A little pent up frustration...

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Solid Stinger the Big Boss

Whippy didn't do anything at all. She doesn't deserve to get picked on. This DX08 whore did plenty to get owned. She opened the door for herself by running her mouth and she ended up making herself look like a fucking idiot. There is nothing wrong with how Whippy looks. There is everything wrong with how DX08 looks, plus, her slutty nature makes her even uglier. I'm sure Whippy doesn't spread her legs to the entire world so that alone makes her far better than DX08, who logged on today and read this thread yet couldn't come up with any response to me because she was owned to the max.

That was low of you. Seriously. Everyone who gets picked on in the flame chamber has done something to deserve it. Whippy hasn't done anything wrong.

I said I would come of as an asshole. I could care less if Whippy didn't do anything tbh. If we're gonna call people “ugly”, I called out Whippy. And that thing is far from cute. Directed at the both of them. Nice and bad don't matter to me. I would call a bad person ugly, but I won't be afraid to call the nice person ugly as well. Maybe i'm just really being an ashole POS today. Before and if you go off on me, please wait until I finish my post. Then things will make a lot more sense. Hopefully

Also Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD released today, so i'll wait before finishing up my post.



No, there isn't any excuse to bother someone who has done nothing.

Every single person who has had shit said about them in the flame chamber has done something to deserve it, including myself. Whippy just got here and did nothing to deserve anything. Being ugly isn't about looks alone. It's attitude/personality as well and DX08 is a lying, cheating whore, which makes her even uglier than her face and fat body does.


New Member
Nov 13, 2008
Reaction score
West Virginia
My Annalysis...

Bitch, please.
Ouchie! You called me a bitch! Oh woe is me.

You're just upset because your ugly ass was owned. You thought I ripped off some bitches picture only to find out that yes, there are tons of people who truly are hotter than you and your nasty Triple H nose. I'm not the greatest looking person in the world but people like you make me even prettier by being completely ugly so I thank you for your disgusting looks. Not only that but the best part of your rant was when you said that I didn't know anything about you. What do you know about me? Oh, right, NOTHING. Way to be a hypocrite, tramp.
You think I'm upset! Awwww how cute! You are just so adorable! Honey I think that I'm gonna have to get you a colon cleanser because you are so full of shit! Is that really your only problem you can find with me, my looks? Sweetheart, now you can think what you want but if you just wanted help on how to lose weight you should have asked me first.
I tell you what, with that fat face, they actually make a little pill called hydroxycut. I think you might loose that burger king fat if you take a few.
In your pic, were you stung by a bee or something? I don't see how you say you're skinny when that blubbery face tells a different story. Question...do you sponsor Mc Donalds?

I'm hotter than you'll ever be, even on my worst day, so I can understand why an ugly bitch like you would be so angry over someone who can roll right out of bed in the morning and still look like a model compared to you and your AIDs ridden self.

You think that your hotter than me? Again, I must reiterate you are a moron. If you really think that you're better than me then you have another thing coming. You say that you are 24 years old then why do you look like a 12 year old with down syndrome? I personally think that you look like you were one of those children growing up that had the daddy that molested you and that's why you have to be such a bitch towards everyone you encounter.

Now please, do the world a favour and actually look up the definition of EMO. You obviously have NO IDEA, even considering the fact that you took one look at my eyeliner and compared me to someone who ISN'T EVEN EMO. Wearing eyeliner doesn't make a person an emo, dumbass.

No eyeliner doesn't make you emo but the matching attire and hair does. If you wish to portray yourself as an emo then you can keep up the great work. Oh and please stop streatching those ugly Goodwill sweaters out with your fat gut, dry rotted sweater material has its breaking points.

