See what I mean? lol. Personally, I was like that once. The attitude that looks>personality. You know what that got me? A fine girlfriend....that cheated on me. Not saying infidelity issues is a good looking girl issue only, but I bet you a million to one if I hadn't been shallow and went with a girl who would of actually appreciated me for who I was, rather than going for looks, then I would be alot happier these days.
And regardless of ALL OF THAT OTHER STUFF, you have to give the girl at least some credit Stinger. She posted a pic of herself online, a true pic of herself. I mean, imagine how many average to overweight girls may post a fake pic of themselves to be hot. That took alot of guts from Whippy to be as open as she is about herself, and if that doesn't count for something, then I am afraid I've lost some respect for you. Looks can mean something, but if it means EVERYTHING to you, your way too shallow to be the rational thinking person I thought you were.