A Regal return to RAW??????

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Jul 8, 2008
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I think with the most recent statements on Monday Night RAW regarding the 'anarchy' from both Shane and Stephanie McMahon I can only see this leading to the return of General Manager William Regal to RAW.

I was hoping that Regal would be moved to SMACKDOWN to continue his feud with Mr Kennedy and possibly main event the blue brand like he was threatening to do with RAW before his suspension, however it looks now that the WWE are looking to place a figurehead in charge of the flagship show and that for me means the return of William Regal will be confirmed next Monday.

His suspension was up last Friday, meaning he is free to work again at any moment so hopefully 'the King' can now start where he left off, he was in the midst of the biggest push of his life, his stupidity left a sour taste and I thought that was another reason he would be moved to SMACKDOWN! but with the way things have panned out the WWE have not really replaced him, he is gold on the mic and is excellent in the ring, last nights comments by the McMahon's for me mean only one thing, the King is on his way back!

It also raises the possibilities for Vince to comeback and fire Regal once again, or even a possible Undertaker return.

Regal despite Vince firing him could be rehired by Stephanie and Shane without there fathers (consent because he is to ill to worry about the business) then after apparently restoring order Vince makes a return to the WWE and Monday Night RAW in-particular and in doing so says he is back because he knows 'who-done-it' and he wants to firstly prove it then make them pay, he then announces that it was William Regal who sabotaged the RAW stage and 'almost killed Vince' then Regal admits he was involved but he was not the man who made things happen, then after a few weeks Regal can be the one who brings back The Undertaker, this would also give RAW another top heel and allow The Undertaker to perform again as a heel, the only role his character can play realistically!


I hope so, but I'm still pissed off cos I was dying to see him in a world title fued with HHH (Was expecting some of the best matches in recent memory).

Since the 'landscape' on Raw, post-draft, has changed so much I can't see how they can just slot him back into Raw and carry on where he left off (i.e. GM, KOTR, ME push etc.). Having him face off against the likes of Cena or Batista hasn't got anywhere near the same feel or appeal.

Regardless, bring him back asap - Regal is the man!!!!


Jul 15, 2008
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Yes, I agree to this return statement, though I also heard that apparently Regal was going to framed to be the person who set of the stage fall and subsequent 'injury' of Vince McMahon... (He didn't even get hit by the stage when the money part fell down!)

But this would be a simple, cheap way of getting Regal back into the push he had going..


Jul 8, 2008
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I honestly thought that with Regal being 'Fired' by McMahon from RAW he would be returning on SAMCKDOWN! and since Kennedy was now there and the possibility to continue there feud which had plenty of potential then it seemed like everything was looking good, I must admit I too had visions of a Triple H v Regal feud for the title and that was another reason I was hoping he was going to be drafted.

However with the way things have panned out and Vince unable to make the all important call, I can see Shane and Stephanie reversing there dads decision to fire Regal and bring him back to restore order, then it could come out that Regal had plenty to do with the stage collapsing around Vince and he could be fired once again in a few months when the story comes to the fore once again!

I am loving RAW just now, the last four weeks have been excellent for the endings

Jericho and Cade destroy Cena and Helmsley
CM Punk as the new world champ helps Cena and CrymeTyme beat up JBL and his 'security'
Kane goes nuts
JBL runs over Cena

Now although Cena features in three of those endings he is not the focal point of any of them apart from last nights, and I really like the way the WWE are spreading the limelight on RAW as of late!


New Member
Jul 17, 2008
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Yes, I agree to this return statement, though I also heard that apparently Regal was going to framed to be the person who set of the stage fall and subsequent 'injury' of Vince McMahon... (He didn't even get hit by the stage when the money part fell down!)

But this would be a simple, cheap way of getting Regal back into the push he had going..

This would be a great storyline up there, i mean since Vince fire Regal, this could be mean for revenge. This could lead up to inter brand feud in some sort between Vince and Regal where Regal could be the manager of Smack Down therefore the King of Smack down where also Vince could have An enforcer like Batista like a face itself and Regal as face.

This would be a good feud IMO