the windows looked dirty. The sign indicating the name of the bar was nowhere to be seen. It simply looked like a rundown home. It saddened Nicky to think of a once wonderful and cheerful place as a now desolate pit. Nicky had been parked across the street from it, watching as rough looking people entered and exited the bar. The sky hadn’t changed since Nicky had gone to see his mother in the mental institution. Nicky was extremely hesitant in entering such a place. He believed himself to be of higher class than this. Both the Trix sons were brought up to not think so, but Nicky hadn’t been to a place like this at all. It nearly frightened him as a man, just riddled with tattoos entered the building. Nicky knew that Donnie was in there, probably a few drinks deep and having a good buzz. Nicky truly didn’t appreciate it, his brother had pleaded in the texts that this meeting was important. Yet to meet at such a beat up and nearly destroyed building, that posed as a nice bar? It was something that was clearly a sign of disrespect, at least in Nicky’s mind. And he had hoped to let go of all the stupid things that Donnie brought upon the family. Nicky let out a deep sigh as he exited his car and was nearly run over. As he entered the building, the instant smell of beer and sweat assaulted his nostrils. Adding to that the smell of thick grease, smoke and all other kinds of concoction, it was nearly too much for the eldest Trix son to handle. Nicky spotted his brother at the bar, sitting down with at least three empty beer bottles around him.

As Nicky sat down, Donnie to a quick glance in his peripheral vision, and knew it was his brother. Donnie turned his head to face his brother, and smiled an odd smile. It was almost an unnatural smile. Nicky didn’t like it as his brother continued the smile for well over a minute. Nicky couldn’t take much more of the silence; he wanted to get straight to the point.

Nicky Trix: “Why did you ask to meet here Donnie?â€

Donnie continued to smile as he gulped from his last beer bottle before calling for two more. Nicky assumed the second one was for him.

Donnie Trix: “You remember this place? This was Ja-“

Donnie fell silent as the bartender brought two more bottles of beer. Donnie politely thanked him as he handed one over to Nicky.

Nicky Trix: “I know whose place this used to be Donnie. Just because I went on to focus on my career doesn’t mean I forgot all of my childhood. We loved this place, and it’s a shame what has happened to it.â€

Donnie chuckled as he took a swig from his bottle. Nicky merely sipped at his beer, he planned on leaving almost as soon as the conversation ended.

Donnie Trix: “Than you obviously know the importance of this meeting place, and why we are meeting here.â€

Nicky took a moment to fully understand what his brother was going on about; suddenly his eyes went wide as he realized what his brother was talking about.

Nicky Trix: “I don’t know if I can get you a spot in ACW man. You have proven that you aren’t willing to get the right help. How could you possibly think of getting a job if all you do is drugs, have sex with extremely loose women and get drunk when you’re not high?â€

Donnie obviously didn’t like the reality of Nicky’s words. Nicky didn’t like saying them all that much, but he knew he had to say them. His brother was on a path to self-destruction. Nicky couldn’t get his brother a job, especially considering the last time he wrestled for a company, he showed up drunk and puked all over the ring. Most wrestling companies refused to even give him a job as their water boy, let alone as a wrestler. Nicky knew his brother was talented, with a man of his size, he could move swiftly. Nicky had much respect for that, and missed that in his brother. Now the man was a shell of his former self.

Donnie Trix: “I can change man! Give me a chance.â€

Nicky shook his head as he spoke.

Nicky Trix: “Remember the last time I gave you a chance? You screwed it up, no company will take you man.â€

Donnie Trix: “But you’re the International champion, you gotta have some pull.â€

Nicky couldn’t believe how desperate his brother seemed in this very moment. Nicky couldn’t possibly understand the motive, until his brother told him flat out.

Donnie Trix: “I knocked up some broad. She wants me to stay with her, help pay for shit.â€

Nicky shook his head, now more in disappointment. He couldn’t believe how foolish his brother had been. He wasn’t sure to tell his brother at the given moment, he was totally caught off guard. Seeing that his brother didn’t have much advice on the topic, Donnie decided to change his tactics a little.

Donnie Trix: “What if I were to be in your corner? Like dad was at Riot Act. I don’t have to wrestle.â€

Nicky knew that deep down; Donnie wanted to get back in the squared circle. Nicky knew from that tormented look in his brother’s eyes that the man couldn’t think of any other way to live. Nicky knew that he had to attempt something. He just wished he knew how to do it.

Nicky Trix: “Listen man; let me talk to John, see if I can set something up for you. It might take a while.â€

Donnie began to smile as his dreams seemed to be taking life once again. Nicky cherished this moment as he knew it would possibly be his own doom. He didn’t want to think so poorly of his brother, but given how the man had disappointed him at every turn, it was hard not to. Donnie took one large gulp of his drink and slammed it on the counter. Nicky looked around nervously, hoping nobody would have be annoyed by the action. Luckily, everybody seemed to be at their own drink. Nicky looked back at his brother as he took a swig from his bottle.