I also never said I wanted to get into wrestling so you've failed at making a point. FAIL FAIL FAIL, just like you fail to be attractive. You posted your pictures and expected people to tell you how nice they were yet no one did because no one is stupid enough. You're just one of those typical losers who assumes that, just because I'm a female, I CRAVE attention from boys on the internet who are mostly far younger than I am. Sorry slut but if that were true, I'd be posting me image every few seconds. I don't post many pictures. Blaze posts more than I do so does that mean he wants all the guys to pay attention to him? According to your logic, that would be a yes. Since you're a complete tool, we just know you said that here because you're just plain stupid so we can let that idiotic accusaton go for now.

LMAO! That is just too freaking funny! Love how you get so defensive! I don't even need to reply to this one... you just totally fucked yourself on that one.

Close your legs, whore. The fact that any man on this planet would even fathom sticking his cock into you is beyond me. Never have kids. One ugly version of you is enough. I thought it was hilarious how you make a point that I apparently ride my grandfather's cock (you know him? Wow! Cool!) yet what nasty cock have you NOT stuck into your smelly, unshaved beaver?
Wow you really love talking about my vagina a lot. I don't even talk about it as often as you do. No wonder you get along with all the other fags on here, you're all the in the same! Do you have anything else to say to me about me being a "whore" or "slut"? You're slacking on your oh so funny comebacks.

Kill yourself. Your nose and your greasy hair makes people sick. Never post another picture of yourself in our lovely picture thread again.
Kill myself, wow how original was that one. By the way my hair is not greasy it was wet after I got out of the shower...unlike you I take showers. Sweetie, it's called SOAP. Use it. Please! That rat nest you have living in your hair is just prime example at the lack of hygene that you have. Nasty.

Go run infront of an oncoming bus so the world can enjoy more of the pretty people and less of you. The only people you can blame are your parents who created such an ugly specimen that somehow passed as a female.

Go lose some weight you fat fuck, get a nose job, take a shower and get those ugly teeth fixed.
Ouch that was just brutal! HaHaHa! Well, I'll give you an A for effort at least. Why would I get a nose job when I'm perfectly happy with what I've got but you, you need liposuction for your face or something sweetheart. Get that shit fixed! Take a shower, just did actually when was the last time you took one, in 1992 when your mommy was washing your ass for you? Yeah, try again, your "insults" were mighty lack luster. Hit me with something that might actually sting a little bit!

Oh, by the way slut, who's the idiot wearing all the black eyeliner all around their eyes? Dumb bitch.
We've already had the eyeliner conversation...remember writing that earlier dumbass. Just to jog your mind...
Wearing eyeliner doesn't make a person an emo, dumbass

At least I don't need to throw on a ton of eye make up and bathe my face in concealer to look good. You try to make your eyes stand out and it makes you look even worse and your facial make up is caked right the fuck on AND your eyeshadow goes all the way up to your eyebrows. Takes a lot of make up to hide ugliness, doesn't it, bitch. How much money a week do you spend on make up to cover that nasty shit up? You must be broke.
At least I have money to spend on makeup, unlike you that can't afford water to wash your hair. Again, blah blah blah, lame comeback and again how many references can you make to call me ugly or a "whore"?

Wow... you still look better than me, that's news to me not like you've said that over five times. Keep talking shit I'm waiting for something good. Please stop boring me so much with your nonsense bullshit!

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

No, there isn't any excuse to bother someone who has done nothing.

Every single person who has had shit said about them in the flame chamber has done something to deserve it, including myself. Whippy just got here and did nothing to deserve anything. Being ugly isn't about looks alone. It's attitude/personality as well and DX08 is a lying, cheating whore, which makes her even uglier than her face and fat body does.

You're right, I was wrong. I've seen the error of my ways.

But i'm still not finished yet.
Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
The Altar of Sacrifice
Shut up you dumb son of a bitch. You buck toothed, white trash, split end mother fucker. Hotrod is a million times more pretty (not to sound like iamfatdouche, but just compare) than you will ever be. Youre just a load that your mother should have swallowed.

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

My Annalysis...

Ouchie! You called me a bitch! Oh woe is me.

