Well it seems to be a group of guys who have a beef with Hogan. Has Hogan shot down anyone else recent memory? 

TheBadGuy said:Finally the Aces & 8s 2nd theme .. (lyrical)
Testify said:Digging it, it has that southern touch to it.![]()
Testify said:If he is there scouting new talent for the aces and eights or TNA there is a lot of it there tonight:
Colt Cabana
John Morrison (please no)
Davey Richards (please no)
The Briscoes
Trent Barreta
Kevin Steen
Facade (Gutcheck Challenger)
D Lo, Knux and D.O.C did appear during the show.
"The people who know me, as well as the fans, know how biblical I am, so when I tell you I swear to God that this was not part of the plan, it was not part of the plan. Last year, August 29th, my contract expired and I left. I wasn’t happy not so much with management, but with how the contract was going. I wanted to walk away; it left a bad taste in my mouth.
"That being said, I was gone for those two-and-a-half to three months. I was not coming back. I think a lot of people believed that it was all part of the angle and that we fooled a lot of people. It just so happened that they led it to be the way it did. So when you heard me cut those promos about how I felt about the company and how I felt about certain individuals, that came from the heart. I was always told in this business that if you cut a promo on people or on different things, don’t read from a script. Tell it from your heart. I didn’t care for TNA at that particular point anymore. So when I was given the opportunity to express myself, I did just that.
"I don’t feel Bubba was planned. That’s the thing, none of it really was. You have to look at it as if everything played the way it did. To me, with everything that was going on, it just seemed so right at that particular point in time. Once I was revealed and did what I did, it was only fitting to have Bubba and I put that Kiss makeup back on and start playing rock and roll all night. It was just time to do it. Once I did, we started talking and that was when everything was put into plan."