Donnie Trix: “I know how you can beat that punk Snow tonight.â€

This particular statement piqued Nicky’s interest as he raised an eyebrow almost like The Rock would back in the day when they watched wrestling in their teens. Donnie caught that almost instantly and laughed.

Donnie Trix: “From what I saw in the ring, he’s way too over confident. You must have seen this when you launched a series of attacks and he practically buckled underneath it. And I know those weren’t even strong moves. But he’ll want revenge for last night. So tonight, he’ll throw everything he has at you.â€

Nicky Trix: “You’ve been hanging out with dad lately, haven’t you?â€

Donnie chuckled a little as he looked up at the television to watch a portion of a baseball game that was on, all while taking another swig at his bottle.

Donnie Trix: “Dad or not, you know it’s true. You’ll need to show him that this win wasn’t a fluke. Looks like you’ll have to fight even harder to keep that pretty looking belt. And the only way to do it, is if you show the same intensity you did back in your heyday.â€

Nicky shook his head, as he just couldn’t imagine going back to that sadistic man he was. Back then, all he wanted to do was win, to prove that even the small guys were nobody to mess with. Now however, he wanted to really put the spotlight on his talent. And for the most part, it was working. People really enjoyed his work; he was obviously talented enough to hold the belt. Nicky looked at a clock on the wall and noticed that his time was up. He had to be on the next plane to New York. He was happy to have timed it out perfectly.

Nicky Trix: “Thanks for the advice man; I’ll keep that in mind.â€

Nicky slapped his brother on the back and pulled out a large sum of money before walking out of the bar. His brother having just noticed the amount of money looked at it with wide eyes, than watched his brother leave without a word. Donnie smiled a little.

Rated R Superstar

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
Pulling up to the building he feared more than death; Nicky let out a deep sigh. It had been so long since he had looked upon this building, yet he knew it was the place he needed to be. Looking at the old looking building, Nicky could feel the dread of what was about to transpire in this building. He already knew that it was foolish to have even thought of coming to this terrible place. Letting out another sigh, Nicky turned off the ignition to his car and got out. Wearing casual clothes, shorts and a t-shirt, Nicky headed for the main entrance. The sky was a gloomy gray and it only caused his moral to get even lower. As he neared the main doors, he looked to the side and read the dull looking sign that said ‘Dallas Mental Health Institute’. He knew, as well as all of Dallas that that was just fancy words for insane asylum. That sign depressed him, it was as if the people running this establishment didn’t care how they looked. They always begged, and on some rare occasions would demand donations, but Nicky just wasn’t sure where that money was going. As he entered the building a nasty smell invaded his nostrils, threatening to cause him to vomit. Nicky couldn’t even imagine what kind of smells he smelt that would combine into such a horrific smell. He looked around and saw some of the older patients walking around in a depressed manner, as if they had given up. Nicky knew the more time he spent in this place; the more it would destroy his mind. But he owed a visit to this horrible place. Nicky walked up to the front desk only to see that nobody was there. He looked around, even leaned over the desk to see if anybody was in one of the smaller rooms. He suddenly heard a very enthusiastic squeal. He suddenly noticed a nurse’s outfit moving up and down. Nicky had an idea of what was happening, and wasn’t too fond of the idea of it. Nicky noticed a bell on the desk and began to ring it. Suddenly a beautiful blonde woman with disheveled hair walked out, she seemed to be short of breath, as if she had just finished a work out.

Following her out came a handsome looking man, clean cut brown hair, strong jaw and cheekbones. Nicky knew they were just having sex, and was sickened by this. The woman looked at Nicky nervously as the man walked away, smiling at the woman than giving Nicky a dirty look. It was obvious to Nicky that the man was upset about being interrupted. The woman wasted no time in attempting to straighten not only her hair, but her pink nurse’s shirt. She finally sat down and looked up at him with a half smile. Nicky waited for her to get settled, he understood the passion of young lust. This woman looked nearly too young for the man she was just with however. He looked to at least be in his mid forties while she herself looked to only be about twenty three, very least twenty five. Nicky wasn’t too fond of that idea either, it was apparent that the man had just used her for sex as a single tear of embarrassment rolled down her cheek. She began to type on the computer, most likely to sign into her profile or something. Nicky wasn’t sure, they always typed stuff on the computers here. She looked back up at him, and Nicky was taken aback by how beautiful she was. Her smile alone could cause a man to buckle at the knees. Nicky felt sorry for her, she must have been abused as a child to have to accept sexual pleasures from a man of that age. She spoke to him, finally breaking the silence.

Nurse: “How can I help you?â€

Nicky took a moment to respond, he was worried he might slip up and mention something about what he had just seen. He then smiled and proceeded to speak.