You think I'm upset! Awwww how cute! You are just so adorable! Honey I think that I'm gonna have to get you a colon cleanser because you are so full of shit! Is that really your only problem you can find with me, my looks? Sweetheart, now you can think what you want but if you just wanted help on how to lose weight you should have asked me first.
I tell you what, with that fat face, they actually make a little pill called hydroxycut. I think you might loose that burger king fat if you take a few.
In your pic, were you stung by a bee or something? I don't see how you say you're skinny when that blubbery face tells a different story. Question...do you sponsor Mc Donalds?

You think that your hotter than me? Again, I must reiterate you are a moron. If you really think that you're better than me then you have another thing coming. You say that you are 24 years old then why do you look like a 12 year old with down syndrome? I personally think that you look like you were one of those children growing up that had the daddy that molested you and that's why you have to be such a bitch towards everyone you encounter.

No eyeliner doesn't make you emo but the matching attire and hair does. If you wish to portray yourself as an emo then you can keep up the great work. Oh and please stop streatching those ugly Goodwill sweaters out with your fat gut, dry rotted sweater material has its breaking points.

LMAO! That is just too freaking funny! Love how you get so defensive! I don't even need to reply to this one... you just totally fucked yourself on that one.

Wow you really love talking about my vagina a lot. I don't even talk about it as often as you do. No wonder you get along with all the other fags on here, you're all the in the same! Do you have anything else to say to me about me being a "whore" or "slut"? You're slacking on your oh so funny comebacks.

Kill myself, wow how original was that one. By the way my hair is not greasy it was wet after I got out of the shower...unlike you I take showers. Sweetie, it's called SOAP. Use it. Please! That rat nest you have living in your hair is just prime example at the lack of hygene that you have. Nasty.

Ouch that was just brutal! HaHaHa! Well, I'll give you an A for effort at least. Why would I get a nose job when I'm perfectly happy with what I've got but you, you need liposuction for your face or something sweetheart. Get that shit fixed! Take a shower, just did actually when was the last time you took one, in 1992 when your mommy was washing your ass for you? Yeah, try again, your "insults" were mighty lack luster. Hit me with something that might actually sting a little bit!

We've already had the eyeliner conversation...remember writing that earlier dumbass. Just to jog your mind...

At least I have money to spend on makeup, unlike you that can't afford water to wash your hair. Again, blah blah blah, lame comeback and again how many references can you make to call me ugly or a "whore"?

Wow... you still look better than me, that's news to me not like you've said that over five times. Keep talking shit I'm waiting for something good. Please stop boring me so much with your nonsense bullshit!

You've lost already Kassidy's Ex Bitch. Kindly GTFO

Yes, i'm telling you to GTFO of your own thread.
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
No, there isn't any excuse to bother someone who has done nothing.

Every single person who has had shit said about them in the flame chamber has done something to deserve it, including myself. Whippy just got here and did nothing to deserve anything. Being ugly isn't about looks alone. It's attitude/personality as well and DX08 is a lying, cheating whore, which makes her even uglier than her face and fat body does.

Huge props for still managing to flame DX AND defend Whippy at the same time.

Nicely done, seriously.

And Stinger, man you are a danger-seeking motherfucker, I :O 'ed at what you said - uncalled for, but did what you planned I spose, kept this one going...


Sigh. You can't even spell ANALYSIS correctly. This shouldn't be too hard.

My Annalysis...

Ouchie! You called me a bitch! Oh woe is me.

Wow. Do you not read what you type? You called me a bitch how many times? Exactly. Way to try to make it seem like I was the first to do it. You, on the other hand, get hurt feelings over what some stranger thinks of you over the internet. Another reason why you should die.

You think I'm upset!

You ARE upset, you stupid cunt. That's why you made this thread in the first place. IDIOT.

Awwww how cute! You are just so adorable!

Oh, I know! Hard to get past this adorable face!

