The Rated R CMStar

The only feuds you're naming are from 2-3 years ago
Did I say his ENTIRE run has been bad?
No, I said TNA has done a lousy job with him, and 2-3 years of bad booking is exactly that, lousy job handling Abyss.
And second, like I said, the one making the jump is Chris Parks, not Abyss.
EDIT: He's not that unique. Big crazy guy that loves to inflict and take pain by any means necessary.
EDIT again: Awesome promos. Oh yeah, like he's amazing "I'm sick, but I care about you Lauren" one. Or yeah, sure Abyss destroyed Dr. Stevie (before Stevie revealed that he had put muscle relaxers in your drink), but the mere fact that after all what has happened between the two...Abyss had an appointment with Dr. Stevie is mind boggling. The only decent promo was...yesterday. So your whole assumption of him going back to what he was (even though apparently he has a heart now and will protect Lauren) is based on what happened last show.