Nicky Trix: “I’m here to visit Mrs. Trix.â€

She smiled as she typed the name in her computer. As she typed on her computer, Nicky was able to get a quick glance at her name tag. He was also able to get a look at her cleavage, but that wasn’t what he was looking for. He didn’t mind the sight, but he didn’t want to seem like a pervert. He had read that her name was Debbie. He always found that to be a pretty name. Thoughts of his late wife suddenly arose in Nicky’s mind. He had to fight back the urge to run away in fear that he may cry. It had been four years since her death, Nicky knew he couldn’t hold on to that forever and that he would eventually have to let go. He noticed that Debbie had been looking at him intently for a while now, and couldn’t help but ignore those beautiful green eyes of hers. His face turned red from embarrassment.

Nicky Trix: “I’m sorry, I was lost in thought, what did you say?â€

Debbie only smiled as she repeated herself.

Debbie: “Mrs. Trix isn’t scheduled for a visit today.â€

Nicky’s heart jumped, had the doctor lied to him? Nicky remembered that he had a piece of paper and checked his pockets. Upon finding it, Nicky smiled.

Nicky Trix: “I have this slip here from Doctor Grey. He said it was good for today only.â€

Debbie smiled as she accepted the piece of paper. She typed in some things that Nicky couldn’t see and looked back up at him and smiled. Getting up from her desk she walked around to stand beside him. Asking Nicky to follow her she began to walk in a certain direction. Nicky followed her without hesitation and with no complaints. He looked down for a moment or two and looked at her buttocks. Although the pants left very much to the imagination, Nicky could see the curves. Nicky mentally slapped himself as he remembered where he was, and what he had just witnessed. Although, he couldn’t really assume whether she was a promiscuous woman, he dared not think of her in that way at this given moment.

They walked up to a doorway and stopped. She turned around and smiled and put up one finger to indicate for Nicky to wait. Nicky complied as she went inside the room, calling out to Nicky a moment later. As Nicky entered the room he saw his mother lying on her bed, looking out the window. Nicky looked out there for a moment as he watched two crows fly by in the gray sky that now looked to be pregnant with the threat of rain. Debbie spoke in a soft and friendly voice.

Debbie: “Mrs. Trix? There is someone here to see you.â€

A low grunt is all that was heard from the older woman lying in bed. Nicky knew that was all that Debbie would get out of her. Nicky thanked Debbie as she left the room, receiving a wink from the woman before she left the room. Nicky wasn’t sure what to make of that wink, but he didn’t want to think about it right away. He looked at the older woman who paid no attention to him. He sighed a little, nervous of this confrontation.

Nicky Trix: “Mom? It’s me, Nicky. Remember me?â€

Nicky’s mother only grunted, much the same way she grunted at Debbie. Nicky knew this was going to be a very difficult conversation. He walked over to the single chair by the window, grabbed it and pulled it in the direction of his mother. Once satisfied with its position, Nicky faced his mother. She finally looked at him and smiled.

Sandra Trix: “Nicky?â€

Nicky fought back some tears as he smiled back at his mom.

Nicky Trix: “Yes mom! It’s your son, Nicky.â€

Sandra Trix: “Why are you here?â€

Nicky smiled a little bit as tears started to roll down his cheeks. He was happy to see that his mother was acknowledging him.

Nicky Trix: “To visit you, it’s been a long time. A lot has changed since I last visited you. I’m now working for a nice wrestling company; I just won one of their championships.â€

She grunted again as she looked outside once more.

Sandra Trix: “Looks like it might rain.â€

Nicky understood how uninterested his mother was in wrestling. She never liked it, and some say that it was the cause of her madness. His father was so into wrestling that he barely had time for his wife. At one point she just gave up and went crazy. Nicky knew that he shouldn’t try and press the topic, but this was something he was proud of. He hoped his mother would have been just as proud of him.

Nicky Trix: “Did you hear me mom? I’m doing pretty well for myself now. You should have seen some of the faces of people when I won that championship. Almost everybody doubted me. I proved them wrong though. Now Eric Snow is using his rematch clause for tomorrow night to try and win the belt back. I-“

Sandra Trix: “Did you know that belts were created to keep pants above your butt?â€

Nicky couldn’t help but smile at the interruption. His mother was showing no interest in him. Nicky knew he couldn’t do much about it. It upset him something fierce, but he still loved her. He didn’t hold it against her, as she didn’t know what she was really saying.

Nicky Trix: “Well mom, I have to go. It was nice seeing you.â€

All he got out of her was a grunt as he kissed her on the forehead and left her room. Putting up a strong face, Nicky walked up to the desk. He intended to just walk out, but Debbie had stopped him and had given him a piece of paper as she smiled a flirtatious smile. Nicky took it with a grain of salt as he left the building. The instant he got in the car he couldn’t control the amount of tears that streamed down his face. That was the most awful experience he had ever faced, and wasn’t sure if he could do it again.