Honey I think that I'm gonna have to get you a colon cleanser because you are so full of shit!

Your picture next to Triple H's picture proves otherwise!

Is that really your only problem you can find with me, my looks?

No, your entire existance is a problem. The fact that an ugly, useless whore like you even walks this earth troubles me. I can't believe someone hasn't shot you yet!

Sweetheart, now you can think what you want but if you just wanted help on how to lose weight you should have asked me first.

What the fuck? Hahahahahaha! I've posted full body shots before. I weigh 106 LBS and stand 5'2". I know your math sucks but that's called SKINNY. My pictures prove my figure. Your pictures prove yours: FAT.

I tell you what, with that fat face, they actually make a little pill called hydroxycut. I think you might loose that burger king fat if you take a few. In your pic, were you stung by a bee or something? I don't see how you say you're skinny when that blubbery face tells a different story. Question...do you sponsor Mc Donalds?


Now this is PURE GOLD! You can CLEARLY see in my picture that my face is not even CLOSE to being fat or chubby at all. My stomach is flat. Yours rolls over your pants. Every single person here can attest to me being skinny and you being a chubby cunt. You're the only one who thinks I'm fat and you're skinny.

You think that your hotter than me? Again, I must reiterate you are a moron. If you really think that you're better than me then you have another thing coming.

I'm sorry, let me rephrase what I said earlier. I KNOW I am hotter than you. EVERYONE knows it.

Oh noes! What are you going to do to prove you are better than me? Have a pie eating contest? Sorry tubby, I don't eat junk food!

You say that you are 24 years old then why do you look like a 12 year old with down syndrome? I personally think that you look like you were one of those children growing up that had the daddy that molested you and that's why you have to be such a bitch towards everyone you encounter.

Tee hee hee! This is seriously the best you can come up with?

I look like a fairly attractive person, whom men would stare at because I am worth looking at, whereas men look at you in astonishment that you actually were born with a vagina.

Second part of the post fails. I'm not a bitch to everyone I encounter. Just fat slobs with an overactive, dirty vagina like you.

No eyeliner doesn't make you emo but the matching attire and hair does. If you wish to portray yourself as an emo then you can keep up the great work.

Did you notice that the sweater was blue? I mean, you did notice that, right? RIGHT?

Damn you, dad, for giving me dark hair! You've made me an emo! HOW COULD YOU!!!

Oh and please stop streatching those ugly Goodwill sweaters out with your fat gut, dry rotted sweater material has its breaking points.

Wait, you saw my stomach in that picture? Where? Oh wait, YOU DIDN'T! You're just pulling shit out of your ass. Fact: my stomch is flat and it hurts your feelings. I've already embarassed you with a proof picture once. Don't make me do it again, fatty.

LMAO! That is just too freaking funny! Love how you get so defensive! I don't even need to reply to this one... you just totally fucked yourself on that one.

How as that defensive, dumbass? That wasn't defensive in any way possible. God, you're a fucking idiot!

Wow you really love talking about my vagina a lot. I don't even talk about it as often as you do. No wonder you get along with all the other fags on here, you're all the in the same! Do you have anything else to say to me about me being a "whore" or "slut"? You're slacking on your oh so funny comebacks.

Calling you a whore/slut/tramp isn't a comeback. It's a FACT. You're a dirty slut with a huge nose, a fat gut and constant greasy hair. See? FACT.

Kill myself, wow how original was that one.

It was as original as when you said it in your original post. Way to make yourself look like a fucking douchebag.

By the way my hair is not greasy it was wet after I got out of the shower...unlike you I take showers. Sweetie, it's called SOAP. Use it. Please! That rat nest you have living in your hair is just prime example at the lack of hygene that you have. Nasty.

So you just stepped out of the shower in the "management gimmick" picture as well? :rolleyes:

It's a shame I have to leave for work in 5 minutes (and it isn't your kind of work where you open your legs to a stranger and collect a few dollar bills after).

I would just like to leave you with two things:

1. You make fun of my make up and then tell me I don't have money to afford make up. Wow, you're smart!

2. I can post the worst picture of me where I hardly had any sleep and still look better than you.

Let's have another look.


Suicide is your only option.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
Reaction score
In my beard
I think Hotrods main point is the fact that body type alone is not what constitutes whether she considers somebody ugly or not. If the personality is rotten, you instantly can view a normally pretty girl as someone who is totally undesirable. Whippy looks like someone who would normally be a nice, generous, kind person with a great sense of humor. Thats more than enough for any guy. While DX is a cheater, and cheaters only cheat themselves, I know first hand. She deserves every bit of flaming that LH can dish out, while Whippy should be given a cookie for confidence.


Sigh. You can't even spell ANALYSIS correctly. This shouldn't be too hard.

Wow. Do you not read what you type? You called me a bitch how many times? Exactly. Way to try to make it seem like I was the first to do it. You, on the other hand, get hurt feelings over what some stranger thinks of you over the internet. Another reason why you should die.

You ARE upset, you stupid cunt. That's why you made this thread in the first place. IDIOT.

Oh, I know! Hard to get past this adorable face!

Your picture next to Triple H's picture proves otherwise!

No, your entire existance is a problem. The fact that an ugly, useless whore like you even walks this earth troubles me. I can't believe someone hasn't shot you yet!

What the fuck? Hahahahahaha! I've posted full body shots before. I weigh 106 LBS and stand 5'2". I know your math sucks but that's called SKINNY. My pictures prove my figure. Your pictures prove yours: FAT.


Now this is PURE GOLD! You can CLEARLY see in my picture that my face is not even CLOSE to being fat or chubby at all. My stomach is flat. Yours rolls over your pants. Every single person here can attest to me being skinny and you being a chubby cunt. You're the only one who thinks I'm fat and you're skinny.

I'm sorry, let me rephrase what I said earlier. I KNOW I am hotter than you. EVERYONE knows it.

Oh noes! What are you going to do to prove you are better than me? Have a pie eating contest? Sorry tubby, I don't eat junk food!

Tee hee hee! This is seriously the best you can come up with?

I look like a fairly attractive person, whom men would stare at because I am worth looking at, whereas men look at you in astonishment that you actually were born with a vagina.

Second part of the post fails. I'm not a bitch to everyone I encounter. Just fat slobs with an overactive, dirty vagina like you.

Did you notice that the sweater was blue? I mean, you did notice that, right? RIGHT?

Damn you, dad, for giving me dark hair! You've made me an emo! HOW COULD YOU!!!

Wait, you saw my stomach in that picture? Where? Oh wait, YOU DIDN'T! You're just pulling shit out of your ass. Fact: my stomch is flat and it hurts your feelings. I've already embarassed you with a proof picture once. Don't make me do it again, fatty.

How as that defensive, dumbass? That wasn't defensive in any way possible. God, you're a fucking idiot!

Calling you a whore/slut/tramp isn't a comeback. It's a FACT. You're a dirty slut with a huge nose, a fat gut and constant greasy hair. See? FACT.

It was as original as when you said it in your original post. Way to make yourself look like a fucking douchebag.

So you just stepped out of the shower in the "management gimmick" picture as well? :rolleyes:

It's a shame I have to leave for work in 5 minutes (and it isn't your kind of work where you open your legs to a stranger and collect a few dollar bills after).

I would just like to leave you with two things:

1. You make fun of my make up and then tell me I don't have money to afford make up. Wow, you're smart!

2. I can post the worst picture of me where I hardly had any sleep and still look better than you.

Let's have another look.


Suicide is your only option.

Who's the dude on the left?

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD is a fucking awesome game

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

Ken Masters bitches

I'm already addicted online, I don't know when i'll finish. Gimmie some moar time folks